Welcome to Don Bosco Catholic High School (A.A) Telegram channel, where students, parents, and alumni can stay connected and informed about all the happenings at our prestigious institution. Don Bosco Catholic High School is a renowned educational institution known for its academic excellence, strong values, and supportive community. The channel, @donbosco2021, is dedicated to providing updates on school events, academic achievements, sports competitions, and much more. Whether you are a current student, a proud alum, or a parent interested in learning more about our school, this channel is the perfect way to stay in the loop. Join us today and be a part of the Don Bosco family!
10 Jan, 11:43
10 Jan, 11:43
25 Dec, 11:04
17 Dec, 12:49
20 Nov, 08:53
06 Nov, 09:40
31 Oct, 18:25
21 Oct, 14:49
11 Oct, 17:13