Últimas publicaciones de Linda Forsythe (C-VINE) (@cvinenews) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)
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El contenido más reciente compartido por Linda Forsythe (C-VINE) en Telegram

Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

02 Feb, 10:30


Dissension in the Ranks? The strategical genius of Trump is far reaching. 🤣

What is, "Dissension in the Ranks" Meaning?

"Dissension in the ranks" refers to disagreement or discord among members of a group, often leading to dissatisfaction with those in authority.

In all actuality, the people of Canada could say loudly, "Enough is Enough"! And then take action to find a leader like Trump to bring in prosperity again.

Not only Canada, but other lands whose leaders ran their country into the ground, on the backs of it's citizens.

3D Chess in action. Fascinating!

Link to speech... https://twitter.com/Linda4CVINE/status/1885997876284707081?t=rSmUhKAPsU7s3KSOYoc9kQ&s=19
Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

02 Feb, 09:38


LMAO! 😂🤣😅🤠
Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

02 Feb, 01:20


Do you understand how big this is?
Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

02 Feb, 00:20


As some of you may know, I remain close to people in the Military Intelligence world.

I am hearing that the ISIS chief in Somalia that was blown up today is suspected of having dandruff.

Apparently, after the attack, locals found his Head and Shoulders nearby.
Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

02 Feb, 00:17


Are you ready???

Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

01 Feb, 22:24




This doctor saved many lives because of her courage and morals.
Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

01 Feb, 21:56


Over Regulation is about to come to an end! 🥳

"Did you violate the law this year? Probably.

Justice Gorsuch's new book on over-criminalization cites some chilling stats:
■60,000 pages of federal statutory law.
■180,000 pages of federal regulations.

And yes, ADD in your state's laws and regulations. If you live in @GovKathyHochul's #NewYork, or @GavinNewsom's #CA, you can probably double the federal numbers to include state laws and regs."

Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

01 Feb, 21:51


Getting more interesting everyday! Will banks suddenly start behaving themselves? 🤔

Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

01 Feb, 21:34


Thank you Carol... https://twitter.com/carolrosenberg/status/1885337644734833090?t=UWpTESC8fTTeaFs-hmDWNw&s=19
Linda Forsythe (C-VINE)

01 Feb, 21:21


FYI, to answer multiple questions about Tarriffs... Only countries who have been hostile in some manner to the U.S. plus trying to FAFO against Trump, are receiving Tarriffs. Those who are working with the U.S. to MAGA, are free to trade. India is not receiving Tarriffs.