Dilmurod. horazlari is a Telegram channel that offers a variety of content related to horoscopes and astrology in the Uzbek language. The channel provides daily horoscope readings, astrological insights, and tips on how to navigate life based on your zodiac sign. Whether you're curious about what the stars have in store for you or looking for guidance on love, career, or health, Dilmurod. horazlari has got you covered.
The channel is managed by dilmurod_xorozlari_xoroz_dakang, who is dedicated to bringing accurate and reliable information to their audience. With regular updates and interactive features, followers can engage with the content and deepen their understanding of astrology.
If you're interested in exploring the world of horoscopes and astrology, Dilmurod. horazlari is the perfect place for you. Stay informed, inspired, and connected with the cosmos by joining this vibrant community of astrology enthusiasts.
For inquiries and further information, you can reach out to the channel admins via Telegram at @Dilmurod_1_992 and @dakang_xoroz or contact them directly via phone at +998903604140. You can also check out their YouTube channel for additional astrological content at https://www.youtube.com/@vodiy_toshkent_bozori.
04 Feb, 03:58
01 Feb, 13:57
29 Oct, 18:02