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Are you concerned about global threats and want to stay informed about the latest developments in security and intelligence? Look no further than the Defcon Level Threat Monitor! Operated by renowned journalist and intelligence analyst Donald Standeford, this private and independent global threat monitor brings you real-time updates on potential threats around the world.
With a main website at, the Defcon Level Threat Monitor provides a comprehensive platform to access all the information you need to stay informed and prepared. From alerts to news and intelligence reports, you can find it all on their website.
For those who want to dive deeper into the world of security and intelligence, the Defcon Level Threat Monitor also offers an alerts platform at and news/intel section at https://www.ssj.
ews/about. Stay one step ahead of potential threats with the Defcon Level Threat Monitor and join their Telegram channel @defcon_alerts today!
18 Oct, 16:23
18 Oct, 15:25
18 Oct, 03:42
18 Oct, 01:42
17 Oct, 02:32
15 Oct, 11:40
15 Oct, 09:37
15 Oct, 05:45
15 Oct, 05:16
14 Oct, 22:45
14 Oct, 03:03
14 Oct, 01:26
14 Oct, 00:07
13 Oct, 00:14
12 Oct, 20:15
12 Oct, 01:11
11 Oct, 22:53
11 Oct, 21:22
11 Oct, 18:39
10 Oct, 04:17