CSW - Slack Channel @csw_slack Channel on Telegram

CSW - Slack Channel


Telegram Channel - CSW Slack


Telegram Group- Slack Chat


Craig Steven Wright

CSW - Slack Channel (English)

Are you interested in diving deep into discussions about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and the future of digital currency? Look no further than the CSW - Slack Channel on Telegram! With the username @csw_slack, this channel is the go-to place for enthusiasts, developers, and professionals in the field to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest trends.

The CSW - Slack Channel is not just a typical Telegram group. It is a thriving community where members engage in meaningful conversations, debates, and collaborations. Whether you are a seasoned expert or just starting out in the world of blockchain, you will find valuable insights and resources to enhance your understanding and skills.

Led by the renowned figure Craig Steven Wright, the CSW - Slack Channel is the perfect platform to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about the transformative power of blockchain technology. Join the discussions, participate in events, and network with professionals from around the globe.

If you are ready to take your knowledge of blockchain to the next level, don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the CSW - Slack Channel community. Join us today at https://t.me/CSW_Slack and start engaging with the future of digital currency!

CSW - Slack Channel

13 Feb, 07:34


CSW - Slack Channel

12 Feb, 13:46


CSW - Slack Channel

12 Feb, 13:45

The world moves like a slow, grinding wheel, indifferent to wreckage, to blood on the pavement, to the things that break and bend and do not quite fit back the same. There’s no poetry in it, no grand metaphor—just a car, a man, and the unfortunate physics of collision. One moment, motion, then a deafening halt, then the body remembering it is fragile. A shoulder out of place, a knee twisted wrong. A delay, a detour, a forced reckoning with the weight of time.

I haven’t been online. Not because I’ve forgotten, not because there’s nothing to say, but because priorities shift when the body demands its due. There are bones to mend, tasks left undone, a viva approaching like a slow-moving beast that doesn’t care for excuses. Another doctorate to submit, deadlines whispering threats. The world doesn’t wait. The work piles up, indifferent.

I owe people words, responses, thoughts—but right now, catching up is the only rhythm I can keep. Social media is a distant hum beneath the more pressing matters of function and obligation. I’ll be back soon. The words will come. But for now, I dig myself out of this delay, limb by limb, day by day.

The body has its own clock, indifferent to impatience. It heals in increments, in the quiet labor of tissue knitting itself back together, in the stiffness that gives way to movement, in the ache that no longer dictates the day. The knee steadies, the shoulder holds, and what was once a slow, careful crawl forward is now something closer to a stride. The worst of it is over. What remains is endurance.

But time lost is never just lost—it accumulates elsewhere, in the work left waiting, in the obligations that didn’t vanish just because I couldn’t meet them. There is no clean return, no simple catching up, only the slow and steady reclaiming of ground. The weight of it is there, but so is the motion. One thing at a time, until everything that was set aside is pulled back into place.

It won’t be long now. The work gets done, the days unfold, and soon enough, I’ll be back.

Feb 12, 2025


CSW - Slack Channel

30 Nov, 12:08

Nov 30, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

28 Oct, 21:32

The current schedule partner list...

CSW - Slack Channel

28 Oct, 21:24

I am writing to formally submit the enclosed Notice of Intention to Oppose regarding the Defendant's application for a stay in the above-captioned matter.
This letter and its accompanying documents present clear grounds for opposing the Defendant’s application, highlighting procedural improprieties and substantiating the abuse of process inherent in their filing. Each exhibit is listed and detailed below:
Notice of Intention to Oppose: This document outlines the grounds of opposition, particularly addressing procedural errors and the abuse of process that underpin the Defendant’s application. The notice makes clear the issues of non-compliance and procedural misrepresentation that the Defendant has employed in this case.
Exhibit D: Evidence of Financial Contributions by SquareUp to BTC Core
This exhibit includes documentation of SquareUp Europe Ltd.’s significant role in financially supporting BTC Core. It highlights SquareUp’s funding of developments that facilitate transaction anonymity, specifically through CoinJoin and Taproot, and the implications of these tools for Bitcoin’s traceability and regulatory compliance.
Exhibit G: Expert Evidence on Bitcoin Traceability and Privacy Tools
This exhibit provides expert analysis of the CoinJoin protocol, demonstrating its functionality in concealing transaction origins and destinations and discussing the challenges it presents to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance standards.
Exhibit I: Summary of Regulatory Frameworks and Relevant UK Legislation
This exhibit summarises applicable UK legislation, including the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, Serious Crime Act 2007, Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, Money Laundering Regulations 2017, and the Criminal Finances Act 2017. It highlights the framework under which the Defendant’s actions may constitute regulatory breaches.
Witness Statement: This document provides my detailed response to the Defendant’s application, addressing the procedural concerns, substantive claims, and the supporting arguments for allowing the case to proceed.
Letter Included in Witness Statement: This letter outlines procedural objections and addresses specific concerns regarding the Defendant’s actions in this matter.
I also confirm that I have filed each of these documents with the Court and will provide stamped versions as soon as they are available.
So, we are all up on this.
7 archivos

- Exhibit G.pdf
- Exhibit I.pdf
- Letter 10.19.2024 - 02.pdf
- Notice of Intention to Oppose.pdf
- witness statement - Notice of Intention to Oppose.pdf
- Exhibit D.pdf
- Exhibit E.pdf

Oct 25, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

28 Oct, 21:21

Oct 25, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

28 Oct, 21:18

Oct 24, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

28 Oct, 21:16

Oct 24, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 22:13

Summary of N244 Application and Witness Statements:

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 22:11

Summary of N244 Application and Witness Statements:

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 22:10

Summary of N244 Application and Witness Statements:

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 22:10

Summary of N244 Application and Witness Statements:

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 22:01

Summary of N244 Application and Witness Statements:

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:58

Please note, I have already filed N244 and what I need from people is evidence and witness statements.

The attached is on here to be witnessed.

Please link this publicly as much as you want, the deed as I promised is to be countersigned by someone, you are all effectively witnesses.

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:56

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:52

Impacto en los pequeños tenedores: los costos de transacción superan el valor
A continuación, se ofrece un ejemplo de algunos tipos de cosas que puede decir.
Tenga en cuenta que, si bien estoy dando ejemplos, esto debe ser con sus propias palabras y debe poder demostrar cada una de las áreas con hechos.

Cuando invertí en Bitcoin, parte del atractivo era su promesa como un sistema para transacciones cotidianas de bajo valor. Como muchos pequeños tenedores, creía que Bitcoin podía usarse como una forma de efectivo digital, lo que me permitía almacenar y realizar transacciones de pequeñas cantidades sin incurrir en costos significativos. En el momento de mi inversión, Bitcoin se promocionaba como una red escalable y de bajo costo, lo que la hacía ideal para pequeñas transacciones, como enviar pequeños pagos o realizar microcompras.

Sin embargo, debido a los cambios en el protocolo introducidos por BTC Core, este ya no es el caso. Las tarifas de transacción en la red Bitcoin (BTC) han aumentado drásticamente, a menudo excediendo el valor de las pequeñas cantidades que tengo. Como resultado, el costo de mover o gastar mis Bitcoin se ha vuelto prohibitivamente caro, lo que me impide usar o transferir mis fondos.

Por ejemplo, si tengo una pequeña cantidad de Bitcoin por valor de $50, intentar realizar una transacción podría generar tarifas de $10 o más, lo que significa que perdería un porcentaje significativo, o incluso la totalidad, del valor solo en tarifas. Esta realidad contradice la promesa original de Bitcoin, donde las pequeñas transacciones estaban destinadas a ser asequibles y accesibles para todos, independientemente de la cantidad que tuvieran.

Para los pequeños poseedores como yo, los cambios de BTC Core han hecho que Bitcoin sea inutilizable para su propósito original como dinero digital. En lugar de poder realizar transacciones libremente y mover pequeñas cantidades sin un costo excesivo, ahora no puedo usar o transferir mi Bitcoin sin sufrir pérdidas financieras. Esto ha hecho que yo y otros pequeños poseedores perdamos dinero, ya que el costo de la transacción a menudo excede el valor del Bitcoin que poseemos.

Por lo tanto, los cambios de BTC Core no solo han devaluado mi inversión, sino que también han hecho imposible que los pequeños poseedores participen en la red de Bitcoin como se pretendía originalmente. Este cambio hacia unos costes de transacción elevados socava la utilidad de Bitcoin y lo ha convertido en un sistema que solo beneficia a los grandes tenedores, mientras que los pequeños tenedores quedan prácticamente rezagados.

23 de octubre de 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:51

Impact on Small Holders: Transaction Costs Exceeding Value
The following will give you an example of some types of things you can say.
Note while I'm giving examples of this needs to be your own words and you need to be able to demonstrate each of the areas factually

When I invested in Bitcoin, part of the appeal was its promise as a system for low-value, everyday transactions. Like many small holders, I believed that Bitcoin could be used as a form of digital cash—enabling me to store and transact small amounts without incurring significant costs. At the time of my investment, Bitcoin was promoted as a scalable and low-fee network, making it ideal for small transactions, such as sending small payments or making micro-purchases.

However, due to changes in the protocol introduced by BTC Core, this is no longer the case. The transaction fees on the Bitcoin (BTC) network have increased dramatically, often exceeding the value of the small amounts I hold. As a result, the cost of moving or spending my Bitcoin has become prohibitively expensive, effectively locking me out of using or transferring my funds.

For example, if I hold a small amount of Bitcoin worth $50, attempting to make a transaction could incur fees of $10 or more, meaning that I would lose a significant percentage—or even all—of the value in fees alone. This reality contradicts the original promise of Bitcoin, where small transactions were meant to be affordable and accessible to everyone, regardless of the amount they held.
For small holders like myself, BTC Core’s changes have rendered Bitcoin unusable for its original purpose as digital cash. Instead of being able to transact freely and move small amounts without excessive cost, I am now unable to use or transfer my Bitcoin without suffering financial loss. This has caused me and other small holders to lose money, as the cost of transacting often exceeds the value of the Bitcoin we own.

BTC Core’s changes have therefore not only devalued my investment but have also made it impossible for small holders to participate in the Bitcoin network as originally intended. This shift towards high transaction costs undermines Bitcoin’s utility and has made it a system that only benefits large holders, while small holders are effectively left behind.

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:48

Impact on Small Holders: Transaction Costs Exceeding Value
The following will give you an example of some types of things you can say.
Note while I'm giving examples of this needs to be your own words and you need to be able to demonstrate each of the areas factually

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:47

Attached is an example witness statement that you can use as a template.

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:46

Attached is an example witness statement that you can use as a template.

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:43

Explanatory Paragraph

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:41

Step-by-Step Guide for Individuals and Others to Make a Claim as Interveners

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:37

Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses to Join the Proceedings as Interveners

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:34

Step-by-Step Guide for Developers to Join the Proceedings as Interveners

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:30

Application for Intervention: Case Law, CPR, and Best Practices for Allowing Parties to Join and Prove Detrimental Reliance

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:27

Step-by-Step Guide for Miners to Join the Proceedings as Interveners

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:25

Oct 23, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

24 Oct, 21:18

Paso 2: Recopilación y presentación de pruebas
Para probar eficazmente su caso, los intervinientes deben adherirse a las mejores prácticas en la recopilación de pruebas:
Preservación de documentos: los intervinientes deben preservar todos los registros, contratos, comunicaciones y otros documentos que demuestren la confianza en las garantías de BTC Core y el daño resultante. Por ejemplo:
Contratos para compras de hardware de minería. Acuerdos de desarrolladores, planes de software o repositorios que muestren proyectos abandonados o reescritos.
Proyecciones financieras que se vieron alteradas debido a cambios en el protocolo.

Testimonio de expertos: en casos complejos como este, el testimonio de expertos puede ayudar a cuantificar las pérdidas financieras o explicar el impacto técnico de los cambios en el protocolo de BTC Core. Los expertos en tecnología blockchain, pérdidas financieras o costos de desarrollo pueden ofrecer información crítica para fundamentar las reclamaciones de los intervinientes.

Paso 3: Argumentos legales que respaldan la intervención
La estrategia legal de los intervinientes debe enfatizar su interés sustancial en el caso y el hecho de que su inclusión es necesaria para la justicia. Esto se puede argumentar utilizando los principios de R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, ex p Datafin plc [1987] QB 815, donde el tribunal sostuvo que los organismos privados con un control significativo sobre los intereses públicos deben estar sujetos a escrutinio. BTC Core, al controlar el protocolo de Bitcoin, tiene un poder significativo sobre el ecosistema y sus acciones deben examinarse a la luz del daño causado a los participantes clave.

4. Consideraciones sobre la ley de competencia
El control de BTC Core sobre el protocolo de Bitcoin, combinado con su divulgación selectiva de cambios, también puede considerarse un abuso de posición dominante según la ley de competencia. Según el artículo 102 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea (TFUE), las empresas o entidades en una posición dominante en el mercado no pueden abusar de ese poder para limitar la competencia o perjudicar a otros participantes del mercado.

Las acciones de BTC Core excluyen la competencia al dificultar que las implementaciones alternativas de Bitcoin ganen terreno. La divulgación selectiva de los cambios de protocolo otorga a ciertas empresas una ventaja competitiva injusta. Este abuso de posición dominante puede plantearse como parte del argumento legal que respalda las reclamaciones de los intervinientes, en particular cuando su daño se deriva de la capacidad de BTC Core de dictar la dirección futura del protocolo.
El caso United Brands Co v Commission [1978] ECR 207, que abordó el abuso de posición dominante al restringir el acceso al mercado e imponer condiciones injustas, es relevante aquí. El control de BTC Core sobre el protocolo de Bitcoin y su comunicación selectiva con respecto a los cambios podrían verse como la creación de barreras de entrada y la limitación de la competencia justa dentro del ecosistema.

Para ser incluidos en los procedimientos legales como intervinientes, los mineros, desarrolladores y empresas deben demostrar que han sufrido un daño financiero sustancial debido a los cambios de protocolo de BTC Core. Esto requiere presentar solicitudes formales según la CPR 19.2 y proporcionar pruebas sólidas de confianza perjudicial. Al aprovechar la jurisprudencia relevante, la ley de competencia y las mejores prácticas en el procedimiento legal, los intervinientes pueden establecer su derecho a unirse al caso y garantizar que se juzgue adecuadamente el alcance total del daño de BTC Core al ecosistema de Bitcoin.

23 de octubre de 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

15 Oct, 18:47

This is a legal claim filed in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, England and Wales on October 10, 2024. The claimant, Dr. Craig Steven Wright, alleges that the defendants, BTC Core (a partnership) and Square Up Europe Ltd, are wrongly passing off BTC as Bitcoin.

Core Arguments:

* Wrongful Passing Off: The defendants, without authorization, altered the original Bitcoin protocol (introducing SegWit and Taproot), fundamentally deviating from Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision. This created confusion in the market, misleading the public into believing BTC retains the attributes of the original Bitcoin (BSV). This caused significant reputational damage and market value loss for BSV.
* Fraudulent Misrepresentation: The defendants falsely presented BTC as the legitimate successor to the original Bitcoin, knowing the modifications rendered it fundamentally different. This induced users and investors into accepting BTC as Bitcoin, causing harm to BSV.
* Breach of Consumer Protection Laws: The defendants engaged in misleading commercial practices by representing BTC as Bitcoin, distorting consumer choices.
* Facilitation of Money Laundering: The modifications introduced by the defendants facilitated anonymity and evasion of KYC/AML regulations, enabling the use of BTC for money laundering.
* Unauthorised Alteration of Protocol: The defendants’ unauthorized control over the repository and modifications to Bitcoin's protocol violated principles of estoppel and potentially constitute a breach of the Computer Misuse Act 1990.


The claimant estimates damages at £911,050,000,000, based on the difference in market valuation between BSV (£50/unit) and BTC (£48,000/unit), reflecting the financial impact of misrepresentation and market loss. The claim also seeks a declaration that the defendants engaged in misleading conduct.

Claimant's Vulnerability:

Dr. Wright declares a vulnerability due to his autism diagnosis, impacting his ability to engage in verbal communication in high-pressure environments. He requests adjustments including written submissions and responses, additional time for oral responses, clear and direct communication, and a quiet environment with limited distractions.

Claimant's Standing:

Dr. Wright asserts locus standi based on his involvement in the original Bitcoin's development, ownership of intellectual property rights related to Bitcoin, and substantial investments based on Bitcoin’s original, unaltered protocol. His reliance on the assurance that Bitcoin's foundational rules would not change underpins his legal claims.

Note: This is a summary. The full legal document provides detailed technical and legal arguments that support the claimant's position. Consult a legal professional for detailed analysis and advice.

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CSW - Slack Channel

14 Oct, 21:33


CSW - Slack Channel

12 Oct, 20:06


CSW - Slack Channel

08 Oct, 06:12

The Myth of Full Nodes

S. Tominaga AKA CSW
Oct 8, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Oct, 21:45

My fellow citizens,
Freedom of speech is not just a right, it’s the very foundation of our democracy. It’s the sunlight that illuminates the principles we stand upon. But it must extend beyond the words we speak and the opinions we hold. It must shine into the places where decisions that affect our lives are made, including the hallowed halls of justice. You see, we often hear about judgments and verdicts, but what we don’t see, what remains hidden, is the path that leads to those conclusions—the evidence, the arguments, and the deliberations. This is a problem. A serious problem.

The legal system, the guardian of our freedoms, is too often shrouded in secrecy. The courtroom, where justice is supposed to be blind, sometimes feels more like a closed-door meeting of elites. And what happens when things are hidden? People start to speculate, they start to invent stories, and, most dangerously, they start to lose trust. And let me tell you something, when trust in justice falters, when the people no longer believe in the fairness of the system, that’s when freedom is truly at risk.

Now, you might ask, what does this have to do with free speech? Everything. Free speech isn’t just about the right to speak—it’s about the right to know. It’s about the ability to question, to challenge, and to demand accountability. But how can we demand accountability if we don’t even know what’s happening behind those courtroom doors? Without transparency, without the light of day shining on the process, the wealthy and the powerful gain an advantage. They can operate in the shadows, using their resources to manipulate outcomes, while the rest of us are left in the dark.
A core tenet of our justice system is equality under the law. It means that no man or woman, no corporation, no matter how big or powerful, is above the law. But when transparency is lacking, when the workings of the courts are hidden, it allows inequality to creep in. Those with money, those with influence, they thrive in the shadows. They can hire the best lawyers, twist the facts, and shape the narrative to their benefit. And who can stop them if no one sees what’s really happening?
This isn’t just about the courts. It’s about the very fabric of our society. If we want to live in a country where free speech is more than just a slogan, then we need a judicial system that is open, accessible, and understandable. The people must be able to see how decisions are made, not just the final product. They must be able to scrutinize the process, to see the evidence, to understand the arguments, and to know that the law is working for them, not just for the rich and powerful.

My friends, freedom of speech and transparency go hand in hand. We cannot have one without the other. A system that operates in the shadows is a system ripe for abuse. And let me tell you, it’s the average citizen, the hardworking men and women of this country, who pay the price. It’s you who suffer when corporations and elites use their money and influence to tip the scales of justice in their favor. It’s you who lose faith in a system that is supposed to serve you.

So, I’m calling for a system that is open. I’m calling for transparency in the judicial process. I’m calling for a world where the people can see, hear, and understand how justice is done. Because only then can we truly have free speech. Only then can we truly have equality under the law. And only then can we ensure that no one—no matter how big, no matter how powerful—can bend the law to their will simply because they have the resources to do so.

We must demand it, not just for ourselves, but for the future of our great nation. We must remember that freedom is fragile, and the best way to protect it is to shine a light on every corner where it could be eroded. Transparency is that light. And with it, we ensure that freedom of speech, justice, and equality remain not just ideals, but realities.
Thank you, and may God bless.

Craig S Wright
2 Oct 24

CSW - Slack Channel

04 Oct, 21:37

Craig S Wright
2 de octubre a las 16:48

Freedom of speech is one of the bedrock principles of our democracy. It’s the right to speak, to express our ideas, to challenge the status quo, and to question those in power. But freedom of speech is about so much more than simply having the ability to speak or shout our ideas into the void. It’s about responsibility, accountability, and the enduring legacy of our words and thoughts. True free speech isn’t just the right to be heard in the moment—it’s the right to know, to reflect, and to grow. It’s the right to see not only what others have said, but also what we ourselves have expressed, to reflect on it, to learn from it, and to become better for it.

In today’s digital world, we face a choice: Do we create systems that encourage accountability, or do we allow speech and ideas to slip into the shadows, lost to time and manipulation? Do we create a space where our words are etched into the fabric of history, or do we let them disappear without a trace? This is where blockchain, and more specifically the design of big blocks in Bitcoin, comes into play.

You see, blockchain isn’t just a technological innovation; it’s a profound tool for transparency, accountability, and truth. It has the potential to be a truth machine, where everything that’s written, every transaction, every idea, is captured forever on chain. With Bitcoin’s big blocks, there are no size limits—nothing needs to be lost. We have the capacity to store everything, to link everything, and to ensure that what is said and done today will be available for tomorrow’s scrutiny. In essence, blockchain can be the ultimate guarantor of free speech—not by allowing our words to fade into oblivion, but by ensuring they endure.

This is an incredibly powerful notion, because it means that no one can come along and rewrite history. It means no one can erase what has been said, what has been done, or what has been promised. Whether or not this ideal is fully realized today is beside the point. The potential is there, and it is a profound one. With a system like this, where everything is recorded and nothing can be altered or deleted, we create a world where speech is truly free because it is truly permanent.

But free speech isn’t just about being able to say something and have it disappear into the ether. It’s about standing by our words, owning them, and being responsible for them. With blockchain, the idea is not just to give people a platform to speak, but to create a system where speech is preserved, attributed, and can be traced back to its origin. It creates a system of accountability, where we can see what was said, when it was said, and by whom. And that, my friends, is the key to true free speech. It’s not about hiding in the shadows, it’s about stepping into the light and standing by what we’ve said.

When we look at systems like the Lightning Network or BTC, what we see is the opposite. These systems are designed to drive speech and transactions into the shadows. Nothing is captured, nothing is preserved. It’s an ephemeral system where words and actions can disappear without a trace. That’s not freedom, and that’s certainly not free speech. It’s a system designed to avoid accountability, where people can say and do whatever they want and then disappear without consequence. But if we want real free speech, we need more than that. We need transparency, we need permanence, and we need accountability.

CSW - Slack Channel

04 Oct, 21:37

Because here’s the truth: Free speech is not just the right to say something and then disappear. It’s not the right to hide in the shadows, to avoid responsibility for our words. Free speech requires that we are accountable for our ideas, that we stand by what we’ve said, and that we allow others to see and reflect on it as well. It requires us to be responsible for the things we say and to own them, even if they were mistakes. And that’s where the power of blockchain comes in. It ensures that our words, our ideas, are captured forever, so that they can be attributed, remembered, and scrutinized—not just today, but in the future.
This is important, because we all make mistakes. The best of us have had bad ideas, said things we later regretted, or made statements we wish we could take back. But the beauty of free speech, the beauty of being human, is that we grow. Our ideas evolve, we learn from our mistakes, and we become better over time. That’s not something to hide from; it’s something to embrace. And that’s why it’s so important that our past is not erased, that our mistakes are not buried. We need to be able to look back and say, "Yes, I made that mistake. But I’ve learned. I’ve grown. And I’m better than I was."

Too often, we’re tempted to bury our past, to hide the things we’re not proud of, to pretend they never happened. But that’s not how we grow. That’s not how we become better people. Real growth comes from acknowledging our mistakes, from being honest with ourselves and with others. It comes from saying, "I was wrong, but I’ve learned. I’ve changed. And I’m not afraid of that." And that’s where blockchain, with its ability to record everything, has the power to change the world. It ensures that we can’t hide from our past, that we can’t rewrite history, and that we can’t erase the things we’re not proud of. But instead of fearing that, we should embrace it. We should embrace the fact that our mistakes are recorded, that they’re there for all to see. Because those mistakes are proof that we’ve grown, that we’ve learned, and that we’re better for it.
This is the power of a system built on transparency. When everything is linked, when everything is written on chain, we create a world where no one can hide. We create a world where speech is truly free, because it’s preserved for all to see. And in that world, we are forced to be honest with ourselves. We are forced to admit our mistakes, to confront them, and to grow from them. That’s the true meaning of free speech. It’s not just about the right to say something—it’s about the responsibility to stand by it, to own it, and to grow from it.

And only when we stop trying to bury the past, stop trying to change it or remove it, can we truly be free. Only then can we have a system where speech is truly free, because it’s truly transparent. When we let the truth stand—unchanged and unaltered—then we can embrace real freedom of speech. We can stand proud, not just for who we are now, but for the journey that brought us here. That’s what it means to be human, to be free, and to be part of something bigger than ourselves. And that’s what blockchain, with its big blocks and capacity to record everything, can give us—a way to remember, to grow, and to hold ourselves accountable in a world that too often seeks to forget.
So let’s not be afraid of transparency. Let’s not be afraid of accountability. Let’s embrace it. Let’s stand by our words, our ideas, and our mistakes, and let them be remembered. Because that’s what free speech is all about. It’s about being honest with ourselves, about admitting when we’re wrong, and about growing from it. And in a world where everything is recorded, where nothing is hidden, we create a world where speech is truly free—where it endures, where it’s accountable, and where it helps us all grow.

Craig S Wright
2 de octubre a las 16:48

CSW - Slack Channel

17 Sep, 06:35

CSW X profile

Telegram channel I post
S. Tominaga

CSW - Slack Channel

17 Sep, 06:32

Sep 17, 2024

CSW - Slack Channel

10 Sep, 19:19

The Philosophy of Law - Part 4 - with Dr Craig S Wright

CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:13

The nature of the self, its development, and the pursuit of meaning have long been subjects of philosophical inquiry, from the reflections of Ecclesiastes in the Bible to the ethical and metaphysical explorations of Aristotle and Plato. Though these perspectives emerge from distinct cultural and historical contexts, they converge on profound insights about human existence and the challenges we face in understanding ourselves and our place in the world.

Craig S Wright
martes a las 08:51
The writer of Ecclesiastes captures the essence of human existential struggle with the stark declaration, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." This phrase encapsulates a deep sense of futility in human endeavours, where all efforts seem to lead back to the same cycles—birth and death, joy and sorrow, construction and destruction. Life, as observed by the Preacher, is transient and often seems meaningless in the face of death, the ultimate equalizer. However, this bleak perspective does not end in despair but rather serves as a call to seek a deeper understanding of existence, one that transcends the mere pursuit of worldly gains.

While Ecclesiastes emphasises the fleeting nature of life’s pursuits, Aristotle offers a response rooted in the cultivation of virtue. For Aristotle, the highest good is not found in external accomplishments, which are subject to the vicissitudes of fortune, but in the practice of virtues that lead to eudaimonia—true flourishing. This flourishing is not a temporary state of happiness but a way of being that reflects a life lived in accordance with reason. Aristotle’s ethics place the responsibility for a good life squarely on the individual, asserting that while we cannot control all external circumstances, we can control our character and actions. Thus, where Ecclesiastes sees the vanity in human efforts, Aristotle sees potential for enduring value in the disciplined pursuit of virtue.

This pursuit, however, is not merely about navigating the temporal world effectively. Plato introduces a further dimension by proposing that the material world is but a shadow of a higher, eternal reality. His concept of the Forms—unchanging ideals that represent the true essence of all things—suggests that the self’s ultimate development lies in the alignment with these eternal truths. The physical world, with its imperfections and transience, is not the end but a means to recollect and strive towards these higher realities. Plato’s metaphysical framework provides a foundation for Aristotle’s ethical practice, suggesting that virtue is not only a matter of practical wisdom but also a reflection of the soul’s alignment with the eternal.

The idea that our understanding of the world and ourselves is inherently limited runs through these philosophical traditions. Ecclesiastes warns of the illusion of control over life’s outcomes, emphasising the limits of human knowledge and the inevitability of death. Aristotle acknowledges these limits but counters with the argument that we can still achieve a good life through the cultivation of virtues that help us navigate these uncertainties. Plato deepens this understanding by suggesting that true knowledge lies beyond the material, in the realm of the eternal Forms, and that the self’s highest aspiration is to ascend towards this knowledge.

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:13

This integrated perspective highlights the complexity of human existence. On one hand, we are bound by the transient nature of life, as Ecclesiastes poignantly observes. On the other, we possess the capacity for reason and virtue, which, according to Aristotle, enable us to live meaningfully within these limits. Plato’s vision complements this by suggesting that our lives have a deeper significance when viewed as part of a broader metaphysical order.

The tension between the desire for control and the reality of our limitations also manifests in the human drive for power. Many seek to gain power over others, believing that such control will provide security or fulfillment. Yet, as all three perspectives imply, this pursuit is misguided. Power over others is ultimately as transient and hollow as the worldly pursuits lamented in Ecclesiastes. True power lies not in dominating others but in mastering oneself. This self-mastery involves recognising our limitations, understanding the nature of virtue, and aligning ourselves with higher truths that transcend the material world.

In recognising the limits of our knowledge and control, we come to a deeper understanding of the self. The self is not a static entity but a dynamic process of becoming—of striving towards virtue in a world where certainty is elusive. We cannot fully know the thoughts and motivations of others, nor can we exert complete control over the world around us. However, through the disciplined pursuit of virtue and the alignment with higher truths, we can achieve a sense of peace and fulfillment that is independent of external circumstances.

Thus, the insights of Ecclesiastes, Aristotle, and Plato converge to offer a holistic view of the self.

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:11

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:11

Every person, at their core, is a universe unto themselves—an intricate, complex network of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that no one else can fully comprehend. We live in a world where we interact daily with others, yet the true depths of each person's mind remain hidden, veiled by the limits of language and expression. We catch glimpses, fragments of understanding, but these are mere shadows of the full reality within another person’s mind.

Craig S Wright
martes a las 08:42
This is the truth that many seek to reject. The idea that we are fundamentally alone in our inner worlds is unsettling to some. It’s far easier to believe that we can truly know others, that we can reach into their minds and hearts and understand them as fully as we understand ourselves. But this is an illusion. We can never fully grasp another’s thoughts, their true motivations, their deepest fears. We can only ever interpret, through the lens of our own experiences, what we believe to be true about them.

And so, many turn to a different kind of truth—a constructed truth that provides a sense of control, of power over others. Some seek to dominate, to impose their will, believing that by doing so, they can transcend the isolation of their own minds. They believe that by gaining power over others, they can somehow secure a sense of connection, of certainty, in an uncertain world.

But this, too, is an illusion. Power over others is fleeting, a temporary salve for the fear of isolation. It creates the appearance of control, but it does not bridge the gap between one mind and another. It does not bring true understanding, nor does it provide lasting fulfillment. Instead, it often deepens the very loneliness it seeks to escape, as those who wield power find themselves increasingly disconnected from those they seek to control.
The reality, the truth that must be accepted, is that the only mind we can truly know is our own. And even that is a daunting task. To truly know oneself requires immense courage—to face our fears, our desires, our flaws, without the comforting illusions we use to protect ourselves from discomfort. It means accepting that we are complex, often contradictory beings, driven by forces we may not fully understand.
To gain power over oneself, then, is the highest aspiration. It is the only path that leads to genuine fulfillment and peace. It is a power not over others, but over the impulses and fears within us. It is the ability to recognize our limitations, our biases, and our desires, and to act with integrity despite them. It is the strength to accept that we can never fully know another person, and to find peace in that acceptance.

When we focus on mastering ourselves, we begin to see others not as extensions of our own desires or fears, but as individuals with their own complex inner worlds. We learn to respect their autonomy, to accept that their thoughts and motivations are their own, unknowable but valid. In doing so, we move closer to true connection, based not on illusion, but on mutual respect and understanding.

True power lies not in domination, but in self-mastery. It lies in the courage to face oneself honestly, to accept the limits of our understanding, and to find peace in the knowledge that while we can never fully know another, we can always strive to know and better ourselves. This is the path to true fulfillment—the realization that power over others is an illusion, and that the only power worth pursuing is the power to understand and master our own minds.

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:08

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:04

But now, that vision is under threat. The same forces that tried to take Rearden’s metal are at work here, attempting to seize control of Bitcoin, to make changes that serve their own purposes. They claim it’s for the good of the system, but in reality, it’s about power. They want to control what they did not create, to benefit from what they did not build03:25
This is not just about Bitcoin; it’s about the right of the creator to protect their work from those who would seek to corrupt it. It’s about defending the principle that no one has the right to alter the foundation of a system designed to be free from control. Just as Rearden fought to keep his invention from being stolen and misused, so too must we fight to keep Bitcoin true to its original vision.
The original Bitcoin, with its unchangeable protocol, was a testament to what is possible when a system is built on principles of freedom and decentralisation. It was a system that allowed for the full expression of human ingenuity, without fear of oppression or subversion. But as soon as the protocol can be altered by the few, the system ceases to be decentralised. It becomes a tool for control, where the creativity of the individual is stifled, and the true purpose is lost.

Ladies and gentlemen, the choice before us is clear. Will we allow a small group to seize control of a system that was meant to be free? Will we stand by as the original vision is subverted for the benefit of the few? Or will we defend the principle of decentralisation, the right of the creator to protect their work, and the unyielding foundation that allows for limitless innovation?

In defending the original Bitcoin, we are not just defending a protocol; we are defending the right of the individual to create without fear, to innovate without interference, and to build on a foundation that cannot be corrupted. We are standing up for the principle that true freedom comes from a system that is both unyielding in its core and boundless in its possibilities. We must not allow the vision of Bitcoin to be stolen, just as we must not allow the creative spirit of the individual to be crushed by the forces of control.

This is our fight, and it is a fight for the very soul of decentralisation. We must protect the foundation that was set in stone, the protocol that was designed to be unchangeable, and the freedom that comes from a system that remains true to its original vision.

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:04

Ladies and gentlemen of the court,of the metanet, I stand here not merely to defend a system but to defend the very essence of creation—the right of the individual to bring forth their vision into the world, uncompromised, uncorrupted, and unyielding to the demands of those who seek to twist it for their own gain. What we are discussing today goes beyond the technicalities of a protocol; it touches on the fundamental battle between the creative mind and the forces that would seek to shackle it.

Consider, if you will, the story of Hank Rearden, a man who poured his mind, his energy, and his very soul into the creation of Rearden Metal—a revolutionary material that had the potential to change industries, to reshape the world. Yet, as soon as his creation was unveiled, there were those who sought to take it from him, to force him to use it in ways that served their interests, not his. They didn’t care about the integrity of his invention or the vision he had for its use. They only saw the power it could give them, and they were willing to do whatever it took to seize that power.

In much the same way, Bitcoin was a creation born of a singular vision—a vision of a decentralised, incorruptible form of money that could operate beyond the reach of any single entity or group. It was a system designed with a protocol set in stone, immune to manipulation, to ensure that no one could alter its core principles. This was not just a technical choice; it was a moral stance. The creator, like Rearden, refused to compromise the integrity of their work.
But as we have seen with Rearden Metal, the moment something of great value is created, there are those who seek to take control of it, to bend it to their will. They come forward with demands, insisting that changes must be made, that the system must be altered to suit their needs. They argue that it’s for the greater good, but in reality, it’s about power—about taking what was not theirs to create and using it for their own ends.
This is what has happened to Bitcoin. What was intended to be a beacon of decentralisation has slowly fallen under the influence of a small group who now seek to control the protocol. They hold secret meetings, make changes behind closed doors, and dictate the direction of the system. Like those who tried to take Rearden’s invention, they are not interested in preserving the original vision. They want to mold it, to shape it into something that benefits them, regardless of the cost to the integrity of the system.
The original Bitcoin protocol was designed to be unchangeable, a foundation that could support endless innovation without ever compromising its core principles. It was like Rearden Metal—a product of pure vision, something that allowed the individual to create freely on top of it without interference. The protocol’s script was a tool for limitless potential, enabling anyone to build without altering the fundamental rules. This was the brilliance of its design: it was both unyielding in its foundation and boundless in its possibilities.
Bitcoin, in its original form, was meant to be a platform where anyone could create, innovate, and build without fear of interference—much like Rearden’s dream for his metal. Its unchangeable protocol was a safeguard against corruption, ensuring that no one could seize control and alter it for their own gain. It was a declaration of independence, a statement that no one had the right to change the foundation upon which this new form of money was built.

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 22:01

Sept. 3, 2024


CSW - Slack Channel

04 Sep, 21:59

When a system is secretly controlled by a small group, even if it appears that the crowd holds the power, the reality is far different. The collective becomes a mere instrument, guided by the hidden agendas of those few who dictate decisions behind closed doors. The majority may believe they have a voice, but in truth, they are only granted the illusion of control. True power lies not with the many, but with those who manipulate the system from the shadows.

In a truly decentralised system, like Bitcoin was meant to be, the underlying protocol is set in stone, designed to be unchangeable. This immutability is not a limitation but a foundation that upholds the core principles for which the system was created. It ensures that no single entity or group can alter the system to serve their own interests. When the rules are fixed and the protocol cannot be altered, it becomes a fortress against manipulation, safeguarding the integrity of the system.
Yet, this unyielding foundation must also be versatile, allowing the creativity of the individual to flourish. Bitcoin’s underlying protocol, for example, includes a script—a powerful tool that, despite the protocol’s fixed nature, enables boundless possibilities for creation. It allows anyone to build upon the existing structure without altering the core. This is the beauty of a well-designed system: it remains solid and unchangeable, but its extensibility allows for limitless innovation. The protocol becomes a canvas, fixed in its form, but open to endless expressions of the mind.

However, when a system is open to changes, when the few can make decisions in secret meetings, the entire purpose of decentralisation is subverted. The moment the protocol becomes malleable, it ceases to protect the individual’s right to create freely. The few in control can suppress innovations they don’t approve of, stifle creativity that threatens their interests, and manipulate the system to serve their own ends. The original vision is lost, and the system becomes a tool of oppression rather than a platform for liberation.
This is the tragedy that befell Bitcoin. Originally designed as a decentralised, incorruptible form of money, its protocol was intended to remain unchanged, ensuring that no single group could seize control. Yet over time, power has shifted into the hands of a small group, who now steer the direction of the protocol through secret meetings and closed-door decisions. They have the ability to change the system, and in doing so, they have subverted its original purpose. What was meant to be a platform for unbounded creation has become a controlled environment, where the whims of a few dictate the possibilities for the many.

A system’s true strength lies in its ability to be both unyielding and extensible. The underlying protocol must be fixed, immune to the influence of any group, yet flexible enough to allow for the limitless creativity of the individual. It is only by maintaining this balance that the system can stay true to its purpose—empowering individuals to create, without fear of oppression or subversion
When the protocol is unchangeable, it stands as a testament to the original vision, protecting the system from those who would seek to control it. At the same time, its extensibility allows for the full expression of human ingenuity. This is the essence of true decentralisation: a system that resists takeover, fosters creativity, and remains steadfast in its principles. As soon as the protocol can be changed by the few, the system is no longer decentralised; it becomes a tool for oppression, where the creativity of the individual is stifled, and the original vision is lost.

The power of a truly decentralised system lies in its ability to remain unyielding in its core, while still allowing the boundless creation of the mind to come forth, unhampered and free.

Sept. 3, 2024
