Planetary Ascension Update 02/23/2025
Hello Earth Warriors,
First off ~ Thank you. Thank you to everyone who is growing, transforming and ascending in frequency. 2025 has not disappointed, so far it has been a truly kick ass year of upgrades and alignments, revelations and expansions.
Today we have Mars stationed direct in Cancer. Mars has been retrograde for a couple of months and that has brought palpable growth to those on the conscious path. Mars governs our masculine energy, our movement, our action, our power and our outward energy. Mars has been dipping its toe into the Leo energy, an archetypically extroverted sign, then back to cancer, the archetypically introverted sign - this has seen those on the conscious path experimenting with emerging and shining, then retreating and reflecting ~ a powerful juxtaposition of embodiment experimentation.
The shadow of Mars influenced energy is laced with competitiveness, force, domination, aggression however in the watery sign of Cancer we have had reflection. Just as you look into water and see glimpses of yourself, Mars traversing the water sign of Cancer has offered us a mirror to really reflect on how we are using our power. With the heavy stelliums in Pisces, and the Month of Love that is February, the conscious collective has been brought into reflection on how we are using our power within relationships. Collective insight has been available regarding unhealthy power-plays and misuses of energy resulting in power-over and less-than equal energy exchanges.
As a species, traversing our way through the matrix, we have been exposed to the energies of the e.g.o mind program and its siphoning and energy sucking ways. These have been unconsciously operating in our partnerships, parenting, friendships, work dynamics and every facet of life. The energy of Mars, of assertiveness, has been intertwined within all of this, with the shadow of Mars having run rampant throughout the patriarchy. For some, assertiveness has been lacking our relationships. The beauty of Mars retrograde in Cancer is that this assertiveness comes alive, in all the right ways. It is a ‘reaching within,’ to our source light and pulling it up and out in the most aligned, firm and just of ways.
The power of Mars and the nurturing energies of Cancer gives a voice to the meek. Not one that roars, or one that screams, but one that will be heard. When the power of Marsian energy is used in alignment and with the Highest Intention it is a game changer. We welcome Mars direct in Cancer today. We honor and give thanks to the blessings and expansions that have been enjoyed throughout his retrograde phase!
Blessings and Love to All Our Soul Family