OMN saatalaayitii AMOS 4°W irrattis olbahe. Warri Nilesat jechaa turtan kana irratti salphaatti argattu. Kallattii Diishii Nilesat irratti cm 1 hanga 2 qofa (xiqqoma) mataa gadi qabuun isiniif dhufa. Maqaan: BTN Frq: 11008 SR: 30000 P: V Format: HD daawdhaa!
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OMN saatalaayitii AMOS 4°W irrattis olbahe. Warri Nilesat jechaa turtan kana irratti salphaatti argattu. Kallattii Diishii Nilesat irratti cm 1 hanga 2 qofa (xiqqoma) mataa gadi qabuun isiniif dhufa. Maqaan: BTN Frq: 11008 SR: 30000 P: V Format: HD daawdhaa!
OMN saatalaayitii AMOS 4°W irrattis olbahe. Warri Nilesat jechaa turtan kana irratti salphaatti argattu. Kallattii Diishii Nilesat irratti cm 1 hanga 2 qofa (xiqqoma) mataa gadi qabuun isiniif dhufa. Maqaan: BTN Frq: 11008 SR: 30000 P: V Format: HD daawdhaa!
Kkkkkk Ajaa'ibuma kan Namichoo kanaa Rooba roobsine jedhe BOORANAAF Waaqinuu itti dallaneera!!
Hawassa Polytechnic College
Contract Hawassa October 10, 2021 - October 23, 2021
She/he should have BSC/BA/MSC/MA/ in the field of Civil
Engineering, Construction Technology Management, and related fields from recognized university. She/he should have a minimum Ten (10) years for BSC and Eight(8) years for MSC practical experience in public procurement and specifically in contract administration of civil works for the first- and second-degree holders, respectively.At least Five (5) years’ experience in managing contracts in World Bank financed projects.The candidates should have adequate knowledge of the World Bank and Ethiopian Government procurement procedures and manuals, demonstrated skills on claim and contract management,
negotiation, dispute resolution and arbitration of project contract. Proficiency in computerized contract management system is an
advantage. Excellent communication and team working skills and proficiency
of English (Both Written & Spoken) are essential.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to
paragraph 3.14,3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement
Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Project Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services
dated July 2016, Revised November 2017, August 2018 and Nov.2020 (“Procurement Regulation”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants (IC) method set out in the
Procurement Regulations, Time Based Contract.
Interested and qualified consultants may obtain the Terms of Reference of the assignment and further information at the address
below during office hours 08:00 to 12:00 AM & 2:30 to 5:00, PM
Mondays to Fridays. Expressions of interest, Cover letter, CV and documentary evidence for fulfilling the qualifications and experience requirement must be delivered in a written form to the address below. (In person, or by mail)
from October 06, 2021 up to October 22,2021 04:30 PM.
Hawassa polytechnic college
Attn: Human Resource Management, Office No.: 001
HAWASSA, Sidearm ,
(+251) 462125514
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Contract Hawassa October 10, 2021 - October 23, 2021
She/he should have BSC/BA/MSC/MA/ in the field of Civil
Engineering, Construction Technology Management, and related fields from recognized university. She/he should have a minimum Ten (10) years for BSC and Eight(8) years for MSC practical experience in public procurement and specifically in contract administration of civil works for the first- and second-degree holders, respectively.At least Five (5) years’ experience in managing contracts in World Bank financed projects.The candidates should have adequate knowledge of the World Bank and Ethiopian Government procurement procedures and manuals, demonstrated skills on claim and contract management,
negotiation, dispute resolution and arbitration of project contract. Proficiency in computerized contract management system is an
advantage. Excellent communication and team working skills and proficiency
of English (Both Written & Spoken) are essential.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to
paragraph 3.14,3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement
Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Project Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services
dated July 2016, Revised November 2017, August 2018 and Nov.2020 (“Procurement Regulation”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants (IC) method set out in the
Procurement Regulations, Time Based Contract.
Interested and qualified consultants may obtain the Terms of Reference of the assignment and further information at the address
below during office hours 08:00 to 12:00 AM & 2:30 to 5:00, PM
Mondays to Fridays. Expressions of interest, Cover letter, CV and documentary evidence for fulfilling the qualifications and experience requirement must be delivered in a written form to the address below. (In person, or by mail)
from October 06, 2021 up to October 22,2021 04:30 PM.
Hawassa polytechnic college
Attn: Human Resource Management, Office No.: 001
HAWASSA, Sidearm ,
(+251) 462125514
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Erga Abiyyi dhufe:
- Seer-dhablummaan hundee qabate
- Lubbuun namaa gatii dhabee bakka fedhetti ajjeefamee gatama
- Du’arraa kan hafe hidhamuun inumaayyuu bara Abiyyi akka carraatti ilaalamuu eegalame abdii kutannaa irraa kan ka’e
- Jireenyi qaala’e
- Birriin baala taate
- Diinagdeen kufte
- Diplomaasiin kufte
- Waraanaan kufte
- Malaammaltummaan ifatti hojii mootummaa tahe
- Itti fufa …. kisaaraa bara Abiyyi tarreessee hin fixu
Mee namni erga Abiyyi dhufee waan gaarii 1 biyyi Itoophiyaa argatte jettan barreessaa yaada keessan?
- Seer-dhablummaan hundee qabate
- Lubbuun namaa gatii dhabee bakka fedhetti ajjeefamee gatama
- Du’arraa kan hafe hidhamuun inumaayyuu bara Abiyyi akka carraatti ilaalamuu eegalame abdii kutannaa irraa kan ka’e
- Jireenyi qaala’e
- Birriin baala taate
- Diinagdeen kufte
- Diplomaasiin kufte
- Waraanaan kufte
- Malaammaltummaan ifatti hojii mootummaa tahe
- Itti fufa …. kisaaraa bara Abiyyi tarreessee hin fixu
Mee namni erga Abiyyi dhufee waan gaarii 1 biyyi Itoophiyaa argatte jettan barreessaa yaada keessan?
Jirtuu qeerroo fi qarreen oromoo dhufeen jira gara telegrami koo!!!
Watch "Hojii Boonsaa Haadha Mana Hacaaluu Kaayyoo Isaa Galamaan Gahuuf Dhaabbat Gargarsa//OROMIA NATION" on YouTube
Watch "Ergaa Arifachiisaa Habtaamuu Lamuu Album Hacaaluu irratti Akkaataa ittiin Bitannu fi Argannu Dabarse" on YouTube
Ameerikaan filannoo Itoophiyaa beekkamtii dhoorgatte. Filannoo bilisaa fi haqa qabeessaa miti jette. Paartileen siyaasaa filannoo lagachuun, hoggantootni ciccimoon hidhamuun, biyyattii bakkoota garagaraa keessatti wal waraansi jiraachuun, mariin biyyaalessaa barbaachisaa tahuu hubachiisa jette.