The difference between an object and a subject of knowledge
The object exists independently of knowledge; it existed before its appearance. The subject of knowledge, on the contrary, is formed by knowledge itself. When we start to study or simply “involve” any object in our activities, we consider the object from one or several sides. These different points of ‘views’ or ‘projections’ become a replacement or a “surrogate” of the entire multilateral entity; they are recorded in the symbolic form of knowledge. Since this is knowledge about what objectively exists, it is always objectified by us and, as such, forms a “subject.”
One must always remember that the subject of knowledge is not identical to the object: it is a product of human cognitive activity and, as a special creation of mankind, is subjected to special laws that do not coincide with the laws of the object itself.
Several different subjects can correspond to the same object. This is explained by the fact that the nature of a subject of knowledge depends not only on what object it reflects, but also on why this object was formed, to solve what problems.
Lets consider a simple example to clarify these general abstract definitions. Let’s assume that we have two groups of sheep in two settlements. These are undoubtedly objects. People deal with them, use them in different ways, and at some point they are faced with the task of counting them. First, one group is calculated, let’s say - 1, 2, 3, 4, then the second - 1, 2, 3, 4, and finally both numbers are added: 4 + 4 = 8.
And already in this simple fact there are a number of very complex and at the same time very interesting points. Objects, rams, have a various representations and when we start counting them, we highlight one side of each group - the number of rams. We express this quantity in symbols, in the number 4 once, then in the number 4 a second time, and then we perform some strange action - we add the numbers. If we did not have two groups, but, say, five, and each of them had 4 rams, then we would not add, but simply multiply the numbers: 4 x 5 = 20, i.e. would have produced another, even stranger action.
Why do I always call the actions strange? Let’s ask ourselves, can the action of addition be applied to rams as such? Or, say, the action of multiplication? Or - let’s continue this line of reasoning - the actions of division, root extraction, exponentiation? Definitely not.
But there is another, no less important point here. We can ask ourselves: do these operations—addition, multiplication, exponentiation—apply to “squiggles” expressing signs, or to numbers? When we add, we do not add numbers, but signs. And there is a big difference between a number and a sign, because a sign is just an icon, a trace of ink, paint, chalk, but a number is a representation of objects, it is an icon in which a certain aspect of objects is expressed. And we do not add numbers because they are symbols, just as we do not multiply them because they are signs; we add and multiply because these icons because they express a strictly defined feature of objects, namely quantity.
In them, the object receives independent existence, separate from objects, and in accordance with this, when we talk about numbers as a special formation, different from rams as such and from the number of rams, we don’t mean an object and the characteristics of this object, but a special, a separate “subject” created by mankind.