Abdul Qadir Khan @askabdulqadir Channel on Telegram

Abdul Qadir Khan


Official Telegram Channel of Abdul Qadir.
( Social worker | Medico )

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Abdul Qadir Khan (English)

Are you looking for inspiration and motivation in your daily life? Do you want to stay updated on social work and medical advice? Look no further than the Official Telegram Channel of Abdul Qadir Khan, also known as @askabdulqadir. Abdul Qadir Khan is a dedicated social worker and a passionate medico who aims to make a difference in the world.

On this channel, you can find valuable insights, tips, and information on various social issues, health topics, and personal development. Abdul Qadir Khan shares his knowledge and experience to help others lead a better and healthier life.

Make sure to follow Abdul Qadir Khan on his other social media platforms as well to stay connected and engaged. You can find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/askabdulqadir, on Instagram at https://instagram.com/askabdulqadir, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/askabdulqadir?s=21.

Join the community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact on society. Follow @askabdulqadir on Telegram today and be part of a movement towards a better tomorrow.

Abdul Qadir Khan

06 Mar, 14:38


Abdul Qadir Khan

04 Jan, 12:33

61.Frog eye appearance is seen in  Anencephaly

62.Large chorioangioma are associated with  Poly-hydramnios

63.Shortest diameter of pelvic cavity  Interspinous diameter

64. Immune rejection of fetus is prevented by which hormone  HCG

65.Early amniocentesis is done at the gestational age of =12-14 weeks

66.Oligohydramnios is associated with  =Renal agenesis

67.At term, amount of amniotic fluid  =800 ml

68.Burns Marshall technique is used to deliver  Aftercoming head in breech

69. Litzmanns obliquity is =Posterior asynctilism

70.Syphilis is transmitted in which week of pregnancy = 28 week

71. MTP act was passed in which year  =1971

72. Sphingomyelin Lecithin ratio is measured for assessing the maturity of  =Lung

73.AFP levels are decreased in =  Down syndrome

74. Type of ectopic pregnancy which commonly ruptures = Isthmic

75.Shortest diameter in AP plane = Obstetric conjugate

76. Most consistent sign of ectopic pregnancy  =Pain

77. MC fungal infection in 3 trimester of pregnancy  =Candida albicans

78.MC cause of pyometra =  Carcinoma cervix

79.  Longest diameter of fetal skull=  Mentavertical

80. MC cause of post-partum hemorrhage  =Uterine atony

81.Late deceleration is due to = Uteroplacental insufficiency

82.Peak levels of HCG are by what intrauterine age  =7-9 weeks

83.Amniocentesis is done at=  12-20 weeks

84. % of breech presentation  =3%

85.MC cause of perinatal mortality in twins = Prematurity

86. Total iron requirement in pregnancy=  1000MG

87.Weight gain in normal pregnancy=  10-12 kg

88.Placenta develops from=Deciduas basalis & chorion frondosum

89.Ratio of fetal weight to placental weight at term =6:1

90. Neurological defects in a newborn of diabetic lady = Caudal regression syndrome,spina bifida

91 .Legally MTP is done upto how many days  140

92.MC side effect of progesterone only pill  = Irregular bleeding

93.Palmer sign of pregnancy is = Rhythmic contraction of uterus

94.Cervix effacement suggestive of labor =15 mm

95.LH surge occurs how many hours before ovulation  =24 hours

96.A sure sign of labor is formation of  =Bag of waters

97.Cardinal movements during labor are in which order=  Engagement, internal rotation, delivery of head, restitution & external rotation

98.Purpose of partogram=  Monitor progress of labor

99.Rate of dilatation in latent stage of labor=  1 cm/hr

100.A common indication of classical caesarean section=  Dense adhesion in lower uterine segment

101.Cardiac output returns to pre-pregnant state in how many weeks after labor = 4 weeks

102.Valvular condition with worst prognosis in pregnancy = Pulmonary hypertension

103. lodine level requirement in pregnancy  = 220 micrograms

104. Complication of placental abruption  Risk of postpartum haemorrhage

105.Amniotic fluid turnover occurs in how many hours   = 3

106.Obliterated umbilical vein is known as = Ligamentum teres

107.Chromosomal complement of a primary oocyte  =46XX

108.Second maturation division of the human ovum occurs at the time of=  Fertilization

109. Implantation of fertilized ovum occurs after =6-9 days
110.Placental circulation is established by=  18-21 days of fertilization

By Dr.Ashish &Team Nlc🏆🔥
Happy Learning😊

Abdul Qadir Khan

04 Jan, 12:33


1.Toxoplasmosis disease is more severe if transplacental transmission takes place in trimester =1st trimester

2. Ruptures of membrane, after 37th week but before the onset of labor is known as =  Term premature rupture of membrane

3. If combined duration of 1 and 2 stage of labor is less than 2 hours, it is knownas... labour=   Percipitated labour

4.Values of HCG, MSAFP and estriol in triple test (for Down syndrome) are.........…&  Raised, low, low

5.Halo sign (of Deuel; radiolucent halo around fetal cranium due to edema of
pericranial fat) suggests…. = Intrauterine fital death

6.When there is infiltration of blood & fluid in between the muscles bundles of uterus, it is known as.....uterus  =Couvelaire uterus

7.Drug used in medical management of ectopic pregnancy = Methotrexate

8.Haase's rule is employed for  = Gestational age of fetus

9.HELLP syndrome is a complication of  =PIH/Pre-ecalmpsia

10.Favourable score in Bishop's cervical scoring is  =6-13

11.Sequence of lochia in postpartum period =  Rubra, serosa, alba

12.If the umbilical cord is attached to the margins of placenta, then it is known as = Battledore placenta

13.Uterus to cervix ratio in children= 1:2

14.... cells are seen in bacterial vaginosis  = Clue

15. … appearance of vagina is seen in trichomoniasis = Strawberry

16.... Bodies are seen in granulosa cell tumour  Call Exner

17. ….Crystal are seen in hilus cell tumour=  Reinke's

18. Signet ring appearance may be seen in.... =Tumour  Krukenberg

19.Sample is taken from lateral part of vaginal wall for =Hormonal studies

20.Drug used for PCOD = Clomiphene

21.Feming of cervical mucus occurs due to the presence of... in mucus  = Sodium chloride

22.Menstrual cycles occurring in less than 21 days is = Poly-menorrhoea

23.Most common site of fertilization  =Ampulla

24.Any 2 tumours, against which OCP are protective  =Ovarian Ca, Uterine Ca

25.Physicochemical changes that occurs in sperm to make it capable of fertilizing the ovum is known as: = Capacitation

26.Decidua is:  Endometrium of pregnancy

27.Weight of placenta at term:  500 gm

28.Amount of amniotic fluid at term:  600-800 ml

29.Hormone which maintains corpus luteum of pregnancy:  HCG

30. Maximum levels of hCG are seen between:  60-70 days of pregnancy

31. Chief hormone of corpus luteum:  Progesterone

32. 8 Normal fetal scalp blood pH: 7.35

33.Polyhydramnios is defined as amniotic fluid more than:  2L

34.Fluid of choice for burns:  Ringer lactate
35.Calculation of Expected Date of Delivery is based on:  Naegele's formula

36. Presentation, if the engaging diameter is Occipito-frontal:  Vertex

37.Minimum GCS score possible:  3

38.In lactating females, post-delivery ovulation returns by:  10 weeks

39.Painful vaginal bleeding in 3rd trimester may indicate:  The rupture of the cake

40. MC presenting symptom of Sheehan's syndrome  Failure to breast feed the baby

41.DOC for maternal hyperthyroidism  Propyl-thiouracil

42.Expulsion of grape like vesicles' per vaginum in a pregnant lady is suggestive of:  Molar pregnancy

43.Carcinoma which may develop after molar pregnancy  Chorio-carcinoma

44.Most reliable diagnosis of H. mole is by  USG

45.Pout-coital test is used to asses.... factors as a cause of infertility Cervical

46.An ideal female pelvis is  Gynecoid

47.Longest part of fallopian tube  Ampulla

48.Implantation begins on:   6 day
49.In pregnancy, Maternal blood volume increases by nearly...%   40%

50.Post term pregnancy continues beyond:  294 days

51.Earliest sign of intrauterine death:  Gas in large vessels (Robert sign)

52. MC type of presentation:   Cephalic
53.Serum tumour marker for Trophoblastic tumour.  HCG

54.MTP is legal in pregnancy upto:  20 weeks

55.Earliest anomaly detected on USG:  Anencephaly

56.Level of MgSO, to prevent seizures  4-7 mg/ml

57.Recurrence rate of HELPP syndrome  2%

58.Anti-hypertensive absolutely C/1 in pregnancy  Enalapril

59.Immediate complication of 10 U of oxytocin bolus  Hypotension

60.Changes in cervix in pregnancy  Increase in collagen

Abdul Qadir Khan

25 Sep, 10:50

All India Counseling - PG Medical

Round 3 Registration extended up to 6:30 p.m. / Reset up to 5:30 p.m. / Payment facility up to 8 p.m. / Choice Locking activated from 9 p.m. / Choice Filling will be available up to 11:59 of 25th Sep

Abdul Qadir Khan

10 Mar, 14:19


Abdul Qadir Khan

07 Feb, 16:40


Abdul Qadir Khan

12 Jan, 19:20

NEET PG 2023: According to official sources, the Union health ministry will extend the MBBS internship cut-off date to June 30 and an official announcement in this regard is expected soon.
Presently, the cut-off date for aspirants to complete their mandatory one-year internship is March 31, 2023.

Abdul Qadir Khan

20 Sep, 16:56

Narang Paediatric

Abdul Qadir Khan

19 Sep, 07:37

Publicity is more important than lives of citizens.
Source : Cowin

Abdul Qadir Khan

12 Sep, 17:15
