Collective Consciousness @collectiveconsciousnesschannel Channel on Telegram

Collective Consciousness


Taking our power[s] back

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Collective Consciousness (English)

Welcome to Collective Consciousness, a Telegram channel dedicated to empowering individuals and fostering a sense of community and unity amongst like-minded individuals. Our channel focuses on exploring the power of collective consciousness and how it can positively impact our lives and the world around us. We believe in the power of coming together, sharing ideas, and supporting each other on our personal growth journeys. Join us as we delve into topics such as mindfulness, meditation, energy healing, and manifestation.

Are you ready to take back your power and connect with a community of individuals who are committed to elevating their consciousness? Join us in The Brain group chat where we engage in open discussions, share resources, and support each other in our spiritual and personal development. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something greater than yourself. Join Collective Consciousness today and let's raise our vibration together!

Collective Consciousness

26 Jan, 03:54

Collective Consciousness

26 Jan, 00:25

Once You Know This, Every PSYOP Becomes Obvious

Collective Consciousness

25 Jan, 16:33

Can any of you tell me, going with this conspiracy theory of elites running the world,

Why YOU would allow ANY of these sick evil bastards to walk the streets, let alone live at all? And to still be alive?

Please. Anyone? No one? Everyone? I didn’t leave someone out did I?

Shut your narrative riding ass up. GITMO? Now? NOW???

Can anyone tell me why YOU would believe that Barrak obummer, or HRC Bill Clinton, or anyone is alive?


Perfect! Now shut up, and quit acting like you got the good, and can make right on it.

Yes. I’m talking to ANYONE, whose running narratives.

Especially them Flynn tards

Collective Consciousness

24 Jan, 12:14

Grab some
& Come Join us

Collective Consciousness

24 Jan, 10:26

Psalms 145 : Living For Something Bigger Than You

Well, I love Psalm 145. I guess I’ve said that for many Psalms; this one has been particularly helpful for me. I would title Psalm 145, “Living for Something Bigger than You.”

There’s something that you and I tend to do; we tend to make life all about us. We tend to shrink our lives down to the small confines of our wants, our needs, and our feelings. We tend to put ourselves in the center and make life all about us. It's a me way of living.

Somehow, everything becomes about how it affects us. Everything is about our wants, our goals, our plans, our emotions. And the fact of the matter is, self-focus, self-interest, ‘me-ism,’ never produces a happy life. It never produces healthy relationships. It never makes you thankful. It never produces love for God and worship of God. And so, Psalm 145 sits in the Psalms to confront our ‘me-ism’ with the truth that we were created to live for something vastly bigger than ourselves.

I will extol you, my God and King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,
and his greatness is unsearchable.
One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,
and I will declare your greatness.
They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness
and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

(And then the rest of the Psalm is this awesome riff on the glory of God.)

I love the way the NIV translated this—it says, “His greatness no one can fathom.” That word is itself a word picture. A fathom is a nautical measurement of depth. If something is unfathomable, it means you can dig down deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and you never reach its depth! That’s the greatness of God! His glory is so great we will spend a billion years in eternity researching the glory of God and not get to the bottom of it.

Now, if there’s One in the universe of that kind of glory, then that’s what our living should be about. We reduce life down to us and when we do that, we’re just a bunch of glory thieves, stealing God’s glory for our own.

Psalm 145 clearly tells us why we’ve been placed on earth: we’ve been placed on earth to be personally blown away by the glory of God. Because we’re blown away by the glory of God, we live for that glory and not our own. And we can’t help but pass that picture of the glory of God down to the next generation.

There’s no gift you can give to your children better than to have them growingly blown away, overwhelmed, mystified, in wonder and awe, at God’s glory. And he’s created a world that reveals his glory so you have plenty of opportunities to point to his glory.

We were meant not to live for the glory of our wants, our needs, and our feelings, but to live for the glorious glory of God, and for that we need rescuing grace.

Questions for Personal Reflection :

1. As you think about your day-to-day life, routines, habits, thought patterns, etc., how have you made life all about you? If your friends and family took an honest inventory of your life, would they characterize you as a person who is supremely focused on your own wants, goals, plans, and emotions?

2. How has your self-focused way of living (to any degree that it might be) made you miserable? How has it affected your relationships with others? How has it produced a spirit of complaint in your life? How has it boiled down your life to a ‘me-istic’ way of living?

3. In what ways have you been personally blown away by the glory of God? How have you personally been amazed by God? Who have you talked to about the ways you’ve been amazed by him? Would your children describe you as someone who is blown away by God and his goodness? In what ways have you helped your children to see an increasingly overwhelmed and mystified wonder and awe of God?

Collective Consciousness

24 Jan, 10:22

Ultimately, this verse encourages the faithful to express their appreciation for God's omnipotence in both individual and communal settings, contributing to a vibrant culture of worship and reverence toward the Lord. Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised

Collective Consciousness

24 Jan, 09:15

THE EVENING PLANET SHOW: Last night in Arizona, Jeremy Perez went outside to look for the tail of Comet ATLAS. Instead, "a planet lineup said, hey, how about us?" says Perez. "Because of how spread out the planets were, I made my first attempt at capturing a 180° overhead, horizon-to-horizon strip panorama." Here it is: They're pretty spread out, but worth a look — Saturn & Venus in the west after sundown, Jupiter roughly overhead, and Mars rising bright in the east. Neptune & Uranus are hiding in there too, but some star charts may be needed to pull them up in binoculars, That Zodiacal Light was a strong visual feature from astronomical twilight onward," notes Perez. "There was also lots of red air glow compared to the greens I typically see."

The planet lineup is visible from both hemispheres. Enjoy the show!

Collective Consciousness

24 Jan, 09:11

COMET ATLAS THROUGH AN iPHONE: Although Comet ATLAS (C/2024 G3) continues to fade, it is still a wonderful sight in the evening skies of the southern hemisphere. "On Jan. 23rd, I saw it with my naked eye, and it looked great with binoculars," reports Shane Ocean, who sends this photo from Whitsundays, Australia: This photo is a 10-second exposure with my iPhone Pro 15," says Ocean.
Astronomers say the comet is now a 3rd magnitude object. That's a far cry from its magnitude -4 peak when it passed by the sun on Jan. 13th, but still a naked-eye object and an easy target for modern cell-phone cameras. If you live in the southern hemisphere, step outside at sunset and take a look.

Collective Consciousness

24 Jan, 00:18

Collective Consciousness

23 Jan, 13:16

Collective Consciousness

23 Jan, 12:33

WHEN A GREEN FLASH IS NOT A FLASH: Usually a green flash from the setting sun lasts no more than a split second. Blink and you'll miss it. Something very different happened in Antarctica on Jan. 5th. "To my amazement I witnessed a nearly 20-second-long green flash," says Tim Martin. He photographed the steady emerald ray from the National Geographic's Resolution in the Weddell sea: " I was able to photograph it look visually then photograph it again and again. I am curious if others have documented extended green flashes in the polar regions?" Indeed they have. For instance, Admiral Richard Byrd's expedition in 1929 watched a series of green flashes from the setting sun that, taken together lasted 35 minutes. The display went on so long that members of the expedition had time to climb up a radio tower at their base in order to keep the top of the setting sun in view. Green flashes are a mirage. When the sun sets, the atmosphere acts like a prism splitting the solar disk into red, green, and blue components.

Collective Consciousness

23 Jan, 03:41

Collective Consciousness

23 Jan, 01:33

Poppy's Field Project Podcast LIVE

Nova & Miriah talk about Aquarius..... Here we go. Happy Birthday!!! Come learn the origins of the planets, gods and goddesses,remedies parts of the body, herbs, color,gems, frequency, pop-culture and more over the next four weeks. Then we will be in Zodiac Pisces. The Electric Universe is coming back in tonights episode 1/22/2025. If you haven't heard our Electric Universe series, go to AM Wake Up and find Poppy's Field Project

Open discussion afterwards on Telegram ~ 7:40pm PST

Am Wake Up & Anartist Collective
6pm EST
7pm MST
8pm CST
9pm EST

Email: [email protected]
Join Telegram Channel:

Find Poppy's Field Project live on the following links below:
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Collective Consciousness

22 Jan, 16:01

Collective Consciousness

22 Jan, 14:29


Not only to worrry needless for a Christian, as we thought abuot yesterday, but it's also a waste of time Someone wrote of worry:

40% will never happen, for anxiety is the result of a tired mind.

30% concerns old decisions which cannot be altered.

12% centers in criticisms, mostly untrue, made by people who feel inferior,

10% is related to my health which worsens while I worry, and only

8% is "legitimate," showing that life does have real problema which may be met head on when I have eliminated senseless worries.

Many of us spend half our time wishing for things we could have it we didn't spend half our time wishing.

"Trouble and perplexity drive us to prayer, and prayer drives away trouble and perplexity"
- Philipp Melanchthon

Philippians 4:6 says...
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God".

This verse encourages believers to give their worries to God through prayer. It also instructs believers to express gratitude for God's goodness and faithfulness.

It means to not be concerned about worldly things, but to be content in any situation...

Cast your cares on God and leave them with him...

To bring every case to God, whether it is temporal or spiritual...

Thank God for all he has done...

Tell God what you need...

Heavenly Father,
With you I can see what a waste of time it is for me to worry. Help me to stay away from the sin of wasted worry.





Collective Consciousness

22 Jan, 13:54

So, the language of 5:24 constitutes a call for the people to exercise justice and righteousness. Indeed, they are to flood the community with acts of justice and righteousness, like a stream that never stops flowing.

Collective Consciousness

22 Jan, 02:15

Did you guys hear this with conversation with Trump and Sam Altman?
You need to, he's speaking on space HEALING TECHNOLOGY!!

July 28, 2024 the Chevron deference doctrine was removed by the supreme court.

So the standard petroleum, keep people sick and as customers within the Rothschild, Rockefeller medical foundation and it's changes for new innovative healing was locked up ⛓️..

Now it's free to be options for healing not just putting a bandaid on physician and globalist created diseases...

This is phenomenal actually.

Collective Consciousness

21 Jan, 18:16

This is the Day | Official Music Video | Jaya Lakshmi

Collective Consciousness

21 Jan, 18:00

POSSIBLE EARTH-DIRECTED CME: Previously mild-mannered sunspot 3967 erupted this morning, producing a beautiful solar flare (category M3) and a potentially Earth-directed CME. Models show it grazing our planet on Jan. 24th. This forecast will be improved by additional data from SOHO coronagraphs.

THE MAGNIFICENT TAIL OF COMET ATLAS: Comet ATLAS (C/2024 G3) lost its head. The nucleus disintegrated two days ago, overstressed by a close encounter with the sun. Fortunately, the tail is still magnificent: Yuri Beletsky photographed the comet at sunset from Europe's Paranal observatory in Chile. Although the head is no longer bright, the naked-eye tail stretched beautifully over one of the observatory's auxilary telescopes. A similar "headless wonder" appeared in Dec. 2011 after Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) flew too close to the sun.

Collective Consciousness

21 Jan, 18:00

The tail of Comet ATLAS is so big, it wraps around the sky to the northern hemisphere. Last night, Nick James of the British Astronomical Association photographed it from the Canary Islands: "With the help of Nicolas Lefaudeux I've processed my images from last night which show the extensive dust tail with the comet's head 7 degrees below the horizon as seen from 28N," says James. "The image is a stack of 41 five-second exposures with a Sony A7s iii camera. The field of view is 20x14 deg and the tail stretches to the top of the frame, so 21 deg from the head of the comet, although it is very faint by then. I convinced myself that I could see the lower, brighter part of the tail with the naked eye as faint striations similar in brightness to the zodiacal light but this is probably uncertain," he adds. "I imaged the comet itself around 20 mins after sunset but it was much fainter than the night before."

Collective Consciousness

07 Jan, 16:38

✨️Have You Ever thought...

What sustained you through the night?

What will get you through today?

What will enable you to achieve, even thrive, in the days ahead?

The Lord's great love!
That's what !

His incredible resources for love, compassion, and faithfulness never really run dry!

Each new day brings a fresh supply of them from his mercy and grace. God is faithful in making sure we have them each and every day.

Praise be to God for making our world new and inviting us to walk with him and find his love, compassion, and faithfulness always near!

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness
—Lamentations 3:22-23

Thank You Loving Father,
For sustaining me through the night and promising me endless days at the end of my life's journey. May you, my heavenly Father, find my love for and praise offered to you and always on my lips and in my heart. In Jesus' name, I thank and praise you for being the one true, loving, compassionate, and faithful God.


Collective Consciousness

07 Jan, 10:44

Collective Consciousness

07 Jan, 09:58

Collective Consciousness

06 Jan, 15:53

I 🙏Pray 🙏
That Everyone
Is Warm
Stays safe

Please check on those
Loved ones out there yall !!!

A Significant Winter Storm Is Coming...

Collective Consciousness

06 Jan, 14:18

We must choose to act as those who are God's own people, rejecting the evil desires that drove our actions before we knew better. Our choices matter. Our God placed a high value on our lives, paying for them with the blood of Christ. Since God has made us able, we must now strive to earnestly give love to each other

Collective Consciousness

06 Jan, 13:55

Collective Consciousness

06 Jan, 07:29

Prayers to Everyone affected in this weather out there.
Stay safe...
Stay warm...
Please check on the elderly who may need assistance, Your families, your animals / pets, homeless, & veterans etc...

Collective Consciousness

06 Jan, 00:32

🔴BREAKING Winter Storm Coverage - Tons Of Snow, Tornado Outbreak Possibl...

Collective Consciousness

05 Jan, 19:09

What is synthetic telepathy?

Voice to skull technology

Synthetic Telepathy via Gwen Towers

According to various sources, GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) towers are claimed to have the capability to send synthetic telepathy disguised as infrasound to individuals with US government mind-control implants.

Patent 🔗

Collective Consciousness

05 Jan, 17:44

Collective Consciousness

05 Jan, 17:14

Collective Consciousness

05 Jan, 14:37

By starting with Jesus, you can prioritize your spiritual well-being and approach the day with a more mindful perspective.🙏

Come Join Us For

Collective Consciousness

04 Jan, 15:17

Jan, 4 2025 Update

Collective Consciousness

04 Jan, 14:52

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you"
~ Psalm 32:8

It doesn't matter how big or small your problems, situations, or decisions may be, the Lord has given His promise that He “will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.” We need humble ourselves, seek the Lord, and ask Him to guide us in the way we should go. It is the familiar yet unchanging promise from Him, that is yours in order to be led by Him in paths of righteousness, no matter what your environment and circumstance may be. His eye is upon you to guide you. God speaks to us by his word. When it comes to letting God transform your life, dedicating time and effort to prayer and reading Scripture—and putting it into practice—can have dramatic effects. Gathering with other believers and sharing your faith story with others are small steps that when consistently taken will make all the difference.


Collective Consciousness

04 Jan, 07:34

A CME JUST HIT EARTH: Arriving right on time, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 4th (0445 UTC). The impact could cause G1 (Minor) to G2-class (Moderate) geomagnetic storms in the hours ahead. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

THE SUN IS FLARING AGAIN: Sunspot AR3947 is sizzling with activity. Since yesterday it has produced two X-class solar flares and multiple M-flares. NOAA's GOES-16 satellite recorded the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray flashes. Each flare has produced a shortwave radio blackout on Earth. Loss of signal was especially acute over Africa (Jan 3rd) and the South Pacific (Jan 4th). Remarkably, no significant CMEs have emerged. For some reason, these explosions are not lifting material out of the sun's atmosphere.

Don't be surprised if there's another X-flare today. Sunspot AR3947 has an unstable delta-class magnetic field that is likely to explode again--and it's turning toward Earth.

Collective Consciousness

04 Jan, 07:34

MOON-VENUS CONJUNCTION: On Jan. 3rd when the sun set over Europe, sky watchers saw something rare and beautiful. "The Moon and Venus were shining bright side-by-side," says Gwenael Blanck, who photographed the conjunction from Paris, France.

The icing on the cake was the beautiful Earthshine visible on the Moon," says Blanck. "A thin veil of clouds did not ruin the show, on the contrary it added an artistic accent to the picture I took."

Another rare and beautiful conjunction is happening tonight. On Jan. 4th, the Moon will approach and completely cover Saturn over Europe

Collective Consciousness

04 Jan, 00:13

Collective Consciousness

03 Jan, 16:43

NOT ALL OF THOSE AURORAS WERE AURORAS: The Jan. 1st severe geomagnetic storm. Take a closer look. Not all of the auroras were actually auroras. Heres an example from Tapanui New Zealand "I turned around from shooting aurora to find this red arc on display" Researchers call this an "SAR arc." SAR arcs were discovered in 1956 at the beginning of the Space Age. Researchers didnt know what they were and unwittingly gave them a misleading name "Stable Auroral Red arcs" or SAR arcs. In fact SAR arcs are not auroras. Auroras appear when charged particles from space rain down on the atmosphere causing it to glow. SAR arcs form differently. They are a sign of heat energy leaking into the upper atmosphere from Earths ring current system–a donut-shaped circuit carrying millions of amps around our planet. Jan.1st the ring current was pumped up by hours of intense geomagnetic storming, with energy dissipating downward into SAR arcs. Photographers caught their pure red glow from many locations in both Europe & N. America

Collective Consciousness

03 Jan, 14:40

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven"
~ Matthew 5:16

The verse is interpreted to mean that Christians should be a light to the people around them, reflecting the glory of God through Christ. The verb "see" in the verse implies more than just physical sight, but also perception and understanding. This suggests that believers' actions should be evident and understandable to others.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would help us to let our light shine before others. May our actions and words reflect your goodness and love, so that those around us may see your light shining through us. May our good works bring glory to you, and may others be drawn closer to you through our examples. In JESUS'S Name I Thank You🙏

Collective Consciousness

03 Jan, 02:16

Were you born into a toxic family?

Discover why this is not a curse but a transformative gift for Chosen Ones.

This video dives deep into the hidden purpose of toxic family dynamics and how they catalyze your spiritual growth and awakening.

Learn how to harness the power of spiritual gifts to heal ancestral wounds and break generational cycles.

By walking your spiritual path, you not only heal yourself but also inspire transformation within your lineage.

Explore practical spiritual advice for turning pain into positive energy and embracing your journey of spiritual enlightenment.

Unlock the power to raise your vibration and shift the energy of negative patterns into profound growth.

With insights on energy healing, spiritual guidance, and spiritual insights, this video empowers you to transform your challenges into divine purpose.

Step into your role as a spiritual healer and redefine your life’s narrative with compassion, love, and resilience.

Collective Consciousness

02 Jan, 14:38


Isaiah 43:18-19 says, "Do not remember the former things, or consider things of the past. Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert".

God is calling out to the modern reader (to you and me) to listen, and look, and see what he is doing in our lives. He is asking us to turn towards him for his loving salvation. He is asking us to give up our selfish ways and pursue his loving rescue plan for our lives.
Some say that Isaiah 43:18-19 encourages people to view God's grace in the past as a starting point, and to expect the future instead of fearing it. It can also mean that God will not hold past sins against people, and that they will not plague people in eternity.
God is doing a new thing all around us. God is breaking down strongholds, transforming dark places into light places, and making hardened hearts into soft and compassionate hearts. God is giving wealth to the impoverished, bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, hope to the hopeless, and faith to the faithless.

The new thing God is doing is bringing blessings and a new path ahead for His people where the world said there is no way forward.
As I begin this new year, I'm committing to hope in God's power to make things new. He restores lost time, bestows new identities, and creates new life.

Father God, I come to You today and proclaim that You have made me new. Remind me of this truth throughout my day. Thank you for making roads in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

God says...
John 3:16 speaks of the gravity of God's love so clearly: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.”


Collective Consciousness

02 Jan, 04:19

Happy New Year podcast.  Happy Birthday Capricorn’s. Outlook for astrology 2025

Collective Consciousness

02 Jan, 03:51

What is the atmospheric aether?

Collective Consciousness

02 Jan, 03:35

Law of attraction
How it works.
How to bring what you need into existence.
It already exists.

Collective Consciousness

01 Jan, 21:48

Collective Consciousness

01 Jan, 16:54

Remember those buses that would come by schools to test gifted kids?

They did sound tests and cards?

Was this part of the gateway process?

Interesting 🤔🧐

What do you think?

Collective Consciousness

01 Jan, 02:16


I Hope n Pray Everone Has A Very Safe & Exciting New Years Eve

Much Love to ALL of You

Collective Consciousness

31 Dec, 14:46

Angels are said to communicate messages to us through various means, including our thoughts, electrical currents, auras, glowing lights, or even in human form. Angels provide wisdom, inspiration, and guidance to assist us in making better decisions during challenging times.

How many angels are assigned to one person?

As many as God thinks that they need, from none to an unlimited number. They are his angels, and not the person's. Those who entrust themselves to the Lord Jesus and his self-offering for them have the Holy Spirit, and the Father will send whatever they need for spiritual growth and protection.

How do you know if an angel is protecting you?

Feeling tingles or light touches may be your angels reaching out. Guardian angels may try to get your attention through physical sensations like tingling, a warmth spreading throughout your body, or a light touch on your skin. You might also feel a palpable presence in the room around you.

Here is A Nice Song for YOU to Enjoy

Have A Very Blissful Day 🙂

“Angel on my Shoulder” by Chase Killough

Collective Consciousness

31 Dec, 12:02

~ Isaiah 43:18-19
Encourages people to view their past experiences with God's grace as a starting point, so that they can view the present and future with expectation instead of fear.

The 'former things' here is not just referring to the things of old. It's also referring to good things because success can sometimes become a problem. You will stop succeeding the day you say you have succeeded and so you are comfortable and you do nothing. As long as you are breathing you need to set new visions.

Making all things new asks us to seek relationships that challenge us to let down our guards and let others in; He wants us to have assurance that no matter how much evil and suffering and futility we see now, he will make all things new.

Look To The Future
And Not Get Caught Up
InThe Past

✨️Good Bye ~ 2024✨️
✨️HELLO ~ 2025✨️

Collective Consciousness

30 Dec, 14:52

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 21:15

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 15:44

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 15:38

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 03:37

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 03:03

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 02:59

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 02:18

Collective Consciousness

29 Dec, 02:09

This is posted 1 hr ago if your in my surrounding areas please watch and stay safe everyone

Tornado Sirens Sounding Here/ Strong Line Moving Thru

Collective Consciousness

28 Dec, 12:11

✨️As we enter into the last few days of this year before we embark on the new journey of 2025. When we look back, it seems the time went by very fast. Throughout the year, we might have made several mistakes, achieved several milestones, walked on some uncovered paths and made a lot of memories.

✨️It's time to say goodbye to 2024 and welcome 2025 with open arms.

✨️Heavenly Father,
In everything that's happened this year, Both good and bad, We know that you were with us, Always loving and present. We're spending time looking backwards, in hindsight, Assessing our own progress and growth; What worked, what didn't, What helped, what hindered. And we're spending time looking forwards, toward the new year, Setting intentions and voicing our hopes - What we'd like to accomplish and improve, What we'd like to experience and enjoy. But we are also learning To be in this moment, To breathe deeply into our bodies - Right here, right now. Because we know that the doorway to the Community of Heaven Is right now -Accessible always, no matter the circumstance, Timeless and reliable. And so we celebrate the year - Its beginnings and its endings, Its triumphs and its failures, Its gifts and its receipts - By turning our attention to you, Great Present, Divine Attention, Conscious Now, And leaning into the eternal flow of Love As Jesus Christ has taught us. We offer gratitude for each experience For each person, And we put our hope in the continued revealing Of the peace, joy, and love you bring to us in these times for you are our...


Collective Consciousness

27 Dec, 14:06

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
—1 Corinthians 12:27

What part of the Body are you? What's your function? What's your purpose? How are you blessing others in the Body of Christ? Who is someone in Jesus' Body who serves others but also needs your encouragement and praise? Who are people who feel neglected and lonely in Jesus' Body who need your love shown to them? The human body looks after its parts and members because each is vital to properly functioning. The same is true with Jesus' Body. That means you are essential to your families & friends. It also means you are crucial for Jesus to function as the Lords bodily presence in our broken world that desperately needs his love!

Father, thank you for making me a part of something so precious, so incredible as the bodily presence of the Lord Jesus. Please help every person in our families find their gifts and use them to touch others with your grace build up Jesus' Body and bring you glory. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Collective Consciousness

27 Dec, 13:54

Collective Consciousness

09 Dec, 13:48

Collective Consciousness

09 Dec, 13:48

I see this type of stuff all the time it'd been a min too damn cold to just be standing and looking 😁🤷🏾

Collective Consciousness

09 Dec, 13:31

Psalm 143:8. David was a man after God's own heart, and yet, he too needed daily reassurance of God's love. In the midst of his life's tempests, he looked for God's love as the morning light that breaks the darkest night. His prayer is a mirror reflecting our own hearts, whispering: “God, show me my path.”

Yes, memorize this verse and let it be your practice every day, hear, in the morning, of the steadfast love of God.

Collective Consciousness

08 Dec, 17:13

Collective Consciousness

08 Dec, 15:01


Collective Consciousness

07 Dec, 16:08

And I keep looking for myself, trying to find answers… trying to understand why I can’t let go… the singing, the dragon, the snake…
Isis, Ishtar, Virgin Mary(Maria), Mary Magdalene(Maria Madalena), Iemanjá(Mermaid of sea) and Oxum(mermaid of river)…
Interesting links she traces…

Collective Consciousness

07 Dec, 16:08

The Most Beautiful Story to be Told

Trisha @ The Dreamer's Dream

Collective Consciousness

07 Dec, 16:01

The Planetary Stargate System are the Earth’s connection points or Portals into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. They were once sealed off and closed, but now these Stargates are progressively opening during the Ascension Cycle. See the Precession of the Equinoxes.

The organic Planetary Stargate System or Universal Tree of Life Templar opening has been damaged from NAA and the Alien Machinery abuse from the Negative Aliens collaboration to control the earth. This necessitated Krystal Star Guardian intervention and this intervention is referred to as Ascension Plan B with Mission Upgrades.

Science knows these energy vortices as wormholes. However, in this context, Stargates function differently than wormholes. Wormholes are generally created with the abuse of technology, and thus, lead to black hole systems that are finite life systems.

Collective Consciousness

07 Dec, 13:36

🇺🇸Today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day🇺🇸

On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service attacked the neutral United States at Naval Station Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii, killing 2,403 Americans and injuring 1,178 others. The attack sank four U.S. Navy battleships and damaged four others. It also damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, and one minelayer. Aircraft losses were 188 destroyed and 159 damaged.

The United States would declare war on Japan the next day thus entering WWII.

🇺🇸Wave that flag🇺🇸
🇺🇸Wave it wide and high🇺🇸

Remembering Pearl Harbor, See Footage, Hear FDR

Collective Consciousness

07 Dec, 12:39

Heavenly Father,
We pray that your Kingdom comes with power in our world soon. We pray that your will is done here on earth just as in heaven. Bring down the arrogant and violent. Overthrow the wicked. Let those you have made righteous in Jesus stand in your glorious presence and grace as the Lord Jesus reigns over all his foes and brings your beloved children home to you. In Jesus' name, I pray.


Collective Consciousness

06 Dec, 01:53

How to raise the Christ Oil when the moon is in your sign. This can be 2 to 3 days maximum. Practice the following.

Consume an Alkaline Diet, Vegetables and fat. Drink water only as well.

Anchor sexual fluids within the body to reach transcendental consciousness, only. Ejaculation is saved and provides ample energy for manifestation of vehicle and spirit.

Meditation prepares the right and left hemispheres of the brain for new neuropathways healing the mind, heart, and gut biome. Done for 6 months to a year each day, the results allow oneself to love, empathize, and acceptance of the self and the other.

Allow the tongue to lay on the roof of the mouth at all times, even asleep. Practicing Mewing. Search for a video online to see how it is achieved. It involves the Mona Lisa smile. Breath through your nose only. Even when exercising.

All the above will help accepting that desire is inevitable, and balance the chakra system, opening the crown and slay the dragon, wolf, scorpion on the way there.

#christ #oil #meditation #mew #diet #heart #gut #ejaculation

Collective Consciousness

05 Dec, 13:09

Here’s your reminder: How someone treats you reflects more about them than it does about you. People’s words and actions are often shaped by their own experiences, insecurities, and struggles. When someone is rude, dismissive, or unkind, it’s rarely about anything you’ve done. It’s a reflection of their own inner world—their unhealed wounds, unspoken fears, or even their inability to manage emotions in a healthy way. Remember, no one can hurt you without first being in a place where they are hurting themselves, whether they realize it or not.

It’s easy to internalize mistreatment, believing that you deserve it or that it says something negative about you. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. You are worthy of respect, kindness, and love, no matter how others choose to show up in your life. Their actions may hurt in the moment, but they don't define your worth. So, next time you encounter negativity, remind yourself: it’s not about you. It’s about where they are in their own journey.

I couldn’t have said it any better

Collective Consciousness

05 Dec, 04:18

Collective Consciousness

05 Dec, 02:25

Collective Consciousness

05 Dec, 01:57

Collective Consciousness

04 Dec, 20:16

Collective Consciousness

04 Dec, 15:47

This is a friend of mine channel please check out this update after weeks where they live in Florida after Hurricane Milton

Please continue to send prayers 🙏 to ALL those affected and to those who survived Hurricane Devistaion in Florida, Tennessee, & N.Carolina

We have not forgotten you

Hills & Dale Fl, Weeks after Hurricane Milton. Areas & just receded enou...

Collective Consciousness

04 Dec, 14:36

Collective Consciousness

04 Dec, 11:23

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making me a part of something that is living, dynamic, powerful, and eternal. Thank you for giving me special abilities and gifts to use for the Body of Christ. Please help me find and use my gifts and abilities for the good of your people and to glorify Jesus, my Lord, in whose name I pray.

Collective Consciousness

03 Dec, 19:19

Can you imagine?
How many corporations would fall?
If people stopped celebrating Christmas, which has nothing to do with the birth of Christ?
It's about Saturn.
What is the practice of saturnalia?

What do they sacrifice on this day?
Take your energy away.
They feed on this for evil.

Research it yourself..

Don't shoot the messenger...

More 👇

Collective Consciousness

03 Dec, 17:53

What is the highest frequency you can hear?

More 👇

Collective Consciousness

03 Dec, 14:51

"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe."
-Hebrews 1:1-2

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son, today I have begotten you"? Or again, "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son"? And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God 's angels worship him." Of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire." But of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom.You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions."
And, "You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no end." And to which of the angels has he ever said, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"? Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?

Collective Consciousness

03 Dec, 09:49

Collective Consciousness

03 Dec, 00:38

Collective Consciousness

03 Dec, 00:08

Collective Consciousness

02 Dec, 22:43

Getting the week started right!!!

Happiness is the only way to live in this lifetime, and a positive discipline!

Go mana go!!!


More 👇

Collective Consciousness

02 Dec, 11:19

Having a willing mind is giving our best effort, our finest thinking, and seeking God's wisdom. It suggests that our most devoted lifetime study should be of things which are eternal in nature.

Father in heaven, accept our thanks today for all you allow us to learn and to receive from you.🙏

Collective Consciousness

02 Dec, 04:42



Collective Consciousness

02 Dec, 03:59

Collective Consciousness

02 Dec, 02:01


At around 10:17 PM est tonight, Q SCHQQL TV will be STREAMING the all new documentary "The ENEMY WITHIN", the Patrick Byrne story. Be sure to pop a BIGLY bowl of PQPCQRN, invite your family/frens & ENJQY the SHQW!

ThanQ brother Ken

Share link:

Collective Consciousness

22 Nov, 12:27

May your Spirit set us free from all that binds, empowering us to rebel against injustices.

Collective Consciousness

22 Nov, 04:31

Collective Consciousness

21 Nov, 22:55

Frequency Energy Vibration

They way thoughts match/shape your reality

It's not a fallacy, it's actual physics in motion.

Collective Consciousness

21 Nov, 22:55

Learn how and why one should

Work in private and
Celebrate in quiet

Collective Consciousness

21 Nov, 16:34

Isochronic to balance uncontrollable emotional outburst.

No one likes an asshole. Their time is up and will be left behind. Good luck out there, just because Mars and Pluto are in opposition to each other, does not mean we shove the responsibility to be amazing, aside! In fact this is the time to be done with the reflections inability to change. buh bye

Clear the mind of the bullshit. Stop supporting negative agenda's of left vs. right. They are doing this, they are doing that. Be different and above it all. And if that means turning off everything for awhile and be in silence, meditation, and still within your heart so you can be you... and not some program you listened to... life becomes more interesting and true.


Collective Consciousness

21 Nov, 12:19

Amos 5:24 provides a powerful insight into God's heart, calling us to rise above empty rituals and embrace a life filled with genuine justice and righteousness.

Many of your children are ashamed today of the unrighteousness in our world and our nations. Please use us to lead a rebirth of character. And Father, as we seek to live holy lives, please keep our eyes on your righteous character, gracious compassion, and faithful love-based justice.

Collective Consciousness

21 Nov, 01:40

Tonight on Poppy's Field Project. Nova and Miriah wrap up the Zodiac Scorpio. Tonight we cover medical astrology of the two planets that rule Scorpio, color therapy of the two planets that rule Scorpio with foods, metals, and Bach Remedies.

Opening up the live discussion on Telegram after the Podcast for all those fans. We have missed you Starting 7:30 PST. Click on this link to set a reminder to join.

Tune into Poppy's Field Project Podcast each Wednesday at:
6pm PST
7pm MST
8pm CST
9pm EST

On the following links:

Telegram Channel:

#podcast #astrology #herbs #scorpio

Contact Info for astrology readings, media:
[email protected]

Collective Consciousness

20 Nov, 16:22

For the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds.

Every day, we face spiritual battles. The enemy uses tactics like discouragement, anger, stress, and defeat to try to bring us down. When the devil sees that God has something great in store for you, he fights even harder to keep you from it. Be vigilant and recognize his schemes so you don’t fall into his traps. Arm yourself with spiritual weapons—the Word of God and prayer. We can’t win the war against evil in our own strength, but by the power of the mighty God we serve. Whatever battle you’re facing today, remember that God is on your side, and through Christ, you are more than a conqueror.

Collective Consciousness

20 Nov, 15:46

Collective Consciousness

20 Nov, 14:22

Tica's New YouTube channel ...

Subscribe & mash the 👍

November 20, 2024

Collective Consciousness

20 Nov, 11:00

Jesus will teach that even then, before He fully establishes His kingdom, not everyone will receive the light. Some will still choose darkness: "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God" (John 3:19–21).

Collective Consciousness

20 Nov, 05:09

Collective Consciousness

19 Nov, 10:46

Jesus is praying for unity in truth, love, and mission, just as He and His Father are united in truth, love, and mission. As we unite around the truth, love one another, and work together to make disciples, the world will know that Jesus is the full revelation of the Father.
This exemplifies the selfless nature of prayer and encourages us to pray fervently for others, especially fellow believers. Jesus' prayer for unity among believers is particularly striking.

Collective Consciousness

18 Nov, 01:36

🎤 👇

Collective Consciousness

17 Nov, 21:07

Collective Consciousness

17 Nov, 18:40

Electricity and water THOR experiments.

What happens with inducing electricity into water

Collective Consciousness

17 Nov, 18:38

Collective Consciousness

17 Nov, 18:10

Living water has a charge.

Collective Consciousness

17 Nov, 17:45

For Those Who Missed
Here Is The Recording To




Collective Consciousness

17 Nov, 13:03

Sunday's Ministry

Will be on
instead of on
Love Light Energy Channel
@ 9:17 am ct
And then later
In the evening
@ 7:17 pm ct
We will be having
Guest :
Buckshot Yankee
From :
Stealth Adventures Channel

So let's give our guest a very warm welcome & invite your friends and hope to see you in both live chats

🎤 👇

Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 16:40

How to handle hurt feelings.

It's not about why a matter happened that hurt you it is about how and what you do with the experience.

📍How you rise!
📍How you move forward!
📍What you have learned?!
📍How you heal yourself!
📍How you change the landscape of your environment to help yourself grow!

Every "opinion" is a vision loaded with personal history, and then you will innerstand every "judgement" is a confession of who the judger is.....

Grow through what you go through...

Bliss up people!

Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 16:28

Synchronicities explained.
Pt 1 of 2

Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 16:28

Synchronicities explained

Part 2 of 2

Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 13:32

Due to my personal absence, the Soulfood Sunday Ministry will be held at Champions In Christ at the same time there, as it always does here at Love Light Energy.

May God's Love, God's Light and God's Energy cover you in the Holy and Mighty name of Jesus Christ

Amen 🙏🏽🕊

Much Love, Soraya Nadia 🕊

Sunday November 17th, 2024 👇🏽

Link to Champions In Christ:
Time of Ministry: 9:17 AM CT

Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 12:29

We’re living through one of the strangest and darkest times in recent history. Those usually able to offer guidance or a steady hand are struggling to do so. It seems that all we are able to do with any amount of certainty is attempt to be there for one another. Even then, it’s often not possible or wise to be there for one another physically. Many are struggling. Many are devastated.

We know that we will have trouble in this world. Jesus Himself promised us as much in John 16:33. But of course, that isn’t all He said. The full verse is as follows:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Even as Jesus promises us that we will have dark times and trouble in this world, he promises us that we will endure. He encourages us to take heart and to trust Him. He has overcome the world!


Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 09:21

You are Programmed Against Your Will

Follow us: Spiritualrenewal

Collective Consciousness

16 Nov, 09:21

A theory on UAPs

Collective Consciousness

15 Nov, 11:58

The tongue can be used to bless or curse. It can also cause a fire of misunderstanding which can destroy others or even you. So, let us learn how to tame it for the sake of peace and unity among us.

🙏Prayer 🙏

Thank You for the power of communication bestowed upon us. May you take full control of our tongues and may the words of our mouths be a blessing to others and source of unity amongst the community.

Collective Consciousness

15 Nov, 00:49

Hey Champion's,
Invite your friends & Bring Your 🍿
& come join us in
Live Chats

In the Evenings
At 7:17 PM CT

🎤 👇

Collective Consciousness

14 Nov, 16:09

Spiral wisdom
God's signature on life.

Collective Consciousness

09 Nov, 04:54

Collective Consciousness

09 Nov, 04:53

Collective Consciousness

09 Nov, 02:06

Collective Consciousness

08 Nov, 14:48

A Spiritual Call to Duty; Spiritual Training has Begun 11/7/2024

This message came as a response to seeing the Straight (Narrow) Path for those that have Chosen a Path of their MOST HIGHT and of Passion.

2nd level of Message in Chat yesterday for me - Talking about a post that I saw with not everyone is Being Lifted Up.....some will remain here to Serve Others.

Connected to 1000 years of Peace.

Then I see that On the Path, a Call of Duty has begun.

Training Day for the Event has Begun

For after the Event, many will be lost and need Spiritual Guidance in many forms.

Will you be one that needs The Guidance, or are you Answering the Call to Train to Guide?

Trisha @ The Dreamer's Dream

Collective Consciousness

08 Nov, 14:48

A Spiritual Call to Duty; Spiritual Training has Begun 11/7/2024

Trisha @ The Dreamer's Dream

Collective Consciousness

08 Nov, 13:01

Collective Consciousness

08 Nov, 04:13


Collective Consciousness

07 Nov, 14:08

Heavenly Father,
Today we ask you to give us all around peace in our mind, body, soul and spirit. We want you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives. Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. 🙏

Collective Consciousness

07 Nov, 06:00

Collective Consciousness

07 Nov, 01:58

We are live in 5mins

Collective Consciousness

07 Nov, 01:36

Tonight on Poppy's Field Project, Nova and Miriah bob around for more Clues of Scorpio season. Sex of Six days, how are Carpicorn and the moon involved and why death and Halloween are corelated with this foggy 8 month of the year.

Tune into Poppy's Field Project Podcast each Wednesday at:
6pm PST
7pm MST
8pm CST
9pm EST

On the following links:

Telegram Channel:

#podcast #astrology #herbs #october #scorpio

Contact Info for astrology readings, media:
[email protected]

Collective Consciousness

06 Nov, 15:32

Ephesians 1:9
"He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ"
Ephesians 1:10
"To be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment —to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ"

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for making known to us the mystery of your will. We claim the promise that you have revealed your good pleasure to us, which you purposed in your Son, Jesus Christ. We trust in your plan and purpose for our lives, and we ask for your guidance and wisdom as we seek to follow your will. Help us to walk in obedience and faith, knowing that you are working all things together for our good. May your will be done in our lives, and may we bring glory to your name.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


Collective Consciousness

06 Nov, 00:18


Share our link below so others may join us CELEBRATE tonight...


Collective Consciousness

01 Nov, 12:31

New months are beautiful because they remind us of newness. New opportunities, chances, places, and blessings. God is able to turn you into a new chapter that is filled with His peace and blessings.
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
This month, I pray that you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever.
2 Peter 3:18
It is my prayer for you, that your faith is increased and strengthened so that you may do great and mighty things with it.
Luke 17:5
And that you will continue to live your life in him this month of November .
You and your family will be rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7


Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 12:49

Just as a fortress brought peace to a city, God is our fortress and brings peace to our souls in the midst of the chaos happening around us (Psalm 46:7, Psalm 46:11).

In an ever-changing world filled with all manner of danger, David reminds us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). God brings us peace and strengthens us, giving us the freedom to fulfill our God-given destiny rather than being preoccupied with our personal safety just like the ancient cities' fortresses gave them the freedom to thrive.

Building a secure ancient fortress was not an overnight process. It happened day by day, brick by brick. Knowing God is also a process. It happens day by day as we worship Him and stay in community with other believers.

Jesus said we would have trouble in our lives but to be encouraged and at peace because He conquered every problem we will ever face (John 16:33). If we follow Him, Jesus will lead us into the fortress that is an intimate relationship with God.

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 06:31

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 05:45

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 04:07

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 04:06

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 03:59

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 03:49

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 03:41

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 02:09

Today on Poppy's Field Project's Podcast, Nova and Miriah will cover why Halloween and Scorpio are connected, the dark night of that day and its correlations to constellations, and more ghoulish mysteries of the Universe.

Tune into Poppy's Field Project Podcast each Wednesday at:
6pm PST
7pm MST
8pm CST
9pm EST

On the following links:

Telegram Channel:

#podcast #astrology #herbs #october #scorpio

Contact Info for astrology readings, media:
[email protected]

Collective Consciousness

31 Oct, 01:14

Tomorrow on Poppy's Field Project's Podcast, Nova and Miriah will cover why Halloween and Scorpio are connected, the dark night of that day and its correlations to constellations, and more ghoulish mysteries of the Universe.

Tune into Poppy's Field Project Podcast each Wednesday at:
6pm PST
7pm MST
8pm CST
9pm EST

On the following links:

Telegram Channel:

#podcast #astrology #herbs #october #scorpio

Contact Info for astrology readings, media:
[email protected]

Collective Consciousness

30 Oct, 17:15

Collective Consciousness

30 Oct, 10:41

Collective Consciousness

30 Oct, 04:29

Collective Consciousness

29 Oct, 01:22

Collective Consciousness

28 Oct, 13:01

Collective Consciousness

28 Oct, 02:27

Collective Consciousness

27 Oct, 23:06