
A Vedic astrologer, spiritual awakener, sole purpose is to spread the divine light amongst darkness engulfing our minds. Watsapp on 9650491836 for Kundli Analysis Appointments.


20 Jan, 09:18

I am not sure whether all this information helps you in anyway, i feel educating about Astrology is essential to understand the Charts.

On February 6th, a big event awaits us. The north Lunar Node, which we know as Rahu, will move from the nakshatra Bharani to the nakshatra Ashwini.

The lunar node has been in Bharani since July 12 last year.In general, we will not be mistaken if we say that over these six months we have witnessed many extreme events. Now we are on the threshold of new trends.

Ashwini is the first nakshatra in the Indian zodiac: everything starts with her. This is the constellation of the first breath, awakening, the beginning of everything new, as well as healing. It is no coincidence that in Indian astrology the deities of this nakshatra are the twin horsemen Ashwini Kumara, gifted with the power to heal the sick and restore youth.

A solar eclipse will occur in Ashwini on April 20, and transit Jupiter will enter there two days later. Thus, the two most powerful "expanding planets" will simultaneously be in one nakshatra, which will unite in one degree on May 31.

The qualities of the Ashvini nakshatra should manifest themselves to the maximum: there is hope for the โ€œhealingโ€ of the global political system, its restart, the return of constructiveness and the birth of new favorable trends.

The activation of the Ashwini nakshatra and the events associated with it will be most felt by people in whose horoscope the ascendant and important planets are in the Ashwini nakshatra itself, as well as in the nakshatras of Magha, Purva Phalguni and Mula.

There are a lot of precautions also connected with it which i will tell you as the time comes closer.


20 Jan, 09:17

Karmic disease: is it possible to cure it?

Yes, there is, if you identify it in time and start working on yourself.

In the astrological chart of a person, a causal relationship, the influence of planets in different periods and the karmic disease itself are visible.

What is infertility, alcoholism, oncology, or mental disorders?

Often they come "by karma", without obvious signs and deviations, it is difficult to diagnose at the initial stage.

Astrology really works!

With the help of this knowledge, you can harmonize your health, improve well-being and even get rid of diseases or prevent their occurrence.


20 Jan, 09:17

Ketu - carries mental disorders, a predisposition to infections, infections, diseases of the nervous system. The beneficial aspect of Ketu helps to resist diseases, increases immunity, while the evil aspect destroys it and deprives a person of strength.


20 Jan, 09:17

Mars - negatively located, weak, gives accidents and injuries, infectious diseases and complex operations. The evil Martian influence extends to the gallbladder, liver, blood, provokes jaundice, hepatitis, ulcers, leukemia, and sudden heart attacks.


20 Jan, 09:17

Sometimes seeing the charts i feel uneasy to tell the beholder of the Chart about the upcoming illnesses. But being an Astrologer i feel it's mandatory.

Rahu :- brings intractable and difficult to diagnose diseases, as well as damage from poison, radiation, alcohol addiction. It is also a weakness of the immune system and a prerequisite for oncology.

By the position and influence of Rahu in the chart, one can accurately determine whether a person has a threat of drug addiction, mental disorder, or cancer. In addition, neuroses and their underlying causes, as well as prerequisites for suicides, are looked at by this lunar node.

It is believed that the negative influence of Rahu is driven by the aspect of other malefic planets (Mars or Saturn).


20 Jan, 09:17

The most malefic planets are:

Saturn - if afflicted in the chart, it gives a long-term harmful effect. Causes chronic diseases that debilitate the body, debilitating, as well as general slagging of the body, nervous disorders, rheumatism and arthritis, spasms and tremors.

Saturn provokes Karmic diseases more often than other planets, and their causes can be recognized precisely by its position, the current dasha, and the influence of sade-sati.


20 Jan, 09:17

Our Lagna Chart and illness:-

Our astrological chart contains complete information about our body, health and disease.

By examining and analyzing the chart, we can see not only the ailment itself, but also its underlying causes, the influence of malefic planets, and the prerequisites for illness.

Since each house, sign and planet is responsible for certain organs, it is necessary to identify the affected ones and draw a conclusion about the nature and causes of karmic illness.


20 Jan, 09:17

Those who have sent already please do not resend


20 Jan, 09:17

All those who have booked Sri Chakra Yantra and Kailash Dhan Raksha Yantra please make sure to send full address with pincode and mobile number please


20 Jan, 09:17

There is soon going to be a period which will be very intense for the Governments, for the parents health and for our confidence and mental health.

I will be explaining to you regarding this. We need to exercise all precautions to come out of this phase safely .

Please read all my posts henceforth.


20 Jan, 09:17

Retrograde Saturn

This is the most important planet of all.

Saturn always gives a person a tendency to despondency, some kind of gloom and pessimism in life.

This person is very responsible and takes everything in life too seriously, as if life is holding him by the throat.

The task for such a person is to acquire optimism, ease in all matters, develop a sense of humor, the ability to be charming, and learn to communicate with people around.

And most importantly, with all this, do not lose commitment in your affairs.

When determining retrograde planets in your natal chart, you should remember that such planets are essentially an extraordinary energy that must always be used for good.

Hope this helps


20 Jan, 09:17

Retrograde Venus

Usually gives great love, special attention exclusively to one's own appearance and a desire to please the opposite sex.

Such a person is recommended to be faithful to his partner, as well as handle relationships intelligently. Focus on a luxurious lifestyle will be more .


20 Jan, 09:17

Retrograde Jupiter

Can indicate precisely the spiritual craving, inclinations and talent for philosophy and religion.

It is very important for such a person to learn to respect teachers and different spiritual movements, since such people can be devoted to any one teaching.

It is also important for these people to be able to take care of children and be close to them in the spiritual sense.

This means that you do not need to flutter in the clouds, but to be more down to earth.

You also need to be careful about finances.


20 Jan, 09:17

Retrograde Mercury

Gives, as a rule, a flexible and soft mind, a craving for mental activity, some kind of non-standard thinking, such an ability to reach the depths of understanding with your own mind.

A person needs to learn to subdue his mind, rely also on emotions and his feelings, and not just on logical manifestations alone.

Mercury is soft and Retrograde makes it softer and childlike.


20 Jan, 09:17

Each retrograde planet in a person's horoscope gives different qualities:


Mars can give excessive activity, a surge of strong energy, some difficulty in bringing the things started to their logical conclusion.

A person needs to learn to develop in himself stamina and determination, the ability to control his anger and refrain from all kinds of violence.

Most important not to behave spontaneously


20 Jan, 09:17

Today let's go deep into Astrology and know something about Retrograde planets. So many of you are confused regarding this.

Retrograde planets in a person's chart usually carry a longing for spirituality and special Karmic tasks for a person's current life.In order to find out if you have retrograde planets, you need to draw up a natal chart.

In a personโ€™s chart, such a planet may not be one, but several, but it may also be that there may not be such planets at all.The most basic task that such a planet speaks of is that it is an indicator of why the soul again came to our planet.

It also indicates its Karmic task and cause.

And it is a detailed analysis of a personโ€™s Chart that makes it possible to understand what a person could not do in the past, what specific features and debts he could not work out in himself.


20 Jan, 09:16

I have started the overseas dispatch as well of the Yantras


20 Jan, 09:16

Life is so full of Miracles.

Keep your eyes open to see them๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™

Greed and Pride will not let you acknowledge them.


20 Jan, 09:16

I have a firm belief in Miracles ๐Ÿ™


20 Jan, 09:16

As you all are asking for details about Kailasha Dhan Raksha Yantra I am sending you.

This yantra protects from malefic effects of all planets and negative influences. It also helps fulfil wishes & desires and brings fortune. It burns Sanchit Karmas and protects from thefts, accidents & sudden death. Bestows immense wealth to the worshipper. This Yantra has to be pasted inside the house close to the main door. You can laminate or get it framed also. This will take 30- 45 days to reach you.

The energy exchange for this Yantra is 5100/-