Bill Cooper Archive


Every available episode of Bill Cooper’s 1990s short-wave radio show The Hour of the Time.
Any skipped numerical episodes were either unavailable from the publisher or reruns of previous episodes.

Bill Cooper Archive

30 Sep, 12:07

Bill cooper speaks on Israel.
No lies detected.

Bill Cooper Archive

12 Jun, 18:06

Bill Cooper | Ex-Mason Reveals Satanic Agenda

Ex-Mason Reveals Satanic Agenda (Original Classic) - Bill Cooper interviews a former 32nd degree Freemason who exposes the hidden Luciferian agenda of the Masonic Lodge and their desire to build a New World Order, with Satan as its head.


Bill Cooper Archive

11 Feb, 20:42

10 mintues after sitting down at my friends super bowl party

Bill Cooper Archive

02 May, 00:15

Understanding The Garden of Eden Perspective: The Destructive Fall of Humanity

"Being God or Godlike is, literally, a Luciferian pursuit that originates from the Garden of Eden Itself. As we can see, the pursuit of being one's own god is nothing new under the sun. The idea of apotheosis or self-deification." [The Oldest Lie]

For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Genesis 3:5

"The Evolution of man into superman -- was always the purpose of the ancient mysteries and the real purpose to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform into a god-like quality." – W. L. WILMSHURT, The Meaning of Masonry, 2016 Edition Pg. 30

"This ancient mysteries doctrine is taught in every mystery tradition, secret society, and every occult organization teaches the Luciferian Philosophy found in Genesis 3:5." – William Bill Cooper

Bill Cooper Archive

06 Sep, 11:44

Born In Blood: The Lost Secrets Of Freemasonry | Bill Cooper

Bill Cooper Archive

01 Jun, 03:39

More to come, folks.

Bill Cooper wasn’t by a long stretch “based,” and maybe he was controlled opposition. Either way, he died in a shootout with feds, so his credibility far exceeds Alex Jones in my book.