The Degree for this from the book "360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny" shares:
"Gathering our supportive clan, we now move into place and can offer what we have to the wider populace. We seek to embody what is relevant and truly universal in where we have been and where it takes us now. However, the leap from personal clan to humanity as a whole requires us to make a comparable leap in our awareness frequency. We cannot bring the biases and colorings of the past into what we bear for the whole now. What a challenge th throw off our greatness at the very point when we could reap such rewards for all our efforts. Its just that we would poison the well if we brought to everbody something inherently local and restrictive. Even our own amazing self must be yielded if we are going to bring something true."
This Full Moon is exactly conjunct the United State's Mercury at 24 Degrees Cancer in our 7th house. We may finally come back to our true blueprint, which is to communicate with one another with true care. To speak from the heart and not the mind, and to put our focus on the nurturing and community of this collective.
Whatever you are feeling today is perfect. With the North Node and Neptune sextile to this Moon, we are embracing all that is coming up because it must. We can no longer judge ourselves or others for how we choose to go through this massive grieving process of the old. The quicker we embrace it, the quicker we heal and begin co creating the New.