Introducing the Telegram channel 'Donald John Trump' created by the username @donald_john_tramp. This channel is dedicated to providing updates, news, and insights related to the former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Whether you are a supporter or a critic, this channel aims to keep you informed about the latest developments in his political career, speeches, and public appearances. Stay up to date with all things Trump by joining this channel today! Who is it? The 'Donald John Trump' Telegram channel is for anyone interested in keeping track of Donald J. Trump's activities and statements. What is it? It is a platform where followers can receive regular updates and analysis on Trump's political moves and public engagements. Join now to stay informed and engaged with the world of Donald J. Trump!
13 Feb, 03:48
07 Feb, 21:16
01 Feb, 11:27
31 Jan, 16:14
11 Oct, 01:47
19 Jul, 07:37
24 May, 12:43
18 Apr, 01:35
05 Apr, 04:55
22 Mar, 20:19