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Divine Feminine Awakening
This channel is for the Divine Feminine to join together as co creators for the New Paradigm/New Earth
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Divine Feminine Awakening

01 Mar, 01:18


This Really happened. The sky lit up Gold! 👑 It was more than a sunset and those who witnessed and felt it would have stopped in their tracks like it did!

This has been such a big week energetically and Merlin has been heavily president too. The mystical energy is high 💛🧡💯

On Wednesday late afternoon the sky was doing something really strange.

I was on a call and I had to stop what I was doing. The sky went red then deep orange 🧡

It illuminated the room I was in, it was that powerful. The sky was something else.

Yesterday others shared what I witnessed too, unreal Boom. My heart skipped happy beats.

I have quite a few images that others had taken to share, but these three really show just how spectacular it was.

I have felt the energy of the UK shift and what happened Wednesday showed this through the Sun ☀️

Golden Era - immense timeline shifting happening.

First and second image are Visions Of Somerset the second image, I don't know who took it, but thank you to you both for capturing what I saw with my own 👀

It was quite something!

It's Rise time on all levels.

I love you
G 🧡💛☀️🙌
#orangesky #glastonbury #goldenera #newearth #resonance #frequencyhealing

Ps these images are not photoshopped - they are for real.
Divine Feminine Awakening

01 Mar, 01:18


Golden Sky over the Glastonbury Gate
Yet another confirm of the Golden Age
Divine Feminine Awakening

01 Mar, 01:13


"Your suffering is never caused by the person you're blaming."

Blame is an easy escape, but it never leads to freedom and encases you in a prison of false perception. It’s tempting to believe that suffering is caused by someone else—that their words, their actions, or their choices are the reason for the pain. But what if the real source of suffering isn’t what they did, but the way it is perceived, processed, and held onto?

The mind has a way of creating narratives. It builds stories around pain, assigning fault and attaching emotions to past wounds. But the moment blame is given away, power is also given away. Blame keeps the focus outward, waiting for someone else to change, apologize, or make things right. But what if peace doesn’t depend on their actions? What if it has always been an internal choice?

No one can control how others act. People will make mistakes, they will be unfair, they will disappoint. But what happens next—the response, the emotions carried forward, the way the situation is interpreted—is entirely within personal control. And this is where true strength lies: in realizing that suffering isn’t created by the external, but by the attachment to what cannot be changed.

Personal accountability is not about excusing others—it’s about reclaiming power. It’s the understanding that while pain is real, suffering is optional. It’s the choice to see difficult situations as lessons instead of burdens, to shift perspective from victimhood to growth. The world will not always be kind, but inner peace is not determined by external forces.

Letting go of blame is not about denying hurt; it’s about refusing to let it define the future. When responsibility is taken for thoughts, reactions, and emotions, life no longer feels like something that happens *to* you, but something shaped *by* you.

Freedom begins the moment responsibility is claimed. The choice is always there: to remain bound by blame or to step forward in strength. In the end, the only true control is over oneself, and that is where real peace is found.

Forwarded As shared by a friend 🙏👆
Divine Feminine Awakening

28 Feb, 18:22


What if history is a distraction created to try and prevent what's coming? What if all religious text and history books were created in hopes of altering what was coming? What if they looked through the looking glass, saw our rising, and created false tales to try and prevent the truth of the now moment? What if it's all happening now?? What if the past is an illusion, and we are literally living through it all in these very moments? That would mean the answers aren't in the books because it's happening now. And whatever stories we believe to be true are false. Because we are creating as we go..
Divine Feminine Awakening

24 Feb, 04:26


Planetary Ascension Update 02/23/2025

Hello Earth Warriors,

First off ~ Thank you. Thank you to everyone who is growing, transforming and ascending in frequency. 2025 has not disappointed, so far it has been a truly kick ass year of upgrades and alignments, revelations and expansions.

Today we have Mars stationed direct in Cancer. Mars has been retrograde for a couple of months and that has brought palpable growth to those on the conscious path. Mars governs our masculine energy, our movement, our action, our power and our outward energy. Mars has been dipping its toe into the Leo energy, an archetypically extroverted sign, then back to cancer, the archetypically introverted sign - this has seen those on the conscious path experimenting with emerging and shining, then retreating and reflecting ~ a powerful juxtaposition of embodiment experimentation.

The shadow of Mars influenced energy is laced with competitiveness, force, domination, aggression however in the watery sign of Cancer we have had reflection. Just as you look into water and see glimpses of yourself, Mars traversing the water sign of Cancer has offered us a mirror to really reflect on how we are using our power. With the heavy stelliums in Pisces, and the Month of Love that is February, the conscious collective has been brought into reflection on how we are using our power within relationships. Collective insight has been available regarding unhealthy power-plays and misuses of energy resulting in power-over and less-than equal energy exchanges.

As a species, traversing our way through the matrix, we have been exposed to the energies of the e.g.o mind program and its siphoning and energy sucking ways. These have been unconsciously operating in our partnerships, parenting, friendships, work dynamics and every facet of life. The energy of Mars, of assertiveness, has been intertwined within all of this, with the shadow of Mars having run rampant throughout the patriarchy. For some, assertiveness has been lacking our relationships. The beauty of Mars retrograde in Cancer is that this assertiveness comes alive, in all the right ways. It is a ‘reaching within,’ to our source light and pulling it up and out in the most aligned, firm and just of ways.

The power of Mars and the nurturing energies of Cancer gives a voice to the meek. Not one that roars, or one that screams, but one that will be heard. When the power of Marsian energy is used in alignment and with the Highest Intention it is a game changer. We welcome Mars direct in Cancer today. We honor and give thanks to the blessings and expansions that have been enjoyed throughout his retrograde phase!

Blessings and Love to All Our Soul Family

Divine Feminine Awakening

21 Feb, 13:52


The shoes…

Before you look ahead, look down. Whose shoes are you wearing?

A mix of indoctrination, societal pressure and survival needs, made most people have to walk in shoes that did not fit their spirit. As a result, most people are not walking their soul path and therefore not fulfilling their purpose, their potential nor their dreams.

As a consequence, there is an epidemic of depression, disengagement, disillusionment and apathy. Throw in some fear to the mix and you have a sick society without the will to fight - just what they wanted.

Stepping out of the shoes you’re in, even if they’re the wrong ones, is not an easy thing to do. Life has been made as difficult and complex as possible to make sure we never have the time, nor the will, to figure out our own true path and therefore our best fitting shoes.

Life is an ongoing survival battle, so any shoes that keep you afloat will do, even if they don’t walk in your heart’s direction.

The problem we are facing now, is that as we evolve and grow, it’s becoming impossible to advance with our current shoes.

Some have already ditched them, they’d rather walk barefoot than develop more blisters and others are beginning to realise they might have to step out of them if they are to achieve their true potential.

Walking barefoot may seem scary, but that’s where faith comes in. Remember it’s more important to walk your own path barefoot, than to walk the wrong path in the protection of shoes that aren’t yours.

Eventually, as we all get comfortable in our own skin, as we align our humanity with our divinity and we learn to trust God’s GPS, we will all walk barefoot along the same path, towards a future, humanity has been waiting for, since the beginning of time.

If the shoes don’t fit, pluck up the courage to step out of them, our collective personal growth is what’s building the path we’re on and we must keep advancing.

By Laura Aboli
Divine Feminine Awakening

19 Feb, 04:48


The Pulse – 18 Feb to 24 Feb – This week we meet Gene Key 55, whose highest purpose is to transform deep Victimisation into Freedom. Join our community as we contemplate and learn from Gene Key 55 this week. This is the key of prophecy – that of the Great Change.

Ask yourself why were you born at this momentous time of massive change, and study this Gene Key to find out exactly why you are here on Gaia right now and what you are here to do.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio: https://genekeys.com/pulse/55-freedom-2025/

#genekeys #genekey55 #freedom #dragonfly #thepulse
Divine Feminine Awakening

18 Feb, 17:57


“Today (2/18) is the second 9:9 stargate of the month as well as the Sun's ingress into Pisces…joining Mercury, Saturn, Neptune & the North Node... which is shifting the energy toward the Creative flow of the Cosmic Mother, from Higher Mind to Heart womb.

Both the 9:9 death/birth portal and our entrance into the last zodiac season of the year point to important completions in preparation for the first Christed Creation Cycle ahead in which we are simultaneously dying to past Piscean Age themes as well as being reborn into our Aquarian Age futures.

This is a powerful time to reconnect with our Soul's blueprint as we deepen into the Cosmic Womb of infinite potential to cultivate new creative concepts and birth them into life→ a process that will begin to unfold at the astrological new year.”

- Lauren Gorgo
Divine Feminine Awakening

18 Feb, 17:56


Happy Tuesday fam! We are officially in the Pisces Party with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune & the North Node all in this sign. We are being bathed in super high energies, but they will feel different than how we would interpret the high energies of fire or air. Pisces is Source energy so the intensity we are all feeling is from the immersing into the fields of unconditional love. All that is not in resonance with this frequency will become highly disturbed and agitated within the consciousness. As much as this a window of very dreamy, inuitive and free flowing energy, there is also something happening on the cellular level. I am seeing a pure cystalline liquid penetrating our bodies. This energy will continue until the second week of March where we begin to shift over the world axis and into the Aries energy-the new spiral of creation.

Today we have the Moon in Scorpio who was squaring Pluto in Aquarius throughout the night. You may have had some deep energies come through dreams or get processed while resting. The Moon in Scorpio always asks us to go deeper into what we are feeling and experiencing, while Pluto asks that we rid ourselves of anything that is not authentic to us. Mars is still retrograde in Cancer until the 23rd, churning up the last of the blockages from our heart chakras. As soon as Mars goes direct we will feel a sense of release, like a pressure valve. We will feel a slight forward momentum of being able to consciously move and act from the heart rather than the mind.

There is so much going on astrologically at the moment it can be very hard to keep up with it all. Our best bet right now is to simply allow everything that is coming through to come through, without resistance. The Nodes are preparing to shfit Gene Keys this week, as the North Node has been transiting through Gene Key 25-the shadow of constriction to the siddi of universal love. The South Node has been transiting Gene Key 46-the shadow of seriousness and the siddi of ecstasy. Very soon the North Node will enter Gene Key 36-the shadow of turbulence and the siddhi of compassion, while the South Node will enter Gene Key 6-the shadow of conflict and the siddi of Peace.

love you all

Divine Feminine Awakening

16 Feb, 22:19


These moments can also give opportunity to walk-ins. Souls within the same collective fractal choosing to walk into the experience, usually a higher vibrational aspect of the fractal. 🙏