Classy Rene : Openg


. . .「 📜 Make the most luxurious place ever with @ClassyReene our force, presenting a new ambience by bringing back the old.
...Testimonials : @Testireene
...Archive : @Archivreene @Arsipreene
...Mutual needs : @ClasiesBot
...Any Complain : @WheeinQ

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:56

𝓣he lustrously conflagrant kingdom will luminescence enduring candelabra on the fathomless "beauteous proletariat". Combatants nevermore dormancy and decree constantly chaperon his tenderness. A torch decree consort their rough-and-tumble. The blade bestowed willfulness be the gallantry to bulwark the axiom. Eradicating malevolent is their primary.

        petit-maître stouthearted         
      ( . . XXI — 🏹༅chronicle on
         pilgrimage necromancy

🏰⚚ @SatriaDewa reinstate enrollment male and female to be constituent of troops that surveillant sovereignty, seekers are required to crisscross jolt requirements either interpretation system of employment to fill out the registration form to the government administration section towards the @hirtalsatwa_bot. Question column is provided on the board.

𐂥. GLYPH . examine . frontier —

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:53

[HFW MOOTS] @dpalette is open now! Come take your seat and enjoy every dish we serve. Click on this catalog to find various menus that you like.🌷

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

Haii moots, maaff banget ya sebelumnya baru bisa sempet diving hari inii lagi sibuk sibuknyaa t_t kalau ada yang kelewat atau ada yang mau HFW langsung kirim ke @Clasiesbot ya!

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

𓊔 @dodolant's stock today 25/05/24

       ⋆ youtube indplan 3b: 17k
          (fullgar bf & disable)
       ⋆ amazon prime private: 10k
          (alldev & free akses email)
       ⋆ bulk prime (min 10) : 9k/akun
       ⋆ jaspay amazon prime: 6k
       ⋆ grammarly sharing 1b: 5k
       ⋆ grammarly private 1b : 15k
       ⋆ picsart sharing 1b : 3k
       ⋆ picsart private 1b : 5k
       ⋆ netflix stock ask private chat

📞 @LSehun & akun promosi
vouch: @saavouch

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

yuk order sekalian join GA nya, dari tanggal 23-27 may teleprem login FW only 50.000/account. Close, only open 61.000/account.

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51


Currently @rumistoree is in need of lots of admins who have the ability and willingness to work. Before sending the registration form, it would be a good idea to read all the instructions below:

📢 T&C




Then send the registration form to @hirminhayuk_bot. We are looking for admins who can move the store forward together. If that's you, send the form immediately.

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

Hi, Mutuals! We've completed our task this time, which is diving your channel and forwarding the messages you requested as mutualan is required. Can we ask for reciprocity from you this time? you can forward the message below and fill in the board that we have provided for a casual chat. We thank you very much to our mutuals who are willing to help!

• ask anything here

• ask about our username

note: If there are criticisms/suggestions or there are missed messages that we didn't forward to our channel, you can contact @spectlybot directly, okay? thank you. ❤️

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51


     “Orgilde Hyld” perhaps tycoon's
       Slaughtering precious wielding

         •  ──────────────  •
       Captures and portrayal behavior
       beneath on ardently floral commune.
       inscribe  ruinous  apprehensive.  ii / iii

1997 . 10 — Voyager ever deeper countenances packed with woebegone hounded, misery comes heavily in enduringly sanguine. Ascertaiment jubliant nature, than excitement burlesque but blade-edged intelligence an enduringly sanguine.

          :  ꕑ  Camaraderie  beseech 
                 Presence completely

                              | Hazardous catalog
                              | Marginalia in results
                              | Scenery of ready use
                              | Honest review

   ⓘ. R.O — Getting emphasize every more  creature strikingly away, mindedly the throne of particularly moreover coagulates on Ruinous verse weathered glimmer, furrow shrouded in ruinous verse written maest.

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

Cihuuy skg open lg nieeeh!!! Tutor teleprem juga open yaa. Still 25k pricenyaah, yuuk chat akuuuw @jKupu 🫶🏻

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

Cihuuy skg open lg nieeeh!!! Tutor teleprem juga open yaa. Still 25k pricenyaah, yuuk chat akuuuw @jKupu 🫶🏻

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

☁️ Promo Telegram Premium System Renewal ☁️
Estimasi pengerjaan 1-5 hari, could be more and below 1-5 day, because it always depends if the method works and if theres no lineup. but i'll try to only take 1-5 day for the process.

☁️ Via Login Renewal.
☁️ 80K/12 Months With Warranty.
☁️ 70K/12 Months No Warranty.

☁️ Format Tele Prem
Nama & Username :
Durasi : 12 Months
Jenis Order : WW/NW
Nomor + Pass :

Send format ke @jKupu, kalau limit bisa send ke @Souhee_Bot

- With Warranty garansi hanya avail di 1 bulan pertama, 11 bulan kedepan NO WARRANTY.
- 25-30 days is considered 1 month, so if your acc backfree on 25-30th, there is no warranty again.
- No warranty may last for months or years.
- Renewal adalah ppj otomatis, karna waktu purchase telepremnya itu nggak dibatalin langganannya. jadi bulan selanjutnya bisa aja ke ppj, bisa juga nggak.
- WW & NW bisa boost.
- All bisa pake nomor kosong, gaperlu surel.

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51


❤️ Netpriv Rvisa 88K
❤️ Netpriv PKR 120K
❤️ Telegram Premium 50K
❤️ Netpriv Rvisa 92K
instant household code

❤️ @LadyJuvia
❤️ @seraphictestimoni

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

open the second batch!
@devotionsoul has presented
a new icons (with old icons). 𑁤
Thursday— May 23, 2024 at 4 pm
save the date!

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51

⋆𐙚 ₊ 🍇 the brightness casts a bright ether and a parcel embrace a idiosyncratic take a dekko doobry.. correlation pours hypothesis into this dictionary : songmin :: 7.000 #script

𐃇 howdy - do, kaerly! i [ @username ] want to buy your catalog ( link ) with hastag #script and payment method dana/qris no fee, replace muse ( sebutkan muse dan grup ) thank you

𐃇 send this message as a form to my own heart @dyelicacy

Classy Rene : Openg

20 Jan, 20:51


temui aku dengan lembutnya jiwamu.

1. kemukakan keluhanmu selama jajan di @BIlGDEAL.
2. kritik membangun tanpa ada ujaran kebencian.
3. komplain dilakukan dengan adanya proof, berupa tangkap layar dengan admin yang kamu maksud.
4. kritik dapat terkait perihal; admin tanpa kabar, hasil tak sesuai, telat deadline tanpa komunikasi atau kabar terlebih dahulu, serta lain sebagainya.
5. menyampaikan sekadar apresiasi diizinkan, dan tetap mendapatkan hadiah—jika pembeli berkenan.

kirim pada bot @rayamubot dengan kalimat demikian:

salam, aku ingin dirayakan atas rasaku selama menjadi pelanggan di @BIlGDEAL. semua aku ungkap dengan jujur, ini buktinya. rasaku ini tertuju pada @.admin (yang ingin kamu beri masukkan atau yang kamu miliki keluhan terhadapnya.)

(isi bagian ini dengan keluhan kamu dan saran kamu untuk bigdeal.)

suaramu akan dilindungi dengan semestinya, dan dipastikan tidak akan terangkat ke publik.