Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev @attenglish Channel on Telegram

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev


Ushbu kanal ingliz tilini o'rganish va o'qitishda hamda til bilish sertifikatlarini olishda barchaga hizmat qilish maqsadida ochildi.
Murojaat uchun @Teacher87AAA

attenglish (Uzbek)

attenglish kanali Azizbek Aliyev bilan birgalikda Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materiallari bilan ta’minlaydi. Bu kanal ingliz tilini o'rganish va o'qitishni istaganlar uchun mo'ljallangan. Bu kanal orqali har bir o'qituvchi til bilish sertifikatlarini olish va ingliz tilini o'zlashtirish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi. Azizbek Aliyev bilan birgalikda, siz o'zingizni yaxshi tayyorlash, yangi bilimlar olish va ingliz tilida muvaffaqiyatli bo'lish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lasiz. Siz ham attenglish kanaliga a'zo bo'ling va o'zingiz uchun eng yaxshi yordamni toping!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

16 Feb, 02:38

🔈🔈🔈Talablarga binoan yana challange

🟡Hayrli kun gurppadoshlar va kanalimizning sodiq,doimiy obunachilari.

🟢Siz uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🟤Yakshanba kuni
kechki soatlarda quiz testlarda ishtirok etib bilimingizni oshiring hamda gʻolib boʻlib yopiq kursimizni bepul qoʻlga kiriting

🔶Birinchi oʻrin-bepul kursga qabul
🔷Ikkinchi oʻrin-50 %chegirma
🔶Uchinchi oʻrin-50%chagirma
🔷Toʻrtinchi oʻrin-75%chegirma
🔶Beshinchi oʻrin-75%chegirma

🔵Testlarni hammamiz birgalikda
gurppada bajaramiz.

🔴Testlarga soat 20:00da start beraman va 3 bosqichdan soʻng gʻoliblar aniqlanadi.

🟠Savollar attestatsiya darajasida boʻladi.

⚫️Testlarda kim yuqorida belgilangan oʻrinlarga ega boʻlsa, YOPIQ KURSIMIZga taklif qilinadi.

🟢Agarda oʻsha ishtirokchi allaqachon kursda boʻlsa KURS TOʻLOVIdan ozod qilinadi.

Demak jami 3 bosqichli testda:

3 ta bepul kurs
6ta 50 foiz chegirma
6ta 75 foiz chegirmali oʻrinlar uchun bellashiladi.

Test shu yerda boʻladi👇👇👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 17:35


Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 17:03

Bugungi imtihon siz uchun qanday oʻtdi


Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 05:35

🔈🔈🔈Talablarga binoan yana challange

🟡Hayrli kun gurppadoshlar va kanalimizning sodiq,doimiy obunachilari.

🟢Siz uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🟤Yakshanba kuni
kechki soatlarda quiz testlarda ishtirok etib bilimingizni oshiring hamda gʻolib boʻlib yopiq kursimizni bepul qoʻlga kiriting

🔶Birinchi oʻrin-bepul kursga qabul
🔷Ikkinchi oʻrin-50 %chegirma
🔶Uchinchi oʻrin-50%chagirma
🔷Toʻrtinchi oʻrin-75%chegirma
🔶Beshinchi oʻrin-75%chegirma

🔵Testlarni hammamiz birgalikda
gurppada bajaramiz.

🔴Testlarga soat 20:00da start beraman va 3 bosqichdan soʻng gʻoliblar aniqlanadi.

🟠Savollar attestatsiya darajasida boʻladi.

⚫️Testlarda kim yuqorida belgilangan oʻrinlarga ega boʻlsa, YOPIQ KURSIMIZga taklif qilinadi.

🟢Agarda oʻsha ishtirokchi allaqachon kursda boʻlsa KURS TOʻLOVIdan ozod qilinadi.

Demak jami 3 bosqichli testda:

3 ta bepul kurs
6ta 50 foiz chegirma
6ta 75 foiz chegirmali oʻrinlar uchun bellashiladi.

Test shu yerda boʻladi👇👇👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:49

Assalomu alaykum qadrli ustozlar yuqoridagi malumotlar attestatsiya imtixoni uchun juda muhim👆

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:45

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:44

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:44

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:44

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:44

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:44

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

15 Feb, 02:24

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Jan, 16:41

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Jan, 15:35

Live stream started

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Jan, 15:01


Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Jan, 14:58


Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Jan, 11:57

Assalomu alaykum hurmatli Ustozlar, Ingliztili oʻrganuvchilari
Bugun 29-yanvar soat 20:00 da READING PART 5 koʻrib tahlil qilamiz.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Jan, 04:16

⭕️⭕️⭕️Diqqat Diqqat Diqqat
aziz ingliz tili ustozlari,siz C1 sertifikatini olmoqchisiz lekin listening reading speaking va writing da muammo bormi ,u holda sizga faqat test ishlashdan iborat bo'lgan TKT imtixonini tavsiya qilamiz.
💧FEVRAL oyidan TKT ning  BARCHA modullari uchun yangi kurslarni e'lon qilamiz
📌Ushbu kurs uchun
MEGA CHEGIRMA taqdim qilamiz
📚Kurs davomiyligi 1 oy
💸Kurs narxi:
1- modul uchun 200 000
📌100 000 (agar siz  25-yanvar gacha to'lov qilsangiz )
📌120 000 (agar siz 1-fevral gacha to'lov qilsangiz )
📌150 000 (agar siz 3-fevral gacha to'lov qilsangiz)

🔥Shoshiling,muddat o'tib ketmasin!
Darslarimiz telegramda video chat orqali jonli olib boriladi.
Mavzular chuqur tushuntirilib, testlar kalit so'zlar bilan tahlil qilib beriladi.
Darslarimiz 3-FEVRAL dan boshlanadi
Dars kunlari (1-modullar)Dushanba Chorshanba Juma kunlari soat 21da)
Darslarni TKT instructor Azizbek Aliyev olib boradi 🥇Kursimiz qatnashchilari NATIJALARI👇
Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

28 Jan, 15:59

Live stream finished (58 minutes)

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

28 Jan, 15:00

Live stream started

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

28 Jan, 11:52

Assalomu alaykum hurmatli Ustozlar, Ingliztili oʻrganuvchilari
Bugun 28-yanvar soat 20:00 da READING PART 4 koʻrib tahlil qilamiz.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

13 Jan, 03:37

🔈 Fevral oyida o‘tkaziladigan TKT imtihonlari sanalari va viloyatlarini e’lon qilamiz:

🗓 02.02.2025 (01.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Qo'qon, Toshkent, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch

🗓 09.02.2025 (08.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Toshkent, Jizzax, Samarqand, Navoiy, Termiz, Urganch

🗓 16.02.2025 (15.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Qo'qon,Toshkent, Guliston, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch

💵 To‘lov: Har bir modul uchun – 900 000 so‘m

📞 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun:
Telegram | Instagram

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Jan, 10:32


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz 70%li USTAMA ga imtiyoz beruvchi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchimisiz, u holda sizga ONLINE(jonli)darsimizni taklif qilamiz.

📊Darslarimiz 8-YANVARdan boshlanadi!

📅Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:



😀 Juma

soat 20:30da

💰Kurs narxi oyiga :150 000
Chegirma:8- yanvargacha toʻlov qilsangiz 100 000

🗄Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!


✔️🧡Bonus: yangi qoʻshilganlar uchun avvalgi oy kurs video darslari.

Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Jan, 04:55

Boshlaymiz guys🔥🔥🔥

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Jan, 04:34

Kun davomida testlar vaqti👇
18:00da yakun boʻladi

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Jan, 04:12

🔈🔈🔈Talablarga binoan yana challange

🟡Hayrli kun gurppadoshlar va kanalimizning sodiq,doimiy obunachilari.

🟢Siz uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🟤Bugun kun davomida quiz testlarda ishtirok etib bilimingizni oshiring hamda gʻolib boʻlib yopiq kursimizni bepul qoʻlga kiriting

🔶Birinchi oʻrin-bepul kursga qabul
🔷Ikkinchi oʻrin-50 %chegirma
🔶Uchinchi oʻrin-50%chagirma

🔵Testlarni hammamiz birgalikda bajaramiz.
🔴Testlarga soat 10:00 da start beraman va kun davomida tashlab boraman.
⚪️Savollar attestatsiya darajasida boʻladi.
🟠Kun oxirida test natijalarini sarhisob qilaman.
⚫️Testlarda kim ketma ket eng koʻp gʻoliblikni qoʻlga kiritgan boʻlsa YOPIQ KURSIMIZga bepul taklif qilinadi
🟢Agarda oʻsha ishtirokchi allaqachon kursda boʻlsa KURS TOʻLOVIdan ozod qilinadi

Taʼtilni biz bilan maroqli oʻtkazing!!!
Doʻstlaringizni ham musobaqaga chorlashni unutmang
Bellashuv shu yerda boʻladi👇👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

11 Jan, 04:21

☀️Hayrli kun azizlar.

⌛️Test bajaramizmiii?!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 16:15


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz 70%li USTAMA ga imtiyoz beruvchi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchimisiz, u holda sizga ONLINE(jonli)darsimizni taklif qilamiz.

📊Darslarimiz 8-YANVARdan boshlanadi!

📅Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:



😀 Juma

soat 20:30da

💰Kurs narxi oyiga :150 000
Chegirma:8- yanvargacha toʻlov qilsangiz 100 000

🗄Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!


✔️🧡Bonus: yangi qoʻshilganlar uchun avvalgi oy kurs video darslari.

Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 14:27

Dars yoqqan bo'lsa reaksiya qildiramiz👍👍

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 13:41

Mana shunday qiziqarli va foydali darslarda qatnashmoqchimisiz......
Xali ham kech emas ,bizning yopiq kanalimizga a'zo bo'ling!
Murojaat uchun👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 08:42

🔈 Fevral oyida o‘tkaziladigan TKT imtihonlari sanalari va viloyatlarini e’lon qilamiz:

🗓 02.02.2025 (01.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Qo'qon, Toshkent, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch

🗓 09.02.2025 (08.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Toshkent, Jizzax, Samarqand, Navoiy, Termiz, Urganch

🗓 16.02.2025 (15.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Qo'qon,Toshkent, Guliston, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch

💵 To‘lov: Har bir modul uchun – 900 000 so‘m

📞 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun:
Telegram | Instagram

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 05:00

Shu yerga gooo🔥

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 04:59

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 04:17

🟡Hayrli kun gurppadoshlar va kanalimizning sodiq,doimiy obunachilari.

🟢Bugun JUMA muborak kun munosabati bilan,sizlarga ajoyib tuhfa👇👇👇

🟤Bugungi quizlarimiz boshqa usulda boʻladi.
🔵Testlarni hammamiz birgalikda bajaramiz.
🔴Testlarga soat 10:00 da start beraman va kun davomida tashlab boraman.
⚪️Savollar attestatsiya darajasida boʻladi.
🟠Kun oxirida test natijalarini sarhisob qilaman.
⚫️Testlarda kim ketma ket eng koʻp gʻoliblikni qoʻlga kiritgan boʻlsa YOPIQ KURSIMIZga bepul taklif qilaman.
🟢Agarda oʻsha ishtirokchi allaqachon kursda boʻlsa KURS TOʻLOVIdan ozod qilinadi

Taʼtilni biz bilan maroqli oʻtkazing!!!
Doʻstlaringizni ham musobaqaga chorlashni unutmang!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Jan, 02:29

Mana shunday qiziqarli va foydali darslarda qatnashmoqchimisiz......
Xali ham kech emas ,bizning yopiq kanalimizga a'zo bo'ling!
Murojaat uchun👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

08 Jan, 11:22


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz 70%li USTAMA ga imtiyoz beruvchi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchimisiz, u holda sizga ONLINE(jonli)darsimizni taklif qilamiz.

📊Darslarimiz 8-YANVARdan boshlanadi!

📅Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:



😀 Juma

soat 20:30da

💰Kurs narxi oyiga :150 000
Chegirma:8- yanvargacha toʻlov qilsangiz 100 000

🗄Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!


✔️🧡Bonus: yangi qoʻshilganlar uchun avvalgi oy kurs video darslari.

Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

06 Jan, 04:11

Assalomu alaykum,hayrli kun!
Bugun testlarimiz qaysi mavzuda boʻlishini istardingiz?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Jan, 16:26


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz 70%li USTAMA ga imtiyoz beruvchi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchimisiz, u holda sizga ONLINE(jonli)darsimizni taklif qilamiz.

📊Darslarimiz 8-YANVARdan boshlanadi!

📅Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:



😀 Juma

soat 20:30da

💰Kurs narxi oyiga :150 000
Chegirma:8- yanvargacha toʻlov qilsangiz 100 000

🗄Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!


✔️🧡Bonus: yangi qoʻshilganlar uchun avvalgi oy kurs video darslari.

Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Jan, 15:53

Live stream finished (53 minutes)

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Jan, 15:00

Darsni boshladik

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Jan, 15:00

Live stream started

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

27 Dec, 06:05

2 - FEVRAL TKT imtihoni viloyatlar kesimida!

🔔 Hurmatli ustozlar, eslatib o'tamizki, 2 - FEVRAL kuni bo'lib o'tadigan TKT imtihoniga RO'YXATDAN O'TISH VA TO'LOV MUDDATI — 1 - YANVAR qadar davom etadi.

Belgilangan muddatdan so'ng ro'yxatdan o'tish va to'lovlar qabul qilinmaydi.

📌 Quyida 2 - FEVRAL belgilangan viloyatlar ro‘yxati keltirilgan:

Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Kokand, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Karshi, Termez, Urgench., Nukus.

💴 Narxi: 900.000 so'm! (Har bir modul uchun)


orqali ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz mumkin.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

26 Dec, 10:03

🔈 Fevral oyida o‘tkaziladigan TKT imtihonlari sanalari va viloyatlarini e’lon qilamiz:

🗓 02.02.2025 (01.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Qo'qon, Toshkent, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch

🗓 09.02.2025 (08.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Toshkent, Jizzax, Samarqand, Navoiy, Termiz, Urganch

🗓 16.02.2025 (15.01.2025 sanasigacha ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, to‘lov qilinishi kerak)

📍Viloyatlar: Andijon, Farg'ona, Namangan, Qo'qon,Toshkent, Guliston, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch

💵 To‘lov: Har bir modul uchun – 900 000 so‘m

📞 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun:
Telegram | Instagram

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

25 Dec, 05:20

⛅️ Kun mavzusi ⛅️


Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

06 Dec, 14:00

InshaAlloh 1,5 soatdan keyin yopiq guruhda DARS boshlaymiz

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

06 Dec, 03:31

Assalomu alaykum bugun inshaAlloh yopiq guruhda attestatsiya uchun DARSLARIMIZ boshlanadi, bugun 20:30gacha chegirma narxda TO'LOV qilishingiz mumkin

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Dec, 15:00

Ertaga boshlanadigan kurs haqida

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Dec, 12:54


Савол: Мен 2025 йил баҳорда бўлиб ўтадиган аттестацияда 70 фоизлик устама учун топширмоқчиман. "Агар, натижалар 86 балдан паст бўлса, тоифаси пасайтирилади" - дейишди. Шу тўғрими? (Х.Д.Э. Фарғона вилояти, Фарғона шаҳридаги 22 мактаб ўқитувчиси)

❗️Жавоб: Бу нотўғри албатта. 70 фоизлик устама - бу тоифа тестларида 86 ва ундан кўп балл тўплаган педагогларни қўшимча рағбатлантириш учун жорий этилмоқда. 86 балл тўплай олмаган педагогларга нисбатбан салбий қарорлар қабул қилинмайди.

Murojaatlar uchun:

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Dec, 07:23


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz 70%li USTAMAga imtiyoz beruvchi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchimisiz, u holda sizga ONLINE(jonli)darsimizni taklif qilamiz.

📌Darslarimiz 6-DEKABRdan boshlanadi!

📅 Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:




soat 20:30da

💰Kurs narxi oyiga :150 000
Chegirma:6-Dekabrgacha toʻlov qilsangiz 100 000

🗄Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!


Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 13:03

Bugun dars qilaylikmi....negadir jimsizlar

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 12:50

Shuni ishlab ko'riylarchi

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 12:49

The vegetarian diet is becoming increasingly popular all the time. Is the vegetarian or meat diet better? A
decade ago and earlier, the impression was that a vegetarian diet was lacking in the nutrients found in meat
products. Today though, through research and nutritional science, it has been proven that all the nutrients
found in meat may at the same time be found in the correct vegetarian diet. Some may argue that by only
consuming meat that is low in fat, meat and vegetarian diets have identical benefits. This is true only if one
eats only very low fat meat. The lack of meat is not necessarily the main benefit of to the vegetarian.
Vegetarians tend to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains than the meat eater. They also tend not to use
tobacco and excessive alcohol. Moreover, vegetarians tend to get more exercise.
1) It is clear from the passage that meat and vegetarian diets have similar benefits .......
A) if the term vegetarian cannot be misleading
B) only if very low fat meat is eaten
C) as long as diet can take on many different variations
D) if a vegetarian consumes the same dairy products
E) because the term vegetarian is used to cover all facets and variations
2) It has been alleged that vegetarians do not only benefit from not eating meat in fact, ........
A) but other factors probably include exercise and resistance to smoking and alcohol intake
B) but the partial vegetarian eats anything except red meat
C) this is most likely due to the low fat and high carbohydrate content of their diet as well
D) they usually have lower blood pressure than meat eaters as well
E) they also benefit from not using tobacco and excessive alcohol while getting more exercise
3) In the past it was claimed that the nutrients found in meat products weren't found in a vegetarian diet.......
A) but it is proved to be wrong through research today
B) the last major benefit of the vegetarian diet is its relationship to cancer rate reduction
C) however the vegetarian diets advantages greatly outweigh its shortcomings
D) whether a meat eater or vegetarian, both diets may contribute to good health with proper planning
E) there are advantages and drawbacks to both diets
A social anxiety disorder or social phobia is the constant fear of being criticized or evaluated by other
people. People with a social phobia are nervous, anxious, and afraid about many social situations. Simply
attending a business meeting or going to a company party can be highly nerve wracking and intimidating.
Despite the fact that people with social anxiety want very much to be social with everybody else, their
anxiety about not doing well in public is strong and hinders their best efforts. They freeze up when they
meet new people, particularly authority figures. They are particularly afraid that other people will notice that
they are anxious, so this fear enables the anxiety to grow and turn into a vicious cycle.
4) Even though people with social anxiety want very much to be social with everybody else ..........
A) who is conscious of the fact that people might be staring at them
B) everyone is scared of something
C) everyone experiences nervousness, anxiety and even in superior feelings around certain people
D) they cannot overcome a social phobia without the patient first grasping exactly what triggers their fears
E) they cannot achieve it because of lack of self confidence
5) For someone with a social phobia, attending a business meeting or going to a company party may be
highly nerve wracking and intimidating ......
A) as some people possess these feelings so deeply that their fear is considered irrational
B) Even they realize that it is illogical and that they have a phobia
C) because of being the centre of attraction
D) since a social phobia is the fear of social situations and the interactions with other people
E) for millions of people suffer from phobias every day of their lives.
6) People with a social phobia are nervous, anxious, and afraid about many social situations
A) and then learning how to get proper help

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 12:49

B) since many symptoms go hand in hand with this terrible phobia
C) because they are sure they are making a fool of themselves
D) since they are afraid of being criticized or evaluated by other people2
E) for self-consciousness and anxiety rise to extremes

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 11:22

Assalomu alaykum, ustozlar, bugun qaysi mavzudan dars qilaylik?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 05:26


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz 70%li USTAMAga imtiyoz beruvchi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchimisiz, u holda sizga ONLINE(jonli)darsimizni taklif qilamiz.

📌Darslarimiz 6-DEKABRdan boshlanadi!

📅 Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:




soat 20:30da

💰Kurs narxi oyiga :150 000
Chegirma:6-Dekabrgacha toʻlov qilsangiz 100 000

🗄Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!


Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Dec, 05:26

Ushbu kursga chegirma 6-dekabrgacha ,chegirma bilan to'lov qilishga ulgurib qoling

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Dec, 15:54

O'qituvchilarni qanday yangiliklar kutmoqda?

Pedagoglar attestatsiyasi bo‘yicha yangi qaror loyihasi tayyorlanmoqda. Unga ko'ra, C1 sertifikatiga ega bo'lgan boshqa o'qituvchilarga ham attestatsiyada 80 ball berilishi hamda 86 va undan yuqori ball to‘plagan o‘qituvchilarga 70 foizlik ustama joriy qilinishi ko'zda tutilmoqda.

Xo'sh, bu tizim qanday ishlaydi, bu yangilik qachon amaliyotga joriy etiladi?

Bu haqda Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi Pedagog kadrlarga malaka toifalarini berish jarayonini tashkil etish boshqarmasi boshlig‘i Sardor Raximboyev gapirib berdi.

▶️ To'liq video —

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03 Dec, 14:34

70%li ustama va attestatsiya kursi haqida

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02 Dec, 16:09

Live stream finished (37 minutes)

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02 Dec, 15:37


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02 Dec, 15:35


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02 Dec, 15:34


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24 Nov, 15:19

Boshqalarda taklif yo'qmi

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

24 Nov, 14:03

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

24 Nov, 12:45

❗️Qaysi mavzudan dars bo'lsin?
Izohlarda yozib qoldiramiz!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

24 Nov, 12:30

⭕️⭕️⭕️Assalomu alaykum ustozlar, inshaAlloh ushbu kanalda yaqin kunlarda ATTESTATSIYA ga bepul
darslar boshlaymiz!
➡️Boshqalarga ham ULASHIB qo'ying

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23 Nov, 15:39

👏 Andijonda TKT FORUM muvaffaqiyatli o‘tkazildi!

Bugun 23-noyabr kuni ADC (Andijan Development Centre)da ingliz tili o‘qituvchilari uchun tashkil etilgan forumda ishtirokchilar TKT testi va xalqaro sertifikat haqida batafsil ma’lumot olishdi. Tajribali trenerlar Bekzod Muydinov va Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan qimmatli maslahatlar va testga tayyorlanish bo‘yicha tavsiyalar taqdim etildi.

💡 Eng qiziqarli qismi?

Omadli qatnashchilarimizdan biriga TKT imtihonini mutlaqo bepul topshirish imkoniyati berildi!

Siz ham forumda qatnashib, xalqaro sertifikatga qadam tashlashni xohlaysizmi? Unda biz bilan bo‘ling!

📍 Navbatdagi manzil: Farg‘ona shahri – 24-noyabr!

🖥 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

Edu Action – Sizni yangi imkoniyatlarga yetaklaydi!

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20 Nov, 16:29

Assalomu alaykum ustozlar attestatsiyaga kursni qachon boshlaylik?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

20 Nov, 09:25

🎓 O'qituvchilar uchun oylik daromadini oshirish imkoniyati!

Siz o'qituvchi sifatida o‘z mahoratingizni oshirishni va xalqaro miqyosda tan olingan sertifikat – TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) ni qo‘lga kiritishni xohlaysizmi?

Biz sizni viloyatlarda tashkil etiladigan TKT targ‘ibot tadbirimizga taklif qilamiz!

💡 Ushbu tadbirda siz:

TKT nima ekanligi va uning o‘qituvchilik faoliyatingizga qanday foyda keltirishi haqida to‘liq ma’lumot olasiz.
Imtihonni topshirishda yuzaga keladigan muammolar va ularning yechimlari bilan tanishasiz.
Tajribali o‘qituvchilar bilan muloqot qilib, foydali maslahatlar olasiz.
TKT sertifikati yordamida 50% ustama maosh olish imkoniyati haqida bilib olasiz.

🖥 Hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun:

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

18 Nov, 05:27

Qanday ro’yxatdan o’tishni bilmaganlarga ,bepul o'tkazib beramiz

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

18 Nov, 05:27

📢 Yanvar oyida o’tkaziladigan TKT sanalarini e’lon qilamiz:

🗓 05.01.2025 (01.12.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

🗓 12.01.2025 (08.12.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

🗓 19.01.2025 (15.12.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

🗓 26.01.2025 (22.12.2024 sanasigacha ro’yxatdan o’tib, to’lov qilinishi kerak)

💵 Har bir modul uchun talab qilinadigan to’lov miqdori : 900 000 so’m

Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

17 Nov, 03:19
Dars haqida o'z fikringiz comment da qoldiring!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

17 Nov, 03:19

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

14 Nov, 16:26

“CEFR va IELTS da yuqori ball to‘plagan 3 nafar ustozimiz seminar o‘tkazyapti. Tajribali ustozlarimizdan ilhom oling va ingliz til bilimingizni yangi bosqichga olib chiqing!”

Ustozlarimiz barchasi C1 natijaga erishgan.

15-noyabr soat 14:00 da


Online ro'yhatdan o'tish

Administratorga yozish

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Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

14 Nov, 12:53

Darslarimiz yoqyaptimi?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Nov, 14:21

Mana yana dars👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Nov, 14:21

Darsga yoqsa like bosamiz😉

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Nov, 14:21

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

12 Nov, 13:30

InshaAlloh baxorgi attestatsiyaga (70%li ustama )ham kurslar ochamiz!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

08 Nov, 09:33

❗️❗️Diqqat Diqqat Diqqat aziz ustozlar 50% li ustamaga imtiyoz beradigan sertifikat olishni xoxlaysizmi lekin IELTS yoki CEFR sertifikatlaridan C1 olishga qiynalyapsizmi?U holda siz uchun sertifikat olishning juda oson yo'li bor ,ya'ni faqat va faqat test ishlash orqali 50%li ustamaga imtiyoz beradigan sertifikatni qo'lga kiriting.
Buning uchun  sizga arzon narxdagi tayyor ovozli TKT 1,2,3 modul darslarini taklif qilamiz.
Afzalligi: arzon ya‘ni siz atigi 200 000 evaziga 3ta modulni o‘rganishingiz mumkin va yana o'zingiz xoxlagan vaqtda.
Narxi: 1-modul 100 000
2&3 -modul 100 000
Demo lesson linki 👇
Murojaat uchun
Kanalga kirish uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

08 Nov, 09:33

Diqqat! Diqqat! Diqqat!

📣 Aziz ustozlar,  1,2 va 3-modul test tahlillari guruhi arzon narxlarda!!!

🛎 Test tahlillarini eshitib chiqish sizga juda katta yordam beradi, chunki tahlillar orqali kalit so'zlarni o'rganasiz.
Har bir modul 10 ta testdan iborat, narxi esa 50 000 so'mdan.

✔️ Ha aytgancha,  imkoni boricha yangi testlar qo'shib boriladi, unga qo'shimcha to'lov qilinmaydi. Yangi variantlar bor.

📓 Demo test tahlil guruhiga marhamat.👇

🖊 Murojaat uchun @Teacher87AAA
▶️ Kanalga kirish uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

07 Nov, 11:55

Yana dars tashlaymi

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Nov, 03:16
Dars yoqqan bo'lsa like bosamiz😊

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

04 Nov, 07:34

Dars yoqmadimi 🤔🤔

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 15:52

Ushbu video 2-modulga oid.Talablarga qarab yana davom etamiz.Like va yurakchalarni ayamaymiz.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 15:27

Reaksiyalar kamku???

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 15:23

21. Lasting memory
- *Meaning:* A memory that stays with someone for a long time.
- *Example:* "Taking the photo was a way to create a lasting memory."

22. Tokens of shared experiences
- *Meaning:* Physical or symbolic items that represent experiences shared with others.
- *Example:* "I believe that photos like these are tokens of shared experiences."

23. International official language
- *Meaning:* A single language officially recognized for use globally in communication, business, etc.
- *Example:* "A single international language would certainly simplify communication on a global scale."

24. Break down language barriers
- *Meaning:* Remove obstacles to understanding caused by differences in language.
- *Example:* "It would break down language barriers and promote a more connected world."

25. Global collaboration
- *Meaning:* Cooperation among countries or organizations around the world.
- *Example:* "Global collaboration on issues like climate change."

26. Cultural diversity
- *Meaning:* A variety of cultures coexisting in society.
- *Example:* "The dominance of one language might marginalize others, leading to a loss of cultural diversity."

27. Unique ways of thinking
- *Meaning:* Distinctive approaches to understanding or interpreting the world, often tied to language and culture.
- *Example:* "Local languages often carry unique ways of thinking."

28. Strike a balance
- *Meaning:* To find a compromise or middle ground between opposing forces or ideas.
- *Example:* "It’s essential to strike a balance."

29. Efficient communication
- *Meaning:* Communication that is quick and effective, often with minimal resources or time.
- *Example:* "We could benefit from efficient communication."

30. Rich perspectives
- *Meaning:* Varied and insightful points of view.
- *Example:* "Without sacrificing cultural diversity and the rich perspectives that come with it."


This vocabulary list includes terms and phrases that showcase a strong command of language, which is essential at the C1 level. Mastery of these words and collocations will improve clarity and depth in communication, helping to express complex ideas effectively.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 15:23

Here is a list of important words and collocations from the sample responses, along with definitions to enhance vocabulary comprehension at the C1 level:


### Vocabulary Words and Definitions

1. Pursuing a degree
- *Meaning:* Working towards completing a specific academic qualification.
- *Example:* "Currently, I’m pursuing a degree in business administration."

2. Challenging and rewarding
- *Meaning:* Describing something that is difficult but provides satisfaction or benefit.
- *Example:* "I find both challenging and rewarding."

3. Solid foundation
- *Meaning:* A strong basis of knowledge or skills that supports further development.
- *Example:* "Provides a solid foundation in understanding how businesses operate."

4. Analytical and problem-solving skills
- *Meaning:* The ability to assess situations or information and find effective solutions.
- *Example:* "The analytical and problem-solving skills I’m developing."

5. Real-world scenarios
- *Meaning:* Situations that occur in actual life, outside theoretical or classroom settings.
- *Example:* "Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios."

6. Thick layer of clouds
- *Meaning:* A dense covering of clouds in the sky.
- *Example:* "A thick layer of clouds and occasional light rain."

7. Dreary
- *Meaning:* Dull, bleak, and lifeless; often referring to weather.
- *Example:* "The weather is a bit dreary."

8. Cozy up
- *Meaning:* To make oneself comfortable and warm, often indoors.
- *Example:* "It’s a great excuse to cozy up indoors with a book."

9. Captivated by
- *Meaning:* Deeply attracted to or fascinated by something.
- *Example:* "I was captivated by Orwell’s portrayal of a society."

10. Portrayal
- *Meaning:* The representation or description of someone or something.
- *Example:* "Orwell’s portrayal of a society."

11. Surveillance
- *Meaning:* Close observation, especially of a group or individual, often by authorities.
- *Example:* "It’s a dystopian novel that explores themes of totalitarianism, surveillance, and individual freedom."

12. Hauntingly powerful
- *Meaning:* Deeply affecting or emotionally impactful in a way that is hard to forget.
- *Example:* "The way Orwell writes is hauntingly powerful."

13. Congestion
- *Meaning:* Overcrowding or traffic buildup, often on roads or in urban areas.
- *Example:* "Rows of cars stuck in traffic, likely also during a peak time."

14. Environmental impact
- *Meaning:* The effect or influence of human activity on the natural environment.
- *Example:* "Reflect common issues faced in large cities: the struggle of commuting and the environmental and social impact."

15. Carbon footprint
- *Meaning:* The amount of carbon dioxide emissions for which an individual or organization is responsible, related to activities like transportation or energy use.
- *Example:* "I feel it’s also more environmentally friendly compared to driving, especially when I consider the benefits of reducing my carbon footprint."

16. Pros and cons
- *Meaning:* The advantages and disadvantages of something.
- *Example:* "There are certainly pros and cons to both."

17. Life-saver
- *Meaning:* Something or someone that provides critical help or relief.
- *Example:* "A car can be a life-saver if you’re running late."

18. Sustainable choice
- *Meaning:* An option that supports long-term ecological balance.
- *Example:* "I lean towards public transport because I feel it’s a more sustainable choice."

19. Cliffside viewpoint
- *Meaning:* A place on the edge of a cliff with a view of the surrounding area.
- *Example:* "We stopped at a beautiful cliffside viewpoint."

20. Preserve a moment
- *Meaning:* To keep or maintain a memory or experience in a lasting way.
- *Example:* "We wanted to preserve that particular moment."

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 15:19

C1 level.Part 1.1**

1. Please tell me about your family.
*"My family is relatively small but close-knit. There’s my mother, father, younger sister, and me. My parents have always been supportive, fostering a strong work ethic in us from a young age. My sister and I have quite different personalities—she’s more outgoing, while I’m a bit more introspective—but we get along well and often encourage each other in our personal goals. I feel fortunate to have such a supportive family."*

2. Tell me about your hometown.
*"I come from a small, charming town nestled in a valley, surrounded by rolling hills. It’s the kind of place where everyone knows each other, which can be both comforting and limiting. It has a quaint, historic district with buildings that date back to the 18th century, adding a sense of timelessness. Although it’s peaceful, I must admit I sometimes miss the energy of a bigger city, especially when it comes to cultural events or career opportunities."*

3. Tell me about your last holiday.
*"My last holiday was in the mountains, where I stayed at a remote cabin with some friends. We spent our days hiking and exploring, completely disconnected from our usual routines. It was quite liberating to be without Wi-Fi or any obligations, just surrounded by nature. One memorable experience was hiking to a nearby peak just before sunrise and watching the entire valley light up—it was breathtaking. That trip reminded me of the importance of taking time to disconnect and recharge."*


### Part 1.2

1. What do you see in these pictures?
*"In the first picture, I see a group of young children engaging in an outdoor sport, likely soccer, which suggests teamwork and physical activity. In the second picture, two children are focused on their studies indoors. This contrast highlights two different yet equally important aspects of childhood: physical development through sport and mental growth through academic learning."*

2. What are the advantages of doing sport?
*"Sports offer numerous benefits beyond physical fitness. They help develop resilience, discipline, and time management, which are essential life skills. Engaging in sports also fosters teamwork and communication, especially in team-based sports where players need to coordinate and strategize together. Additionally, sports can boost mental well-being by providing an outlet for stress and improving mood through endorphins. For children, sports can build confidence and teach the value of perseverance."*

3. Why do children prefer outdoor activities over indoor activities?
*"I think outdoor activities appeal to children because they allow a sense of freedom and exploration that indoor settings often lack. Outdoors, children can interact with the natural environment, which is constantly changing and provides new experiences. Also, outdoor play generally offers more space and fewer restrictions, letting children express themselves physically. There’s also an element of novelty and unpredictability in outdoor play, which might be more stimulating for children’s imaginations."*


### Part 2

1. Tell me about a time you were late for something.
*"One instance that stands out was when I was late for an important job interview. I had meticulously prepared and even researched the best route to get there. However, on the day of the interview, the train I was taking was unexpectedly delayed due to a technical issue. I felt a mix of panic and frustration, as I had no control over the situation. Despite contacting the interviewer to explain, I arrived feeling flustered, which affected my performance slightly. It was a valuable lesson in planning for the unexpected."*

2. What made you late?
*"The main cause was an unforeseen delay in public transport. Despite my planning, I didn’t anticipate such a long delay, and it taught me the importance of allowing extra time for contingencies, especially on important occasions."*

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 15:19

3. How did you feel about being late?
*"I felt embarrassed and disappointed, particularly because punctuality is something I value. I was worried that being late would create a negative first impression. However, I also realized that sometimes things are beyond our control, and it’s important to handle these situations with calm and professionalism."*


### Part 3

The government is responsible for providing healthcare for all citizens.

- For:
*"In my view, the government has an obligation to provide healthcare for all citizens because access to healthcare is a fundamental human right. When the state ensures healthcare for everyone, it promotes equality and social stability, as citizens don’t have to worry about being financially ruined by medical costs. A robust healthcare system also contributes to national productivity since a healthier workforce is more efficient. Furthermore, government-regulated healthcare can ensure consistent quality and prevent price gouging, which can happen in privatized systems."*

- Against:
*"On the other hand, there’s an argument to be made that healthcare should be the responsibility of the individual, especially in societies that value personal freedom. Government-funded healthcare systems are often stretched thin, and with aging populations, the financial burden on the state can become unsustainable. Furthermore, some believe that individuals should take proactive responsibility for their own health through lifestyle choices, rather than relying on government assistance. There’s also the argument that centralized healthcare can lead to inefficiencies and long waiting times for patients."*

- Personal Opinion:
*"Personally, I lean towards government-provided healthcare, as it reduces social inequality and creates a healthier society overall. However, I also think there’s value in encouraging individuals to take responsibility for preventive health measures, as this could reduce the strain on the system. Perhaps a balanced approach, where the government provides essential services while promoting individual responsibility, would be ideal."

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 14:57

C1 hohlovchilar ham bormi

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 14:55

- Against:
*"On the other hand, some argue that health is an individual responsibility, as people should take care of their own health through lifestyle choices. Also, with an aging population, providing healthcare for everyone could be too costly and difficult for the government to sustain. This would require a huge amount of resources, which could impact the quality and availability of other essential services."*

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 14:55

B 2 SAMPLE Part 1.1

1. Please tell me about your family
"I come from a small family with just my parents and one younger brother. My parents are both working, so we’re all quite busy during the week, but we always make time for each other on weekends. My brother and I are close, and we often help each other with schoolwork or play video games together. I appreciate the support we have for each other."*

2. Tell me about your hometown.
"My hometown is a medium-sized city with a mix of modern and historic buildings. It’s known for its beautiful parks and a large river that runs through the center, which is great for walking and picnics. There are also some interesting museums and art galleries, so there’s always something to do, whether you’re a local or a tourist."*

3. Tell me about your last holiday.
*"Last holiday, I went to the seaside with my family. We spent a week relaxing on the beach, swimming, and trying out local seafood. It was so refreshing to be away from the city and enjoy the sound of the waves. We also took a boat trip one day, which was the highlight of the trip for me, as we got to see dolphins!"*


### Part 1.2

1. What do you see in these pictures?
*"In the first picture, I see a group of children playing soccer outdoors, which looks very energetic and fun. In the second picture, two girls are studying or doing homework together, which seems quieter and more focused. Both pictures show activities that children are often involved in."*

2. What are the advantages of doing sport?
*"Sports have many advantages, such as improving physical fitness and building teamwork skills. They also help people learn discipline and determination. Additionally, sports can be a great way to relieve stress and build friendships. For children, it’s a way to stay active and develop coordination skills."*

3. Why do children prefer outdoor activities over indoor activities?
*"Many children prefer outdoor activities because they can move around freely and explore. Being outdoors often feels more exciting than being indoors, as there’s more space to play and be active. Plus, outdoor activities usually allow kids to socialize with others in a different way, which can be more fun and less structured than indoor activities."*


### Part 2

1. Tell me about a time you were late for something.
*"I remember being late for an important exam once. I overslept because I had stayed up studying the night before, and I didn’t hear my alarm. When I woke up, I was in a panic, quickly dressed, and rushed out. Fortunately, I made it just in time, but it was a very stressful experience."*

2. What made you late?
*"As I mentioned, I was late because I stayed up too late studying and then overslept. I also didn’t set a second alarm, which I usually do for important days. So it was really a combination of poor planning and exhaustion."*

3. How did you feel about being late?
*"I felt really anxious and frustrated with myself. I was also embarrassed because I knew I should have been more prepared. Since then, I’ve made sure to set multiple alarms on important days, so I don’t end up in a similar situation."*


### Part 3

The government is responsible for providing healthcare for all citizens.
- For:
*"I believe that the government should be responsible for healthcare because health is a fundamental human right. Everyone deserves access to medical treatment, regardless of their financial situation. Good hospitals and healthcare services are essential for the well-being of a country’s population, and these should be a governmental responsibility to ensure quality and equality. Furthermore, a healthy population is vital for national productivity and development."*

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

03 Nov, 14:38

Ushbu savollarga B2 va C1 levelda sample javoblar kerak bo'lsa, kommentda + qoldiramiz

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

02 Nov, 16:19


Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

01 Nov, 15:14

Ko'pchiligilar multilevel materiallarini tashlashimni so'rabsizlar, albatta, IELTS materiallarini so'ragablar ham yoq emas, insha'Allah barchangiz uchun foydali va manfaatli bo'ladigan narsalarni tashlayman

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

01 Nov, 15:08


in the blink of an eye
Meaning: very quickly

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

01 Nov, 15:05


Meaning: full of life and energy (especially of older people )

Follow and observe us for more

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

01 Nov, 14:24

Nima qilay ,video darslarni davomini tashlaymi?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

31 Oct, 03:54

Reaksiya kamku

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 15:45

TKT o'qiyotganlarga jo'natib qo'yamiz!

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 15:42

Endi inshaAlloh ushbu kanalda barcha modullardan video darslar yuklab boraman!
Ushbu postga 50ta reaksiya bosilsa 2chi darsni yuklayman

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:57

Yuqoridagi kabi darslarni kanalga joylab bormoqchiman,commentda o'z fikringizni qoldiring👆

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:46

❗️❗️Diqqat Diqqat Diqqat aziz ustozlar 50% li ustamaga imtiyoz beradigan sertifikat olishni xoxlaysizmi lekin IELTS yoki CEFR sertifikatlaridan C1 olishga qiynalyapsizmi?U holda siz uchun sertifikat olishning juda oson yo'li bor ,ya'ni faqat va faqat test ishlash orqali 50%li ustamaga imtiyoz beradigan sertifikatni qo'lga kiriting.
Buning uchun  sizga arzon narxdagi tayyor ovozli TKT 1,2,3 modul darslarini taklif qilamiz.
Afzalligi: arzon ya‘ni siz atigi 200 000 evaziga 3ta modulni o‘rganishingiz mumkin va yana o'zingiz xoxlagan vaqtda.
Narxi: 1-modul 100 000
2&3 -modul 100 000
Demo lesson linki 👇
Murojaat uchun
Kanalga kirish uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:46

Diqqat! Diqqat! Diqqat!

📣 Aziz ustozlar,  1,2 va 3-modul test tahlillari guruhi arzon narxlarda!!!

🛎 Test tahlillarini eshitib chiqish sizga juda katta yordam beradi, chunki tahlillar orqali kalit so'zlarni o'rganasiz.
Har bir modul 10 ta testdan iborat, narxi esa 50 000 so'mdan.

✔️ Ha aytgancha,  imkoni boricha yangi testlar qo'shib boriladi, unga qo'shimcha to'lov qilinmaydi. Yangi variantlar bor.

📓 Demo test tahlil guruhiga marhamat.👇

🖊 Murojaat uchun @Teacher87AAA
▶️ Kanalga kirish uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:42

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:41

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:41

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

30 Oct, 03:33

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Oct, 16:00


Motivation by Disney🏰📌

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

29 Oct, 15:32


Basic & Idiom
Let's wait and see = Let's play it by ear
I'm not able to decide = I'm on the fence
I'm tired = I'm running on fumes
I'm not feeling well = ? Do you know any idioms? If yes, write on comments below

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

18 Oct, 16:42


Meaning: a lover of rain
Someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

As you know, autumn is the season which rains a lot so most of you I think, enjoy rainy weather. And this word really suits you.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

14 Oct, 11:04


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz kuzgi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchisiz, lekin sizda
fonetika, grammatika va boshqa masalalarda muammo bormi, u holda sizni ONLINE(jonli)darsimizga taklif qilamiz.

📌Darslarimiz 16- OKTYABRdan imtixon kunigacha davom etadi!

📅Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:



soat 21:00da
⌛️davomiyligi: TEST kunigacha

💰Kurs narxi :100 000 (16-oktyabrgacha to'lov qilsangiz 80 000)

💪Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!

Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

13 Oct, 15:34

comment + for speaking

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

13 Oct, 15:34

anyone that wants to do speaking?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

13 Oct, 15:15


out of the blue
Meaning: unexpectedly

Write examples on comments below if you could understand the idiom.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

13 Oct, 15:13


Meaning: the day after tomorrow

Follow and observe us for more.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

13 Oct, 08:58


Aziz ingliz tili ustozlari, siz kuzgi ATTESTATSIYA imtixoniga qatnashmoqchisiz, lekin sizda
fonetika, grammatika va boshqa masalalarda muammo bormi, u holda sizni ONLINE(jonli)darsimizga taklif qilamiz.

📌Darslarimiz 16- OKTYABRdan imtixon kunigacha davom etadi!

📅Darslarimiz  haftada 3 kun:



soat 21:00da
⌛️davomiyligi: TEST kunigacha

💰Kurs narxi :100 000 (16-oktyabrgacha to'lov qilsangiz 80 000)

💪Darslar tajribali tutor, C1 sohibi Azizbek Aliyev tomonidan olib boriladi!!!

Murojaat uchun 👇

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

11 Oct, 15:31


Meaning: to argue about things that are not important
Example: Will you two stop bickering!

We will start learning NEW & ADVANCED vocabulary that will help you to improve your English vocabulary (I hope)

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

11 Oct, 15:21


donkey's years
Meaning: very long time

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

11 Oct, 15:03


Do not pronounce the "B" in these words👆

I think this video will be useful for you. Especially if you are interested in British accent.

Did you know that?

Follow and observe us for more😁

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Oct, 14:51

Another ways to say "Happy birthday!"
If you want to congratulate someone and you wish to say it in other ways, that's just for you.

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

10 Oct, 14:42


How many of these did you know?🧐

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

09 Oct, 15:59

🎲 Quiz 'Test your english level (upper-intermediate test)'
🖊 10 questions · 15 sec

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

09 Oct, 15:03

🎯New idiom for today:
Hold your horses 🐎
Meaning: wait a moment

Can you make a sentences as an example?

Attestation/TKT/general english/IELTS materials for English teachers With Azizbek Aliyev

05 Oct, 14:46