Donkey Tube @donkeyeshetu Channel on Telegram

Donkey Tube


Donkey Tube Eshetu Melese Official channel

Donkey Tube (English)

Donkey Tube is the ultimate destination for fans of Eshetu Melese! Join us on our official channel '@donkeyeshetu' to stay up-to-date with all the exciting content, news, and updates related to Eshetu Melese. Who is Eshetu Melese? Eshetu Melese is a talented content creator, known for his hilarious videos, insightful commentary, and engaging personality. What is Donkey Tube? Donkey Tube is the go-to place to enjoy Eshetu Melese's latest videos, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, exclusive interviews, and much more. By joining our channel, you will be part of a vibrant community of Eshetu Melese's fans, where you can connect, interact, and share your love for his content. Don't miss out on any of the fun - join Donkey Tube today and let the entertainment begin!

Donkey Tube

07 Feb, 10:28

Qubee maqaan keessan ittiin eegalu irratti gadi tuquudhaan 🍫 Affeerraa isiniif qophaa'e argadhaa!

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Affeerraa Gaarii 🌄

👊𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫 @tamisha11

Donkey Tube

13 Jan, 07:12

[46:16] "ከተጋባችሁ አትፋቱ ፤ ሰፊ ቤት በጣም ውድ ነው! #dinklejoch #comedy #donkeytube #LosAngeles #comedianeshetu"


Donkey Tube

14 Feb, 10:59

A million comedian👇🏻

Donkey Tube

02 Feb, 09:27

Donkey Tube

27 Jan, 20:05

ንግስተ ሳባ የዋኘችበት ቦታ ልዋኝ ነው #ethiopia #tigray #vlog #comedianeshetu #ethiopianqueen #aksum #queensaba

Donkey Tube

26 Jan, 09:51

ድጋሚ 100,000 ብር ልበላ ነው እንዴ? አረ ተጨነኩ!!! #friends #award #ethiopia #word #school

Donkey Tube

25 Jan, 13:12

ዛሬ የሀይስኩል ተማሪዎች በከባድ ጥያቄ አፋጠጡኝ! መልሱን ፈጣሪ ይወቀው #schoollife

Donkey Tube

25 Jan, 02:02

Live lay yishelemu

Join for more

Donkey Tube

25 Jan, 02:01

Donkey Tube

22 Jan, 19:15

አባቴ ጅብ በላው ብሎ ፍለጋ ወቶአል.! ታዋቂ በመሆኔ ተፀፀትኩ!!! #funny #donkeytube #ድንቅ ልጆች

Donkey Tube

18 Jan, 18:42

የ 6 ዓመቱ አየር ወለድ...ሪከርዳችንን ሰበረ!!!.@comedianeshetu

Donkey Tube

15 Jan, 12:15

መሱድ ዱባይ ላይ ቤት ይሰጥህ ሲባል ለምን እምቢ አለ!! እጹብ ድንቅ ልጆች 1 | #dubai #ethiopia #ethiopiaairline

Donkey Tube

15 Jan, 12:13

Channel created