Divine Feminine Awakening @divinefeminineawakening Channel on Telegram

Divine Feminine Awakening


This channel is for the Divine Feminine to join together as co creators for the New Paradigm/New Earth

Divine Feminine Awakening (English)

Are you a woman seeking to connect with other like-minded individuals on a spiritual journey? Look no further than the 'Divine Feminine Awakening' Telegram channel! This channel is a space for women to come together as co-creators, embracing the power of the Divine Feminine to shape the New Paradigm and New Earth. The 'Divine Feminine Awakening' channel invites women from all walks of life to join in discussions, share insights, and support one another on their spiritual awakening journey. Whether you are new to exploring the Divine Feminine or have been on this path for years, this channel is a place where you can find inspiration, empowerment, and connection. Who is it for? The 'Divine Feminine Awakening' channel is for women who are ready to tap into their inner strength, intuition, and creativity. It is for those who believe in the power of sisterhood and collaboration, and who are dedicated to bringing forth positive change in the world. What is it? This channel serves as a virtual gathering place for women to explore the depths of their Divine Feminine essence. Through discussions, meditations, resources, and more, members can deepen their connection to their own inner wisdom and the collective feminine energy. So, if you are ready to awaken the Divine Feminine within you and be a part of co-creating a more loving and harmonious world, come join us on the 'Divine Feminine Awakening' Telegram channel. Welcome home, sister!

Divine Feminine Awakening

06 Feb, 21:29

We are in the midst of an extraordinary expansion, one that is rewriting the very framework of reality. The shifting currents move through your DNA, your cells, your consciousness, and the planetary grid itself. What was once hidden is now seen, what was once illusion is now dissolving, and what was once forgotten is now remembered.

The collective is re awakening, each of us a flickering ember reigniting the knowing that we are sovereign beings, fractals of Source, here to embody limitless abundance, unity, and divine creation.

The old matrix grids of separation and lack are fracturing, its codes unraveling beneath the weight of truth.

Mother Earth, the great cosmic womb, is calling you into deeper remembrance. She is nourishing this evolution, whispering to your heart that you are the bridge between the divine and the physical, the anchor point of heaven and earth.

With every pulse of her shifting energy, you are being asked to step beyond the old identities that once felt safe, the inherited patterns and conditioned timelines that no longer reflect who you are becoming and embodying.

This is the year of the serpent, the shedding of skins, the releasing of all that has limited your expansion and sacred expression.

You are not meant to stay within the templates of outdated versions of self. You are here to dissolve them. To rise from them. To embody the radiance that has always lived within you.

Let yourself move beyond the familiar edges of comfort. Let yourself stretch beyond what you once believed was possible. Every release is an opening, every surrender a gateway, every shift an initiation into a higher frequency of being.

This is a time of accelerated alignment. The more you allow old narratives to dissolve, the faster new realities take shape.

Trust your capacity to expand, to hold more light, to walk forward untethered by the past. You are not just stepping into the new. You are the new.

This is your time.blueroseoraclesxx

Divine Feminine Awakening

06 Feb, 16:20

20°-28° Venus in Aries: Climax and Integration
In this range, Venus is approaching completion, bringing a surge of energy and clarity to one's deepest aligned values. This potent transit has taken the conscious explorer through a journey of revelation. One intended to bring enlightenment and a clear sense of direction regarding what values one holds dear and must honor going forward. There's a focus on self-expression and an integration of lessons learned. Venus' journey through these degrees asks for embracing a higher version of universal love—understanding not just the passionate ideas, but the higher wisdom that guides them and why.

Venus stationing retrograde on March 1st will present us with an invitation to rediscover our personal convictions. After her transit through the sign of Aires, the conscious traveler will have had ample opportunities to identify the stories and patterns that come from the e.g.o and not from the heart.

It is strongly guided to keep a journal of happenings, awarenesses and realization throughout the month of February - especially as it relates to our interactions with others and our own energetic embodiments!

Blessings and Love to All on the conscious path!


Divine Feminine Awakening

04 Feb, 21:58

“Two days ago there was a 2:2 stargate, which is ushering in the (Aquarian) codes for the establishment of the Heavenly Human state. This is our Original state of being derived from the Divine/Angelic Human DNA template that activates a veritable "fountain of plasma" to become facilitators of the Waters of Soul...i.e. the plasmic Mother energies that are now freely flowing from Heaven to Earth. From the new report:

‘Once we have this sacred architecture constructed within we become what's presented as a veritable 'fountain of plasma' which certainly gives new meaning to the mythical spring..i.e. Waters of soul..of the legendary fountain of youth. The way this comes across (visually) is that liquid plasmic light spews into the world around us from what looks like the north & south poles of our torus field, similar to how Earth pours out plasma into space from Her poles.’

As Cancer is associated with the life giving properties of water, this Mars retrograde cycle is the perfect backorop to reroute these Feminine Life Force Frequencies thru the Sacred Heart to transmit the Mother Substance to ourcellves, each other & the world at large.

This gateway is also presenting as a sacred celebration for the reclamation of the Holy Grail...by the front line warriors (GOD's Army)... that which makes our connection to the resurrecting Waters of Soul possible- THE key to manifest from the matter field.

p.s. The Sun has been very concentrated thru this gateway, like a laser beam shooting high intensity rays of photonic light... even thru the night (via the illuminated moon... and also Venus!)..while displaying the rainbow plasmic Mother energies.”

- Lauren Gorgo

Divine Feminine Awakening

04 Feb, 14:02

Let me be the one who sees
the truth within the lies.
Revealing the innocence
of the original sub truth,
The array of its disguise.
Return to higher frequencies
Where lies do not exist
The knowing of the truth of love
Leads us back to bliss.
- Victoria Lovett

Divine Feminine Awakening

03 Feb, 16:01

We have exciting energies this week! Tomorrow we have Venus entering Aries and Jupiter moving direct in Gemini. Venus has been a part of the Pisces Stellium for the last month, bringing us deeply into the unknown. We have been softening our hearts and also embracing the intuition, guidance and syncs that we have been receiving while also hyper processing the extremely dense energies that have been pushed up within the collective and ourselves. The last month felt lethargic and heavy, as we did massive clearing work on the energetic level. Pisces can also bring confusion, and with Venus ruling our love language, creativity and connection with others, there were lots of confusing dynamics happening.

As Venus is now entering Aries we finally have some fire to break up all this water energy. Venus in Aries is taking the feminine energy on a journey for the next 2 months, as she traverses through the sign of action, courage, boldness, and sovereignty. The feminine are now reclaiming their true fire energy as Mars remains retrogarde in Cancer, bringing the masculine energy back into the heart. This is part of the Pole Flip that we are in the process of, returning Mother Earth to her natural state as well as correcting the imbalances between yin and yang that have occurred. On March 1st, Venus will go retrograde in Aries taking us on a journey back through this process and she will dip back into Pisces again before turning direct. Since Venus only retrogrades every 18 months, this is a process to focus on during that time.

Tomorrow we also have Jupiter going direct in Gemini after 4 months of retrograde ! Jupiter is a powerful planet who expands everything she touches. During the retrograde cycle of Jupiter, we are called to do inner expansion before we return to outer expansion. During these last few months, we were exapnding our inner world of ideas, adaptability, and also bringing our communications back to self for a moment. Sometimes there is too many words being said, too many ideas, too many directions and we become scattered. I feel these last few months we were called to be a bit more quiet, spend moments in solitude, and put a hold on all of our various outlets and projects so that we could get clear within ourselves before proceeding. Now, we Jupiter direct and Venus in Aries it feels like we will have a sudden burst of momentum and excitement. I foresee many multidimensional avenues opening up for us now and things are about to get exciting again.


Divine Feminine Awakening

02 Feb, 14:31



Divine Feminine Awakening

02 Feb, 14:29

Keep going loves ❤️

Divine Feminine Awakening

01 Feb, 12:22

Blessed imbolc!
As the exact mid point between solstices, it was taken over by Christianity as Brigid day. Before this indoctrination, it was a beautiful, organic celebration day, aligned with the ebbs and flows of Mother Earth.
It is a day of awakening, the beginning of a new years seasonal cycle, a day of reconnecting with the source of all, a day of shedding the old skin, the winter blues and what lays in the past. A day of looking ahead, in trust and confidence, feeling into what it is, this year, we bring as light to the world!

Even tho the present world events seem chaotic, dark and unpredictable… it is simply the last of the 3D winter melting away, the last winter storm attempting to keep us low..
yet at the same time organically the light is getting stronger by the minute, the earth herself is awakening and becoming stronger every day and we ourselves can start to sprout and grow anew with every breath we can rise!
With focus on the NEW, the first spring flowers that are growing through the last of the old snow..


Divine Feminine Awakening

22 Jan, 17:56

Your projects are never too big. Your ideas aren’t either. Your goals are not too golden, too vast.

You are not crazy.

You simply need to not be impatient. Rush is unnecessary.

The Feminine wisdom, within us all, both men and women, knows that « being in a rush » is an old way forcing us into exhaustion, hustling, overtrying, force. The culture of emergency always leaves in thr future, wants to « get there », can’t fully see the beauty of the path.

Feminine wisdom knows all is orchestrated for the best. We are co-creating — not holding the reigns of time on our own.

All revolved around ourselves — we receive our next level when we energetically become ready for it, and not because we forced.

What allows us to have big goals without feeling pressured by them, or that its impossible ? It’s precisely patience, slow steady and consistent steps towards it, being ok to get there in 10 years and not 1.

What allows us to have big dreams? It’s to let go of the need to get there fast, to achieve quickly.

It’s understanding time is on our side, rather than an obstacle we’d have to fight against, an energy we’d have to win against.

The wisdom of slow steady physical steps coupled with a strong intention delivers miracles.

Allowing ourselves plenty of time to reach our dreams doesn’t mean we are passive — it means we are realistic and we understand golden visions are a marathon rather than a sprint.

A way to achieve your greatest most soul-led ideas? Love yourself enough to give yourself the time to get there. ❤️

Sophie Gregoire

Divine Feminine Awakening

21 Jan, 18:05

Today and tomorrow we have some very intense energies happening. Of course with the inauguration yesterday, we had a huge influx of emotions running through the collective, both positive and negative. Today, we have the Sun + Pluto exactly conjunct at 1 degree Aquarius. Remember that Pluto brings pressure, and some things cannot withstand that pressure and so they collapse (old systems), other things use that pressure to become a diamond. That is the nature of Pluto's role. As we are now experiencing this pressure in the sign of Aquarius, this has far reaching implications that will unfold the rest of the year, but especially during this Aquarius Season: power of the people, the power of our authenticity, reclaiming our sovereignty, forming communities, technology, etc., but also the deep shadows of Humanity and the collective consciousness will be on full display. Energies such as thinking you know better, paranoia, and detachment from compassion and empathy must be faced as well.

Added in to all of this, we have the Moon in Scorpio today, squaring the Sun and Pluto, making this an even more intense deep dive into some of our buried shadows and rigid thinking patterns. I use the word paranoia to fit best what i am observing in the collective-a deep unease and mistrust of everyone and everything. Alot of this paranoia is based on attachment to lower perspective, and also a refusal to trust in Source. With the stellium in Pisces, we are being called to transcend our fear of the "they" and "others", and remember that we are all one consciousness going through this transition. Unconditional love is the baseline, and we must embody it in order for all shadows to return to light.

Next week we will enter through the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese New Year of the Snake, and will officially celebrate the New Paradigm beginning


Divine Feminine Awakening

21 Jan, 09:29


Divine Feminine Awakening

18 Jan, 17:02

Channel @PinealGlandPower 👈

Divine Feminine Awakening

18 Jan, 17:01

Join @funvideomemes 😹

Divine Feminine Awakening

18 Jan, 16:48

The first time I met Love
My heart was broken
and I asked
“How could you have betrayed me?”
And Love replied
“It was your expectations. I am incapable of betrayal.”

The second time I met Love
My spirit felt crushed
and I asked
“How could you have hurt me?”
And Love replied
“It was your reaction to the situation.
I am incapable of causing pain.”

The third time I met Love
My energy was drained
and I asked
“How could you have depleted me?”
And Love replied
“It was your lack of self-love and failure to set appropriate boundaries.
I am incapable of depleting you.”

The fourth time I met Love
My entire being felt alone
and I asked
“How could you have abandoned me?”
And Love replied
“I am always with you and can never leave you
As I dwell within you.”

The fifth time I met Love
My soul felt vulnerable, naked and exposed
and I asked
“How could you have embarrassed me?"
And Love replied
“It was your ego that caused you to feel embarrassed.
I am incapable of experiencing or causing shame.”

The sixth time I met Love
Anger rippled through me
and I asked
“How could you have taken from me?”
And Love replied
“I cannot take from you.
I give while asking for nothing in return
As I am unconditional.”

The seventh time I met Love
A deep sense of sadness pervaded me
and I asked
“How could you have fooled me and then used me?”
And Love replied rather gently and compassionately
“Do not mistake someone’s inability to love you
For the truth of who I am.”

And the eighth and final time I met Love
I greeted it as an old friend
Free from expectations, heartbreak, pain, shame and conditions
And Love embraced me and said
“Now you truly know me.”~

~Tahlia Hunter


Divine Feminine Awakening

18 Jan, 04:39

Your heart, the seat of your emotions, and your aura, the energetic field surrounding you, are not just elements of your being—they’re your guardians against negativity. 🛡💕

When you fill your heart with love and compassion, it becomes a beacon of light, shining brightly and repelling darkness. 💖 Similarly, your aura acts as a shield, filtering out harmful energies and surrounding you with a bubble of positivity.

By nurturing your heart and aura with love, kindness, and positivity, you create an impenetrable barrier against negativity and harm. 🌟 Let their radiant energy envelop you, guiding you towards safety, serenity, and spiritual growth.

Join: t.me/I_AM_HEALTY💞

Divine Feminine Awakening

16 Jan, 16:11

Laughter is the best medicine 😂

❤️Join our Family @LIVANDUCHAT 👈🏻

Divine Feminine Awakening

16 Jan, 15:53

You have a message
From the 🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️

~ @SourceLoveLight

Divine Feminine Awakening

15 Jan, 17:47

“An important Divine Masculine healing is taking place thru the Cancer Full (Mother) Moon that peaked on the 13th under the tutelage of the Divine Feminine Christ...the very same day that the Atlas Comet was at its brightest and pulsing Cosmic Father Codes to Earth. Because of this Heart mind healing, the Masculine & Feminine Christs are beginning to recognize the same Light within each other as once opposing forces on the same continuum.

This remembering isn't on a conscious level, but on BODY level...an ancient unveiling within our DNA. With this mental clearing/clarity comes the shedding of guilt/shame wounds and trauma bonos as the Masculine (and the masculine side of Self) is finally feeling the Self Love that eluded him since the Fall of Man. Assimilating the new year energies is never comfortable but collectively we are doing tremendous work to mend this unGODly divide...stay vigilant!”

- Lauren Gorgo

Divine Feminine Awakening

14 Jan, 00:40

We have the Full Moon in Cancer today, conjunct Mars retrograde. This Moon is also squaring Chiron in Aries which adds such deep healing to the wounds that are surfacing right now. Watching this energy play out is very, very heavy. So many emotions are coming up such as resentment, anger, grief, feelings of abandonment, not being supported, feeling unloved or unnurtured. I feel so many are going through the emotions of wanting to find their tribe, their family, real connection. This is a call happening for all of Humanity to truly come together as a family. Mars, representing masculine energy, is also being called to heal his mother wounds. All the ways in which the masculine have abandoned the feminine, refused to give emotional and energetic support, shutting down emotions, etc. In order for us to all move forward together and create great change we must let go of the past hurts and wounding, as well as old story lines that continue to keep us separate and outside unconditional love.

The Degree for this from the book "360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny" shares:
"Gathering our supportive clan, we now move into place and can offer what we have to the wider populace. We seek to embody what is relevant and truly universal in where we have been and where it takes us now. However, the leap from personal clan to humanity as a whole requires us to make a comparable leap in our awareness frequency. We cannot bring the biases and colorings of the past into what we bear for the whole now. What a challenge th throw off our greatness at the very point when we could reap such rewards for all our efforts. Its just that we would poison the well if we brought to everbody something inherently local and restrictive. Even our own amazing self must be yielded if we are going to bring something true."

This Full Moon is exactly conjunct the United State's Mercury at 24 Degrees Cancer in our 7th house. We may finally come back to our true blueprint, which is to communicate with one another with true care. To speak from the heart and not the mind, and to put our focus on the nurturing and community of this collective.

Whatever you are feeling today is perfect. With the North Node and Neptune sextile to this Moon, we are embracing all that is coming up because it must. We can no longer judge ourselves or others for how we choose to go through this massive grieving process of the old. The quicker we embrace it, the quicker we heal and begin co creating the New.


Divine Feminine Awakening

13 Jan, 19:18

Honor all the feelings. Breathe through them. Allow them to flow through you without attaching to them. Release the energy through your feet, allowing Mother's Earth's energy to wash through it and return nothing but love up through your feet, into your heart space. Breathe in love. Breathe out love. Breathe in love. Breathe out love. Breathe in love. Breathe out love. Affirm " I am at peace in my body." 🙏

Divine Feminine Awakening

13 Jan, 19:09

A must listen for all beings of light:

Divine Feminine Awakening

13 Jan, 13:25

You are not obligated to stay the same

You are not chained to the person you were last year, or even 5 minutes ago

The Strong Innerstand this
Growth is not optional, it is demanded
It is your right, your responsibility

Every scar, every failure, every moment of doubt is a chapter

Not the entire story

You are allowed to outgrow old habits that no longer serve you
Toxic relationships that drain your power and outdated beliefs that limit your potential

Do not cling to the comfort of familiarity, it is a prison disguised as safety

Each day is an opportunity to rewrite your story, to crush what holds you backend to redefine what Strength looks like

Change is not your enemy, stagnation is

Tear down the walls of doubt, shatter the excuses and terminate the fear of judgement

You owe no one an explanation for your evolution
Do not fear becoming unrecognizable to others
Fear not,,, becoming unrecognizable to yourself

Today decide to be better
Not for anyone else, but for you
Build a life that aligns with your purpose
The journey is yours to command
And transform



and when you do, let the Galaxy witness your Power

By T

Divine Feminine Awakening

13 Jan, 06:44

Some beautiful skin art 🎨

Divine Feminine Awakening

12 Jan, 03:20

One day
There will be no more dark
All duality will be overcome
Love already won

As we expand and evolve
Reality will be cocreated
Heaven on earth ❤️

Divine Feminine Awakening

11 Jan, 17:41

‘What’s it like to be a woman?’
a little bird whispered in my ear.

‘Is it just like being human?’
oh it is so much more, my dear.

We are the holders, we are the keepers,
of the secrets and the truth.
We are the safe place in a storm,
the creator of all youth.
We are the place where life is softest,
we are the colour in the story.
We are the wisdom and the instinct,
Mother Nature in all her glory.
We are the taker of all worry,
we keep it deep within our hearts
So that others may unburden,
so that great new lives may start.
We are the makers of the home,
not just the walls but of the spirit.
Bringing everyone together,
letting love and laughter fill it.
We are sisters, mothers, wives,
so many things in every day.
We are the start of every life,
we are the reason, we are the way.
We are fueled by intuition,
call it magic, if you like
We are women, so much more,
than any words that I could write.

- Donna Ashworth

[Image: Portrait 21 digital artwork by Catrin Welz-Stein.]

The Smart Witch by Elizabeth

Classic The Smart Witch
Post from 08 January 2024

Divine Feminine Awakening

11 Jan, 17:35

Happy portal day loves!!! 😍

It's a powerful day to do your ceremonies for manifestations 🥳

Divine Feminine Awakening

11 Jan, 00:49

The Pulse – 10 Jan to 16 Jan – This week we contemplate Gene Key 61 – Inspiration from the Higher Planes. This is the Key of Sanctity, where everything, even the lowest of the low, is seen and known as sacred. Try applying this to something in your life this week…

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio: https://genekeys.com/pulse/61-sanctity-2025/

#genekeys #genekey61 #inspiration #sanctity #thepulse