ASID Confession (still) ✨ @asidconfession Channel on Telegram

ASID Confession (still)

This is unofficial confession channel for Uitm Dengkil

ASID Confession (still) ✨ (English)

Welcome to ASID Confession (still) ✨, the unofficial confession channel for Uitm Dengkil! Are you looking for a place where you can anonymously share your thoughts, secrets, and confessions? Look no further, because this channel is the perfect platform for you. Whether you want to vent about your day, confess your feelings, or simply share your stories with like-minded individuals, ASID Confession (still) is here for you. Join our community today by clicking on the link provided and start sharing your confessions. Let your voice be heard in a safe and supportive space. Remember, your secrets are safe with us. Join ASID Confession (still) now and be a part of this vibrant community of confession seekers!

ASID Confession (still)

16 Oct, 14:50

rindu dengkil

ASID Confession (still)

22 Apr, 07:23


ASID Confession (still)

26 Jan, 10:32

For someone yg tanya pasal ayah yg panas baran tu.. this is my opinion

My dad baran jgk.. but what i do is i selalu main dengan mood dia.. like if let's say u need something, if mood dia kelaut, then maybe u can ask from your mom first or tunggu till mood dia okay.. but what i know is lelaki nk main mood dia u can try guna makanan sbb most of the time menjadi.. x perlu beli but u can cook lile cucur ke ape supaya dia mengunyah and betulkan mood dia dulu.. make him coffee or tea.. mcm tu..

Like u said la sometimes diorg dont know how to express their anger in the best way and sometimes they just want to feel love sbb i believe seseorang tu jadi baran because cara dia dibesarkan..

So if your dad likes u to pamper him like pat his head or something u can do so.. but if dia tengah marah u can try go to him tanya kenapa.. berat ke masalah tu.. cuba tarik nafas, tenang dulu and cerita..

Sometimes someone need to help them to calm first.. tp u guna intonation yg lembut and calming.. dioranh tengah berapi and u need to be the water

Hope it helps!!❤️

ASID Confession (still)

26 Jan, 10:31

Hi , i got cgpa uitm 3.92 and upu 4.00 for sem 1. Kalau nk isi upu fasa 1 , kita guna cgpa yg mana satu ?

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:34

soleha y33hawt comel lawa idola doo😭😭,,btw aku laki

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:34

Highly recommend you guys yg nak try out degree in medical imaging with honours here in uitm. Sts best! And this course memang tak ramai tau but you guys can make the difference.

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:34

korang kita ada event asid homecoming ke? sape tahu cuba bagi details sikeeeett

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:33

Hye saya junior ada tak kat sini yg dapat dentistry boleh tlg share tips tak

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:33

hi korang how was your sem 1? i just nak share my story.

haritu masa nak isi upu i was so confused whether i nak pursue law or the course that i actually minat. at first i letak law and i got the iv for law tapi masatu i still macam tak sure nak ke tak. and end up i tak pergi pun iv tu and i tukar my first choice in upu to my favourite course and alhamdulillah i dapat !!

and guess what, it was the best choice i ever made !! i suka gila course i belajar sekarang and alhamdulillah all my lecturers are so kind and i got a lot of friends yang baik dengan i. time asasi dulu i rasa terpinggir sangat and rasa lonely gila tapi now in degree anywhere i go i always have someone with me. i tak homesick langsung duduk sini even though my hometown jauh. i bersyukur gila dapat kawan yang baik. anyway, i doa yang baca cerita i ni dapat kawan yang baik and i doakan korang dapat jawab final exam ni Aamiinnn. Last but not least, Happy chinese new year!!

for those yang rasa lonely dekat uni , i bagi tips, just buat baik dengan semua orang and kawan dengan semua orang even though you rasa orang tu akan influence mende tak baik untuk you tapi you kenala control yourself, mende baik ikut mende jahat janganlah ikut okay!!

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:33

Saya nak boifrennnnnnn
Btw saya medic student

ASID Confession (still)

25 Jan, 15:33

ada sesiapa sambung degree bahasa inggeris dan perdagangan kat usim tk or tau pasal kos ni

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 12:51

Ade tak yg tgh degree occupational therapy uitm? Ramai tak batch korang? Pointer u brape nak masuk course ni? Tq

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 12:51

nana law tu dah ada bf la sekarang dekat uitm shah alam

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 12:50

Hai gais. Apa khabar semua? Macam mana sem 1 degree?

Aku nak cerita je lah, aku punya course ni banyak politik. So subjek pun banyak kaitan dengan politik.

Sem 1 dah dapat lecturer psycho HAHAHHA penad la hidup aku. Lecturer bias. Siapa yang dia suka dia bagi A. Orang kena banyak bodek dulu baru dapat A. Siapa bagi hadiah kat dia, dia suka.

Lecturer tak neutral. Sejujurnya aku tak kisah lecturer ni sokong parti mana. Tapi dia ni tak neutral langsung. Nampak dia ke arah mana. Bila ada budak nak buat assignment berkaitan dengan parti yang dia x suka, dia x bagi. Hmm penad

Ada jugak dapat lecturer yang suka halau orang pun ada HAHAHA. Korang ape cer?

Baru sem 1 mental dah barai 😂🥲

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 12:50

hi i nak smbg chemical engineering.ade spe2 blh bagi suggestion nak smbg kat mne atau apply scholarship

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 12:50

rindu student laki yang kerja kedai kakrose tu yang ganu tu, awok apekabo sekarang

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 02:57


ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 02:57

yang nama aiman tu kalau suka cakapla suka janganla nak bagi mixed signals 😌

ASID Confession (still)

24 Jan, 02:57

E11 tetap dihati🗿