امروز ۱۳ آذر جلسه پرونده خوانی نداریم سپاس از پیگیری شما
«هنر و فن دفاع» is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing the experiences of defense lawyers. The channel is managed by Taqi Borhani, a lawyer and legal consultant. We aim to provide valuable answers to questions and keep our followers informed. Special thanks to Ms. Vakil Jokar for her contributions. For more information, please contact us via Telegram at 09121530347.
03 Dec, 12:40
26 Nov, 10:32
20 Nov, 06:02
07 Nov, 13:38
05 Nov, 05:36
27 Oct, 11:01
27 Oct, 09:33
25 Oct, 04:54
24 Oct, 09:58
22 Oct, 20:08
22 Oct, 06:09
20 Oct, 17:39
20 Oct, 17:33
17 Oct, 10:30