BSG MGC Public Release Channel @channel_mgc_bsg Channel on Telegram

BSG MGC Public Release Channel


Official Public BSG Google Camera Port Release Channel.
Official Group - @PublicGroup_MGC_BSG
Photography Group - @pocophoto | @WonPicKorea
Config Channel - @Config_MGC

BSG MGC Public Release Channel (English)

Welcome to the BSG MGC Public Release Channel! This channel is the official platform for all the latest updates and releases related to the BSG Google Camera Port. If you are a photography enthusiast or simply looking to enhance the camera performance of your device, this channel is a must-join for you. The BSG MGC Public Release Channel provides users with access to the most up-to-date versions of the Google Camera Port, offering improved features and functionalities for capturing stunning photos.

By joining this channel, you will stay informed about new releases, bug fixes, and configuration settings to optimize your camera experience. Additionally, you can engage with a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about mobile photography. Share tips, tricks, and photos with fellow members to enhance your skills and make the most of your device's camera capabilities.

For further discussions and interactions, make sure to join our official group @PublicGroup_MGC_BSG. If you are looking to showcase your photography skills or seek inspiration, you can also join the Photography Group @pocophoto | @WonPicKorea. Furthermore, for detailed configuration settings, head over to the Config Channel @Config_MGC.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your photography game with the BSG MGC Public Release Channel. Join us today and take your camera experience to the next level!

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

15 Feb, 13:41

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/02/15):

- in the "Additional settings" of the module, in the "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" section, the item "Disable Discard Dissimilar Frames", "Disable dropping with low Score" and "Disable dropping with TET Mismatch" has been added.
- "High light fix 1", "High light fix 2" and "Lut noise fix" items have been added to the "All modes" (for all modes) section.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight"), the "Denoise" section added items "Shot Noise Factor" and "Rejected Denoise Multiplier".
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

08 Feb, 14:18

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/02/08):

- in the "Advanced settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight") added: the item "Dehaze strength factor".
- in the section "Additional settings in modules" the section "All modes" (for all modes) has been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module, in the "All modes" section (for all modes), the items "RAW16 Fix", "Skip Metadata Check" and "Disable Preserving Highlights" have been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module, in the "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" section, the item "High light Fix Zsl" have been added.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

01 Feb, 13:59

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/02/01):

- in the "Advanced settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight") added section "Unsharp Mask".
- the following items have been added to the "Unsharp Mask" section: "Override sharpen polysharp sigma", "Override sharpen polysharp alpha", "Override sharpen polysharp D", "Override sharpen max detail", "Polysharp Radius small", "Polysharp Radius med", "Polysharp Radius large".
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

25 Jan, 16:44

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/01/25):

- the item "Additional settings in modules" (patcher) has been added to the "Mode Configuration" section, "HDR+ (Off / Auto / Net)", "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight" and "RESET ALL TO DEFAULT VALUE" has been added to the "Additional settings in modules" section.
- added a "Denoise" section to "Additional module settings" (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight"); the following items have been added to the "Denoise" section: "Sharpen strength factor"(min\max), "Chroma strength factor"(min\max), "Luma strength factor"(min\max), "Luma revert factor"(min\max) max), "Luma outlier threshold factor"(min\max). Range of values ​​(min\max) to use depending on ISO.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

18 Jan, 15:59

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/01/18):

- a section “Correction of the noise model” has been added to the module settings with the ability to load from a file (the file must be *.c), to use the “user noise model” all 16 fields A, B, C, D must be filled in; (in the absence of values ​​or incomplete filling of the fields, the system noise model is used), the "RESET ALL USER VALUE" item to clear the USER VALUE fields, as well as the items for adjusting "Chroma" ("Scale", "Offset") and "Luma" ( "Scale", "Offset").
- the item "Max Digital Zoom" has been added to the module settings to increase the digital zoom (zoom-toggle on camera preview).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

15 Jan, 15:42

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2024/01/15):

- the item "Disable logging" has been added to the main modification settings (disables writing the log file in the "Download" folder).
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For all photo modes:" the items "Disable preserving highlights" and "High light fix" have been added (activated by enabling "Additional module settings").
- the item "Maximum screen brightness" has been added to the main modification settings.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

11 Jan, 15:52

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/01/11):

- the operation of AUTO-HDRPlus has been improved (it works identically to Pixels devices), the ability to adjust auxiliary frames in this mode has been added.
- added hue and saturation settings to the module settings, custom CCT - "Color correction transform" ("Custom CCT" (9 values), "Saturation fix", "WB correction" ("Offset", "Intensity"), "Saturation" ("General", "Red", "Green", "Cyan"), "Hue (in degrees)" ("General", "Red", "Green", "Cyan")) - (does not work when GAWB is on ).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

09 Jan, 11:39

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2024/01/01):

- the "Configs" section has been added to the main settings modification ("Load", "Save") - saving occurs in the folder "/Download/MGCLite_CONFIG/"(file format *.mgclite (internal xml format)), loading the config is possible from any folder (to navigate through the smartphone’s file system, the built-in file manager is used).
- the item "Camera sounds" has been added to the main modification settings.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

04 Jan, 16:57

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2025/01/04):

- the "Focusing" section has been added to the module settings ("Manual Focus"("reset to Auto", and settings for "Near", "Far", "Infinity"), "Focusing algorithm" - "Reset focus data", "Add IDLE focus", "Delay after tap focusing", "Show focus data" to display focus data on the viewfinder screen ("AF mode", "state", "roi", "lens"), "Minimum focal length" and "Maximum focal length"(has been added to correct problems in auto / tap / manual focusing modes on some devices)).
- "Face Detect Mode"("Auto", "SIMPLE", "FULL", "EXTENDED", "NONE"). items have been added to the module settings.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

01 Jan, 15:05

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2024/01/01):

- in the "Modification settings" (common for all modules) the items "Full FRAMESTORE stream size" and "Additional settings in modules" (patcher) have been added.
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For all photo modes:" the item "Session ID" has been added (allows to set up a custom session for photo modes; under the "HELP" button of this item there are several session numbers).
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For HDR mode:" the item "AE Recompute force" has been added (activated by enabling "Additional module settings").
- in the "Modification Settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For Night mode:" the section "SpatioTemporal Denoiser" ("Temporal Strength Override", "Spatial Strength Override", "Sharpen Strength Override") has been added (activated by enabling "Additional module settings").
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

28 Dec, 13:52

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/12/28):

- a section "Exposure correction" has been added to the module settings (divided into Auto HDR+ and Advanced HDR+: "Shutter speed correction \ ISO" ("Max. shutter speed", "x8 shutter speed", "x6 shutter speed", "x4 shutter speed", "x2 shutter speed" ", "Off", "x2 ISO", "x4 ISO", "x6 ISO", "x8 ISO", "Max ISO")) when the "Max. Shutter" items are activated, an additional item "Maximum shutter speed threshold (ms) appears )", when activating the "Max. ISO" items, an additional item "Minimum ISO threshold" appears.
- added to the module settings the item "Exposure compensation" (-5 .. +5).
- the items "camera.bento_enabled", "camera.cyclops_enabled", "camera.enable_eevee_all" has been added to the developer settings.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

24 Dec, 13:25

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2024/12/25):
- in "Modification settings" (divided into modules), the category "For all photo modes:" was added and the section "Session quality" was added to it(NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE, EDGE_MODE, HOT_PIXEL_MODE, TONEMAP_MODE(if = "Preset Curve" - TONEMAP_PRESET_CURVE(SRGB, REC709)), SHADING_MODE, COLOR_CORRECTION_ABERRATION_MODE, COLOR_CORRECTION_MODE, DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE, CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE, CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT(if = "Still Capture" - CONTROL_ENABLE_ZSL(ON/OFF))).
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For HDR mode:" the menu item "Increase frames for "Base frame" mode" has been added (increases frames from three to nine in this mode).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

21 Dec, 12:55

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/12/21):

- the "Configs" section has been added to the main settings ("Load", "Save") - saving occurs in the folder "/Download/MGC_CONFIG/9.3.160/", loading the config is possible from any folder (to navigate through the smartphone’s file system, the built-in file manager is used).
- the items "Maximum screen brightness" and "Flash mode" ("Auto", "SINGLE", "TORCH") have been added to the modification settings - can fix the problem of flash desynchronization with data capture for photos.
- a section "Correction of system AWB" has been added to the module settings with the ability to load AWB from a .gawb file ("Load Google AWB", "Strengthen AWB correction", "Blue-Green" (16 values), "Red-Green" (16 values ), "RESET ALL USER VALUE" (to reset the set values)).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

18 Dec, 17:19

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2027/12/18):
- added the ability for the modification to work on devices with 32-bit processors.
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For HDR mode:" the section "HDR Range" ("Low", "Normal", "High", "Gain") has been added, works for HDR processing modes "All three frames" and "Under and overexposed frames".
- in the "Modification Settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For Night mode:" the items "HDR Ratio"(default value is approximately 2.0...2.2) and "Downsampling" have been added.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

14 Dec, 13:50

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/12/14):

- the item "MERGE" ("Default", "Wienner merge", "SABRE merge", "Spatial Bayer", "Spatial RGB", "Auto") has been added to the module settings - options for merging HDR+ frames, with the "RAW_SENSOR" format ( RAW16) to avoid application crash, MERGE is automatically reset to "Wienner merge" to disable this fix "camera.disable_merge_fix" in the settings developer.
- the item "SHASTA" ("Default", "On", "Off", "System factor") has been added to the module settings - expanding the dynamic range of HDR+, "highlighting" dark areas in the photo.
- the item "Color filter arrangement" ("RGGB", "GRBG", "GBRG", "BGGR") has been added to the module settings - you need to select the correct one to fix the "green photo" problem.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

11 Dec, 18:33

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2027/12/11):
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules) the item "JPEG resolution scaling (%)" (range 1% ... 1000%) was added for the "HDR", "Night" modes (the "Scaling" mode is activated/deactivated according to pressing on the active module (Example: "1.0" -> scaling deactivated, "1.0S" -> scaling active) also scaling must be set in the settings different from 100%).
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules), in the category "For HDR mode" the item "HDR processing mode" ("All three frames", "Base frame (default)", "Under and overexposed frames") has been added.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

07 Dec, 17:51

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/12/07):

- added "RAW Compression", "White Level", "Black Level" ("Auto", "Dynamic", "16", "64", "100", "63.9", "User"(4 values ​​(when selecting “User”, you need to fill in all four black level fields, otherwise “Auto” will be applied)) items to the module settings
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

04 Dec, 15:50

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (3.8.476835377 from 2027/12/04):
- added support for additional modules (to add an no automatically detected module, it should be added to the "White List", to hide a module that has been detected, it should be added to the "Black List").
- “Modification settings” (common for all modules and divided into modules) as well as links to the website and modification channel have been added to the application settings.
- in the "Modification settings" (common for all modules) the item "Viewfinder Format" ("Auto", "JPEG", "YUV(default)") has been added - corrects the work on some devices.
- in the "Modification settings" (divided into modules) the item "JPEG compression quality (%)" has been added, divided for the "Photo", "HDR", "Night" modes.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

30 Nov, 12:45

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/11/23):

- in the settings of the modules in the category "Photos modes", the section "ID sessions" was added (with items: "ID sessions in Portrait mode", "ID sessions in Photo mode", "ID sessions in Night Sight"), in the category "Video modes "Added points:" ID sessions Time Lapse "," ID sessions 30 FPS "," ID sessions HDR (10BIT) "," ID sessions 60 FPS "," ID sessions of the 24 FPS "," ID sessions of Auto FPS "," ID sessions SlowMo 4X "," ID sessions SlowMo 8x ".
- the items "JPEG compression quality (%)"(the higher the %, the better the photo quality and the larger the file size) and "JPEG resolution scaling (%)"((range 1% ... 500%) for photo modes "PHOTO", "Night photography", "Long exposure" and "Panning" (activation/deactivation of the "Scaling" mode occurs by pressing on the active module (Example: "1.0" -> scaling deactivated, "1.0S" -> scaling active))) have been added to the module settings.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

27 Nov, 13:21

Google Camera GO (application for devices without RAW format support (HARD LEVEL cam2api - "legacy" and "limited"))

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2027/11/23):

- the first release of the modification Google Camera GO() 3.8.476835377, does not use the RAW format when working, therefore it is suitable for devices that do not support this format. (the application may not work stably on some devices).
- the following items in the settings are activated for all devices: “Aspect Ratio”, “Add Geotags” and “Scanning”.
- the following modes are activated for all devices: “Filters”, “SnapChat”, “QR scanner”, “Night mode” and “HDR”.
- package name: ""

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

23 Nov, 19:56

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/11/23):

- the item "Execute finish on" ("Default", "Cpu", "Hexagon", "Gxp") has been added to the modification settings (Attention!!! For the "Panning" and "Long Exposure" modes to work, "Execute finish on" is required equal to or "Default" or "Hexagon") and "SDK version" ("Auto", "21..31 ")(helps fix problems with the modification on some devices).
- added to the module settings the items "Google_ID module", "Surface list"("Auto", "from HW FULL"(VIEWFINDER, RAW_HDRPLUS, YUV_LARGE), "from HW L3"(VIEWFINDER, RAW_HDRPLUS, YUV_ANALYSIS), "from HW L3+"(VIEWFINDER, RAW_HDRPLUS, YUV_ANALYSIS, YUV_LARGE)).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

16 Nov, 15:34

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/11/16):

- the "Modification Settings" section has been added to the main settings.
- the "Interface" item has been added to the "Modification Settings" section (depending on the interface, some operating algorithms are changed and additional modes are hidden/added), "Hardware level” (Auto, Full, Level 3, Level 3+).
- in the "Modification Settings" section, the "Camera Modules" section and the "White List" and "Black List" items have been added (by default, modules are detected automatically; to activate additional modules, add the IDs of the required modules to the white list, and to deactivate them to the black list . Multiple modules are added separated by commas).
- in the "Module Settings" added the items "Preview format" (Auto, JPEG, YUV), "RAW format for HDR+" (Auto, RAW10, RAW16, RAW_PRIVATE) and "RAW format resolution" (appears on devices with multiple RAW resolutions for selecting the correct resolution).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

09 Nov, 10:07

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/11/09):

- the following items have been added to the main settings: "Reset all settings" (works similarly to clearing data + cache), "Disable logging" (when this option is enabled, a log file is not created in the "Download" folder), "Gallery" (the ability to use a third-party gallery. List is created automatically from all applications installed on the system that can open *.jpg).
- in the main settings of the application, in the "Device storage" section, the item "Save to a drive" (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL) has been added to select the option of saving to an external CD card (the item appears if there is an external drive).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

02 Nov, 16:09

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/11/02):

- added support for additional modules; to enable/disable additional modules, use the "camera.lenstoggles_enable" item in the developer settings.
- for access to additional modules on some devices, apk with package names have been added: "", "", "com.meitu.meiyancamera", " android.scan3d", "org.codeaurora.snapcam" (the difference between apk files is only in the name of the package, otherwise these apks are identical).
- added the ability to use custom libraries ("Libraries" - in the main settings ("Load", "Restore"), loading is possible from any folder on the device; the built-in file manager is used for navigation).
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

26 Oct, 14:28

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/10/26):

- in the top curtain, in the "Night Sight" mode, in the "Astrophotography" item, the "On" option has been added (forced Astro, without taking into account shutter speed and gyro sensor).
- the "Google AWB" ("Off" \ "On") item has been added to the top curtain in the "Action Pan", "Long Exposure", "Portrait", "Photo" and "Night Sight" modes (the sixteen-digit Google AWB from Google Pixel XL is used ).
- in the top curtain, in the "Portrait", "Photo" and "Night Shot" modes, the "Frames HDR+ " (1 .. "Max. Number of Frames", "Default", "Auto") "Max. number of frames" increases with Dev. settings "max_hdr_plus_imagereader_image_count"("max_hdr_plus_burst_frame_count" should be set = "max_hdr_plus_imagereader_image_count" / 4). With "Auto" number of frames = dev. setting "auto_frames_total_time_ms" (1000 by default) / photo shutter speed.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

19 Oct, 13:17

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/10/19):

- "Focus-Tracking" and "Activate HDRnet" items have been added to "Advanced Settings" (a newer, hybrid auto + extended HDR+ mode; in low light conditions, extended HDR+ frames are added to AutoHDR+ frames).
- the "Developer Settings" section (843 items) has been added to the main "Camera Settings".
- added the "Automatic Night Mode" option in the "Camera Settings".
- an additional item "RAW format resolution" has been added to the "Camera Resolution (Photo)" menu.
- added animation of the process of saving a photo in the "minibar" of the upper curtain.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

12 Oct, 16:41

BSG public version changelog (9.3.160 from 2024/10/12):

- The first release of the Google Camera modification (the application may not work stably on some devices).
- The application requires Android 11 and above (the application is compiled for Android 11, therefore, during installation, a Google Play protection warning “This application was developed for an earlier version of Android” may appear).
- All fixes from previous versions of the Google camera have been added to the modification to work on various devices.
- package name ""

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

05 Oct, 17:00


BSG public version changelog (9.2.113 from 2024-10-05):

- in the "Additional settings" of the module ("Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight") a section "Night Sight" has been added ("Disable Discard Dissimilar PSL Frames", "Sharpness Delta Factor", "P5 Tuning Night Mode Gain Multiplier", "P6 Tuning Night Mode Gain Multiplier").
- the items "Zipper 2", "Zipper 3" have been added to the "Additional settings" of the "All modes" module (for all modes).
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight"), the "HDR effect intensity" item has been added to the "Processing Param" section.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

28 Sep, 11:33

BSG public version changelog (9.2.113 from 2024/09/28):

- in the "Additional settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight"), the categories "Luma Denoise NEW" ("Luma Denoise A", "Luma Denoise B") have been added to the "Denoise" sections.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (for all modes) in the menu section "Processing Param" -> "ISO\Exposure" the item "Darken light" has been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (for all modes), the "Ultradepth force" item has been added to the "Processing Param" section.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG

BSG MGC Public Release Channel

21 Sep, 11:10

BSG public version changelog (9.2.113 from 2024/09/21):

- in the "Additional settings" of the module (for all modes) the items "Lighting", "Contrast Black", "Sharp Depth 1", "Sharp Depth 2", "Sharp legibility" have been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )) in the "Processing Param" section, the item "Normalized exposure" has been added.
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

modification discussion group: PublicGroup_MGC_BSG