‘Most people live in a completely asleep manner, not knowing or caring to know anything beyond random thoughts or temporary emotions. The entire life is lived in a way that is so limited because the more one stays within thoughts and emotions, the more it becomes impossible to go beyond them. Most people don’t even believe that there is a way to live beyond random thoughts and temporary emotions. However, true life is experienced with complete joy and peace only when one isn’t controlled by thoughts and emotions, rather when one learns to control them, become their master. When you can direct, stop, and change your thoughts and emotions at will, that is when you become truly free, truly content, that is when you truly live 100%. Otherwise, look at the world around you and recall your own life before walking some distance on the spiritual path. How was it? Wasn’t it like a pendulum swing of negative and positive emotions, ups and downs of good and bad thoughts? There was happiness, but there was also sadness that came along with it. That’s the way of the world. When one thing comes, its exact opposite energy also comes because this world is based on the laws of physics. If you pull a rubber band in one direction, it will sooner or later spring back with the same amount of force in the opposite direction. So how can you claim that you were truly free, truly happy, truly awake in this world? … See deep into your heart and awaken. Awaken to the truth that is within your own self. That without reaching that spring of eternal joy within yourself you are experiencing life in a miserable way. To come to Bhagavan’s Lotus Feet first reach that unshakable place of love, joy, freedom, unconditional compassion, endless service to all, and pure peace within you. Then you will easily be able to see how much Bhagavan has always helped you. How much He loves you. How He has eternally been by your side. How much your atma craves to have His loving companionship in every moment. And how much He longs for you to come back Home. Only if you surrender all, can all be purified by Him. Be fearless and awaken. Awaken to His Prem.’
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