DEAR_KHAKI is a Telegram channel dedicated to discussing law enforcement, crime prevention, and safety tips. If you're interested in staying informed about the latest developments in the world of law enforcement or want to learn how to keep yourself and your community safe, this channel is for you. The channel provides valuable information from experts in the field, as well as updates on important legal issues and crime trends. Whether you're a law enforcement professional, a concerned citizen, or simply someone who wants to be more informed about safety and security, DEAR_KHAKI has something to offer. Join us today and be a part of this important conversation. Stay safe, stay informed with DEAR_KHAKI!
18 Dec, 06:41
18 Nov, 03:19
17 Nov, 09:12
17 Nov, 05:32
17 Nov, 05:25
10 Nov, 02:13
09 Nov, 08:06
05 Nov, 05:13
01 Nov, 02:26
31 Oct, 05:11
31 Oct, 00:54
25 Oct, 04:17
23 Oct, 03:14
22 Oct, 04:52