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Monthly Magzines & Current Affairs, Ebooks


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Monthly Magzines & Current Affairs, Ebooks (English)

Are you a fan of staying up-to-date with the latest news, trends, and current events? Look no further than the Telegram channel "Monthly Magazines & Current Affairs, Ebooks"! This channel is the perfect destination for those who are eager to expand their knowledge through magazines, ebooks, and current affairs materials

Join the channel @currentaffairsjoin to gain access to a wealth of resources, including PDFs of popular publications such as The Hindu and The Indian Express. Stay informed with the latest news and analysis by downloading monthly magazines and current affairs PDFs conveniently from this channel

Whether you are preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, UPSSSC, or UPSI, or simply want to broaden your knowledge base, this channel has something for everyone. Explore a variety of study materials, including Yojna, Kurukshetra, and Vision IAS books in PDF format

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your reading experience and stay informed on the go. Join us today and take your learning journey to the next level!





