Destination A1 and A2 @destinations_a1_a2 Channel on Telegram

Destination A1 and A2


Destination A1 and A2
Reklama: @bizdareklamasifatli

Destination A1 and A2 (English)

Are you looking for the perfect travel destination that combines the charm of tradition with the excitement of modernity? Look no further than Destination A1 and A2! This Telegram channel is your go-to source for all things related to these two incredible destinations. From hidden gems to must-see landmarks, we have you covered. Who is it? Destination A1 and A2 is a Telegram channel dedicated to showcasing the best of both A1 and A2, offering travel enthusiasts a comprehensive guide to these amazing places. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, this channel has something for everyone. What is it? Destination A1 and A2 is your one-stop destination for travel inspiration, tips, and recommendations. Discover the rich history, vibrant cultures, and stunning landscapes of A1 and A2 through our curated content. Whether you're planning your next vacation or simply dreaming of exploring new places, this channel will fuel your wanderlust. Join us on Destination A1 and A2 and embark on a virtual journey to these unique destinations. Let us be your guide as you uncover the beauty and wonders of A1 and A2. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the best of both worlds. Subscribe now and start exploring with us!

Destination A1 and A2

18 Feb, 10:31

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns - 3 - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

18 Feb, 10:31


Customer -
Shop assistant - sotuvchi
Waiter - ofitsiant
Waitress - ofitsiantka
Piece of bread - bir bo'lak non
Piece of cake - bir bo'lak to'rt
Price - narx
Bakery - nonvoyxona, qandolat do'koni, non mahsulotlari, to'rt, bulochka, pishiriqlar 
tayyorlanadigan joy
Bookshop - kitob do'koni
Chemist's - dorixona, apteka
Department store - univermag, savdo markazi, birgina katta do'kon ichida barcha turdagi mahsulotlar sotiladi
Shopping centre - savdo majmuasi, turli-tuman mahsulotlar sotishga mo'ljallangan ko'plab do'konlardan tashkil topgan bo'ladi
Supermarket - supermarket
Bottle - butilka, shisha idish, baklashka
Bowl - kosa, chuqurcha idish
Cooker - gaz plitasi, duxovka
Cup - chashka, krushka
Dish - idish-tovoq
Fork - vilka
Fridge - muzlatgich

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

17 Feb, 07:46

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns - 2 - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

17 Feb, 07:46


- yog'
Omelette - quymoq, tuxumli quymoq
Onion - piyoz
Orange - apelsin
Pasta - makaronli ovqatlar
Pizza - pitsa
Potato - kartoshka
Rice - guruch
Salad - salat
Sandwich - buterbrod, sendvich: ikki bo'lak non o'rtasiga go'sht, pishloq, tuxum va sabzavotlar solingan yengil taom
Tomato - pomidor
Vegetable - sabzavot
Breakfast - nonushta
Lunch - tushlik
Dinner - kechki ovqat
First course - birinchi taom
Main course - asosiy taom
Dessert - desert, asosiy ovqatdan keyin yeyiladigan shirinlik
Chef - bosh oshpaz
Cook - oshpaz

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

16 Feb, 05:19

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns - 1 - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

16 Feb, 05:19


- olma
Banana - banan
Biscuit - pechenye, suqori
Bread - non
Burger - gamburger
Butter - saryog'
Cake - to'rt
Carrot - sabzi
Cheese - pishloq
Chicken - tovuq go'shti
Chips - chips, salyonk, yog'da parrak-parrak shaklda qovurilgan kartoshkalar, baliq
Chocolate - shokolad
Cream - krem
Egg - tuxum
Fish - baliq go'shti
Fruit - meva, mevalar
Ice cream - muzqaymoq
Jam - murabbo, jem
Lemon - limon
Meat - go'sht

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

12 Feb, 04:31

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation, nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

12 Feb, 04:30

Word formation, nouns

Liar -
yolg'onchi, aldoqchi
Noise - shovqin
Noisy - shovqinli
Noisily - shovqin bilan, shovqin chiqarib, shovqinli tarzda
Polite - muloyim, xushmuomala
Impolite - qo'rs, qo'pol
Quiet - jimjit, shovqindan holi, tinch
Quietly - shovqin chiqarmay, shovqinsiz tarzda
True - rost, to'g'ri
Untrue - yolg'on, noto'g'ri
Truth - haqiqat
Barbecue - barbekyu, ochiq havoda setka ustida go'sht pishirish va uni 
tamaddi qilish
Credit card - plastik kartochka
Cash - naqd pul
Coffee - kofe, qahva
Juice - sharbat, so'k
Lemonade - limonad
Milk - sut
Tea - choy
Water - suv

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

10 Feb, 04:36

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

10 Feb, 04:36

Word formation

Care -
parvarish, qarash, ehtiyot qilish
Care - qayg'urmoq
Careful - diqqatli, e'tiborli, ehtiyotkor
Careless - ehtiyotsiz, bee'tibor
Carefully - ehtiyotkorlik bilan
Carelessly - ehtiyotsizlik bilan
Danger - xavf
Dangerous - xavfli
Dangerously - xavfli tarzda
Drive - mashina haydamoq
Driver - haydovchi
Enter - kirmoq
Entrance - kirish, kirish eshigi, joyi
Lie - yolg'on gapirmoq, aldamoq
Liar - yolg'onchi, aldoqchi
Noise - shovqin
Noisy - shovqinli
Noisily - shovqin bilan, shovqin chiqarib, shovqinli tarzda
Polite - muloyim, xushmuomala
Impolite - qo'rs, qo'pol
Quiet - jimjit, shovqindan holi, tinch

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

08 Feb, 04:23

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Adjectives and adverbs, phrases, word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

08 Feb, 04:23

Adjectives and adverbs, phrases, word formation

Quiet -
jimjit, shovqindan holi
Safe - xavfsiz, xavfdan holi
Always - har doim, doimo
Against the rules - qoidalarga zid
Against the law - qonunga zid
Be late for - biror narsaga kechikmoq
Be in time for - biror narsaga ulgurmoq
Break - buzmoq
Break the rules - qoidalarni buzmoq
Break the law - qonunni buzmoq
No running - yugurmang
No talking - gaplashmang
Not allowed to do - biror narsa qilishga ruxsat berilmagan, biror narsa qilish mumkin emas
Allowed to do - biror narsa qilishga ruxsat berilgan, biror narsa qilish mumkin
Tell a lie - yolg'on gapirmoq
Tell the truth - haqiqatni gapirmoq, rostini aytmoq
Turn left - chapga qayrilmoq, burilmoq
Turn right - o'ngga qayrilmoq, burilmoq
Apology - kechirim, uzr
Apologise - kechirim so'ramoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

07 Feb, 09:43

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

07 Feb, 09:43

Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs

School rules
- maktab yo'lida harakatlanish qoidalari
Traffic rules - mashina yo'lida harakatlanish qoidalari
School uniform - maktab formasi
Seat belt - xavfsizlik kamari
Traffic lights - svetofor
Allow - ruxsat bermoq
Arrest - hibsga olmoq, qamoqqa olmoq
Drive - mashina haydamoq
Drop - tashlamoq
Enter a place - joyga kirmoq
Fight - urushmoq
Let - biror narsa qilishiga qo'yib bermoq, yo'l qo'ymoq, ruxsat bermoq
Park - mashinani joylamoq, qo'ymoq, parkovka qilmoq
Throw away - axlatga tashlamoq
Wear - kiymoq
Careful - diqqatli, e'tiborli, ehtiyotkor
Dangerous - xavfli
Necessary - muhim, kerak, shart
Noisy - shovqinli
Polite - muloyim, xushmuomala

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

05 Feb, 03:51

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

05 Feb, 03:51

Word formation

Lose -
mag'lub bo'lmoq, o'yinni boy bermoq
Loser - mag'lub bo'lgan, o'yinni boy bergan odam
Strong - kuchli
Strength - kuch
Strongly - qattiq, o'ta, juda
Train - shug'ullanmoq, mashq qilmoq
Trainers - krasovka, keta, jismoniy mehnat oyoq kiyimi
Well - yaxshi, sog'lom
Unwell - kasal, betob, ahvoli yomon
Win - g'olib bo'lmoq, yutmoq
Winner - g'olib
Helmet - kaska, himoya bosh kiyimi
Jewellery - taqinchoqlar
Law - qonun
Litter - axlat
Make-up - makiyaj, pardoz-andoz, oro berish
Notice - e'lon, belgi, ogohlantirish
Police officer - politsiya ofitseri
Road - mashina yo'li
Safety rules - xavfsizlik yo'lida harakatlanish qoidalari

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

04 Feb, 04:56

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

04 Feb, 04:56

Phrases, word formation

Go skiing
- chang'i uchishga bormoq
Go surfing - dengizda surfing qilishga bormoq
Go swimming - suzishga chiqmoq
Play football - futbol o'ynamoq
Play basketball - basketbol o'ynamoq
Ride a bike - velosiped uchmoq
Ride a horse - ot minmoq
Ride a scooter - skuter uchmoq
Score a goal - go'l urmoq, natija qayd etmoq
Compete - musobaqalashmoq
Competition - musobaqa
Cycle - velosiped uchmoq
Cycling - velosiped uchish
Cyclist - velosiped uchuvchisi
Fit - jismonan sog'lom va baquvvat, tetik
Fitness - jismonan tetiklik
Health - sog'liq
Healthy - sog'lom; sog'liqqa foydali
Unhealthy - nosog'lom; sog'liqqa zararli
Healthily - sog'liqqa foydali tarzda

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

03 Feb, 08:37

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Adjectives and adverbs - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

03 Feb, 08:37

Adjectives and adverbs

Last -
oxirgi, so'nggi
Outdoor - ochiq havoda qilinadigan, tashqarida qilinadigan
Strong - kuchli
Go for a run - yugurishga chiqmoq
First - birinchi, birinchi bo'lib, birinchi navbatda
Indoors - bino ichida, ichkarida
Last - oxirida, oxirgi bo'lib, oxirgi navbatda
Outdoors - ochiq havoda, tashqarida
Do gymnastics - gimnastika bilan shug'ullanmoq
Do karate - karate bilan shug'ullanmoq
Do sport - sport bilan shug'ullanmoq
Do yoga - yoga bilan shug'ullanmoq
Get some exercise - biroz jismoniy mashq qilmoq
Get fit - jismonan sog'lom va baquvvat holatga erishmoq
Keep fit - jismonan sog'lom va baquvvat holatini saqlab qolmoq
Go for a jog - yugurishga chiqmoq
Go for a walk - piyoda sayrga chiqmoq
Go cycling - velosiped uchishga bormoq
Go jogging - yugurishga bormoq
Go skating - konki uchishga bormoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

01 Feb, 12:49

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

01 Feb, 12:48

Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs

Race -
Stadium - stadion
Team - jamoa
Cycle - velosipedda uchmoq
Exercise - mashq qilmoq
Lose - yutqazmoq, mag'lub bo'lmoq, boy bermoq
Roller-skate - to'rt g'ildirakli konkida uchmoq
Skate - konkida uchmoq
Skateboard - skeytbordda uchmoq
Snowboard - snovbordda uchmoq
Ski - chang'ida uchmoq
Swim - suzmoq
Take up - biror sport bilan shug'ullanishni boshlamoq
Win - yutmoq, g'alaba qozonmoq, g'olib bo'lmoq
Do some exercise - biroz jismoniy mashq qilmoq
Extreme - jiddiy, ekstremal, xavfli
First - birinchi
Fit - jismonan sog'lom va baquvvat, tetik
Healthy - sog'lom; sog'liqqa foydali
Indoor - bino ichida qilinadigan

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

31 Jan, 17:04

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation, nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

31 Jan, 17:04

Word formation, nouns

German -
Germaniyalik, Germaniyaga tegishli
Japan - Yaponiya
Japanese - Yapon, Yaponiyaga tegishli
Russia - Rossiya
Russian - Rossiyalik, Rossiyaga tegishli
Spain - Ispaniya
Spanish - Ispaniyalik, Ispaniyaga tegishli
Athlete - sportchi
Athletics - yengil atletika
Exercise - mashq
Football match - futbol o'yini, musobaqasi, sport uchrashuvi
Basketball match - basketbol o'yini, musobaqasi, sport uchrashuvi
Football player - futbolchi
Basketball player - basketbolchi
Game of football - futbol o'yini
Game of basketball - basketbol o'yini
Goal - go'l, natija
Gym - sport zali
Healthy food - sog'liqqa foydali ovqat
Junk food - tez tayyor bo'ladigan fast food

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

30 Jan, 13:29

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

30 Jan, 13:28

Phrases, word formation

By train
- poyezd orqali
Go on a bus - avtobusda sayrga chiqmoq, biror joyni aylanmoq
Go on a walking tour - piyoda sayrga chiqmoq, biror joyni aylanmoq
Have a good time - vaqtni yaxshi o'tkazmoq, mazza qilmoq
Have a problem - muammoga uchramoq
On a trip to - biror yerga sayohatda, ketayabdi
On holiday - ta'tilda
See the sights - diqqatga sazovor joylarni aylanmoq
Take a picture of - rasmga olmoq
America - Amerika
American - Amerikalik, Amerikaga tegishli
Australia - Avstraliya
Australian - Avstraliyalik, Avstraliyaga tegishli
Britain - Britaniya
British - Britaniyalik, Britaniyaga tegishli
China - Xitoy
Chinese - Xitoylik, Xitoyga tegishli
France - Fransiya
French - Fransuz, Fransiyaga tegishli
Germany - Germaniya

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

29 Jan, 17:36

Ha mayli... Keyingi gal yutarman ๐Ÿฅฒ

Destination A1 and A2

28 Jan, 13:55

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Verbs and phrasal verbs, phrases, adjectives - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

28 Jan, 13:54

Verbs and phrasal verbs, phrases, adjectives

Attractive -
maftunkor, jozibador
Crowded -
aholi ko'p bo'lgan, gavjum
Excited -
quvongan, zavqlangan
Exciting -
quvonarli, ajoyib
Get on -
avtobus, samalyot, poyezdga chiqmoq
Get off - avtobus, samalyot, poyezddan tushmoq
Leave - jo'namoq, yo'lga chiqmoq, tark etmoq
Stay - bir necha kun yashamoq, turmoq, tunamoq
Travel - sayohat qilmoq
Visit - tashrif buyurmoq, biror kimni ko'rish uchun bormoq
Famous - mashhur
Foreign - xorijiy, chet el
Modern - zamonaviy
Popular - ko'plab odamlarga tanish, taniqli, mashxur
Safe - xavfsiz
Take a photo of - rasmga olmoq
By bus - avtobus orqali
By car - mashina orqali
By plane - samalyot orqali
By taxi - taksi orqali

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

28 Jan, 13:49

Kimdir 50 ming sum donate qildi... Rahmat kotta! Jami donate: 68 ming sum bo'ldi.


Hozir shu kanallarga postlar tayorlab o'tiribman. Tahminan 2.5 soatdan beri... Tez orada so'zlar tarjimalari quizlar bilan joylayman. (Eng ko'p vaqt destination kanallariga ketadi)

Ungacha donate qilish yodingizdan chiqmasin:

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671 (Mushtariybegim nomida)

Destination A1 and A2

28 Jan, 12:49

Minglab odamlaringdan 60 ming sum donate yeg'a olmasang-a... ๐Ÿฅฒ

Destination A1 and A2

28 Jan, 07:24

Yo'lkira hisobida bo'lsayam donate qilib qo'llab quvatlab turinglar... Reklamasiz yaxshi kanalni doimiy saqlab qolish kerak. Tushiriladigan donate summa ijodkorni qo'llash degani. ...

Destination A1 and A2

28 Jan, 06:49

kanal faoliyati doimiy bo'lishi uchun, bizni qo'llab quvvatlang, donate siz qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan eng yaxshi ko'mak, donate qilish uchun: =har doim sog' bo'lsin do'stlar...

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671 (Mushtariybegim nomida)

Destination A1 and A2

27 Jan, 05:48

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

27 Jan, 05:48


Tokyo -
Washington - Vashington
Hotel - mehmonxona
Journey - sayohat, safar
Passport - pasport, shaxsni tasdiqlovchi guvohnoma
Plane - samalyot
Ticket - chipta, bilet
Tour - sayohat, ekskursiya
Tourist - turist, sayyoh
Town - kichik shahar
City - kattaroq shahar 1 milliondan kam bo'lgan aholiga ega
Train station - poyezd stansiyasi
Arrive in - yetib bormoq, katta joylar, masalan shaharlar va davlatlarga nisbatan
Arrive at - yetib bormoq, yopiq binolarga, masalan aeroport va poyezd stansiyalariga nisbatan
Check in - mehmonxonaga ro'yxatdan o'tmoq va xona olmoq
Check out - mehmonxona ro'yxatidan chiqmoq
Enjoy - rohatlanmoq, lazzat olmoq, yoqtirmoq
Fly - uchmoq
Get in - mashinaga o'tirmoq
Get out of - mashinadan tushmoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

26 Jan, 15:59

Shuncha obunachilardan bir kunda jami hozirgacha: 41 000 sum donate qilindi, biroq ko'pchilikmizku qadrdonlar . Hech yo'q 60 000 yeg'ayalik bitta kitob olsak bo'ldi keyin... Summa yeg'ilgunga qadar kutaman ๐Ÿ’”

Destination A1 and A2

26 Jan, 15:42

+ 15 000 sum donate qilindi. Rahmat kotta. Donate qiladiganlar bormi oramizda yana... Bitta kitobga yetishiga oz qoldi. Ma'lumotlar olib borayotkan kanalingiz uchun donate qilishdan tortinmang:

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671 (Mushtariybegim nomida)

Destination A1 and A2

26 Jan, 14:48

Bitta badiiy kitobga yetadigan donate yeg'ishimizga kanalga yangi postlarni joylab boraman... Sarflayotkan vaqtimga bitta badiiy asar summasi chiqsinda...

Destination A1 and A2

26 Jan, 14:40

Jami donate qilingan summa: 26 000 sum. (hozirgacha)

Bitta badiiy kitobga yetadigan darajada donate yeg'a olmabmiz afsus. Faolroq bo'ling va bizni qo'llab quvvatlang, donate uchun

Humo: 9860 0303 7514 3671

Destination A1 and A2

25 Jan, 15:42

1 kun kutaman... obunachilarimga ishonaman donaterlarim bordir

Destination A1 and A2

18 Jan, 19:38

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation, nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

18 Jan, 19:38

Word formation, nouns

- boshlamoq
Teach - o'qitmoq, dars bermoq
Teacher - o'qituvchi
Choice - tanlov
Correct - to'g'ri
Incorrect- noto'g'ri
Beginner - biror narsani o'rganishni endigina boshlagan odam
Beginning - boshlanishi
Choose - tanlamoq
Educate - ta'lim bermoq
Education - ta'lim
Spelling - imlo, so'zlarni to'g'ri yozish san'ati
Study - o'qimoq
Know - bilmoq
Knowledge - bilim
Spell - harflab aytmoq, yozmoq
Student - o'quvchi, talaba
Child - bola
Guys - bolalar
Neighbour - qo'shni

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

13 Jan, 12:33

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Phrases - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

13 Jan, 12:31


Have a test -
test topshirmoq
Cheat in an exam - imtihonda g'irromlik qilmoq, shpargalkadan foydalanmoq
Do homework - uyga vazifani bajarmoq
Fail a test - testdan yiqilmoq
Be interested in - ga qiziqqan
Cheat in a test - testda g'irromlik qilmoq
Fail an exam - imtihondan yiqilmoq
Pass a test - testdan muvaffaqiyatli o'tmoq
Find something hard - biror narsani qiyin deb hisoblamoq
Do a test - test topshirmoq
Do an exam - imtihon topshirmoq
Find something easy - biror narsani oson deb hisoblamoq
Pass an exam - imtihondan muvaffaqiyatli o'tmoq
Get a bad mark - yomon baho olmoq
Get a good - yaxshi baho olmoq
Have an exam - imtihon topshirmoq
Take a test - test topshirmoq
Take an exam - imtihon topshirmoq
Make a mistake - xato qilmoq
Pay attention to - ga diqqatini qaratmoq, e'tibor bermoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

12 Jan, 17:37

Video uchun havola: ๐Ÿ‘‡

Destination A1 and A2

12 Jan, 13:57

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

12 Jan, 12:36

Verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs

- oโ€˜rganmoq
Miss - o'tkazib yubormoq
Pass - imtihondan muvaffaqiyatli o'tmoq
Check - tekshirmoq
Choose - tanlamoq
Remember - eslamoq, yodida bo'lmoq
Easy - oson
Hard - qattiq, tirishib
Right - to'g'ri
Fun - qiziqarli, maroqli
Hard - qiyin
Interesting - qiziqarli
Boring - zerikarli
Correct - toโ€˜gโ€˜ri
Wrong - xato, noto'g'ri
Study - oโ€˜qimoq, dars qilmoq
Fail - imtihondan yiqilmoq
Know - bilmoq
Teach - oโ€˜qitmoq, dars bermoq
Go to school - maktabga bormoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

11 Jan, 12:48

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

11 Jan, 12:34


Science Club
- aniq fanlar to'garagi 
Music - musiqa fani
Handicraft - mehnat darsi
History - tarix fani
Information Technology (IT) - informatika texnologiyalari fani
Science - aniq fanlar
Term - chorak, semestr
Test - test
Exam - imtihon
Timetable - o'quv jadvali, raspisaniya
Physical Education (PE) - jismoniy tarbiya fani
Whiteboard - markerda yoziladigan doska
Class - sinf
Classroom - sinf xonasi
Rubber - o'chirg'ich
Ruler - chizg'ich, lineyka
Art - tasviriy san'at fani
Geography - geografiya fani
Pencil case - qalamlar turadigan idish
Pencil sharpener - qalam uchlagich

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

10 Jan, 13:13

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation, nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

10 Jan, 12:29

Word formation, nouns

- o'yinchi
Play - o'ynamoq
Reader - o'quvchi, kitobxon
Singer - qo'shiqchi
Sing - kuylamoq
Song - qo'shiq
Classmate - sinfdosh
Chess Club - shaxmat to'garagi
Dancing Club - raqs to'garagi
Homework - uyga vazifa
Lesson - dars
Pupil - o'quvchi
Bag - papka
Notebook - daftar
Blackboard - bo'rda yoziladigan doska
Literature - adabiyot fani
Maths - matematika fani
Drama Club - drama to'garagi
Language Club - til to'garagi
Maths Club - matematika to'garagi

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

09 Jan, 13:39

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

09 Jan, 12:28

Phrases, word formation

Read a book -
kitob o'qimoq
Take a photo - suratga olmoq
Fun - xursandchilik, maroq
Funny - kulgili
Music - musiqa
Musician - musiqachi
Drawing - qalamda chizilgan rasm
Reading - o'qish
Luck - omad
Lucky - omadli
Read - o'qimoq
Relax - dam olmoq
Relaxing - hordiq oladigan, orombaxsh
Draw - chizmoq
Enjoy - mazza qilmoq, rohatlanmoq
Enjoyable - yoqimli, maroqli
Musical - muzikan, musiqani tushunadigan
Painter - rassom, suratkash
Painting - qalamda chizilgan sur'at
Paint - rasm chizmoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

08 Jan, 13:20

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Adjectives and adverbs, phrases - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

08 Jan, 12:28

Adjectives and adverbs, phrases

- sevimli
Funny - kulgili, qiziqarli
Amazing - ajoyib
Lovely - ajoyib
Really - rastan ham, chindan ham, juda
Boring - zerikarli
Difficult - qiyin
Exciting - hayajonli, orzuqarli
Take a picture - suratga olmoq
Be good at something - biror nima qilishda yaxshi bo'lmoq
Have a game of - o'yin o'ynamoq
Have a party - bazm uyushtirmoq
Feel bored - o'zini zerikkan his qilmoq
Go to the cinema - kinoga bormoq
Go to the theatre - teartga bormoq
Have fun - vaqtichog'lik qilmoq, xursandchilik qilmoq
Have time to do something - biror narsa qilishga vaqti bo'lmoq
Throw a party - bazm uyushtirmoq
Listen to music - musiqa tinglamoq
Play a game of - o'yin o'ynamoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

07 Jan, 14:43

31-dekabr kuni tanlovda qatnashib yutkan kitoblarimiz yetib keldi. Sizlar uchun kitoblarni olishim bilanoq video olib YouTubega joyladim. Kirib videoni ko'rishingiz va kitoblar qandayligini video orqali ko'rib bilishingiz mumkin. Video oxiridagi hazilga rozi bo'lasizlar albatta: ๐Ÿ‘‡


Destination A1 and A2

07 Jan, 13:35

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

07 Jan, 12:27

Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs

- baraban, nog'ora, do'mbira
Guitar - gitara
Piano - pianino, fortepiona
Trumpet - truba
Violin - skripka
Picture - rasm, surat
Song - qo'shiq
Theatre - teatr
TV programme - teledastur
Paint - bo'yamoq, chizmoq
Relax - dam olmoq, hordiq chiqarmoq
Draw - chizmoq
Enjoy - rohatlanmoq, mazza qilmoq
Stay in - uyda qolmoq, ichkarida qolmoq
Watch - tomosha qilmoq
Go out - tashqariga chiqmoq
Laugh - kulmoq
Spend - sarflamoq, o'tkazmoq
Sing - kuylamoq
Watch TV - televizor tomosha qilmoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

06 Jan, 13:30

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Word formation, nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

06 Jan, 12:26

Word formation, nouns

Dusty -
chang bosgan
Mess - tartibsizlik
Birthday party - tug'ilgan kun bazmi
Fancy dress party - bashang kiyinilib qatnashiladigan bazm
Pyjama party - tunab qolish mumkin bo'lgan bazm
Surprise party - kutilmagan, surpris bazm
Board game - taxta o'yini, shaxmat, shashka
Computer game - kompyuter o'yini
Video game - video o'yin
Camera - fotokamera
Cartoon - multfilm
Cinema - kinoteatr
Disco - diskoteka
Film - film
Folk music - milliy musiqa
Pop music - pop musiqa
Rap music - rep musiqa
Rock music - rok musiqa
Free time - bo'sh vaqt
Hobby - hobbi, sevimli mashg'ulot

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

06 Jan, 11:03

YouTube kanalimga yangi video darsni yukladim. MAKE va DO fe'llari va ularning farqi haqida.

Video qolgan videolarga qaraganda ancha sifati tayorlandi. Pastdagi havola orqali YouTube kanalimga o'tib tomosha qilib, fikrlaringizni yozib like bosib qo'llash sizlardan: ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡


Destination A1 and A2

05 Jan, 10:08

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Adverbs, phrases, word formation - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

05 Jan, 10:07

Adverbs, phrases, word formation

Upstairs -
Help someone with - biron kimga biron ishda yordam bermoq
Make your bed - to'shagini yig'ishtirmoq, o'rnini yig'ishtirmoq
Make a mess - hamma yoqni tartibsiz qilib yubormoq, yoyib tashlamoq
Make a snack - darov tez pishar taom tayorlamoq
Tell someone to do something - biron kimga biron narsa qilishni aytmoq
Day - kun
Lazy - dangasa, ishyoqmas
Daily - har kunlik
Agree - fikriga qoโ€˜shilmoq
Disagree - fikriga qoโ€˜shilmaslik
Dirt - kir
Messy - betartib, tartibsiz
Quick - tez
Quickly - tezlik bilan
Dirty - kir
Dust - chang
Comfortable - qulay
Uncomfortable - noqulay
Laziness - dangasalik

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

04 Jan, 06:42

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Phrases, adjectives and adverbs - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

04 Jan, 06:41

Phrases, adjectives and adverbs

Do the cooking
- pishirmoq
Do the ironing - dazmollamoq
Do the washing - yuvmoq
Do the washing-up - idish tovoqlarni yuvmoq
Get ready for university - institutga tayyorlanmoq
Get ready - tayyorlanmoq
Clean - toza
Comfortable - qulay
Lazy - dangasa, ishyoqmas
Messy - betartib, tartibsiz
Daily - har kuni
Downstairs - pastga
Daily - har kunlik
Hard-working - mehnatkash
Go home - uyga bormoq
Go to bed - uyquga yotmoq
Get dressed - kiyinmoq
Get ready for school - maktabga tayyorlanmoq
Do the shopping - harid qilmoq, bozor qilmoq
Do the vacuuming - uyni plisoslamoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

03 Jan, 10:38

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs - level A1 and A2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

03 Jan, 10:38

Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs

Bedroom -
Kitchen - oshxona
Comfortable - qulay
Living room - mehmonxona
Key - kalit
Bathroom - vannaxona, hammom
Wall - devor
Housework - uy ishlari: uy tozala supur-sudur, chang artish 
Brush your teeth - tishlarni tozalamoq, tishlarni yuvmoq
Brush - tozalamoq, yuvmoq
Feed your pet - uy jonvorini ovqatlantirmoq
Feed - ovqatlantirmoq
Share - ulashmoq, bo'lishmoq
Tidy - yig'ishtirmoq, tozalamoq
Wash - yuvmoq
Water - sug'ormoq
Get up - o'rnidan turmoq
Put away - joyiga qo'ymoq
Clean - tozalamoq
Dust - changini artmoq

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

02 Jan, 18:15

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Vocabulary: Nouns - level A1 and A2 @destination_tests . Blog:
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

02 Jan, 17:44

Nouns - otlar

- parda
Flat - kvartira
Armchair - kreslo
Address - manzil, joylashuv
Carpet - gilam
Ceiling - patalok, shift
Chair - stul
Sofa - divan
Table - stol
Wardrobe - garderob
Bed - yotoq, kravat
Bookcase - kitob javoni
Cupboard - javon, shkaf
Garden - bog'
Ground - birinchi
Ground floor - birinchi qavat (BrE)
First - birinchi
First floor - birinchi qavat
Second - ikkinchi
Second floor - ikkinchi qavat

Quiz: @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

31 Dec, 07:17


Yutdik... Sizlardan zo'ri yo'q, do'stlarim. Barchangizga katta rahmat. Yangi yilga borib bemalol bozorlik qilib kelaman edi. Yordamlashgan barchaga ming bor rahmat yana bir bor!

Destination A1 and A2

31 Dec, 07:07

Kutayabmiz natijaani... Kiringlar o'sha linkdan... Kanallarida e'lon qilinadi

Destination A1 and A2

20 Oct, 17:16

When I .................... at the bus stop, the bus had already left.

Destination A1 and A2

25 May, 12:08

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Adjectives and adverbs, word formation โ€” level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

25 May, 10:09

Adjectives and adverbs, word formation

โ€” yordam bermoq
Only โ€” yagona, yolg'iz
Overweight โ€” ortiqcha vaznli, semiz
Pale โ€” ocharib ketkan, rangida rang yo'q
Occasionally โ€” gohi-gohida
Rarely โ€” kamdan-kam
Regularly โ€” doimiy ravishda
Agree โ€” fikriga qo'shilmoq, rozi bo'lmoq
Disagree โ€” fikriga qo'shilmaslik, kelish olmaslik
Agreement โ€” kelishuv, bitim
Describe โ€” tasvirlamoq
Description โ€” ta'rif, tasvir
Discuss โ€” muhokama qilmoq
Discussion โ€” muhokama
Happy โ€” xursand
Unhappy โ€” xafa
Happiness โ€” quvonch, baxt
Happily โ€” xursandchilik bilan
Help โ€” yordam
Helpful โ€” foydasi tegadigan

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

24 May, 07:43

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Phrases, adjectives and adverbs, word formation โ€” level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

24 May, 07:36

Phrases, adjectives and adverbs, word formation

Talk to โ€”
bilan gaplashmoq
Talk to someone โ€” biror kim bilan gaplashmoq
Think about โ€” haqida o'ylamoq
Think about someone โ€” biror kim haqida o'ylamoq
Think about something โ€” biror narsa haqida o'ylamoq
In love with someone โ€” biror kim bilan ishqiy munosabatda
Look like โ€” ko'rinishi jihatdan o'xshamoq
Look like someone โ€” ko'rinishi jihatdan biror kimga o'xshamoq
Look like something โ€” ko'rinishi jihatdan biror narsaga o'xshamoq
Alike โ€” o'xshash, bir xil
Clever โ€” aqlli, zukko, dono
Good-looking โ€” chiroyli, kelishgan
Lazy โ€” dangasa, yalqov 
Similar โ€” o'xshash
Skinny โ€” ozg'in, oriq
Slim โ€” ozg'in, xushbichim 
Special โ€” maxsus, alohida
Tanned โ€” quyoshda toblangan, qoraygan
Thin โ€” ozg'in
Married โ€” oila qurgan, turmush qurgan, uylangan yoki turmushga chiqqan

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

23 May, 11:14

Present continuous zamoni haqida to'liq video dars. 0 dan B1+ darajagacha barcha bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan ma'lumotlari: ๐Ÿ‘‡

YouTube: havola

Destination A1 and A2

08 May, 07:44

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Phrasal verbs, phrases, adjectives and adverbs โ€” level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

08 May, 07:06

Phrasal verbs, phrases, adjectives and adverbs

Grow up
โ€” o'smoq, voyaga yetmoq
Look after โ€” vaqtinchalik qarab turmoq, g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
Share โ€” ulashmoq, baham ko'rmoq, bo'lishmoq
Wave โ€” qo'l silkitmoq
Wonder โ€” qiziqmoq, hayron qolmoq, bilishni xohlamoq
Agree with โ€” qo'shilmoq
Agree with someone โ€” biror kimning fikriga qo'shilmoq
Agree with something โ€” biror narsaga qo'shilmoq
At present โ€” hozirgi paytda
Belong to โ€” ga tegishli bo'lmoq
Belong to someone โ€” biror kim ga tegishli bo'lmoq
Group of friends โ€” do'stlar
Have a chat โ€” suhbatlashmoq
Have a discussion โ€” muhokama qilmoq
Have a great โ€” vaqtni ajoyib o'tkazmoq
Have a good time โ€” mazza qilmoq
In love with โ€” bilan ishqiy munosabatda
Talk about โ€” haqida gapirmoq
Talk about someone โ€” biror kim haqida gapirmoq
Talk about something โ€” biror narsa haqida gapirmoq

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

08 May, 06:38

Plurals โ€” Ingliz tilida ko'plik, noto'g'ri otlar (=YouTube kanalimda yangi dars)


Destination A1 and A2

05 May, 07:27

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Nouns, verbs, phrasal verbs, phrases โ€” level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

05 May, 07:03

Nouns, verbs, phrasal verbs, phrases

Admire โ€”
qoyil qolmoq, tan bermoq
Annoy โ€” asabiga tegmoq, jahlini chiqarmoq
Argue โ€” tortishmoq, bahslashmoq
Believe โ€” ishonmoq
Chat โ€” suhbatlashmoq
Neighbour โ€” qo'shni, soset
Parent โ€” ota yoki ona. ota โ€” ona
Pen friend โ€” maktub orqali yozishadigan do'stingiz 
People โ€” odamlar
Secret โ€” sir
Fight โ€” urushmoq
Miss โ€” sog'inmoq
Prefer โ€” afzal ko'rmoq
Realise โ€” tushunib yetmoq, anglab yetmoq 
Bring up โ€” tarbiyalamoq, voyaga yetkazmoq
Get on well โ€” yaxshi munsobatda bo'lmoq
Get on badly โ€” yomon munsobatda bo'lmoq
Get on well with someone โ€” biron kim bilan yaxshi munsobatda bo'lmoq
Get on badly with someone โ€” biron kim bilan yomon munsobatda bo'lmoq
Go on โ€” sodir bo'lmoq

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

03 May, 07:13

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Nouns, verbs โ€” level A1 and A2 @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

03 May, 07:06

Nouns, verbs

Aunt โ€”
amma, xola
Best friend โ€” eng yaxshi do'st, eng yaqin do'st 
Dark hair โ€” to'q rangli soch
Daughter โ€” qiz farzand, qizim
Grandchild โ€” nabira
Cousin โ€” tog'avachcha, amakivachcha, ammavachcha, xolavachcha
Curly hair โ€” qo'ng'iroq soch, jingalak soch
Dyed hair โ€” rang berilgan soch, bo'yalgan soch, grimlangan soch
Straight hair โ€” tekkis silliq soch
Light hair โ€” och rangli soch
Granddaughter โ€” qizbola nabira
Grandfather โ€” bobo
Grandmother - buvi
Grandparent โ€” bobo yoki buvi
Grandson โ€” o'g'ilbola nabira
Husband โ€” er, turmush o'rtoq 
Son โ€” o'g'il farzand
Surname โ€” familiya
Uncle โ€” tog'a, amaki
Wife โ€” xotin, rafiqa

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

03 May, 04:43

Bugundan ish faoliyatini tiklaymiz

Destination A1 and A2

28 Feb, 09:22

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Word formation โ€” level A1 and A2 @IK_blog | @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

28 Feb, 09:17

Word formation

Chat โ€”
Blog โ€” blog
Downloadable โ€” internetdan yuklab olsa bo'ladigan
Follow โ€” kuzatmoq
Follower โ€” kuzatuvchi
Listen โ€” tinglamoq
Listener โ€” tinglovchi
Speak โ€” gapirmoq
Speech โ€” nutq, ma'ruza
Speaker โ€” spiker, gapiruvchi odam
Subscribe โ€” a'zo bo'lmoq, obuna bo'lmoq
Subscription โ€” obuna
Subscriber โ€” obunachi
Positive โ€” ijobiy
Pretend โ€” mug'ombirlik qilmoq
Negative โ€” salbiy
Purpose โ€” maqsad
Refuse โ€” rad etmoq
Result โ€” natija
Discussy โ€” muhokama

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

27 Feb, 10:56

Kanalga hikoyalar bo'limini ochmoqchiman. Kuniga qisqa videolarni kanal storiesga yuklamoqchiman. Telegram premiumga egalar ovoz berib yuboringlar: ๐Ÿ‘‡

Destination A1 and A2

27 Feb, 07:17

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Phrases โ€” level A1 and A2 @IK_blog | @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

27 Feb, 07:17


Comment on a post
โ€”  postga nisbatan fikr bildirmoq
Comment on a video โ€” videoga nisbatan fikr bildirmoq
Follow someone on Instagram โ€” Instagramda ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda  biror kimni kuzatmoq
Follow someone on VK โ€” VKontaktda ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda biror kimni kuzatmoq
Go online โ€” internetga kirmoq, onlayn bo'lmoq
Have a conversation with someone โ€” biror kim bilan suhbatlashmoq
Have a chat with someone โ€” biror kim bilan gaplashmoq
Surf the internet โ€” internetdan qidirmoq, internetda o'tirmoq
Take a selfie โ€” selfi olmoq
Post a selfie โ€” internetga joylamoq
Attach โ€” biriktirmoq, qo'shib jo'natmoq
Attachment โ€” biriktirib jo'natilgan narsa
Blog โ€” blog yuritmoq
Blogger โ€” blogger
Blogging โ€” blog yuritish, bloggerlik qilish 
Chat โ€” suhbatlashmoq, gaplashmoq
Chatty โ€” ko'pgap, vaysaqi
Communicate โ€” aloqa qilmoq
Communication โ€” aloqa
Download โ€” internetdan yuklab olmoq

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

26 Feb, 07:50

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs, phrases โ€” level A1 and A2 @IK_blog | @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

26 Feb, 07:50

Verbs and phrasal verbs, adjectives and adverbs, phrases

โ€” internetdan yuklab olmoq
Upload โ€” internetga yuklamoq, joylamoq
Install โ€” ilovani kompyuter yoki telefonga, o'rnatmoq
Log in to โ€” tizim yoki vebsaytga kirmoq
Log on to โ€” tizimga kirmoq, kompyuterda ishlaganda
Log out โ€” tizim yoki vebsaytdan chiqmoq
Post โ€” internetga joylamoq, qo'ymoq
Send โ€” jo'natmoq, yubormoq
Subscribe to โ€” ga a'zo bo'lmoq, obuna bo'lmoq
Text โ€” xabar yozmoq
Chatty โ€” ko'pgap, vaysaqi
Digital โ€” raqamli
Downloadable โ€” internetdan yuklab olsa bo'ladigan
Online โ€” tarmoqda, onlayn, internetda
Shy โ€” uyatchan, tortinchoq
Smart โ€” aqlli, kompyuterlashtirilgan
Immediately โ€” darrov, bir zumda, birdaniga, bir pastda
Answer the phone โ€” qo'ng'iroqqa javob bermoq
Answer the your phone โ€” qo'ng'iroqingizga javob bermoq
Click on a link โ€” URL linkning ustiga bosmoq

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests

Destination A1 and A2

25 Feb, 08:52

๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Destination vocabulary test @destinations_A1_A2'
Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs โ€” level A1 and A2 @IK_blog | @destination_tests
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec

Destination A1 and A2

25 Feb, 08:52

Nouns, verbs and phrasal verbs

Tour โ€”
sayohat, biror joyni aylanib chiqish
App โ€” mobil ilova, dastur
Social media โ€” ijtimoiy tarmoq
Keyboard โ€” klaviatura
Mouse โ€” kompyuter sichqonchasi
Printer โ€” printer
Screen โ€” ekran
Software โ€” dasturiy ta'minot, kompyuter programmalari
Touchpad โ€” tochped, sichqoncha kursorini boshqaruvchi kompyuterga birlashtirilgan sezuvchan panel
Email address โ€” elektron pochta manzili
Laptop โ€” noutbuk
Smartphone โ€” smartfon, aqilli telefon
Tablet โ€” planshet
Social network โ€” ijtimoiy tarmoq
Text message โ€” yozuvli xabar, SMS
The internet โ€” internet
Website โ€” vebsayt
Browse โ€” internetda o'tirmoq, bir saytdan ikkinchiga o'tib yurmoq
Call โ€” qo'ng'iroq qilmoq
Click โ€” bosmoq

โ•ญโ˜ž  @destination_tests