Latest Posts from Barruu Beektotaa (@barruu_beektotaa) on Telegram

Barruu Beektotaa Telegram Posts

Barruu Beektotaa
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🗣️ Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.
They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

▶️ MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.

MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.

3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey.

MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

4. Eagles Love the Storm.
When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

5. Eagles Prepare for Training;
They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies/ when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest./

MEANING; Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth there.

6. When the Eagle Grows Old,
His feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body

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@Barruu_Beektotaa 📔

💬 Shamarran baay'een sababni isaan dafanii mufataniif garaan isaanii qulqulluu fi hammeenya waan hin beekneef, kunis...👉 Itti fufaa dubbisaa!

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🌹"Jaalala dhugaa keessatti mata duree yoomiyyuu dagatamuu hin qabne shanan (5) kana,... As tuqii dubbisi!🖱️

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🗣️ Milkaa'inni irra deddeebi'anii yaaluu fi Abdii muruu dhiisuu irraan dhufti

💡 Toomaas Ediisan abbaan argannoo ‘Ampuulii’ ijoollummaa isaatti barnoota dadhabuudhaan mana barumsaa irraa akka ar'atamu taasifame. Guyyaa tokko barsiiftuun isa barsiiftu xalayaa akkas jedhu barreessitee itti laattee akka inni galee maatii isaatti kennuuf itti himte. Xalayichi akkas jedha. “Toomiin kee barumsa waan hin dandeenyeef,akka lammata mana barumsaatti hin ergine!’’ jettee xalayaa barreessitee isumatti laatte.

Ediisan dubbisuu waan hin dandeenyeef, xalayicha osoo banee hin ilaaliin akkuma jirutti galchee harmee isaatti laate. Harmeen isaa xalayicha dubbistee, hirqistee boosse.  Innis harmee isaatiin.....“Maal taate?” jedhee gaafate. Isheenis....“Toomiin kee cimaadha!” jettee barsiiftuun kee xalayaa naaf barreessite......“Kana booda mana barumsaa hin deemtu. Manumattin si barsiifadha!” jetteen Toomiidhaan.

Akka seenaan isaa jedhutti ji'oota lama qofa barate Toomaas Ediisan. Garuu, abbaa argannoo addunyaa kanaa ifa nuuf laataa jirtuuti. Ampuulii kalaquuf yeroo 9999 yaalee, si'a 10000 irratti milkaa'e. Isayyuu xumura irratti ampuulii kalaqee hojjettoota isaa keessaa nama tokkotti akkanni bakka wayii ka'uuf itti laate. Innis harkaa fuudhee battaluma sanatti ampuulichi lafa harkaa rukutee caccabe. Eediisan dadhabbii amma kanaa itti dadhabee.....yeroo amma kanaa itti fixee yommuu jalaa caccabu, baay'ee nama hin aarsu. Nama aarsa dhugaa dubbachuuf! Ammas abdii muree hin dhiisne. Irra deebi'ee hojjechuu isaati. Hojjetee ammas hojjetaadhuma gaafa jalqabaa sanatti deebisee laate.

Hojii Eedisan kana irraa irra deddeebi'anii yaaluun milkaa'ina akka namaaf argamsiiftu barachuun baay'ee salphata. Abdii muruu dhiisuu dabalatee jechuudha.

Henerii Foordii abbaan argannoo konkolaataa, guyyaa  tokko akkas jedheen Eedisaniin...“Wanti kun tasumaa hin danda'amu;koottuutii na waliin kaampaanii koo keessa hojjennaa!” jedheen. Kanas hin dhageenye inni. Xumura irratti ampuulii hojjetee...“Inni ati hin danda'amu jette sun;ni danda'ama!” jechuun ampuulicha itti agarsiisuu danda'eera. Ajaa'iba!

Pirezedaantii Ameerikaa 16ffaa kan ture Abrahaam Liinkan waggaa isaa 52ffaatti Ameerikaa bulchuuf carraa argate. Sanaan dura garuu kufaatii danuu jireenya isaa keessatti nama keessummeessedha. Garuu, mormiiwwanii fi kufaatii amma kanaatiif abdii muree dhiisuu hin dandeenye. Irra deddeebi'ee yaaluudhaan milkaa'eera!

Bulchaan guddaan Afrikaa Kibbaa duraanii, Nelsan Maandellaan bilisummaa uummata gurraachaa fiduuf waggoota 27'f mana siirreessaa keessa ture. Achiitii ba'ee Pirezedaantii Afrikaa Kibbaa ta'uu danda'eera. Wal-qixxummaa Adiif Gurraachaas mirkaneessuu danda'eera. Badhaasa beekamaa Addunyaa ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ fudhachuus danda'eera. Ajaa'iba. Wanti hundi kutannoo gaafatti!

Walumaagalatti, waan hundi kutannoo, irra deddeebi'anii yaaluu, abdii muruu dhiisuu irraan dhufa! Galatoomaa!

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@Barruu_Beektotaa 📔

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🗣️ Of Kakaasii┃ Motivate Yourself

Namoota birootti hirkatanii si kakaasuun hojii kee keessatti bakka fooyya’aa si hin galchu. Kan si kakaasuu danda'u si qofa. Hogganaan kee hojii tokko akka xumurtu si dhiibuu dandaʼa ykn namni wajjin hojjettu tokko pirojektii isaanii irratti akka isaan gargaartu barbaaduu dandaʼa. 
Haa ta'u malee, dhumarratti hojii tokko xumuruuf kan si gammachiisu ofuma kee qofa.

• Gammachuun kee,
• Dhugoomsa kee fi
• Milkaa'ina kee irratti dhiibbaa kan godhu si qofa. 
• Namni of gargaaruu danda'u si qofa. 

• Yeroo hogganaan kee jijjiiramu
• Yeroo hiriyyoonni kee jijjiiraman
• Yeroo hiriyaan kee jijjiiramu
• Yeroo dhaabbati kee jijjiiramu hin jijjiiramu.

Yeroo ati jijjiiramte,
Yeroo ati amantii kee isa daangeffame bira darbitu,
Yeroo ati jireenya keetif itti gaafatamummaa kan qabu si qofa ta’uu hubattudha. "Hariiroon ati qabaachuu dandeessu inni guddaan isa ofii keetii wajjin qabdudha"
Jireenyi wantoota yaada kee jeequu fi wantoota galma hojii kee irraa si fageessuu dandaʼan hedduu siif dhiheessa. Wantoonni yaada kee jeequ kun karaa kee irraa akka si hin gufachiifne yeroo hin hayyamne, kaayyoo kee galmaan ga’uu fi waan galmaan ga’uuf eegdu hunda bira darbuu akka dandeessu ni hubatta.
Kaayyoo kee barreessitii hordofi! Kaka’umsa ofii eeguuf jecha kufaatii kee akkasumas milkaa’ina kee yeroo hunda irra deebii'i madaali. Hojii qormaata ta’e tokko yeroo raawwattu dandeettii kee irratti ofitti amanamummaa ni argatta. Yeroo baayʼee hojiiwwan rakkisaa taʼan xumuruun namoonni milkaaʼina argachuuf akka itti fufan kan kakaasudha. Wantoonni kaka’umsa si taasisan warra naannoo kee jiran kakaasuu hin danda’an, kanaaf kaayyoo mataa keetii irratti xiyyeeffadhu. 
Hojii kee karaa kaka’umsa hin qabneen hojjechuuf yoo yaalte milkaa’uuf rakkatta. 

🔵 Galma kee yookiin hojii keetiin garamitti akka deemtu hordofuu yoo jalqabde, wantoota armaan gadii yaali:
➡️ Ofiif yeroo fudhadhu!
➡️ Sababa hojii kee itti gammaddu ilaali!
➡️ Hojii tokko haala haaraa ta’een xumuri!
➡️ Namoota sii deeggaran waliin haasa'ii yaada kee qoodif!
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@Barruu_Beektotaa 📔

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✉️ Kunuunsaa fi qabannaa jaalalaa keessatti yaadolee ciccimoo isin gargaaruu danda'an,... Itti fufaa dubbisaa,....➡️ Itti fufii dubbisi!

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✍️ Niilsaan Mandeellaa Yeroo Yunivarisiitii keessatti baruumsa seeraa barachaa turan waan isaan mudate dha. Yeroo sanatti barsiisaa adii Piitar jedhamu qabu ture.

❶ Guyyaa tokko Pirofeesaar Piitar nyaata osoo nyaataa jiruu Mandeellaan nyaata isaa qabatee bira ta'e.
Pirofeesaarichis "Mandeellaa Booyyee fi Gugeen nyaataf walbira hin taa'an jedheen!"

Mandeellaanis deebisee hin cinqaminaa ka'een balali'ee deema jedhee teessoo biraa irra taa'e!

❷ Kanaan kan aaran Piitar guyyaa biraa eeggatanii haaloo itti bahuu barbaadan. Haaluma kanaan guyyaa tokko Pirofeesaarichi kutaa keessatti utuu barsiisanuu Mandeellaa gaaffii tokko gaafatan
"Mandeellaa utuu karaa irra deemtuu osoo boorsaa lama tokko kan #qarshii qabu tokko immoo kan #Ogummaa qabu yoo argite kam fudhatta?"

Mandeellaanis "kan qarshii qabu" jedhee deebise.

✉️ Pirofeesaarichis miira moo'ichaatin gowwicha ana osoo ta'ee ogummaan filadha ture jedhee deebiseef.

Mandeellaanis seeqaa "sirrii jette namni hunduu waan hin qabne fudhata" jedheen.

❸ Kana hundaan kan aare pirofeesaarichi adiin waraqaa qormaata isaarratti #Doofaa jedhee bareessee kenneef.
Barattonni kaan qabxii isaanii yoo ilaalan Mandeelladhaaf garuu #Doofaa kan jedhu qofaatu barreeffameef.

Mandeellaanis gara Pirofeesaarichaa deemuun "dhiifama barsiisaa mallattoo kee qofa naaf keessee qabxii koo dagatteerta jedheen" jedhama.

🔵 Seenaa kanarraa gabaabumaatti wanti hubannu:
• Yeroo hundaa gamna ta'uu
• Ofitti amanamummaa qabaachu
• Miira aarii agarsiisu osoo hin taane rakkoof fala barbaaduun filatamaa ta'uu nutti mul'isaa.
• Yaadaan fagaachu akka qabnu nuyi hubachiisa.
• Karaa fi iddoo sirrii ofiif kennu fi kan kana fakkaatan fa'a.

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@Barruu_Beektotaa 📔