The meaning of Love, soulmates, karmic bonds & twin flames
The most profound en life changing connections we can experience in life are the ones that by pass space, time and dimension.
You know when you encounter such connection because it disrupts, elevates and impacts you so much, you feel you have no control. And this is exactly why these connections happen. To by pass the ego personality that has the illusion of control. You have build the ego self to adapt and in some cases to be able to adapt in the family and culture you have grown up in.
Developing the ego personality is the natural first phase of your life in this day and age. You need the ego personality to be able to adapt, belong and survive in the culture, systems and family you are born into. This also means you will take on the morphogenetic, energetic, mental, emotional and physical patterns from your family lineage. This is your conditioning, your script. See this as one of the two strands of DNA that you are build from.
The other strand of your DNA is the divine, inate, unique, higher Self. This is the soul imprint you carry that can be activated and actualized. This is the unique imprint you came here to experience, to express and to evolve into as a part of your and our collective conciousness and the evolution of our species on this planet.
The ultimate objective for us all is to find peace and harmony together, as within so without. The kingdom that is described in the Bible.
This dimension of Unconditional Love is created on the inside of each human being. When we overcome and alter the shadow of darkness that our ego casts over the innocence of who we truely are; peace and harmony and pure unconditional love.
This Love is who we are in the core of our being. The rest is the journey of the self. The journey from the lower ego self to the higher divine Self that we can embody, become and actualize if we choose to take this journey. The journey from Ego to Spirit. From vicitim to Hero. Because the best thing you can experience in this life time is to become truely and fully who you are. Boundless of any grip, blocks and sabotage of the ego. The ego that is afraid to be different, alone and out casted. Therefore always seeking for ways to belong, adapt and control the outside world by denying the inner longings, needs and destiny of your soul. Ignoring blindly and deaf the calling of the divine to step up, change course, accept challenges and concur darkness when called to do so.
Most live a one strand DNA life, conditioned and trapped in the ego tik tok life. Not recognizing and accepting the challenges that are brought forward on each one of our life’s path. Forever longing for the love that is projected in Disney;
a Valentine love outside of yourself.
A prince that will come to save you.
A relationship that will complete you.
When in fact it is through understanding the divine role of all of your relationships in your life and the deconditioning and deprogramming you need to do through these important relationships in order to return to your innocence of unconditional love.
This will bring you the union relationship and experience of embodied pure love.
But only when you are ready.
Only when your magnetic field is ready to attract what you (your higher Self) desires and not what you fear ( your ego self) to be true.
This is the work we all get to face in this lifetime. If we would just understand ourselves, our lineage imprint, our divine imprint and the hospital function to heal this love in ourselves through relationships.
In the coming series of articles I will share my knowledge and experience with you about all of the divine connections and relationships you can and will encounter.
I will cover the following:
1 Karmic bonds (toxic relationships)
2 Soul mate bonds (healing relationships)
3 Twin flame bonds (divine relationships)
All relationships are karmic on some level, which means to seek harmony. The ones that are most powerful are the ones that are important and special for your evolution.