Barruu Beektotaa @barruu_beektotaa Channel on Telegram

Barruu Beektotaa

Barruu Beektotaa
Seenaa Namootaarraa Maal baranna?
«Barataan yoo jiraate, barsiisaan eessayyuu jira!»
Barnoota walii galaa
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Last Updated 26.02.2025 18:00

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Seenaa Namootaarraa Maal Baranna? Barnoota Walii Gala

Seenaa namootaarraa maal baranna? Burqaa beekumsa fi hubannaa dhala namaa bara baraan guutuu fi bal'aa ta'eedha. Seenaa, aadaa, fi duudhaa hawaasni tokkoo fi kanneen biroo akkamitti walitti dhufeenya qaban himuuf deeggarsa gumaachuu danda'a. Barnoota walii gala, baay'een namoota caalaatti seenaa fi aadaa isaanii ilaalcha keessa galchuun, barnoota keessatti mudannoo argachuuf akkamitti hirmaachuu akka danda'an ibsa. Yeroo ammaa, barnoota fi seenaa walitti dhufeenya agarsiisuu, barattoonni fi barsiisotni walitti dhufeenya ummatichaa cimsuudhaaf gahee olaanaa qabu.

Seenaa namootaarraa maal baranna?

Seenaa namootaarraa barachuu jechuun, hawaasa keessatti seenaawwan, aadaawwan, fi duudhaawwan babal'achaa dhufan akkamitti barreessee fi beeksisuu akka danda'an ibsa. Hawaasa tokko keessatti barnoota argachuun, dhaloota dhufuuf hojiiwwan seenaa naannolee fi ummata isaanii ilaalchisee dammaqinaan qopheessuu agarsiisa.

Akka carraan seenaa namootaa fi aadaa gabbisuun, baratan barumsa fi qorannoon seenaa hawaasicha tajaajiluu danda'u. As irratti, barattoonni seenaawwan gaaffii fi deebii barreessuuf akkamitti barnoota aadaa fi seenaa itti fufinsaan baruu akka danda'an hubatu.

Barnoota walii gala maali?

Barnoota walii gala jechuun, dhimmoota adda addaa kan hawaasaa fi aadaa walitti dhufeenya qaban irratti xiyyeefachuun, gabbina beektotaan cimsuu fi hubannoo bal'aa uumuu keessatti hirmaachuuf karoorfama. Barnootni kun sirna qabatamaa, daawwannaa fi sochii hawaasaa waliin deeggaramuun, namoota hedduu biratti beekkamtii argata.

Bu'aa barnoota walii galaaf, barattoonni seenaa, aadaa, fi duudhaawwan hawaasaa isaanii keessatti hirmaatanii, akkasumas, ummata isaanii cimsuu fi aadaawwan hunda qindeessuu keessatti qooda ol'aanaa kan qabu ta'uu danda'u.

Akkaataa barnoota seenaa fooyyessuu?

Barnoota seenaa fooyyessuu jechuun, barattootaaf dhimmoota seenaa fi aadaa irratti hubannoo gaarii kennuudha. Hojiiwwan gamaggamaa fi qoratamaa barnoota aadaa fi seenaa waliin wal qabatuu isaanii fooyyesuu fi qooda ol'aanaa kan qabu.

Fooyya'insa barnoota seenaa keessatti meeshaalee fi teeknoolojii haaraa fayyadamuudhaan, qaamolee hirmaachisuu fi dhimmoota sirreessuu irratti xiyyeefachuun, barattoonni, barsiisota fi hawaasaa gidduutti walitti dhufeenya fi ilaalcha wajjin cimsuu danda'u.

Barattoonni seenaa akkamitti hubachuu danda'u?

Barattoonni seenaa hubachuu kan dandeessisan, barnoota seenaa fi aadaa irratti xiyyeefachuun, dhimmoota haala yeroo ammaa fi aadaa keessatti mul'atan irratti hirmaachuudhaan gaarii ta'uu danda'u.

Seenaa barachuu keessatti, barruulee, kitaabota, fi muuxannoo namoota seena-qabeessa ta'an waliin walitti dhufeenya uumuu fi qorannoon seenaa akkamitti barachuu akka dandeenyu ibsa.

Maaliif seenaa barachuu barbaachisaa dha?

Seenaa barachuu, eenyummaa fi aadaa hawaasa tokkoo cimsuudhaaf baay'ee barbaachisaa dha. Seenaawwan barachuun, dhaloota har'aa, seenaawwan darbee kan ummata isaanii waliin qindeessuuf, dawoo barbaachisaa ta'uu isaa beeksisa.

Dhaloonni barnoota seenaa fi aadaa barachuun, dhugaa fi soba beekuuf, haala ammaa ni hubatu. Barnootni kun dandeettii fi ilaalcha ummata rasaan jabeessuuf gahee ol'aanaa kan qabu.

Barruu Beektotaa Telegram Channel

Introducing Barruu Beektotaa, a vibrant and engaging Telegram channel that caters to all individuals looking to explore the beauty of the Oromo language and culture. With the tagline 'Seenaa Namootaarraa Maal baranna? «Barataan yoo jiraate, barsiisaan eessayyuu jira!»', Barruu Beektotaa is the perfect platform for those interested in diving deep into the rich traditions, stories, and learnings of the Oromo people. Whether you are a native speaker looking to reconnect with your roots or someone eager to learn a new language and expand your horizons, this channel offers a welcoming space for all.

From folk tales to proverbs, poetry to music, Barruu Beektotaa covers a wide range of content that showcases the diverse and fascinating aspects of the Oromo culture. The channel serves as a hub for sharing knowledge, fostering discussions, and celebrating the beauty of the Oromo language through engaging and thought-provoking posts.

Whether you are looking to learn more about Oromo traditions, connect with like-minded individuals, or simply immerse yourself in a new and exciting culture, Barruu Beektotaa has something for everyone. Join us today and be a part of our growing community dedicated to preserving and promoting the essence of the Oromo heritage.

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26 Feb, 17:07
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🗣️ Of Kakaasii┃ Motivate Yourself

Namoota birootti hirkatanii si kakaasuun hojii kee keessatti bakka fooyya’aa si hin galchu. Kan si kakaasuu danda'u si qofa. Hogganaan kee hojii tokko akka xumurtu si dhiibuu dandaʼa ykn namni wajjin hojjettu tokko pirojektii isaanii irratti akka isaan gargaartu barbaaduu dandaʼa. 
Haa ta'u malee, dhumarratti hojii tokko xumuruuf kan si gammachiisu ofuma kee qofa.

• Gammachuun kee,
• Dhugoomsa kee fi
• Milkaa'ina kee irratti dhiibbaa kan godhu si qofa. 
• Namni of gargaaruu danda'u si qofa. 

• Yeroo hogganaan kee jijjiiramu
• Yeroo hiriyyoonni kee jijjiiraman
• Yeroo hiriyaan kee jijjiiramu
• Yeroo dhaabbati kee jijjiiramu hin jijjiiramu.

Yeroo ati jijjiiramte,
Yeroo ati amantii kee isa daangeffame bira darbitu,
Yeroo ati jireenya keetif itti gaafatamummaa kan qabu si qofa ta’uu hubattudha. "Hariiroon ati qabaachuu dandeessu inni guddaan isa ofii keetii wajjin qabdudha"
Jireenyi wantoota yaada kee jeequu fi wantoota galma hojii kee irraa si fageessuu dandaʼan hedduu siif dhiheessa. Wantoonni yaada kee jeequ kun karaa kee irraa akka si hin gufachiifne yeroo hin hayyamne, kaayyoo kee galmaan ga’uu fi waan galmaan ga’uuf eegdu hunda bira darbuu akka dandeessu ni hubatta.
Kaayyoo kee barreessitii hordofi! Kaka’umsa ofii eeguuf jecha kufaatii kee akkasumas milkaa’ina kee yeroo hunda irra deebii'i madaali. Hojii qormaata ta’e tokko yeroo raawwattu dandeettii kee irratti ofitti amanamummaa ni argatta. Yeroo baayʼee hojiiwwan rakkisaa taʼan xumuruun namoonni milkaaʼina argachuuf akka itti fufan kan kakaasudha. Wantoonni kaka’umsa si taasisan warra naannoo kee jiran kakaasuu hin danda’an, kanaaf kaayyoo mataa keetii irratti xiyyeeffadhu. 
Hojii kee karaa kaka’umsa hin qabneen hojjechuuf yoo yaalte milkaa’uuf rakkatta. 

🔵 Galma kee yookiin hojii keetiin garamitti akka deemtu hordofuu yoo jalqabde, wantoota armaan gadii yaali:
➡️ Ofiif yeroo fudhadhu!
➡️ Sababa hojii kee itti gammaddu ilaali!
➡️ Hojii tokko haala haaraa ta’een xumuri!
➡️ Namoota sii deeggaran waliin haasa'ii yaada kee qoodif!
❤️     ⤵️        🔕        ✉️   
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@Barruu_Beektotaa 📔

25 Feb, 22:22
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25 Feb, 15:21
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✉️ Kunuunsaa fi qabannaa jaalalaa keessatti yaadolee ciccimoo isin gargaaruu danda'an,... Itti fufaa dubbisaa,....➡️ Itti fufii dubbisi!

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24 Feb, 23:11