Don Bosco sport club @donboscosportclub Channel on Telegram

Don Bosco sport club


እንኳን ወደ ዶንቦስኮ ት/ቤት ስፖርት ክበብ የቴሌግራም ቻናል በደህና መጡ!!!

በዚህ ቻናል....
🔖ወቅታዊ የክበቡ እንቅስቃሴዎች
🔖የጨዋታ ቀን ፕሮግራሞች
🔖የድህረ ጨዋታ ቁጥራዊ መረጃዎች
እንዲሁም በሁሉም የስፖርት አይነቶች የተደረጉ ጨዋታዎች ውጤት ያገኛሉ።

.......አብራችሁን ቆዩ.......

Don Bosco Sport Club (Amharic)

ዶንቦስኮ ስፖርት ሊሆን ይችላሉ። ዶንቦስኮ ስፖርት በዚህ ቻናል የሚከበብና በየቦታቸው የቴሌግራም ቻናል ያገኛሉ። እያንዳንዱ በትምህርት ስፖርት ላይ የተደረገበት ቻናል የድህረ ጨዋታ መረጃዎችና የጨዋታ ቀን ፕሮግራም በሁሉም የስፖርት አይነቶች የተደረገበትን ጨዋታዎች ውጤት ይምጣል። ግብረስምንተኛው እትም መሆኑን ለማድረግ አሃቆትን ባለስራላችሁ ቆዩ።

Don Bosco sport club

17 Jan, 15:39

Today's basketball Friendly match result

Don Bosco Vs Cruise

8⃣5⃣ points 4⃣1⃣


Don Bosco sport club

16 Jan, 16:07

We have a friendly basketball game with Cruise School tomorrow, so you are invited to watch the game. We hope you will give your strong support to our players🙏🙏🙏

Sport club!

Don Bosco sport club

14 Jan, 19:35

Kidus G11(2) Man of the match! Congratulations👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

14 Jan, 19:13

Congratulation to Yoni👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

13 Jan, 14:23

Today's football game result and stastics:⚽️⚽️⚽️

11(2) Vs 10(1)
5⃣ goals 1⃣
7 On target shot 4
9 off target shot 5
6 corner kick 3
4 saves 3
2 offside 2
0 yellow card 1
2 red card 0
⚽️⚽️⚽️Kidus ⚽️Biruk
⚽️Kirubel 🅰Salim
⚽️Amanuel Y.
🛑Amanuel T.

Don Bosco sport club

13 Jan, 14:13

Today boys' basketball game result:🏀🏀🏀

9(2) Vs G10
1⃣9⃣ points 4⃣3⃣
Yonathan=14pts Yoni=27pts
Natnael=4pts Yonas=7pts
Yared =2pts kaleb=4pts

Don Bosco sport club

12 Jan, 18:19

ነገ ጥዋት 12:45 የሴቶች ቅርጫት ኳስ ስልጠና ስላለ በሰዓቱ እንድትገኙ።

Don Bosco sport club

11 Jan, 19:39

Congratulation to Eyuel👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

11 Jan, 19:39

Eyuel 11(3) Man of the match!

Don Bosco sport club

10 Jan, 17:47

Today's Volleyball game result

11(3) Vs G12 (boys)
1⃣ score 2⃣

It was a very competitive and exciting game.

Don Bosco sport club

10 Jan, 17:26

Tomorrow morning will have a training for boy basketball players at 12:45LT

Don Bosco sport club

09 Jan, 14:54

ለመረብ ኳስ ተወዳዳሪዎች በሙሉ ነገ የስፖርት ትጥቅ አሟልታችሁ ካልመጣችሁ ከዚህ በኋላ ፕሮግራም የማናወጣ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን።

Don Bosco sport club

07 Jan, 05:23

ለ ዶን ቦስኮ ስፖርት ክበብ አባላት በሙሉ እንኳን 2017 ዓ/ም ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ!

Don Bosco sport club

04 Jan, 17:30

Getachew 12(2) Man of the match! Congratulation👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

03 Jan, 18:04

Students who are listed here, tomorrow morning 1:10LT will have a training. So, you should have present on time!

Don Bosco sport club

02 Jan, 19:02

Today's football game result and stastics⚽️⚽️⚽️

G12(2) Vs G12(4)
4⃣ goals 3⃣
4 Ontarget shot 3
6 Off target shot 4
2 Corner kick 2
1 Saves 2
4 Offsides 2
0 Yellow card 0
0 Red card 0
3 Fouls 3
⚽️⚽️Getachew ⚽️⚽️Eyosiyas
⚽️Habteyes ⚽️Sofoniyas
⚽️Bereket 🅰Mame

Don Bosco sport club

02 Jan, 18:47

Congratulation to Darek👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

01 Jan, 19:32

There's no basketball or volleyball practice tomorrow.

Don Bosco sport club

01 Jan, 18:30

Today's boys' basketball match result🏀🏀🏀

G12(1) Vs G12(2)
5⃣3⃣ points 5⃣0⃣
Sem = 12pts Dagim= 21pts
Eyob = 12pts Darek =16pts
Hariz = 11pts Fraol = 6pts
Sofi = 8pts Eyosiyas=4pts
Bereket =7pts Bereket S=3pts
Abhem= 3pts

Don Bosco sport club

01 Jan, 18:24

Congratulation to Eyob👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

27 Dec, 18:11

Today boys' basket basketball game result🏀🏀🏀

9(1) Vs 12(1)
2⃣7⃣ Points 6⃣5⃣
Yonathan=13pts Sem=24pts
Eyoab=4pts Abhem=10pts
Selim=4pts Bereket =10pts
Anduamlak=2pts Sofi=9pts
Talaku=2pts Hariz= 7pts
Ashagre=2pts Eyob= 5pts

Don Bosco sport club

27 Dec, 15:11

Congratulations to Yohannes👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

26 Dec, 18:28

If you are not interested in playing, tell me your decision tomorrow. We can cancel the request.

Don Bosco sport club

26 Dec, 17:42

Future Talent School has invited us to hold a friendly match in women's volleyball and basketball, and we plan to hold a match next week. We will have practice starting Monday morning. We invite female students who want to participate in volleyball and basketball to participate in the training.

Don Bosco sport club

26 Dec, 16:06

Today's boys football game result and stastics ⚽️⚽️⚽️

G9(2) Vs G10(3)
2⃣ goals 1⃣
6 on target shot 6
6 off target shot 6
5 corner kick 1
4 saves 5
7 fouls 3
1 offside 1
0 yellow card 0
0 red card 0
⚽️Yohannes ⚽️Bereket
⚽️Og 🅰Milkasa

Don Bosco sport club

15 Dec, 04:22

Congratulation to Yonathan!

Don Bosco sport club

14 Dec, 11:49

Congratulations to Manuhe!

Don Bosco sport club

13 Dec, 15:47

Today's boys' basketball match result🏀🏀🏀:

G10 Vs G11
3⃣6⃣ Points 6⃣0⃣
Yoni= 24pts Shalom=17pts
Yonas=8pts Aman=16pts
Kaleb=2pts Yezihalem=14pts
Dagim=2pts Bereket=13pts

Don Bosco sport club

13 Dec, 15:29

Today was friendly football match between grade 9th and primary school girls team. There fore:-
grade 9 won 3 - 2

Don Bosco sport club

13 Dec, 11:28


Don Bosco sport club

06 Dec, 16:04

Congratulations to Gedion!👏👏👏👏👏

Don Bosco sport club

05 Dec, 15:47

Today's football game result⚽️⚽️⚽️:

11(3) Vs 11(1)
2⃣ goals 3⃣
5 on target shot 7
3 off target shot 5
3 corner kick 11
4 saves 2
3 offsides 2
0 yellow card 0
0 red card 0
3 fouls 3
⚽️Dagim E. ⚽️⚽️Gedion
⚽️Dagim G. ⚽️Abenezer
🅰Dagim E. 🅰🅰Michael
🅰Dagim G

Don Bosco sport club

05 Dec, 12:29


Don Bosco sport club

04 Dec, 15:30

Today's boys' basketball game result🏀🏀🏀

9(2) Vs 12(2)
1⃣6⃣ points 7⃣1⃣
Natnael=6pts Darek=26pts
Yonathan=4pts Dagim=23pts
Leul=4pts Eyosiyas=10pts
Mihretab=2pts Eba=6pts

Don Bosco sport club

04 Dec, 13:49


Don Bosco sport club

04 Dec, 09:12

ዛሬ ቁርስ ሰዓት ላይ በነበረው የስፖርት ክበብ ስብሰባ ሁለት አጀንዳዎች ላይ ውይይት ተደርጓል።
የመጀመሪያው የ11(2) የእግርኳስ ቡድን ከ9(1) ጋር በነበረው ጨዋታ ላይ የቅሬታ ደብዳቤ ለክበቡ አስገብተው ስለነበር የክበቡ ተጠሪዎች እና የቡድን አምበሎች ቅሬታቸውን ተመልክተው የ9(1) ቡድንን ሀሳብ ለመሰማት እድል ቢሰጡም የ9(1) ተወካዮች ባለመኖራቸው እና ምንም አይነት ማስተባበያ ሀሳብ ባለመቅረባቸው ጨዋታው በድጋሜ እንዲደረግ ኮሚቴውና የቡድን አምበሎች በጋራ ወስነዋል።

ሁለተኛው የቅርጫተወ ኳስ የፌዴሬሽን ውድድርን የሚመለከት ሲሆን: የአዲስ አበባ ቅርጫት ኳስ ፌደሬሽን የትምህርት ቤታችን ቅርጫት ኳስ ቡድን በሁለቱም ፆታ ትምህርት ቤቱን ወክለን እንድንጫዎት እድል ስለሰጠን እና ትምህርት ቤቱ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት እንዲፈቅድልን በጋራ ለመጠየቅ ተስማምተን ስብሰባችንን አጠናቀናል።

Don Bosco sport club

04 Dec, 08:35


Don Bosco sport club

04 Dec, 08:34

Updated boy's football game schedule for Thursday:

11(1) Vs 11(3)

Don Bosco sport club

29 Nov, 15:01

Today's basketball game result:🏀🏀🏀

G11 Vs G12 (girls)
2⃣0⃣ points 1⃣9⃣
Ruhamah=6pts Saron=pts
Hananya=5pts Mekdes=4pts

Don Bosco sport club

28 Nov, 15:26

Today girls football game result:
G9 Vs G11
2⃣ goals 0⃣
6 On target shot 0
1 Off target shot 1
1 Corner kick 1
1 fouls 2
0 saves 4

Don Bosco sport club

28 Nov, 14:44


Don Bosco sport club

16 Nov, 15:21


Don Bosco sport club

15 Nov, 14:21

Today's boys basketball game result🏀🏀🏀

G12(1) Vs G 9(1)
9⃣3⃣ points 1⃣9⃣
Sem=32pts Yosef=8pts
Eyob=23pts Yonathan=7pts
Bereket=22pts Yared=2pts
Hariz=10pts Natnael=2pts

Don Bosco sport club

15 Nov, 14:11


Don Bosco sport club

14 Nov, 23:42

Congratulations 🥳
🎉Bereket T. From grade 11 is the man of the match of Wednesday's game.🏀

Don Bosco sport club

05 Nov, 15:31

Today's football results🔥:
9(1)🏆                Vs                10
    1                : Goals:             0
    2                 :saves:             4

Don Bosco sport club

04 Nov, 13:42

Today's girls basketball game result.🏀

12 Vs 10
22 16

Mizer=8 Bitanya=2
Saron=9 Bitanya H=5
Mekdes=3 Yididya=6
Eldana=2 Melikte=1

Don Bosco sport club

03 Nov, 09:40

🌟 It’s Girls’ Week! 🌟

Don Bosco sport club

01 Nov, 15:16

Moments from today's competitive match. 🔥🔥

Don Bosco sport club

01 Nov, 15:08

Today's basketball game result.

12(1). Vs. 11(1)
64. 41.

Sem=10. Bereket=23
Abhem=9. Amanuel=7
Sofi=1. Yezialem=2
Eyob=12. Rebira=2
Hariz=18. Shalom=7

Don Bosco sport club

31 Oct, 18:04

Today’s boys football game result

G12(2)           vs                 G10(2)

  4️⃣             goals                 3️⃣
   7           Corner kick           1
   6              Off target          3
   3              On target           4
   2                Saves              4
   0                 Foul                0
   0           yellow card          0
   0               red card           0
⚽️Dagim K                       ⚽️Selihom       
Kaleb                           Nahom
⚽️Lidet                             ⚽️ Abel
⚽️OG(Yonas)                  🅰️Eyosiyas
🅰️Abhem                       🅰️Nobel       

🅰️Dagim K               

Don Bosco sport club

31 Oct, 17:30

The game y'all been waiting for 🏀🔥
The game between the two finalists of the last year's championship 🏆🏆
11 vs 12(1)
Such an exciting and suspensiful game
Can't wait to watch!!👀
Don't forget to watch this 🔥game ,also they all need your support!!

Don Bosco sport club

31 Oct, 17:21

Today's volleyball 🏐game result:
11 (1)         Vs         11(2)
In the favor of 11(1)
🌟Congratulations 🔥🔥

Don Bosco sport club

29 Oct, 17:24

🌟 Yonathan from9(1) is the man of the match of yesterday's 🏀 game

Don Bosco sport club

28 Oct, 16:48

Todays basketball game result 🏀
9(1).              Vs.              9(2)
23                                       13
Selim=1                  Yonathan=6           
Yonathan(6)=1       Natneal=3
Yonathan(23)=8     Yared=2
Talaku=3                  Yosef=2

Don Bosco sport club

28 Oct, 16:25

📢 Tuesday's volleyball game is postponed to Thursday ...hope y'all enjoy🏐
📢Due to some library program Wednesday's girls basketball game has been cancelled

Don Bosco sport club

27 Oct, 13:57

🌟What A Week Will It Be 🌟

Don Bosco sport club

26 Oct, 17:27

🌟 Darek from 12(2) is the man of the match of Friday's 🏀🏀 game🔥

Don Bosco sport club

25 Oct, 17:01

Today's boys basketball match result🏀🏀:
12(2)                vs                10
71                 :Score :          24
Darek=17                  Yonatan=14
Dagim=14                Biniyam=3
Fraol=10                  Neftalem=5
Bereket=14              Yonas=2
Ref= abhem & sem

Don Bosco sport club

25 Oct, 16:27

🌟Habteyes from12(2) is the man of the match of yesterday's game🔥

Don Bosco sport club

25 Oct, 15:21

🌟Sami.Ab from 12(3) is the man of the match of Tuesdays match 🔥

Don Bosco sport club

24 Oct, 17:10

Today's boys football game result

G12(2) vs G11(1)

3️⃣ goals 2️⃣
3 Corner kick 2
5 Off target 7
2 On target 9
O Saves 5
2 Foul 2
2 yellow card 1
0 red card 1
⚽️Habteyes Gedion
⚽️Hizkel ⚽️Biruk
🅰️Daniel(x2) 🅰️Elshaday

Don Bosco sport club

23 Oct, 18:13

📛የነገ እግር ኳስ ጨዋታ የሚደረገው በ 12(2) እና 11(1) መካከል ሲሆን ተጫዋቾች ትጥቅ በማሟላት እና በጊዜ በሜዳ ላይ በመገኘት እንድተባበሩን እንጠይቃለን::

Don Bosco sport club

23 Oct, 18:06

Yesterday's boys football game result

G12(3) vs 10(1)

1️⃣1️⃣ goals 3️⃣
3 Corner kick 3
2 saves 4
0 yellow card 0
0 red card 0
⚽️⚽️⚽️ sami.Ab ⚽️ Nigus
⚽️⚽️ Kidus ⚽️Salem
⚽️⚽️ Abenezer ⚽️Markos
⚽️ Yohannes(kibew)
⚽️ Ezra

Don Bosco sport club

23 Oct, 16:58

Today's girls basketball game ended 20-0(forfeit) ,by the favor of 11(1)🏀🏀

Don Bosco sport club

23 Oct, 15:35

🛑🛑 tomorrows game have a bit of mistake the football game between 11(2) and 11(1) is not right it's 11(1) vs 12(2)

Don Bosco sport club

20 Oct, 16:57

🛑players should not forget their shorts

Don Bosco sport club

20 Oct, 05:21

Man of the match 🏀🔥🔥
Bereket Tesfaye g11

Don Bosco sport club

18 Oct, 17:40

Today's basketball 🏀 result
9(1)               Vs                11    
Selim=6                    Amanuel=13
Yonathan=2              Bereket=17
Yonathan=5           Yezihalem=6
Eyoab=8                     Rebirra=3
Ashe=6                       Shalom=11
=27                          =52

Don Bosco sport club

18 Oct, 14:38

🚨ትናንት የተደረገው የእግር ኳስ የመክፈቻ ጨዋታ ማለትም 12(4)ን ከ 10(3) ያገናኘው መርሀግብር በዝናብ ምክንያት መቋረጡ ይታወሳል::
⛔️ይህንንም ተከትሎ የሁለቱ
ቡድኖች ጨዋታ
ሁሉም የምድቡ ቡድኖች የመጀመሪያ ጨዋታቸውን ካደረጉ በኋላ በድጋሚ እንዲደረግ ተወስኗል::

Don Bosco sport club

17 Oct, 13:52

Tomorrow's basketball 🏀 🏀game is shaping up to be a thrilling match-up between Team 9(1)and Team 11 (boys). Both teams are ready to bring their A-game to the court. But they need your support to give them that extra boost to come out on top.
Team players should not forget their shorts

Don Bosco sport club

16 Oct, 16:14

ለእግር ኳስ አፍቃሪያን በሙሉ:
◼️ነገ ሐሙስ በምሳ ሰዐት ምድብ አንድ የሚገኙት የ12(4)ከ10(3)በሚያደርጉት ጨዋታ ይጀመራል...
● ደጋፊዎች በቦታው ተገኝታቹ ጨዋታውን እንድትታደሙ እንጋብዛለን::

Don Bosco sport club

10 Oct, 15:32

Today's basketball friendly game result

All star One Vs All star Two

3⃣9⃣ points 2⃣0⃣
Darek=11pts Hariz=6pts
Eyob=11pts Bereket=4pts
Sem= 8pts Dagim=4pts
Bereket=7pts Sofi = 4pts
Yonathan=2pts Abhem=2pts

Don Bosco sport club

10 Oct, 15:23

The game will start next Thursday, and held on between 10(3) and 12(4)

Don Bosco sport club

10 Oct, 02:02

ዛሬ ሀሙስ የእግር ኳስ ምድብ ድልድል ስለሚደረግ የቡድን አምበሎች ቁርስ ሰአት ስፖርት ክፍል እንድትገኙ።
ስም ዝርዝር ያላስገባችሁ ቡድኖች ምድቡ ከመውጣቱ በፊት እንድታስገቡ።

Don Bosco sport club

09 Oct, 16:29

Hello everyone,

I am thrilled to announce the start of our inter basketball tournament! I would like to extend a warm invitation to all students and teachers to join us for the opening game tomorrow at lunchtime. Your support would mean a lot to the teams. Let's come together and make this tournament a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.🏀💫

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Don Bosco sport club

07 Oct, 17:15

Good evening fellow students,Are you passionate about basketball? Do you dream of being part of our school's prestigious basketball team? Well, tomorrow is your chance to make that dream a reality! The main Don Bosco basketball team is hosting tryouts tomorrow for any basketball player who wants to join the team. This is an incredible opportunity for you to showcase your skills and potentially become a part of something special.

The tryouts will be held at Don Bosco at 10:00 AM,and are open to boys only
The coach will be there to observe everything, make sure u show ur best🏀🏀

Don Bosco sport club

06 Oct, 16:07

This vidio is prepared by Dagmawi Belay from 11D. So, it is better to say thank you!🙏🙏🙏

Don Bosco sport club

06 Oct, 15:58

በተጨማሪም በተለያዩ የስፖርት አይነቶች መወዳደር የምትፈልጉ በተወያየነው መሰረት ውድድሮችን ቶሎ ለማስጀመር ያመቸን ዘንድ ከነገ ጀምሮ እስከ አርብ ብቻ የተወዳዳሪዎችን ስም ዝርዝር እንድታስገቡ እናሳስባለን።
የስፖርት አይነቶች
1 እግር ኳስ በሁለቱም ፆታ:
(ከ12—14 ተጫዋች)
2 መረብ ኳስ በሴትና በወንድ:
3 ቅርጫት ኳስ በሴትና በወንድ:
(ከ6—8 ተጫዋቾች)
4 ቼዝ ሴትም ወንድም (በግል)
መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ።

ዘግይቶ የመጣ ስም ዝርዝር ተቀባይነት አይኖረውም

Don Bosco sport club

06 Oct, 15:42

ውድ ተማሪዎች በቅድሚያ እንኳን ለ2017ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመነ በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያልን ባለፈው አመት በድምቀት ተጀምሮ በሚያምር ድባብ የተጠናቀቀው የስፖርት ውድድር በዚህ አመትም ከባለፈው አመት በተሻለ ድምቀትና ፉክክር ለማከናወን ስፖርት ክበብ ዝግጅቱን ጀምሯል። ዝግጅቱ በጥሩ መልኩ ተጀምሮ እንዲጠናቀቅ የእናንተ አጋርነት ስለሚያስፈልግ ክበቡን የሚያስተባብሩ ተማሪዎች የክበቡ አባላት በተገኙበት መርጧል። በዚህም መሰረት
1 ተማሪ ዳሬክ ዳንኤል ከ12ኛ ክፍል የክበቡ ሰብሳቢ(ሊቀመንበር)
2 ተማሪ ውዱ ከ10ኛ ክፍል ምክትል ሰብሳቢ። እንዲሁም
3 ተማሪ ሰላም ከ11ኛ ክፍል ፀሀፊ አድርጎ መርጧል።