Boehly: “December was peak but eight weeks out things are a little different. If you look at the foundations being built, new management team, new academy leadership, sporting director leadership and player mindset. All that’s there and now it is about cultivating the development of the team...”
“The one thing I’ve learned about the British press is they exaggerate a lot and leave stuff out. I’m not going to comment. We have agreed on a strategy and a way forward and stuff is getting done...”
Boehly on criticism of Chelsea from fans:
“It’s par for the course. The reality is the sooner you learn you’re not going to keep all the people happy all the time, freedom shows up from that.”
“The trend is in the right direction and that’s the thing that really matters...”
Todd Boehly on Chelsea’s recruitment strategy. “We look at how do we put together a team that stays together. if you look at the great dynasties in sport over the years, they all had superstar captains for many years, and part of what we look at is how we find that superstar captain or player that can stay with the team for their career.”
"A seven-year contract is really five. It helped with amortisation. But when you look at dynasties, they have super-star captains, and what you’re trying to find is that super-star captain."
"You have to accept it is a unique model but it is the way this market operates. I don’t see it as good or bad. You always focus on how you keep something together for a very long time..."
Todd Boehly asked if the Chelsea ownership will be the same by this time next year. "I can't predict the future..."
(Financial times Summit via nizaarkinsella)
Post updated with new quotes in real time