🌹بر الوالدين🌹 is a Telegram channel dedicated to promoting love, respect, and appreciation towards parents. In Arabic culture, honoring and respecting parents is considered a fundamental value, and this channel aims to spread awareness about the importance of cherishing and respecting our parents. The channel provides inspirational quotes, stories, and advice on how to strengthen the bond with parents and show gratitude for all they have done for us. Whether you are a son, daughter, or parent yourself, 🌹بر الوالدين🌹 offers valuable insights and reminders on the significance of parental love and sacrifice. Join us in celebrating the beautiful relationship between parents and their children!
25 Jan, 15:03
20 Oct, 14:11
12 Oct, 07:18
18 Sep, 18:01
28 Aug, 16:50
24 Aug, 18:15
04 May, 18:16
02 May, 19:53
01 Mar, 14:38
20 Feb, 20:33
13 Feb, 18:58
03 Feb, 08:13
07 Jan, 09:27