Atheist of India @atheistofindia Channel on Telegram

Atheist of India


Atheism is not just about not believing in God, but it is about having the courage to question the beliefs that have been handed down to us, to think critically, and to live life free from the chains of dogma.

Atheist of India (English)

Are you tired of conforming to societal norms and beliefs without questioning them? Do you find yourself constantly pondering the existence of a higher power? If so, then the Telegram channel 'Atheist of India' is the perfect community for you.

Atheism is not just about not believing in God, but it is about having the courage to question the beliefs that have been handed down to us, to think critically, and to live life free from the chains of dogma. This channel provides a platform for like-minded individuals in India to come together, share their thoughts, and engage in meaningful discussions about atheism, spirituality, and philosophy.

Whether you are a long-time atheist or someone exploring your beliefs, 'Atheist of India' welcomes all individuals who are curious and open-minded. By joining this channel, you will have access to a community that values intellectual inquiry and respects diverse viewpoints.

Additionally, the channel regularly publishes insightful articles and resources related to atheism and freethinking. You can find thought-provoking content that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages critical thinking. If you are looking to expand your knowledge and engage in stimulating conversations, 'Atheist of India' is the place to be.

Join us on Telegram at @atheistofindia and be a part of a growing community of free-thinkers in India. Embrace skepticism, question everything, and discover the power of intellectual freedom with 'Atheist of India'.

Atheist of India

23 Jan, 07:49

Agree??? What would you do??? 🤔

Atheist of India

21 Jan, 20:51

Child marriage in Hinduism
Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

21 Jan, 18:33

Church leadership was made aware of the allegations, but they never questioned the victim or notified the authorities.

These are the people you're trusting around your children??? Why are churches protecting these p-dos??????


Atheist of India

21 Jan, 18:32

Church leadership was made aware of the allegations, but they never questioned the victim or notified the authorities.

These are the people you're trusting around your children??? Why are churches protecting these p-dos??????


Atheist of India

21 Jan, 16:12

Good Night

Atheist of India

19 Jan, 06:48

राजस्थान: अजमेर में एक मुस्लिम पिता और बेटे ने धर्म परिवर्तन किया. ये दोनों एक मौलवी से परेशान थे, जिसके कारण इन्होंने ये कदम उठाया और हिंदू धर्म अपना लिया.

Atheist of India

18 Jan, 22:57

Prayers don't work because if they did, we wouldn't see so much pain, suffering and disasters in the world. Over 9 million people die every year from hunger, and over 3 million die annually from water-related diseases and millions from other diseases—despite billions of people praying. If prayers truly worked, disasters like hurricanes, earthquake, tsunami which kill thousands and displace millions, wouldn’t still happen. Maybe praying gives you comfort but it doesn't change anything. Hope this helps. 🙂🙂🙂🙂


Atheist of India

18 Jan, 20:31

The church gave him approval to betroth the 14 year old girl to him when he was 26. These are the people you're trusting around your children??? Why are churches protecting these p-dos??????


Atheist of India

18 Jan, 20:31

The church gave him approval to betroth the 14 year old girl to him when he was 26. These are the people you're trusting around your children??? Why are churches protecting these p-dos??????


Atheist of India

18 Jan, 14:09


Atheist of India

18 Jan, 08:40

Of course, India is imperfect.

India has hosted many corrupt governments, hate-mongering politicians, spineless civil servants. But India also has glorious minds like you, and a million others who keep these public servants accountable.

As long as India has free, independent, & critical thinking individuals - India will rise.

There are many amongst us who have left hefty ‘packages’ to serve our republic at the borders, at hospitals, at boardrooms, at universities. And there are many amongst us who are serving India with utmost honesty and sincerity in whatever we are doing in our lives.

As long as we do not divide ourselves, or let others divide us basis our religions, caste, language, how we look, or what we eat - we become the true spokesperson this beautiful country.

There's a high likelihood - whenever you stand for politics development, and rationality - you will be abused by the minions useless political parties.

But no matter what - never support the politics hate, and...

View original post

Atheist of India

17 Jan, 00:47

हिंदू राष्ट्र की मांग करने वाले ही बने खून के प्यासे इस दलित औरत के। देखे कमेंट बॉक्स में।

Atheist of India

16 Jan, 17:02

Religion has been a tool for control, suppressing critical thinking and scientific progress for centuries. It holds to outdated, ancient beliefs, dividing humanity and slowing advancements that could improve lives. Instead of embracing reason, unity, and acceptance, it creates fear, guilt, and blind obedience, keeping society trapped in a cycle of ignorance, hate, chaos, and violence.

Humanity deserves to move forward, free from the chains of superstition, toward a future built on knowledge, compassion, and progress.

Atheist of India

16 Jan, 13:31

और वहीं दलित हिंदू , हिंदू धर्म रक्षक ( वैध आतंकवादी ) के आदेश पर मुस्लिमों पर हमला करता है।

Atheist of India

16 Jan, 10:04

In Hinduism, Goddess Durga wanted her three sons to have sex
Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

16 Jan, 08:46

If your head is attached to another body.

Atheist of India

07 Jan, 17:22

In Hinduism, sex with female slaves
Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

06 Jan, 05:23


Atheist of India

05 Jan, 17:44

Krishna's father had 14 wives

Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

01 Jan, 12:21

भीमा कोरेगांव का मानवता के लिए योगदान

भीमा कोरेगांव दबे-कुचले समाज, खासकर दलितों, की साहस और प्रतिरोध की मिसाल है।
जातिगत जुल्म के खिलाफ हिम्मत:

इस लड़ाई में अंग्रेजों की सेना, जिसमें ज़्यादातर महार (दलित जाति) शामिल थे, ने पेशवा बाजीराव द्वितीय की बड़ी सेना को हराया। यह जीत जातिगत जुल्म के खिलाफ एक बड़ी चुनौती थी।
शोषित समाज का हौसला बढ़ाना:
कोरेगांव की जीत ने दलित समाज को आत्मसम्मान और हिम्मत दी, यह दिखाते हुए कि एकता और साहस से किसी भी अन्याय को हराया जा सकता है।
सामाजिक न्याय का प्रतीक:
भीमा कोरेगांव स्मारक उन लोगों के लिए प्रेरणा बना हुआ है, जो आज भी समानता और इंसाफ के लिए लड़ाई लड़ रहे हैं।
गुलामी के खिलाफ क्रांति की कहानी
महारों और अन्य दलित समाज को जातिगत भेदभाव और छुआछूत जैसी यातनाएं झेलनी पड़ीं। पेशवा, जो ब्राह्मणवादी सोच के समर्थक थे, इस गुलामी का मुख्य प्रतीक थे।
1818 में तीसरे एंग्लो-मराठा युद्ध के दौरान, 500 सैनिकों की एक महार बटालियन ने पेशवा की 28,000 सैनिकों वाली सेना के खिलाफ भीमा कोरेगांव में बहादुरी से लड़ाई की। भले ही उनकी संख्या कम थी, लेकिन महार जीत गए।
यह जीत सिर्फ सैन्य सफलता नहीं थी, बल्कि जातिगत जुल्म के खिलाफ एक बड़ी क्रांति थी। पेशवा सेना, जो दलितों को इंसान नहीं मानती थी, उनकी इस हार ने जातिगत श्रेष्ठता की सोच को चुनौती दी।

अंधभक्त हिंदू भीमा कोरेगांव से क्यों नफरत करते हैं और झूठी अफवाहें फैलाते हैं?

ब्राह्मणवादी सोच को चुनौती:

भीमा कोरेगांव जातिगत उत्पीड़न की कड़वी सच्चाई को उजागर करता है। ब्राह्मणवादी विचारधारा में यकीन रखने वाले इसे अपनी सांस्कृतिक श्रेष्ठता पर हमला मानते हैं।
धर्म का गलत इस्तेमाल:

यह अफवाह फैलाई जाती है कि यह लड़ाई "हिंदू एकता" के खिलाफ थी, क्योंकि महारों ने अंग्रेजों का साथ दिया। लेकिन यह सच नहीं है। पेशवा खुद जातिगत अन्याय और विभाजन के प्रतीक थे।
दलित गर्व का डर:
भीमा कोरेगांव की यादगार दलित गर्व और प्रतिरोध का प्रतीक है। हिंदू कट्टरपंथी इसे बदनाम करने के लिए झूठी खबरें फैलाते हैं और इसे "राष्ट्र-विरोधी" कहकर बदनाम करते हैं।
हिंदुओं द्वारा फैलाई गई अंधश्रद्धा का पर्दाफाश
धर्म से जातिगत भेदभाव को सही ठहराना:
मनुस्मृति जैसे ग्रंथों ने छुआछूत और जातिगत अन्याय को जायज ठहराया। इन ग्रंथों पर आंख मूंदकर भरोसा करना आज भी समाज में भेदभाव को बढ़ावा देता है।
अमानवीय रीति-रिवाज:

छुआछूत, मंदिरों में प्रवेश की मनाही, और सफाई का काम दलितों पर थोपना जैसे रीति-रिवाज धर्म के नाम पर आज भी लागू हैं।
झूठे गौरव की कहानियां:
ब्राह्मणवादी श्रेष्ठता की कहानियां भीमा कोरेगांव जैसी घटनाओं को दबा देती हैं, जिससे इतिहास को तोड़-मरोड़कर पेश किया जाता है।
भीमा कोरेगांव की विरासत यह सिखाती है कि अन्याय और शोषण के खिलाफ मानवता को हमेशा खड़ा होना चाहिए। यह लड़ाई दबे-कुचले समाज के साहस की मिसाल है और यह हर उस इंसान के लिए प्रेरणा है, जो अंधश्रद्धा, जातिगत उत्पीड़न और असमानता को खत्म करना चाहता है।

Atheist of India

01 Jan, 12:21

भीमा कोरेगांव: समानता के लिए क्रांति का प्रतीक
भीमा कोरेगांव की लड़ाई (1818) मानवता और समानता के लिए किए गए संघर्षों में एक ऐतिहासिक और प्रतीकात्मक घटना है। यह केवल एक सैन्य टकराव नहीं था, बल्कि जातिगत उत्पीड़न और गुलामी के खिलाफ विद्रोह का प्रतीक था।

Atheist of India

31 Dec, 19:00

हिन्दुओं का नव वर्ष चैत्र मास से शुरू होगा, मोमिन कह रहे हैं कि उनका नया साल मुहर्रम से शुरू होगा. तो फ़िर देश में आज ये आतिशबाज़ी, सजावट और पार्टियाँ करके गंध कौन मचा रहा है?

Atheist of India

31 Dec, 15:45

In Hinduism, Vishnu sex with Vrinda in disguise
Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

30 Dec, 22:58

In Hinduism, Bhramha intercourse with Own daughter sarasvati
Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

29 Dec, 19:10

Niyogi in Hinduism, Having children through sexual intercourse with someone other than your husband or wife

Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

28 Dec, 19:14

1. Fanaticism and Religious Exclusivity
Muslims who adopt a more rigid, literal, and often politicized interpretation of Islam may prioritize their religious identity above other social or national bonds. Historically, such groups often view those of other religions (or even Muslims with differing interpretations) with suspicion or hostility. This phenomenon is not unique to Islam; it occurs across various religions when fundamentalism takes root.

In the Indian context, for instance, some Muslim leaders in history have been criticized for failing to embrace the pluralistic culture of the region. This can sometimes manifest as an insular worldview where loyalty to the faith is seen as superseding loyalty to a diverse, multi-religious society.

2. Secular and Progressive Muslims
On the other hand, many Muslims throughout history and today have embraced secularism and humanism, often interpreting their faith in ways that harmonize with modern egalitarian values. These individuals respect other religions, advocate for coexistence, and emphasize shared humanity over religious differences.

For instance, reformists and thinkers like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan or contemporary progressive Muslim intellectuals argue for a rational and inclusive approach to religion. However, such individuals are often labeled "infidels" (kafir) or accused of diluting their faith by ultra-conservative Muslims, who view their inclusive stance as a betrayal of orthodox Islamic principles.

3. The "Infidel" Label
The term "infidel" (kafir) has historically been used as a theological label rather than a definitive judgment. Its application to progressive Muslims reflects a struggle within the Muslim community itself—between those advocating for reform and openness, and those clinging to strict interpretations.

This internal conflict is evident in cases where secular Muslims or those advocating for interfaith harmony face ostracism or even persecution from their more conservative peers. This has happened globally, including in regions like the Middle East, South Asia, and beyond.

4. Broader Implications
It is crucial to emphasize that the attitude of love or disdain for people of other faiths is not inherently tied to Islam or any religion but depends on individual and collective interpretations. Progressive Muslims contribute to building bridges across religious divides and upholding the secular, inclusive fabric of nations like India.

At the same time, fanaticism—regardless of the faith it arises from—undermines the principles of equality, coexistence, and mutual respect that are essential for any diverse society to thrive.

By focusing on shared human values and rational discourse, societies can resist the divisive tendencies of fanaticism and celebrate the diversity that enriches our world.

Read more

Atheist of India

28 Dec, 19:14

"Religious Fanaticism vs. Secular Progressivism: A Rational Exploration of Faith and Coexistence"

The statement you bring up highlights a complex and sensitive aspect of religious and social dynamics, particularly within communities where interpretations of faith differ widely. Let’s explore this rationally and historically:

Atheist of India

28 Dec, 11:37

Israeli war crimes

Atheist of India

27 Dec, 19:53

In Hinduism, the Hindu god Indra raped Ahalya.

Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

25 Dec, 16:16

An art performance titled: 'Most Moral Army in the World' by Polish artist Igor Dobrowolski

Atheist of India

25 Dec, 13:26

मनुस्मृति दहन दिन।

Atheist of India

08 Dec, 05:39

Humare sanatan dharm ke kin kin chamatkar ko jhutlaoge 🚩

Atheist of India

08 Dec, 04:18

Imagine two birds, Hindu parrot and Muslim parrot perched on the same tree. Both parrots are convinced their god gave them the exclusive right to fly. Hindu parrot says:
"Flying is a divine gift from my god, who created the skies and taught us how to flap our wings in perfect harmony!"

Muslim parrot interrupts:
"Ridiculous! My god not only created the skies but also designed the wind to carry us higher than anyone else!"

Now, instead of flying together and enjoying the skies, these parrots decide to squawk all day about who has the "true god." They gather other parrots, and soon, it’s "The War of the Wings".

But here’s the punchline: neither god needed to teach them flying. Nature did! Meanwhile, an eagle casually soars above, laughing at the parrots fighting over a gift they already share.


If your god truly wanted you to dominate, why would they give everyone wings? Instead of arguing, why not flap your wings, enjoy the vast skies, and realize:
1. Flying is for exploring, not fighting.
2. The hawks (or free thinkers) will take the skies while you’re stuck in a holy squawk-off.


Free-thinker’s note: If Hindu parrot and Muslim parrot unite in their extremism, all they’ll dominate is the Guinness World Record for "Most Feathers Plucked in a Fight Over Imaginary Ownership of the Sky."



Atheist of India

22 Nov, 03:55

A criticism of Modi Government.

Atheist of India

21 Nov, 11:12

Breaking down 5000 years of reservation History | Sumit Chauhan

Atheist of India

21 Nov, 10:30

How Ambedkar’s vision challenges RSS Hindutva in Nagpur | Maharashtra Elections 2024

Atheist of India

19 Nov, 23:40

We are humans. We are one.

Atheist of India

19 Nov, 18:08

The people killed the king for saying bad things to Vishnu.
Niyogi Ex Sanātani

Atheist of India

14 Nov, 17:42

Learn and yet always be ready to unlearn.

Atheist of India

14 Nov, 09:56

Watch more Hindu Unity

Atheist of India

13 Nov, 19:15

The whole world is patriarchal. And so in सनातन.

Atheist of India

12 Nov, 05:02

Daniel Dennett On Apostasy

Atheist of India

11 Nov, 14:04


Atheist of India

25 Oct, 14:28

Life of Lyn

Atheist of India

25 Oct, 06:29

Just arrived. Will read later.

Atheist of India

25 Oct, 06:02

Richard Dawkins - What If I Am Wrong?

Atheist of India

25 Oct, 05:00

Odia and Hindi mismatch in brain space

Atheist of India

24 Oct, 15:23

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Niyogi Ex Sanātani





