CHAWRASH چاورش is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing news, stories, and information about the beautiful Baranduz region in Urmia, Iran. The channel, with the title meaning 'sunset' in Kurdish, provides its followers with captivating content related to the culture, nature, and people of this unique area. Whether you are a local resident or a curious traveler, CHAWRASH offers a glimpse into the hidden gems and daily life of Baranduz. By following the channel, you can stay up-to-date with the latest events, festivities, and community gatherings in the region. Additionally, CHAWRASH serves as a platform for communication and interaction among its members. You can connect with other enthusiasts or share your own experiences by joining the Telegram channel or visiting their Instagram page. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the wonders of Baranduz through the lens of CHAWRASH and immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of this Iranian gem.
09 Jan, 15:45
09 Jan, 15:41
09 Jan, 15:36
09 Jan, 14:29
09 Jan, 09:03
09 Jan, 07:30
09 Jan, 06:27
09 Jan, 05:47
09 Jan, 05:43
08 Jan, 09:20
08 Jan, 09:08
08 Dec, 04:03
08 Dec, 04:01
08 Dec, 04:00
07 Dec, 19:44
07 Dec, 14:33
07 Dec, 13:21
07 Dec, 08:00
07 Dec, 05:19
07 Dec, 03:37
07 Dec, 03:31
07 Dec, 03:28
07 Dec, 03:22
06 Dec, 20:26
06 Dec, 15:04
28 Nov, 10:40
28 Nov, 06:49
28 Nov, 06:38
28 Nov, 06:37
27 Nov, 19:51
27 Nov, 17:26
27 Nov, 16:36
27 Nov, 13:34
27 Nov, 11:52
27 Nov, 07:31
27 Nov, 04:53
27 Nov, 04:51
22 Nov, 05:22
21 Nov, 20:57
21 Nov, 10:17
21 Nov, 09:00
21 Nov, 06:29
21 Nov, 05:45
21 Nov, 05:39
21 Nov, 05:36
20 Nov, 20:35
20 Nov, 19:38
20 Nov, 17:14
20 Nov, 15:39
20 Nov, 13:54
20 Nov, 09:26
16 Nov, 21:07
16 Nov, 16:05
16 Nov, 14:49
16 Nov, 11:25
16 Nov, 08:30
16 Nov, 05:44
16 Nov, 03:34
11 Nov, 19:38
11 Nov, 12:30
11 Nov, 08:01
11 Nov, 07:47
11 Nov, 05:43
11 Nov, 03:31
11 Nov, 03:27
11 Nov, 03:24
10 Nov, 15:31
03 Nov, 07:32
03 Nov, 06:00
02 Nov, 19:27
02 Nov, 19:25
02 Nov, 12:28
02 Nov, 12:25
02 Nov, 10:40
02 Nov, 03:40
02 Nov, 03:30
26 Oct, 08:51
26 Oct, 08:30
26 Oct, 05:25
26 Oct, 05:22
26 Oct, 05:14
26 Oct, 05:00
26 Oct, 04:56
26 Oct, 04:56
26 Oct, 04:53
26 Oct, 04:50
25 Oct, 20:08
25 Oct, 19:20
25 Oct, 13:45
25 Oct, 05:56
25 Oct, 05:16
25 Oct, 05:14
25 Oct, 05:08
21 Oct, 16:34
21 Oct, 12:25
21 Oct, 08:31
21 Oct, 05:05
21 Oct, 03:45
21 Oct, 03:41
20 Oct, 19:06
20 Oct, 16:29
20 Oct, 07:48
20 Oct, 06:04
19 Oct, 15:29
19 Oct, 10:57
19 Oct, 08:28
19 Oct, 08:21
19 Oct, 05:54
19 Oct, 05:22
19 Oct, 05:18