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Kimyo noldan // Химия с нуля is a Telegram channel that offers topics and issues related to the field of chemistry in Uzbek and Russian languages. Whether you are a beginner or looking to expand your knowledge in chemistry, this channel provides valuable resources and discussions to help you learn and understand the fundamentals of chemistry from scratch. The channel covers a wide range of topics including basic concepts, chemical reactions, periodic table elements, and more. By joining Kimyo noldan // Химия с нуля, you will have access to informative posts, explanations, and examples that will enhance your understanding of chemistry in an engaging and interactive way. Whether you are a student, teacher, or simply interested in the world of chemistry, this channel is the perfect platform for you to explore the fascinating world of science. Join chemfromzero today and start your journey to mastering chemistry from the ground up!
22 Feb, 07:37
13 Feb, 10:01
12 Feb, 15:53
11 Feb, 15:49
11 Feb, 15:45
08 Feb, 18:23
05 Feb, 17:09
03 Feb, 16:33
01 Feb, 07:39
01 Feb, 01:46
14 Jan, 18:44
13 Jan, 04:52
05 Jan, 15:02
02 Jan, 18:27
02 Jan, 18:09
02 Jan, 04:37
02 Jan, 04:32
27 Dec, 14:12
26 Dec, 18:29
25 Dec, 18:12
19 Dec, 14:19
16 Dec, 17:40
16 Dec, 06:02
15 Dec, 17:53
13 Dec, 17:36
11 Dec, 19:05
11 Dec, 18:08
11 Dec, 11:58
11 Dec, 11:51
26 Nov, 17:40
25 Nov, 15:21
24 Nov, 17:18
23 Nov, 08:12
21 Nov, 07:44
21 Nov, 05:38
20 Nov, 18:19
20 Nov, 14:33
15 Nov, 16:14
15 Nov, 12:38
07 Nov, 17:51
05 Nov, 11:46
29 Oct, 18:10
26 Oct, 07:14
18 Oct, 18:05
18 Oct, 02:08
17 Oct, 16:17
17 Oct, 16:15
16 Oct, 16:44
16 Oct, 16:40
16 Oct, 16:39
16 Oct, 16:38
16 Oct, 16:10
15 Oct, 18:32