Mohanokor Microfinance Plc is hiring!
- Manager of Credit Management Unit 01 post
Job Description
o Develop the annual plan of new and existing credit product development.
o Participate in the research team for understanding the market demand, customer segment, market share, market penetration and in term of developing new products or diversified products.
o Working with the product designer team and making the product ready according to the specified requirement from research recommendation and conclusion as per decided with the production team.
o Keeping a communication with the other department persons or stakeholders for the receiving of best possible material at suitable cost for achievement of the activities.
o Analyzing the market and evaluating the potential in the market existing and new products.
Closed Date: 29 March 2025
How to apply
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Telegram: 070 331 086
Mohanokor Career

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Opportunities with Microfinance Institutions in Cambodia
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have emerged as vital players in Cambodia's financial landscape, providing monetary services to individuals and small businesses that lack access to traditional banking systems. These institutions have not only facilitated financial inclusion but also played a key role in enhancing economic stability in the region. As Cambodia continues to develop, the demand for skilled professionals within this sector is on the rise. This article explores the diverse career opportunities available within microfinance institutions, ranging from management positions to roles in customer service, risk assessment, and loan administration. With the right qualifications and a passion for social impact, prospective job seekers can find rewarding careers that contribute to community development while growing within the dynamic world of microfinance. This overview will highlight the importance of MFIs in Cambodia and the types of roles available for those looking to make a difference.
គ្រឹះស្ថានមីក្រូហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ គឺជាអង្គភាពហិរញ្ញវត្ថុដែលផ្តល់សេវាហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ kepada ពាណិជ្ជកម្មតូច និងមនុស្សដែលមិនមានចូលដំណើរការប្រាក់កម្ចីពីធនាគារ។ គោលបំណងគឺដើម្បីជួយឱ្យប្រជាជនដែលមានប្រាក់ដើមតិច ឬក្រុមហ៊ុនតូចអាចទទួលបានប្រាក់កម្ចី ដើម្បីអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ ជំនួញ ឬគ្រួសាររបស់ពួកគេ។
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