Cocktail d'Amore is a Telegram channel that brings together cocktail enthusiasts from around the world. With a variety of recipes, tips, and discussions, this channel is the perfect place for anyone looking to elevate their mixology skills. Whether you're a seasoned bartender or just getting started in the world of cocktails, Cocktail d'Amore has something for you. From classic cocktails to innovative new creations, this channel has it all. Join us today and discover a world of flavors and cocktails that will delight your taste buds and impress your friends at your next gathering. Cheers to good times and great drinks with Cocktail d'Amore!
07 Feb, 17:45
30 Dec, 18:14
28 Nov, 16:47
23 Nov, 14:38
21 Nov, 09:09
14 Nov, 18:02
07 Nov, 12:40
30 Oct, 17:07
17 Oct, 16:48
31 Aug, 18:52
28 Aug, 11:27
22 Aug, 11:24
20 Aug, 11:58
15 Aug, 16:03
24 Jul, 15:53
15 Jun, 09:43
12 Jun, 15:34
29 May, 16:23
03 May, 11:52