how to manage digital rage?🤯
Explanation: Something that is very obvious, often in a bad way.
Translation: Відвертий, явний.
Explanation: Intense, uncontrolled anger.
Translation: Лють, гнів.
🥰To defuse
Explanation: To reduce the tension or danger in a difficult situation.
Translation: Знешкодити, розрядити (напружену ситуацію).
🥰To reclaim
Explanation: To get something back, especially your calm or control over emotions.
Translation: Повернути, відновити.
Explanation: Something that happens often and is easily recognized, usually with negative emotions.
Translation: Надто знайоме.
🥰Moral outrage
Explanation: Strong anger about something perceived as a violation of what is right.
Translation: Моральне обурення.
🥰To interact
Explanation: To communicate or engage with others.
Translation: Взаємодіяти.
Explanation: Ways or means of expressing emotions, energy, or creativity.
Translation: Способи, виходи (для вираження).
🥰To unwind
Explanation: To relax, especially after stress or tension.
Translation: Розслабитися, зняти напругу.
🥰To be drawn into
Explanation: Being involuntarily involved in something, often an argument or conflict.
Translation: Залучений у, втягнутий у.
🥰To turn heated
Explanation: Becoming intense or angry, especially in a conversation or argument.
Translation: Розпалюватися, ставати напруженим.
🥰To disengage
Explanation: To withdraw or remove oneself from involvement.
Translation: Віддалятися, припиняти участь.
🥰To be entitled to
Explanation: Having the right to something.
Translation: Має право на.
Explanation: Sincerely or truly.
Translation: Щиро, по-справжньому.
🥰Knee-jerk reaction
Explanation: A quick and automatic response, often emotional, without thinking it through.
Translation: Інстинктивна реакція.
🥰To stand up for
Explanation: To defend or support something or someone.
Translation: Захищати, підтримувати.
Explanation: Lacking knowledge or awareness, especially in an important subject.
Translation: Невіглас, необізнаний.
🥰To drain
Explanation: To cause someone to feel emotionally or physically exhausted.
Translation: Виснажувати, витягати сили.
🥰To signify
Explanation: To represent, mean, or be a sign of something.
Translation: Означати, символізувати.
🥰To empower
Explanation: To give someone power, confidence, or the ability to do something.
Translation: Наділяти силою, впевненістю.
🥰To vent
Explanation: Express strong emotions, especially anger or frustration, to release tension.
Translation: Випускати (емоції), виливати.
Explanation: Taking action before a problem develops or becomes worse.
Translation: Проактивний, передбачливий.
Explanation: Doing something without thinking, often out of habit.
Translation: Бездумно.
Explanation: Given or offered without being asked for.
Translation: Незапитаний, небажаний.
🥰To curate
Explanation: To select, organize, and present content or information in a thoughtful and purposeful way.
Translation: курирувати, організовувати, керувати
Explanation: Fair and impartial, without being influenced by personal opinions or feelings.
Translation: неупереджений
Explanation: Giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Translation: стислий, лаконічний
🥰To opt out of
Explanation: To choose not to participate in something or stop being involved.
Translation: не брати участь, відмовлятися від участі
Explanation: Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
Translation: марний, безрезультатний.
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