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Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
07 Feb, 05:47
Positional_CE by @Stocksoptionblaster BAJFINANCE Spot has moved by 7.9% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: BAJFINANCE Previous Day Close: 8507.3 Strike Price: 8500.0 CE LTP: 220.95 Tentative Target: 287.235
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
07 Feb, 05:27
Positional_CE by @Stocksoptionblaster JINDALSTEL Spot has moved by 2.2% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: JINDALSTEL Previous Day Close: 809.35 Strike Price: 800.0 CE LTP: 54.8 Tentative Target: 71.24
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
07 Feb, 03:55
Positional_PE by @Stocksoptionblaster HINDUNILVR Spot has moved by -3.9% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: HINDUNILVR Previous Day Close: 2372.7 Strike Price: 2380.0 PE LTP: 48.2 Tentative Target: 62.660000000000004
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
05 Feb, 07:58
Positional_PE by @Stocksoptionblaster ABBOTINDIA Spot has moved by -0.2% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: ABBOTINDIA Previous Day Close: 26123.3 Strike Price: 26000.0 PE LTP: 561.55 Tentative Target: 730.015
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
05 Feb, 06:07
Positional_CE by @Stocksoptionblaster BIOCON Spot has moved by 5.5% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: BIOCON Previous Day Close: 371.05 Strike Price: 370.0 CE LTP: 28.15 Tentative Target: 36.595
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
05 Feb, 05:16
Positional_PE by @Stocksoptionblaster CYIENT Spot has moved by -0.6% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: CYIENT Previous Day Close: 1445.15 Strike Price: 1440.0 PE LTP: 28.15 Tentative Target: 36.595
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
05 Feb, 04:22
We’ve added everyone who has shown support on Twitter. If anyone has retweeted but hasn’t been added to the group, they can send a screenshot to the bot ID: https://t.me/SOBTeambot.
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
05 Feb, 04:22
Positional_CE by @Stocksoptionblaster INDUSINDBK Spot has moved by 5.6% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: INDUSINDBK Previous Day Close: 1047.15 Strike Price: 1050.0 CE LTP: 47.35 Tentative Target: 61.555
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
05 Feb, 04:12
Positional_CE by @Stocksoptionblaster LTF Spot has moved by 4.5% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: LTF Previous Day Close: 152.03 Strike Price: 150.0 CE LTP: 7.6 Tentative Target: 9.879999999999999
Chartink SOB Trading ALERTS
04 Feb, 06:22
Positional_CE by @Stocksoptionblaster KALYANKJIL Spot has moved by -0.0% to its Monthly Close.
Symbol: KALYANKJIL Previous Day Close: 502.9 Strike Price: 500.0 CE LTP: 33.25 Tentative Target: 43.225