هيچ يك از شيعيان على نيست كه روز مرتكب عمل زشتى يا گناهى شود ، مگر آن كه شب اندوهى به او رسد كه آن گناه را فرو ريزد ؛ پس ، چگونه قلم براى نوشتن گناهان چنين كسى به كار افتد؟!
Are you seeking guidance and inspiration in your daily life? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'The guided ones' created by the user @ati2001m. This channel is dedicated to helping individuals find their path and purpose through uplifting messages, motivational quotes, and insightful wisdom. Whether you are facing challenges, seeking clarity, or simply looking for daily inspiration, 'The guided ones' is the perfect place for you. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Let 'The guided ones' be your beacon of light in the darkness, guiding you towards a brighter and more fulfilling future. Don't wait any longer, join us today and let us help you become the best version of yourself!
15 Nov, 09:54
14 Nov, 18:42
13 Nov, 19:29
13 Nov, 19:19
13 Nov, 19:15
13 Nov, 19:09
13 Nov, 19:04
13 Nov, 19:02
13 Nov, 07:42
13 Nov, 07:38
13 Nov, 07:34
06 Nov, 22:13
06 Nov, 22:12