Are you looking to invest in the future of DafriBank, DafriXchange, and AfriGoMall? Look no further than the DBA Official Telegram channel! When you buy DBA, you are not just making a purchase, you are investing in the growth and success of these exciting projects. With a total supply of 85 million tokens, a circulation of 10 million tokens, 10 million tokens allocated for marketing, and 50 million tokens locked for 4 years, DBA offers a secure and promising investment opportunity. Stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and announcements by joining the DBA Official Telegram channel today. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the future of finance and e-commerce in Africa. Buy DBA now and be a part of the revolution!
01 Jul, 13:05
01 Jun, 19:56
01 Jun, 19:16
01 Jun, 16:03
28 May, 07:09
26 May, 04:22
24 May, 13:39
23 May, 07:31
23 May, 07:03
21 May, 18:13
21 May, 16:02