مــامــۆستــا ڕەســوڵ (Kurdish)
Welcome to مــامــۆستــا ڕەســوڵ, a Telegram channel focused on spiritual growth and connecting with your faith. The channel username, @dangi_minbar, provides daily reminders and reflections to help you stay grounded in your worship and uplift your soul. Embrace the beautiful teachings of Islam and find peace in the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Join us in this journey of self-discovery and devotion. Let's come together to build a community of support and prayer. Remember, 'Spend in charity because it will outlive you.' (Hadith) May your days be filled with blessings and your hearts with tranquility. Don't forget to seek Allah's guidance and blessings in all that you do. Stay connected with مــامــۆستــا ڕەســوڵ for daily inspiration and spiritual nourishment. Let's grow together in faith and knowledge. Peace be upon you.