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最后更新于 09.03.2025 02:48


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14 Feb, 15:56


Divine connections of Love

The meaning of Love, soulmates, karmic bonds & twin flames

The most profound en life changing connections we can experience in life are the ones that by pass space, time and dimension.
You know when you encounter such connection because it disrupts, elevates and impacts you so much, you feel you have no control. And this is exactly why these connections happen. To by pass the ego personality that has the illusion of control. You have build the ego self to adapt and in some cases to be able to adapt in the family and culture you have grown up in.

Developing the ego personality is the natural first phase of your life in this day and age. You need the ego personality to be able to adapt, belong and survive in the culture, systems and family you are born into. This also means you will take on the morphogenetic, energetic, mental, emotional and physical patterns from your family lineage. This is your conditioning, your script. See this as one of the two strands of DNA that you are build from.

The other strand of your DNA is the divine, inate, unique, higher Self. This is the soul imprint you carry that can be activated and actualized. This is the unique imprint you came here to experience, to express and to evolve into as a part of your and our collective conciousness and the evolution of our species on this planet.
The ultimate objective for us all is to find peace and harmony together, as within so without. The kingdom that is described in the Bible.
This dimension of Unconditional Love is created on the inside of each human being. When we overcome and alter the shadow of darkness that our ego casts over the innocence of who we truely are; peace and harmony and pure unconditional love.

This Love is who we are in the core of our being. The rest is the journey of the self. The journey from the lower ego self to the higher divine Self that we can embody, become and actualize if we choose to take this journey. The journey from Ego to Spirit. From vicitim to Hero. Because the best thing you can experience in this life time is to become truely and fully who you are. Boundless of any grip, blocks and sabotage of the ego. The ego that is afraid to be different, alone and out casted. Therefore always seeking for ways to belong, adapt and control the outside world by denying the inner longings, needs and destiny of your soul. Ignoring blindly and deaf the calling of the divine to step up, change course, accept challenges and concur darkness when called to do so.

Most live a one strand DNA life, conditioned and trapped in the ego tik tok life. Not recognizing and accepting the challenges that are brought forward on each one of our life’s path. Forever longing for the love that is projected in Disney;
a Valentine love outside of yourself.
A prince that will come to save you.
A relationship that will complete you.
When in fact it is through understanding the divine role of all of your relationships in your life and the deconditioning and deprogramming you need to do through these important relationships in order to return to your innocence of unconditional love.
This will bring you the union relationship and experience of embodied pure love.
But only when you are ready.
Only when your magnetic field is ready to attract what you (your higher Self) desires and not what you fear ( your ego self) to be true.

This is the work we all get to face in this lifetime. If we would just understand ourselves, our lineage imprint, our divine imprint and the hospital function to heal this love in ourselves through relationships.

In the coming series of articles I will share my knowledge and experience with you about all of the divine connections and relationships you can and will encounter.
I will cover the following:
1 Karmic bonds (toxic relationships)
2 Soul mate bonds (healing relationships)
3 Twin flame bonds (divine relationships)
All relationships are karmic on some level, which means to seek harmony. The ones that are most powerful are the ones that are important and special for your evolution.

14 Feb, 15:56


They will knock you of your feet, rock your world upside down and change you and the story of your life forever. In a good or in a bad way. All of it is important for your evolution. Eventually there is no good or bad there is just experience and growth forward and upward towards the kingdom of peace and harmony. Or stagnation and repetition which is the path of suffering.

I will explain all of this on the level of the 3D experience; the every day normal life. And on the 5D level of experience; the higher and deeper meaning of your life. It is important to understand, integrate and embody each experience you have in life from these both sides. Without integration of the deeper lesson there is no growth, no evolution and no embodiment of your true self possible. You have to completely go through each experience from the earth experience; by feeling pain, processing all emotions (not just the nice ones). And from a higher perspective; by understanding the patterns, the meaning, the message and the challenge for your destination.

What is important to understand is that all of the universal laws apply to the bonds; connections and relationships we encounter. I highly recommend reading my article about this first.
Eventually everything is energy and the law of karma is in place to create harmony and balance; unconditional love throughout all of creation on earth. Heaven on earth is not a place we go to. It is a state we can experience when we accept and work with the universal laws and destiny of our existence and not against it, unconsciously.
A state of Self love, peace and harmony inside of your Self as a result of the work you put in. A state of Unconditional Love in connection with others, also as a result of the work you put in.
You will know when things start to shift for you by the way you feel and by the connections you encounter.

My objective is to give you understanding about Love, relationships and a road map to follow when you feel lost. Especially in the 3D world of relationships many couples end up suffering because projection of pain. We simply do not get taught the knowledge we need to understand love, connection and relationships.
I hope this series of articles will help you find your way in Love.

If you want to deep dive into the information on how to rebuild and deprogram your self you can now join my book club.
I have started my second book months ago and am now ready to start sharing parts with the world.
A process I will carefully narrate in sections instead of a one time launch of my book.
I believe the world of reading and publishing has changed and I would like to offer you more of an experience and journey, opposed to just a book. This way I believe the integration inside of you and the connection between you and me can benefit.

I will publicatie parts of my book each month on Substack. Subscribe here to become a reader and member of my book club.


If you are on my email list you will receive more information about my book and my book club.

Sending you so much Love on this Valentine day.


31 Dec, 18:03


2025 is a 9 year.
It is going to be both a challenge and a gift.
If you don’t lean into your integrity and authenticity you may find it more challenging.
If you try to spiritually bypass things that require your attention and healing, you may find it challenging
2025 is a turning point.
It is the half-way point of this decade.
Astrologically it is a huge energetic shift and one for the books
The last time we experienced a 9 year was in 2016.
Think back to how your life has changed since then.
For me, 2016 was an incredibly challenging but awakening and empowering year for me.
It broke me, my marriage and my family.
But it also built me.
I am the woman I am today because of the challenges and gifts 2016 served me. I rose to the challenges - it wasn’t easy, but it forever changed the course of my life and I’m so grateful for it.
I am excited to see what will emerge in 2025 and who I will become in the course of the coming year.
I wish for you to get to be you as well.
To be brave enough to choose Love over Fear each time. Over and over again.
Sending so much Love
#loveislove #loveyou #lovewins #fearless #2025

24 Dec, 10:16



24 Dec, 10:15


Christmas Magic

The days of Christmas have arrived.
The days that remind us of the Light within.
The magic of Christmas that is ignited by the power that is your heart. 
Our human nature is a force of creation, that we forget to use in day to day life.
Our force is the ability to connect, to ignite, to elevate, to expand, to heal and to duplicate. All from the power of our heart.

You came here to experience and to transcend darkness into light. To receive light, to bring light and to create light.
That is your purpose.
Christmas is here to remind us all of this unique purpose here on earth.
The magnetic force to create heaven on earth is in you and me. 
Heaven is the experience we have when we feel connected, when we feel seen, when we feel we belong and are a part of our tribe, our family, our community and even our whole human consciousness.
Christmas allows us to feel all of this at once. This is what connects us to the experience of light. This is when we us our true force to feel equal, to feel compassion and to feel joy. All of the ingredients that create what we call Love.
The magic of Christmas is the love we experience from within.

Connect to those around you and far away from you in gratitude and in Love.
Know that by doing this you create a magnetic field of high vibrations that will elevate and heal those you connect to.
Hold this space in your heart and keep feeding it with beautiful intentions, wishes and bursts of love. This is how you create Light dear one.
This is the magic of Christmas.
Remember who you are.
And what you came for.
Expand and connect your Love and you will heal and uplift the world or parts of it.

I wish for everyone, every soul, every beautiful living human being to experience this magic, this power, this Christmas.
Creating a high vibrational field of safety, peace, joy and compassion around the world.

Sending Love and Christmas magic all over the world.

29 Nov, 08:48


Follow your own path

The art of learning to listen to that part of you that directs your intuition, your soul in this life. The art of daring to follow your own path and li- ving out your potential in the expression and creation of who you really are. That part that encourages you in experiencing strength, happiness, pleasure, meaning and living out your highest possible potential, your unique gold.

Your higher Self is connected to your soul with infinite Energy of Love, God, which flows through everything and everyone and connects eve- rything on this Earth and in this Universe. It is very easy in this physical world to be distracted by desires, struggles, attachments to the ego and matter, which affect the general health of your physical body. This is a matter of free will that every human being has. It is a conscious choice to be a connection to Spirit in a body and not just a body with a personality.

Our Higher Self always wants the best for us, but sometimes it is drowned out by the voice of the ego, of the personality, your Mind. The ego is very concerned with material things, success and how others think about us. Ego is always looking for recognition, confirmation and satisfaction of that personality. But the Higher Self is not interested in that. Your Higher Self wants you to know and remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. The mistakes you made were just lessons to get you where you’re supposed to be. Those mistakes were essential steps and were necessary.
Your Higher Self wants you to remember that the present moment is the only moment you can change.

The ego often thinks about the past and what happened there. The ego also keeps thinking about what might happen in the future. But in both places you can’t really make a change in reality, in the here and now. You may and can go beyond the blocks and the bars of the matrix of the ego.
Your Higher Self wants you to remember that you have everything within you that you need. And that learning about yourself, in the contrast of life, is so important for your consciousness and the development of your soul.

Growth and development does not come in the first place by improving yourself, but by learning to recognize and accept yourself. Only then can you work on improvements that suit you rather than the expecta- tions of the world around you. Autonomy is the art of Self-actualization and authenticity. When you accept yourself, unhealthy thinking patterns begin to disappear. When you tune in to the direction from within instead of the direction from authorities outside yourself, you will remember what your true purpose is.

This is the transformation of psychological, emotional and physical purification and transmutation
into higher consciousness which shifts the transition of identification.
You no longer identify only with your lower physical ego Self Mind – Body. But you identify primarily and increasingly more with your higher spiritual Self – Sprit.

Again, Self-awareness is key! When you heal the bridge between Mind Body & Spirit and attune to that higher consciousness within yourself and by going within and doing the work, you are on your way to the light. On that path you continue to deal with contrast, duality in the challenges of life. Staying aligned with that higher consciousness and maintaining a powerful magnetic field is the real deal in your life.
The work of life force in the creation of your autonomy, health and light.

Sending Love

11 Nov, 06:46


⚜️Mastery of Energy

Meditation gives you acces to the positive pure love source energy that is available to you at all time.
We just forget sometimes and pinch ourselves of with our own thoughts and believes and the ones from people we run into. As a result we experience negative emotions, in contrast of the positive emotions we all long for.

The fault we make as humans is that we mistake the process of “doing” as that which will bring us these positive emotions.
But you were not created as a Human-Doing, but as a Human-Being.
In the proces of just being, during meditation, you will be able to quiet your Mind and receive the energy that will spark your system into the doing you most enjoy.

Meditation connects you to you higher self, your inner knowing that will guide you through the process of being in the receiving mode towards positive emotions and the energy that opens worlds of options and insights of the things you want to do, because they make you feel good, resulting in your most positive emotions.

When you acomplish creating positive emotions in meditation, what you are actually doing is signaling your genes ahead of the environment.
The body doesn’t know the difference between an emotion created by an experience you’re having in the outside environment and experience you are creating internally by enjoying this new, self created elevated emotion.

So when you embrace elevated emotions and think thoughts that are greater than the self-limiting ones that keep you stuck in the past, your body begins to prepare chemically for the future (because it believes the future is happening now).

These elevated emotions have a higher (and faster) frequency than base emotions, like guilt, fear, jealousy, and anger. And since all frequency carries information, when we change the frequency, we change our energy.
That new energy that comes available to you can then carry new information-a new consciousness or set of intentions or thoughts.

The more elevated the emotion, the faster the frequency and the more you feel like this high flying good feeling energy instead of matter.
In the end it is not the thing you want, it is the feeling.
And the more energy becomes available to create a more coherent good feeling energy field during meditation, the more you will shift further away from negativity in thought and emotion in your Mind and tension and disease in the Body.

Meditation will shift you more and more towards healthy being, by signaling the genes; all is well.
Relax and just be.

Sending Love

09 Nov, 06:57



24 Oct, 06:02


That moment takes you from a lower consciousness, through the dark, to the possibility of a higher consciousness of light, love and freedom.

Then you realize that all the strength, light, nourishment, inspiration for creation in your life, all the answers lie within you.
If you connect and trust yourself, your intuition.
And especially trust the Universal law and life force that is connected to everything and everyone, through the energy that flows through you.

Because further up along the mountain, you rise above the clouds. There, the air becomes thinner and lighter, the view extends far around you and you feel peace and victory.
When you look back towards the valley. You understand, now that you look back, where you were and what your view made you believe was real. When you could not yet know, that it would be so beautiful and nice above the datk 4D clouds.

That you can feel so connected and one, while standing alone on that mountain top.
When you thought there was no way up the path and you couldn't possibly do it alone.
You now realize that storm was necessary to learn to trust yourself and the divine nature of Life.

In a 5D dimension consciousness you reach the top of the mountain.
You can recognize these light high vibe energies in the translation of a different desire for your way of life.
Very different from the 3D dense fearbased energies down in the valley.

5D living here and now means:

• Confidence that everything is as it should be always.
• Knowing that everything has a higher purpose.
• See that the Universe gives you direction and guidance if you pay attention to it.
• Trusting that everything comes to the Light.
• No longer feeling fear, guilt or shame towards yourself or others.
• Knowing that everyone is growing and walking at their own pace on their own path.
• Detachment of material and the need for consumption (eating, buying, etc.)
• Deep sense of intuition driven heart centre instead of mind and ego drive that is afraid of shortage.
• Recognize yourself in everything and everyone.
• Desire for silence instead of need of distraction such as TV, radio etc.
• To see disease in a wider context.
• Search for life purpose to contribute to a world in which everyone is free.
• Be grateful and careful with the earth and all of its inhabitants.
• Do no longer need or take more than you really need.
• Peace with everything and everyone.

It's beautiful up here.

It's time to move up.
It is time for ascension.

Sending love into the world 💗💗💗

24 Oct, 06:02


It's time to go up.
Time for ascension.

Ascension is a word translated in some languages ​​as: elevator, rising, take off or climbing.
Rise to an ever greater view, to a higher point, a higher consciousness, with a deeper level of insight into the existence of this world.

The contrast of ascending, the opposite, is descending; to descend into lower realms.
As a mountaineer, you have both options on the path in life.

Your birth is the start of your big climb.
The moment when you, as a soul, descended into your body, into this life, into this family.
There you start on the way up.
Navigating your way up, through lessons in love and fear. Through relationships with the people around you, through all kinds of situations and especially through all different energies of emotions.
Up along the path of your life, up on the mountain of this planet.

Ascension is an individual, but also a collective process, at the level of humanity and at the level of this planet Earth.
In evolution nothing stands still and everything always changes.

The 3D dimension of life is a consciousness, a view, at the bottom of the mountain.
In the valley.
An conciousness that emanates from the illusion that safety of life can be forced and controlled, if you meet the expectations of the system around you.
As a child you learn to adapt to the rules through the education of your parents, the rules of school and to the rules of society, lived by the government in your country.
If you stick to that well behaviour, if you adapt, you will be fine, they say.

Behind that 3D conciousness we aim and hope to protect ourselves from the conviction that there is otherwise a shortage and that we will not survive alone.
We adapt ourselves out of fear of loneliness and uncertainty. Afraid there is not enough.
We accept that hapiness is unfairly distributed in a dense world.
That there is rich and poor.
That sometimes the sun breaks through, but that clouds can also hang over your head.
But if you that if you, work hard and follow the rules you will stay dry ... maybe.
A semi ok excistence.

A little higher up the path along the mountain, we all face another dimension of consciousness, 4D.
If the security you thought you could control turns out to be an illusion.
When safety is lost in your life.
When your trust is damaged in people, situations and agencies.
When life threatens you and insecurity and fear overtake you.
Due to illness, dismissal, divorce, etc.
The great life events that make you long for what was, back then when you didn't know what you know, see and feel now.
Dispair and darkness.
You are in the middle of the clouds that hang halfway up the mountain.
Right in the storm. Without a view in the fog.
Where we are now.

The way back seems the fastest and safest option. Back to a semi ok, well-organized but very controlled and hectic existence.
Or do you, do we continue up?
It could be different.
This is the mountaineer's free will.

Walking through the storm and the dark clouds brings every person into a higher consciousness.
The moment you have nothing to lose, when the way back is not an option, the only thing left is to let go of the semblance of control in life and surrender to higher forces.
Through hard times, heavy emotions and a feeling of despair and loneliness.

Only then will you learn about real life as a person.
Then you experience that the gravity of the earth carries you.
That you don't fall.
That the ground does not drop below you.
That you don't perish.
That if you let go and ask aloud: What now? What should I do now?
That there will be answers. That there is guidance up the mountain.
That you get direction. That you are connected to higher, not visible, but tangible forms of life intelligence.
That the Universe sends you what it takes.
If you dare to let go and only dare to be in the middle of the storm.

That moment teaches you confidence.
That there is no control possible.
That there are no rules, no system that can control life. That nobody outside of you has power.