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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta


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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta (English)

Welcome to Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta, the ultimate destination for all things ZZZ! This Telegram channel is your go-to source for news, information, and more related to ZZZ. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking to stay updated on the latest trends, Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta has got you covered. Make sure to join the conversation by speaking English in the comments. Our community is filled with like-minded individuals who share your passion for ZZZ. As a member of Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta, you'll also gain access to our other channels, such as HSR, WuWa, and Genshin. Stay connected and never miss out on any ZZZ updates by joining Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta today!

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Feb, 19:04


Old vs New Sniper Stance design

#Historical_Yak2148 repost
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Feb, 19:04


Sanby & Trigger Full gameplay with updated animations, Trigger has a new stance

#Historical_Yak2148 repost
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Feb, 09:49

My bad, the dodge count was broken, not the defensive assist

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Feb, 08:29

Trigger's Defensive Assist
Before, it was just an 'A' pose

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 19:27


1.6 characters intro animations

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:52


Pulchra old & new ult comparison

Doesn't lock you in place for that much time now and switches out faster

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:41


Trigger old & new ult comparison

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:20

Poor SAnby without the W-Engine effect 😢

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:18


Pulchra W-Engine effect

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:18


Updated ult animations

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:18


Updated ult animations
Animation lock is now much shorter

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:18


Trigger new core passive bar

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Feb, 18:18


Pulchra new core passive bar

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

08 Feb, 22:49

SAnby Trigger Astra | Deadly Assault 59579
M0P1 SAnby - 4pc Additional Set 2pc Woodpecker
M0P1 Trigger - 4pc Shockstar Disco 2pc Woodpecker
M0 Kaboom P5 Astra - 4pc Astral Voice 2pc Swing
Considering I didn't do many runs, this team can definitely 60k the Corruption Complex in their current state if I gave it a few more attempts. Very fun to play as well honestly despite no sound effects for dodges 😭 Big file because it's an entire Deadly Assault clear, enjoy!
Streamable: https://streamable.com/8qe3yj

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

07 Feb, 13:54

Deadly Assault HP Infographic
If anyone's curious on the actual amount of HP each Deadly Assault boss has, credits to Blaine for putting together an infographic documenting the HP increases since the mode's release!

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

07 Feb, 12:29

"Behind the Agent" Interview Notes: Evelyn

Dear Proxies, "Behind the Agent" is back to give you a chance to get to know the Agents!
Our interviewee for this issue is Astra Yao... 's manager!
If we were to interview Miss Astra herself for two issues in a row, well, we might get in trouble with the bank.
Besides, her manager offers a fresh perspective, wouldn't you agree?

Zenless Zone Zero | #news

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

07 Feb, 06:27


Early access videos for Eve are now available, here is one of them I recommend

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

06 Feb, 15:57

Deadly Assault | DMG and Points Breakdown
When fighting bosses in Deadly Assault, they have a unique Multiplier for their HP and ATK on top of their additional stat bonuses. This is consistent for every boss in Deadly Assault and changes based on how many bars of HP the boss has left. To match this, the Points gained per bar of HP destroyed also increases.

For example: Bars 29 to 26 (the first 4 bars of HP) have 1.2x higher HP than usual. Then bars 25 to 22 have 1.7x higher HP and 1.1x higher ATK. To match the higher HP, the Points gained is also increased.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

06 Feb, 04:26

Evelyn Qingyi Astra | Shiyu Showcase 57s
M0P1 Evelyn - 4pc Woodpecker Electro 2pc Puffer
M0 Qingyi P5 Fossil - 4pc Shockstar Disco 2pc Woodpecker
M0 Astra P5 Kaboom - 4pc Astral Voice 2pc Swing
Doing this since a friend was curious but the team is a lot nicer to play here than I expected. Keep in mind a lot of enemies that are Fire Weak are also Electric Resistant and vice versa though. Due to the Electric Weakness here I actually hit Stun too quickly but it didn't end up mattering for the clear, enjoy! (ignore the fact that I got hit once shhh).
Streamable: https://streamable.com/7u0kvy

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

05 Feb, 15:06


If i wasn't fooled (i'd better not be 😠) the next beta update is next week

For anyone who doesn't know, ZZZ hasn't received any updates in the beta due to Chinese New Year

On the 15th, maintenance on 10

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

05 Feb, 03:22

Evelyn Caesar Lucy | Shiyu Showcase 1m14s
M0P1 Evelyn - 4pc Woodpecker Electro 2pc Puffer
M0 Caesar P5 Fossil - 4pc Proto Punk 2pc Shockstar
M6 Lucy P5 Kaboom - 4pc Astral Voice 2pc Swing (Not optimal in this team at all sorry didn't want to change gear)
Despite not enjoying playing Caesar a ton, it is perfectly possible to build a good Evelyn team that does not require either Lighter or Astra and still clear with more than enough time to spare. I did have to use Ultimate in Stun here though to squeeze out some extra damage. Enjoy!
Streamable: https://streamable.com/jzza40

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

04 Feb, 13:27

For people curious on previous runs, I have been able to push SAnby Trigger Astra down to 39s but wasn't recording 😭

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

04 Feb, 13:26

Evelyn Lighter Astra | Shiyu Showcase 46s
M0P1 Evelyn - 4pc Woodpecker Electro 2pc Puffer
M0 Lighter P5 Steam Oven - 4pc Shockstar Disco 2pc Swing
M0 Astra P5 Kaboom - 4pc Astral Voice 2pc Swing
Definitely helps that I've done a lot of runs now but Evelyn's ability to group the first wave effortlessly is very helpful here and for a run into Neutral RES I'm very happy with this. Enjoy!
Streamable: https://streamable.com/8qi37b

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

04 Feb, 12:12

Evelyn and Astra Weapon Animation
if u need

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

04 Feb, 04:01


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

03 Feb, 20:04


SAnby Pulchra Lucy | Shiyu Showcase 50s

M0P1 SAnby - 4pc Additional set 2pc Woodpecker
M6P5 Pulchra - 4pc Additional set 2pc Shockstar
M6P5 Lucy - 4pc Astral Voice 2pc Swing
Again not any minmaxed run but its nice that I can still get good performance out of a team with A-Ranks currently. M6P5 Pulchra will be quite expensive on her first banner but at least its attainable slowly. Enjoy!


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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

03 Feb, 03:54

Current build investment for those interested:
- 2 substats in every stat (2 ATK%, 2 DEF etc for 20 rolls total).
- 28 substats to distribute where I please (fluid substats).
- Maximum of 12 fluid substats can go into a stat, reduing the cap by -2 per mainstat (so 1 ATK% mainstat reduces the cap to 10 fluid ATK% substats).
- Usually this results in Agents that care for ATK%, CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG to end up with ~34 useful substat rolls.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

03 Feb, 03:54

SAnby Trigger Astra | Shiyu Showcase 47s
M0P1 SAnby - 4pc Additional Set 2pc Woodpecker
M0P1 Trigger - 4pc Additional Set 2pc Shockstar
M0 Kaboom P5 Astra - 4pc Astral Voice 2pc Swing
Build investment follows the same standard my calculations do. I can definitely clear quicker but this is good enough for now. Enjoy!
Streamable: https://streamable.com/04dcqw

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

01 Feb, 01:16

SAnby Trigger Astra Boss Rotation
Testing against a Boss I'm able to get a few more hits in during Stun. Don't treat the time to Stun and Astra's Energy as fact, still no gear stats being factored in. For the time being, enjoy my skill issue gameplay.
Full Stun Combo: Anby Chain > Trigger Quick Assist > Anby Chain 3Sp EX 3Sp EX 3Sp Ult 3Sp B123
Streamable: https://streamable.com/i1g1tk

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

28 Jan, 18:58

[ZZZ - 1.6] Walking animations

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

28 Jan, 07:21

[ZZZ - 1.5] Evelyn's W-Engine effect
It seems no one has posted this

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

28 Jan, 07:03

Happy Lunar New Year eve/Spring Festival!🧧
We wish you prosperous and good fortune in the upcoming Year of Snake.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

28 Jan, 06:07


Angels Of Delusion Fan Artwork

The show is about to start ✦
Artist: 画画的皖鱼

Post from #ZenlessW0rld
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

28 Jan, 04:04

[1.6 BETA]

Trigger walking in the city

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

27 Jan, 16:13

[1.6 BETA]

Trigger Basic Attack : Support Shooting - Hotfix

DMG multipliers :182.37% -> 144.2%
Daze multipliers : 29.15% -> 90.97%

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

27 Jan, 07:42

[ZZZ - 1.6] Trigger's W-Engine effect
Other characters don't have effects yet.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 22:10

Trigger Additional Attack Clarifications
When Trigger reaches the amount of Call needed, she will launch Basic Attack: Supportive Fire three times, ~0.6s between each other. Her EX Special bypasses the amount of Call needed, immediately launching Basic Attack: Supportive Fire three times. EX Special also does not appear to reset the amount of Call she currently has.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 21:20

[ZZZ - 1.6] gacha

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 20:55

Clarification sorry
The mark becomes Activated at 99 Charge only. When the Mark is Activated,Sanby can do her Special Attack: Pale Light and consume 33 Charge per Special Attack: Pale Light.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 18:50

Silver Anby Mark Charge Clarifications
When Silver Anby attacks enemies with her Mark, the Mark will begin to charge up. Each attack has a separate value for how much charge is built up. These values can be found on the Translation Database at "Charge Buildup".
When the mark accumulates 33/66/99 charge, it becomes Activated and gains 1/2/3 stacks respectively. The max charge her Mark can hold is 99 (not 100). Each stack allows her to do 1 Special Attack: Pale Light.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 18:50


New Year Full art from the Event

#Official - ZenlessW0rld
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 11:08

[ZZZ - 1.6] new weapons in game

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 04:15

New at the Arcade | Mach 25

Come on! Come on! Come on!
Hold the wheel tight, your throttle's jammed open.
A new racing game "Mach 25" will be available at Godfinger soon!

Zenless Zone Zero | #news

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 04:08


The Japanese singer May'n will sing the MV of astra Yao that will Release this January 31, for Astra's Birthday.

#Official - ZenlessW0rld
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 04:04

Go in the comments for even higher quality

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Jan, 04:04

They also released full quality wallpapers from 1.4

Original post:

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

27 Dec, 10:08

🦊 Into That Pale Wasteland

Living in a city where Hollows exist always comes with endless troubles...
Head to the deviant Hollow "Melinoe" with Section 6 and eradicate the calamities.

▶️ Read Full Article!

Zenless Zone Zero | #news

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

27 Dec, 04:00


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Dec, 05:34



Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Dec, 05:06


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

23 Dec, 19:59

It does seem to have some slight effect color changes, I'm just blind.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

23 Dec, 19:42

[ZZZ - 1.5 BETA] Nicole Skin

It doesn't have any effects (I assume since it's free?) but here's just a little something.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

23 Dec, 19:41

[ZZZ - 1.5 BETA] Menu Animations

I realized I forgot these on my previous video(s).

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

23 Dec, 19:26

Just Evelyn walking around

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 18:09

[ZZZ 1.5Beta]


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 15:40

Astra Yao Energy Refund Clarification
As of v1.5.1, Astra now grants herself Energy from her notes if Quick Assist is triggered quickly. However, it in fact grants 1.8 Energy, rather than the 35 Energy specified. A new translation can be found below.

If a Quick Assist is triggered in this way, pressing Switch to change characters within a short period will be considered a Perfect Assist and restore 1.8 Energy. For every Note consumed, three Starlight Strikes will be added.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 09:37

[ZZZ 1.5 BETA - Wishes]

A New Year event will allows Proxies to log in for 7 days and earn 10 Encrypted Master Tape.
Also, in the mails, you'll get 10 Encrypted Master Tape.
As usual, there is the 7 days log in which gives 10 Encrypted Master Tape.

1.5 will give us 30 wishes (20 more than usual) just by connecting to the game.


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 09:33

[ZZZ 1.5.1 BETA - Evelyn changes]

Normal Attack: Branch 1
Hold or, in [Rope State], hold to activate:
Slash the target enemy with a dagger and wire, dealing fire damage.
The move consumes 50 [Branch Skill Points].
During the execution of the move, interrupt resistance is increased and damage taken is reduced by 40%.
If holding 3 [Ascension Points], consume all [Ascension Points] and replace [Normal Attack: Branch 1] with Chain Attack that has a lower level of interruption resistance.

Normal Attack: Branch 2
When activating [Branch Skill: Branch 1], continue [Normal Attack] holding [Ex Special Skill ]to activate:
Slash the target enemy with a dagger and wire, dealing fire damage.
The move consumes 50 [Branch Skill Points].
During the execution of the move, interrupt resistance is increased and damage taken is reduced by 40%.
If holding 3 [Ascension Points], consume all [Ascension Points] and replace [Normal Attack: Branch 2] with Chain Attack that has a lower level of interruption resistance.

When Evelyn deals damage with a move, accumulate [Branch Skill Points].
When Evelyn deals damage twice with [Branch Skill: Branch 1] or [Branch Skill: Branch 2], accumulate 1 [Ascension Point]

EX Special Skill: Strong Bind
[Rope State]
When enough energy is available, tap to activate:
Pull surrounding enemies towards the target linked by the rope and explode, exiting [Rope State] and dealing fire damage.
When executing the move, additional [Branch Skill Points] is accumulated.
During the move, evade enemy attacks. Successfully evading accumulates a large amount of [Branch Skill Points].
During the move, invincibility is granted.
During the move, tap to cancel the explosion and activate the third stage of the normal attack.
During the move, if [Branch Skill Points] are not full, continuously consume SP and accumulate additional [Branch Skill Points].

Mindscape 1: Evelyn
When Evelyn enters the battlefield, she immediately gains 1500 [Decibels]. When an enemy is linked by the rope, they gain a [Mark]. When Evelyn attacks an enemy with a [Mark], she ignores 8% —> 12% of the target's defense. When Evelyn uses [Special Skill: Weak Bind] or [Ex Special Skill: Strong Bind], the mark spreads to all hit enemies, lasting for 10 seconds.

Mindscape 2: Evelyn
Old :
When Evelyn uses [Chain Attack] or [Ultimate], she immediately gains a shield equal to 10% of her max HP. While holding the shield, Evelyn's CRIT DMG increases by 40%.

New :
Evelyn's attack increases by 10%; when Evelyn uses [Normal Attack: Branch 1] or [Normal Attack: Branch 2], the consumed [Branch Skill Points] is refunded, which can be triggered at most once every 25 seconds; the interrupt resistance of Evelyn's [Chain Attack] used by consuming [Ascension Points] is increased.

Mindscape 4: Evelyn
Old :
When Evelyn uses [Normal Attack: Branch 1] or [Normal Attack: Branch 2], the consumed [Branch Skill Points] are refunded. This can trigger once every 25 seconds.

New :
When Evelyn uses [Chain Attack] or [Ultimate], she immediately gains a shield equal to 10% of her maximum HP. While holding the shield, Evelyn's CRIT DMG is increased by 40%.

Mindscape 6: Evelyn
When Evelyn uses [Chain Attack] or [Ultimate], she enters an enhanced state. In the enhanced state, when Evelyn's normal attacks hit enemies, an additional rope attack is triggered, dealing fire DMG equal to 375% of Evelyn's attack. The rope attack is considered QTE damage. The enhanced state lasts up to 30 seconds or is removed after Evelyn performs 16 coordinated attacks.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 09:31

[ZZZ 1.5.1 BETA - Astra Yao changes]

Notes :
When [Quick Support] is triggered by the above methods, tapping to switch characters within a short time is considered [Perfect Dodge], and each consumed [Note] adds three [Starlight Strikes]. —> restoring 35 energy to Yao Jiayin and adding 3 additional [Starlight Strikes] for each [Note] consumed.

Core Passive :
In [Singing State], Astra Yao's energy recovery increases by 0.5.
When teammates switch through [Quick Assist] or [Chain Attack], increase the attack of Astra Yao and the entering character by 40% of Astra Yao's initial attack + 60 points, up to a maximum of 1500 points, based on the number of Notes consumed. The effect lasts for 10/20/30 seconds, and the duration accumulates when repeatedly triggered, up to a maximum of 30 seconds.
After switching through [Quick Assist] or [Chain Attack], Astra Yao cannot gain energy for 0.1 seconds.

Mindscape 1 :
When Astra Yao's attacks hit an enemy, reduce the enemy's all-attribute damage resistance by 6% —> 7%, stacking up to 3 layers and lasting for 30 seconds. Repeated triggers refresh the duration.
After activating [Chain Attack] and [Ultimate], Astra Yao can trigger [Quick Assist] even when energy is insufficient for 15 seconds.
—> After using [Ultimate], each member of the team gains the [Protection] effect, lasting for 60 seconds. When attacked by an enemy, [Protection] is consumed and grants an invincibility effect, lasting for 1 second.

Mindscape 2 :
Old :
In [Singing State], increase the damage dealt by teammates' [Quick Assist] skills by 400% of Astra Yao's attack, triggering once every 5 seconds.

New :
After using [Ultimate], Astra Yao can trigger [Quick Assist] even if her energy is insufficient within 30 seconds. The interval for gaining [Notes] through hitting attacks is shortened to 1 second. During this period, characters switching in with [Quick Assist] gain the following enhancement effects based on their class:
- Attacker : The next [Quick Assist] heavy hit on an enemy deals additional damage equal to 250% of the outgoing character's attack.
- Anomaly : The next [Quick Assist] increases Anomaly buildup rate by 50%.
- Stun : The next [Quick Assist] increases the Daze value dealt by 30%.
- Defense : The next [Quick Assist] heavy hit on an enemy restores 1.5 energy.
- Support : The next [Quick Assist] heavy hit on an enemy restores 1.5 energy.
Each effect can be triggered for the entire team at most once every 3 seconds.

Mindscape 4 :
Increase the attack conversion rate of [Core Passive] by 10%.
After activating [Ultimate], the entire team gains a layer of [Protection]. When attacked by the enemy, one layer of [Protection] is consumed, granting invincibility for 1 second. —> When [Quick Assist] is triggered to switch characters, it additionally adds 1 [Moonlight] and 3 [Starlight], which are considered [Special Attack] damage.

Mindscape 6 :
Increase the multiplier of [Moonlight] and 3 [Starlight] to 140% of the original. —> [Normal Attack] and [Special Attack] multipliers for [Moonlight] and [Starlight] are increased to 150% of the original.
Increase CRIT RATE by 30% —> 100%, and CRIT DMG by 50% —> 25%.
When obtaining [Notes], additionally trigger 1 [Moonlight] and 3 [Starlight].
Each time 3 [Notes] are consumed, automatically release the third stage of [Normal Attack].

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 06:57

Possible Upcoming Skins
I'm gonna make a very sus guess that there's possible Ellen and Astra skins in the works... BIG sus on this but given some of the items for Nicole's skin, there's similar entries...
If there's anything else added I'll mention it.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

21 Dec, 03:13

ZZZ 1.5 banner (A Rank sus)

耀嘉音👩‍🦱 派派👧 安比👧
艾莲👧 派派👧 安比👧

伊芙琳👩 赛斯🧑🧸
朱鸢👱‍♀️ 赛斯🧑🧸

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 13:44

Miyabi Mechanics Update
Not sure what version this happened in but as of v1.4.5, Miyabi's Basic Attack: Shimotsuki's charge up speed has been noticeably increased.

The attack after charging is still a long animation and it is recommended to swap cancel it where possible. However, it is quicker to start now.

Secondly, it appears you can swap cancel a tiny bit of her Chain Attack. Not sure if this will be changed on live or not but may be nice when using her Chain Attack last.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 13:42

Rip to the tester leaking gameplay, however there are some interesting takeaways from it.

If you didn't notice, Agents now start with 1000 Decibels upon starting a Shiyu stage which is something I was unaware of before. This is extremely helpful and kind of offsets the issue of "x character is never getting their Ultimate".

In my previous analysis on the new Decibel system, I'd mentioned that the first Ultimates would generally be slower to achieve, but second Ultimates onward could be faster due to most Burst DMG Dealers using their Ultimate in Stun and then attacking afterwards with increased Decibel Gain. Starting with an extra 1000 Decibels helps that first Ultimate a lot and will generally make up for any lost time in my opinion.

Regarding Zhu Yuan again since people seem hellbent on her being bricked now, I'd recommend to try triggering a Stun with Qingyi on your first wave of enemies, from here, you can Nicole Chain Attack into Zhu Yuan and trigger several Corruption effects at once, heavily skyrocketing Zhu Yuan's Decibels if she's the one to trigger due to Nicole's bubble not proccing Anomaly off-field. I don't expect Decibels to be a huge issue for her currently but this is something players can do to gain a large amount of Decibels at the start of a stage in a lot of teams by following the same idea.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 13:37

updated ults

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 13:37

Miyabi's hold at m0 is much faster now (you can swap cancel it)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 13:36

farm planning menus

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 13:36

Okay, they updated some ui stuff in zzz.
Now Miyabi has unique mark "Void Hunter"
Last screenshot is Harumasa for comparison.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 06:02

雅 深渊实机演示


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Nov, 02:36


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Nov, 11:44

Miyabi Changes

Core Stat Enhancement
Anomaly Proficiency: 24/48/72 > 30/60/90

Basic Attack: Kazahana (T12)
DMG MV: 61.5% > 59.3%
DMG MV: 134.2% > 126.6%
DMG MV: 208.7% > 193.3%
DMG MV: 322.6% > 258.8%

Basic Attack: Shimotsuki
Level 1 Charge
DMG MV: 1165.3% > 910.1%
Daze MV: 143.8% > 66.0%
Energy Gain: 1.560 > 1.440
Anomaly Buildup: 86.66 > 39.98
Decibel Gain: 23.8425 > 11.0

Level 2 Charge
DMG MV: 2456.4% > 1717.2%
Daze MV: 253.5% > 94.3%
Energy Gain: 2.761 > 2.041
Anomaly Buildup: 153.36 > 56.68
Decibel Gain: 42.1850 > 15.5925

Level 3 Charge
DMG MV: 4492.1% > 4282.8%
Daze MV: 688.3% > 567.0%
Energy Gain: 7.5 > 6.181
Anomaly Buildup: 416.66 > 343.36
Decibel Gain: 114.5925 > 94.4350

Special Attack: Miyuki
DMG MV: 67.2% > 72.1%
Daze MV: 50.7% > 54.5%
Anomaly Buildup: 30.01 > 32.51
Decibel Gain: 8.2775 > 8.965

EX Special Attack: Fubuki
EX1 Part 1
DMG MV: 318.9%
Daze MV: 202.6%
Anomaly Buildup: 159.53 > 157.75
Decibel Gain: 47.0525 > 46.5300

EX1 Part 2
DMG MV: 478.9%
Daze MV: 293.7%
Anomaly Buildup 253.19 > 250.52
Decibel Gain: 70.5925 > 69.7575

EX2 Part 1
DMG MV: 378.4% > 386.9%
Daze MV: 237.4% > 243.4%
Anomaly Buildup 185.63 > 189.25
Decibel Gain: 55.0275 > 56.1550

EX2 Part 2
DMG MV: 567.5% > 580.3%
Daze MV: 356.1% > 365.1%
Anomaly Buildup: 292.34 > 297.77
Decibel Gain: 82.5550 > 84.2050

Dash Attack: Fuyubachi
DMG MV: 96.1% > 33%
Daze MV: 36% > 12.7%
Energy Gain: 0.78 > 0.27
Decibel Gain: 5.9675 > 2.0625

Ultimate: Haru Kitaru
DMG MV: 6976.1% > 4776.1%
When using this skill, gain 3 stacks of Fallen Frost and Miyabi's Ice DMG increases by 35% > 30% for 15s > 12s.

Core Passive: Searing Cold (Core F)
Frostburn Break: 2000% > 1500%

Additional Ability: Bask in Frost
DMG dealt by Basic Attack: Shimotsuki increases by 55% > 60%.
When any character in the party triggers the Disorder effect, Miyabi gains 2 stacks of Fallen Frost, and during the next Shimotsuki Stance, Basic Attack: Shimotsuki ignores 25% > 30% Ice DMG RES.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Nov, 11:26

Hakush.in 1.4.5 update for ZZZ
Miyabi: 1.4.1 / 1.4.3 / 1.4.4 / 1.4.5 (Current)
Harumasa: 1.4.1 / 1.4.3 / 1.4.4 / 1.4.5 (Current)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Nov, 11:24


here are those images as a proper animation so you can see it all better!!
- donut

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Nov, 11:22

Upcoming Character
Evelyn A. Bollore

Same body type as Astra, Jane, Grace etc. No info on Attribute / Specialty.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Nov, 11:22

Branch and Blade Song Changes
2pc: ATK +10% > CRIT DMG +16%.
4pc: When AM is greater than or equal to 115, the equippers CRIT DMG increases by 25% > 30%.
When any squad member applies Freeze or triggers the Shatter effect on an enemy, the equippers ATK > CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 15 seconds.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Nov, 08:45

new impact frames added in the new beta update it's unknown who they are for

this isn't all of them (there's 26 images) but they're just the rest of the anim not revealing much else
- donut

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Nov, 19:39

Burnice reference in the recent HSR Livestream 😭

(Yes it's not a literal reference but it really sounded like the first words burnice says in her demo so it was kinda funny, it's also not the first time hsr references zzz ingame, they did it many times)

Via: fin5947 - ZZZuniverse1 repost

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Nov, 10:17

🥊 "Behind the Agent" Interview Notes: Lighter

Dear Proxies, "Behind the Agent" is back to give you a chance to get to know the Agents!
You know what? The Sons of Calydon actually have a mysterious member.
Unfortunately, he's so elusive and doesn't look like someone you can easily approach. The editorial team had to follow the leads provided by Piper and stake out for over a month to finally capture a glimpse into his life.
Let's take a sneak peek at Lighter's life through the lens of our photographer's camera!

Zenless Zone Zero | #news

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

20 Nov, 07:02

Since they dmca my tweet for Free Harumasa, I think this leak is true

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Nov, 04:06

Hakush.in 1.4.4 update for ZZZ
Miyabi: 1.4.1 / 1.4.3 / 1.4.4 (Current)
Harumasa: 1.4.1 / 1.4.3 / 1.4.4 (Current)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Nov, 04:05


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 22:14


About Astra Yao

- She will appear (or at least speak) in the ch 5
- She also appears in the enemy configs, so it's possible that we'll fight with her at some point
- Body Size like Caesar, Jane, Rina, ZhuYuan...


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 19:16

I know most of this was posted earlier today but may as well put it all in one message for people

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 19:16

ZZZ v1.4.4 Miyabi Changes

Ultimate: Haru Kitaru
- DMG MV (T12): 5326.10% > 6976.1%
- When using this skill, gain 3 stacks of Fallen Frost and Miyabi's Ice DMG increases by 30% > 35% for 15s.

Basic Attack: Shimotsuki
Lv. 1 Charge
- DMG MV: 1048.8% > 1165.3%
- Daze MV: 132.6% > 143.8%

Lv. 2 Charge
- DMG MV: 2210.4% > 2456.4%
- Daze MV: 228.9% > 253.5%

Lv. 3 Charge
- DMG MV: 4043.1% > 4492.1%
- Daze MV: 619.3% > 688.3%

Core Passive: Searing Cold
- When Miyabi deals Frost DMG to an enemy, she will apply Icefire to the target for 20 > 30s.
- When Miyabi accumulates Frost Anomaly Buildup on an enemy affected by Icefire, the Frost Anomaly Buildup Rate of the attack increases by 90% >100% of Miyabi's CRIT Rate, up to 72% > 80%.
- During the Frostburn state, all teammate's Attribute Anomaly Buildup Rate to the target increases by 9/10/11/12/13/14/15% > 14/15/16/17/18/19/20% but Miyabi can not apply Icefire to the target again.

Additional Ability: Bask in Frost
- DMG dealt by Basic Attack: Shimotsuki increases by 50% > 55%.
- When any character in the party triggers the Disorder effect, Miyabi gains 3 > 2 stacks of Fallen Frost,

Mindscape 1: Adding Insult to Injury
- Whilst in the Shimotsuki Stance, when hitting an enemy in the Frostburn state with a level 3 Charge Attack, the target's Frostburn is immediately removed, and the Attribute Anomaly Buildup Rate of all teammates increases by 15% > 20% for 10s.

Core Skill Enhancement Stat is still AP...
Harumasa no changes

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 17:31

Additionally, at levels 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43, and 48, you will receive tickets (10 in total) that allow you to claim rewards from Routine Cleanup stages without having to play the battles and with no energy consumption (completely free).

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 17:04

Zenless Zone Zero has been nominated for Best Mobile Game at the #TheGameAwards  2024! 🏆


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 17:03

Updated the sheet for the version 1.4.4.

Furthermore, the Lost Land will have the fighting Bangboo.
Lost Land also have its own License Level, up to 50.
We can then expect 800 polychromes and 20 boupons at least.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 13:06

ZZZ Lighter Calcs
Think they're finished enough to publish. Unfortunately no team calcs from me this time due to lack of time but should cover W-Engine and Drive Disc options as well as some TLDR explanations on my thoughts, enjoy!

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 08:27


Core Passive : Searing Cold
When Miyabi deals Frost DMG to an enemy, she will apply Icefire to the target for 20 —> 30 seconds.

When Miyabi accumulates Frost Anomaly Buildup on an enemy affected by Icefire, the Frost Anomaly Buildup Rate of the attack increases by 90% —> 100% of Miyabi's CRIT Rate, up to 72% —> 80%. When Miyabi accumulates Frost Anomaly Buildup, she will have an independent Attribute Anomaly Accumulation gauge, which triggers special Freeze, Shatter and Frostbite effects, which can trigger Disorder with other Attribute Anomaly effects (including Ice Attribute Anomaly effects).

When Miyabi applies Frostbite to an enemy affected by Icefire, Icefire will be removed and trigger Frostburn - Break, dealing 2000% of Miyabi's ATK as Frost DMG to the target and causing them to enter the Frostburn state.

During the Frostburn state, all teammate's Attribute Anomaly Buildup Rate to the target increases by 15% —> 20% but Miyabi can not apply Icefire to the target again.

The Frostburn state will end once the current Frostbite effect ends, and during the duration of the state, triggering an Attribute Anomaly effect on the enemy can override Frostbite and remove Frostburn.

When Frostburn - Break is triggered, Miyabi gains 1 stack of Fallen Frost, triggering once every 10 seconds.

Additional Ability : Bask in Frost
When another character in your squad is an Support character or shares the same Faction:

DMG dealt by Basic Attack: Shimotsuki increases by 50% —> 55%.

When any character in the party triggers the Disorder effect, Miyabi gains 3 —> 2 stacks of Fallen Frost, and during the next Shimotsuki Stance, Basic Attack: Shimotsuki ignores 25% Ice RES.

Ultimate : Haru Kitaru
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate:
Launch a powerful slash in a large range at enemies in front, dealing massive Frost DMG.
When using this skill, gain 3 stacks of Fallen Frost and Miyabi's Ice DMG increases by 30% —> 35% for 15s.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Mindscape 1 : Adding Insult to Injury
Whilst in the Shimotsuki Stance, for every stack of Fallen Frost consumed, Basic Attack: Shimotsuki ignores 6% of the target's DEF, up to 6 stacks. This effect ends after exiting the Shimotsuki Stance.
Whilst in the Shimotsuki Stance, when hitting an enemy in the Frostburn state with a level 3 Charge Attack, the target's Frostburn is immediately removed, and the Attribute Anomaly Buildup Rate of all teammates increases by 15% —> 20% for 10 seconds

#flyingflame (website)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 07:47

Miyabi's signature : Frostfall Starlight Hall

Increases CRIT Ice DMG by 48%/56%/64%/72%/80%. When using [EX Special Attack] or when any ally inflicts an Anomaly on an enemy, the wielder's ice elemental damage is boosted by 20%/23%/26%/29%/32%, stacking up to 2 times. Each stack lasts for 15 seconds, and each stack's duration is calculated separately.

Miyabi's signature : Frostfall Starlight Hall

Increases CRIT Ice DMG by 55%/63%/72%/80%/88%. When using [EX Special Attack] or when any ally inflicts an Anomaly on an enemy, the wielder's ice elemental damage is boosted by 18%/20%/23%/26%/28%, stacking up to 2 times. Each stack lasts for 15 seconds, and each stack's duration is calculated separately.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Nov, 07:47

sorry my mistake

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

27 Oct, 03:38

Info ✦

More info and better comparison about The improvement of Miyabi 3D model

(Auto TL)
Her face shape has slimmed down

Her body has gone from a chubby figure to a slim one

Her eyes shaps have been improved, making them sharper and closer to her art

Eyes color also went more towards actual red

Her ears are fluffier?

Improvements to skirt and belt patterns etc.

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Oct, 16:03

Core Passive: Lunar Eclipse
After Yanagi activates her EX Special Attack, the DMG multiplier of Disorder is increased by 350% —> 250% when any squad member applies the Disorder effect to an enemy, lasting 15s.
When her EX Special Attack hits an enemy, Yanagi's Electric DMG against the target is increased by 20% for 15s.

Mindscape 2 : Outstanding Adaptability
During her EX Special Attack, the rapid thrust's Electric Anomaly Buildup increases by 15% —> 20%. Holding down the Special Attack button after a rapid thrust hits an enemy will consume 10 additional Energy to launch another thrust. If Energy is insufficient or the button is released, the attack automatically follows up with the downward attack. When the downward attack hits an enemy suffering an Anomaly and triggers Polarity Disorder, the DMG multiplier increases to 25% —> 20% of the original Disorder effect. Each additional thrust increases this multiplier by 2.5% —> 15%, up to a maximum of 2 extra thrusts.

Mindscape 6 : Inhuman Blood
After a thrust attack during her EX Special Attack, the duration of the Shinrabanshou state increases to 30s. While the state Tsukishiro Yanagi's ATK is increased by 15% is active and her EX Special Attack DMG increases by 20%. The maximum number of times the additional DMG multiplier increase effect for Polarity Disorder in Outstanding Adaptability can be triggered increases to 4, and the Energy cost for the first 4 additional thrust attacks is halved.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Oct, 16:03

[ZZZ 1.3.9 Hotfix changes - Yanagi]

EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten
If the downward attack hits an enemy suffering an Anomaly, it triggers a special Disorder effect, Polarity Disorder, dealing
18% —> 15% of the original Disorder effect's DMG to the target, plus an additional 40% —> 32.0% of Yanagi's Anomaly Proficiency. Polarity Disorder will not remove the target's Anomaly.

Ultimate: Raiei Tenge
When the lightning strike hits an enemy affected by an Attribute Anomaly, it triggers a special Disorder effect called Polarity Disorder. This deals DMG equal to 18% —>15% of the original Disorder effect plus an additional 40% —> 32.0% of Yanagi's Anomaly Proficiency. Polarity Disorder will not remove the target's Anomaly.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Oct, 15:49

If i'm not mistaken Yanagi got nerfed 💀

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

26 Oct, 15:48

Hakush.in 1.3.9 update for ZZZ
Yanagi: 1.3.1 / 1.3.3 / 1.3.4 / 1.3.9 (Current)
Lighter: 1.3.1 / 1.3.3 / 1.3.4 / 1.3.9 (Current)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Oct, 14:36

[ZZZ 1.4 - Miyabi]

On tieba someone called Miyabi Ice Anomaly on the 10th so, lets cope !

Hoshimi Miyabi (Ice Anomaly)

- Core Mechanic : When triggering freeze, adds Ice Scorch (ice-type DoT damage).
- Mechanic : Enemies affected by Ice Scorch take significant additional CRIT DMG or Vulnerable when CRIT hit.
- Attack Style : After a series of basic attacks, she sheaths her sword, then draws it to inflict a large Ice Anomaly buildup.

Common Pairings :
1. Team Disorder : Teammates include Tsukishiro Yanagi + support or quick-swap "stunner" or Caesar.
2. Direct Damage Team : Teammates include S11, Ellen or similar field DPS + quick-swap stunner or Caesar.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Oct, 14:04

来源Shiroha&C Leaks
制图Seele Leaks

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Oct, 13:53

ZZZ 1.4 beta

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Oct, 12:57

Hakush.in 1.3.9 update for ZZZ
Yanagi: 1.3.1 / 1.3.3 / 1.3.4 / 1.3.9 (Current)
Lighter: 1.3.1 / 1.3.3 / 1.3.4 / 1.3.9 (Current)

(EN kits)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Oct, 12:38

1.3 ✦

His new studio

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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

25 Oct, 12:37

1.3 ✦

Character official screenshots

Official - Deviltakoyaki
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

23 Oct, 15:25

1.3 ✦

Yanagi gameplay in Shiyu Defense

#Bilibili #NewEridunewsstand
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

23 Oct, 04:00

Announcing Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program

Dear Proxies, Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program will begin on October 25 at 19:30 (UTC+8).
Follow our official livestream channels:
YouTube >> youtube.com/@ZZZ_Official/
Twitch >> twitch.tv/zenlesszonezero

The Special Program will be broadcast live on our official channels. In this livestream, Mr. Z, Lady Meow, Tsukishiro Yanagi, and Lighter will all present the latest content for Version 1.3. During the livestream, as well as a redemption code, several lucky Proxies will also receive mystery gifts. Don’t miss out~

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 13:35

Translation Database v1.3.4
The Translation Database is updated for v1.3.4, enjoy!


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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:53

Should be all for 1.3.4, next update should be EN kits 😁

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:53

[ZZZ 1.3 BETA]
New added Event

Battle of the Tower

A tower in virtual space, a test of endless battles, a message hidden on the top of the tower...
Don't let up, meet this test of combat survival in the next-generation system!

[Participation conditions]
Players with a rope net level of ≥36 can participate after completing the third chapter of the main quest "Searching for the Dangerous Building at Night".

【Game Instructions】
• New arrivals in HIA Club! Ropesmiths can use their trained agents and Bombs to challenge the "Realistic Battle Trial" level by level, defeat powerful enemies and get rare rewards such as [Film], [Hamster Cage Access Device], [Tuning Tuner], [High-Fidelity Master], etc.!
• Continuous Challenges: The "Simulated Battle Trial" is divided into multiple stages. In the multiple-layer challenges of the same stage, the agent's health will be inherited layer by layer and will not be restored. Supplies can only be obtained after successfully challenging the stage.
• Stronger enemies: In the "Simulated Battle Trial", the rope maker will face "magicized" enemies, which have gained special strengthening effects. The rope maker needs to carefully consider the battle strategy and hone and improve the operation skills to win continuously.
• Medal of Honor: After reaching the specified number of levels in the “Simulated Battle Trial”, you will receive different levels of [Medals of Honor] based on your performance. The medals can be shown to friends on the personal business card interface!

#SeeleLeaks TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:52

Update on Upcoming Teamwork Attacks
I'd like to apologise for not doing further research on this. After looking into it more, the previously listed Teamwork Attacks appear to be referencing when Agents not in your party perform additional attacks in missions after using an EX Special or Chain Attack. For example, the Yanagi and Harumasa attack animations we've had in game from a 1.0 quest.

Some of these are unused, meaning we may see a mission that has Yanagi and Miyabi with these actions. However, these are handled very differently from Koleda and Ben's Teamwork Attacks and will not be a kit mechanic.

Currently, Soukaku is the only character with data for possible Teamwork Attacks. Again, I apologise for possibly getting some people's hopes up.

#NewEriduNewsStand #Leifa TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:52

Laurel of the Flame Heart
Base ATK : 714
Impact : 18%
When [Quick Assist] or [Defensive Assist] is activated, the wielder’s Impact is increased by 22% —> 25% for 6 —> 8 seconds. When the wielder's attack with a [Basic Attack] hits an enemy, it applies a stack of [Fatigue], stacking up to 20 layers and lasting for 15 —> 30 seconds. If triggered repeatedly, the duration is refreshed. When any character in the team lands an attack on an enemy, for each stack of [Fatigue] on the target, the CDMG of Ice & Fire attacks in that hit is increased by 2.5% —> 2%.

#NewEriduNewsStand #Leifa TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:52

Additional Ability : Fired Up

Triggered when there is a [Attack] character or a character of the same faction as Lighter in the team.

In the [Morale Eruption] state, when Light performs the 5th hit of [Normal Attack] and hits an enemy, the whole team gains one stack of [Uplift], up to 20 stacks, lasting for 15 —> 30 seconds, and the duration is refreshed when triggered repeatedly. For each stack of [Uplift], the agent's Ice and Fire DMG increases by 1% —> 0.96%.

When any character in the team enters the field through [Quick Assist], [Perfect Assist], or [Chain Attack], the duration of the whole team's [Uplift] is refreshed —> In the [Morale Eruption] state, when Lighter performs the 5th hit of [Normal Attack] and hits an enemy, if his Impact is higher than 175 points —> 150 points, every 10 points of Impact beyond that will increase the benefit provided by each stack of [Uplift] by an additional 0.25% —> 0.17%, up to an additional 60%.

Mindscape 1 : 常胜冠军 (Unbeatable Champion)

Under the debuff effects applied by the [Core Passive: Combustion Agent], the [Rout] effect will increase the duration of Stun to 5 seconds, and the Ice and Fire Attribute DMG RES will be further reduced by 10%. If [Morale] is exhausted during the light punch attack or jab combo, and a powerful finishing blow is automatically connected to hit the enemy, the [Quick Assist] of the previous team member will also be triggered. —> that follows will deal 30% more damage.

Mindscape 2 : 红围巾 (Red Scarf)

When the [Rout] effect applied to the enemy by the [Core Passive: Combustion Agent] is triggered, the target's Daze Vulnerability multiplier increases by 35% —> 25%. The Ice and Fire Attribute DMG boost provided by [Uplift] in [Additional Ability: Fired Up] increases its maximum from 60% to 80% —> to 125% of the original amount.

Mindscape 4 : 墨镜 (Sunglasses)
When Lighter is off-field, the energy regeneration efficiency of on-field characters increases by 10%. When Lighter enters the [Morale Eruption] state, it restores 4 points of energy to off-field characters, triggering only once within 15 —> 18 seconds.

Mindscape 6 : 幸存者 (Survivor)
Old :
When Lighter lands a heavy hit on enemies using [Normal Attack], [Dodge Counter], [Special Attack], [EX Special Attack], [Quick Support], [Defensive Support], [Chain Attack], or [Ultimate], it will trigger the [Flame Impact] effect, dealing 480% attack as fire attribute damage, triggering only once within 8 seconds. If Lighter's impact exceeds 175 points, for every additional point of impact, the [Flame Impact] multiplier increases by 6%, with a maximum increase of 780%. When Lighter lands a heavy hit on dazed enemies, the cooldown time can be ignored, triggering the [Flame Impact] effect again, but this effect can only trigger once on the same target before recovering from the stagger state.

New :

Lighter's [Morale] regeneration efficiency is increased to 200%. When Light hits enemies with a heavy attack during [Normal Attack], [Dodge Counter], [Special Attack], [EX Special Attack], [Quick Support], [Defensive Assist], [Chain Attack], or [Ultimate], the [Flame Impact] effect will trigger, dealing 240% attack power as Fire DMG, with a maximum of one trigger within 8 seconds. If Lighert's impact exceeds 150 points, for every additional point of impact, the multiplier for [Flame Impact] is increased by 4%, up to a maximum of 480%. When [Morale] is exhausted during Lighter's light punch or punch combo, he can automatically link to a powerful finishing blow that hits enemies, ignoring the cooldown, and additionally triggering the [Flame Impact] effect once.

#NewEriduNewsStand #Leifa TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:51

[ZZZ 1.3.4 Beta - Lighter changes]

Core Passive : Combustion Agent

Lighter will automatically gain [Morale] over time, 3.3 points per second. For every 1 point of energy consumed by the on-field character, Lighter will recover 0.3 points —> 0.26 points of [Morale]. Lighter has a maximum of 100 points of [Morale]. When [Morale] recovers to 80 points, if he is off-field, Lighter's [Quick Assist] will be triggered once.


#NewEriduNewsStand #Leifa TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:19

Sage of the Times
Base ATK : 714
ATK% : 30%
Increases Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate by 30%. When the [Special Attack] and [EX Special Attack] hits an enemy in anomaly state (Burn, Shock, etc), it increases Anomaly Proficiency by 75. When Anomaly Proficiency is above 400 —> 375, Disorder damage caused by the wielder is increased by 25%.

#NewEriduNewsStand TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:19

Core Passive: 月蚀 (Lunar Eclipse)
After Tsukishiro Yanagi uses [EX Special Attack], whenever any character in the team inflicts the [Disorder] status on an enemy, the damage multiplier of [Disorder] is increased by 400% —> 350% for 15 seconds.
When [EX Special Attack] hits an enemy, Tsukishiro Yanagi’s Electric DMG against the target is increased by 20% for 15 seconds.

#NewEriduNewsStand TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:16

EX Special Attack: 月华流转 (Lunar Flowing Transition)
- Charge forward with a powerful thrust, followed by a plunging attack, dealing massive electric attribute damage.
- During the thrust, Tsukishiro Yanagi switches stances and enters the [All-Encompassing] state for 15 seconds. While this state lasts, after executing the 5th hit of a [Basic Attack] or other moves, the combo continues from the 3rd hit of the [Basic Attack].
- If the plunging attack hits enemies in an Anomaly status, it triggers the special Polarity Disorder effect, dealing 25% —> 18% of the original [Disorder] effect's damage and adding bonus damage equal to 17.0% —> 40% of Yanagi’s Anomaly Proficiency. This Polarity Disorder will not remove the target's existing elemental anomaly.
- The move grants invulnerability during activation.

Mindscape 1: Chess Master (掌棋者)
When any character in the team inflicts an Anomlay effect on an enemy, Tsukishiro Yanagi gains 1 stack of [Insight], lasting for 10 —> 15 seconds, with a maximum of 2 —> 3 stacks. If triggered repeatedly, the duration will be refreshed
When attacked by an enemy, Tsukishiro Yanagi consumes 1 stack of [Insight] and gains invincibility for 1 second.
When Tsukishiro Yanagi has 1 or more stacks of [Insight], their Anomaly Profiency is increased by 80 points.

Mindscape 2: Know The Enemy and Oneself (知己知彼)
During the [EX Special Attack], the Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate from the rapid thrust is increased by 20% —> 15%. When the rapid thrust hits an enemy, by holding the "Special Attack" button, you can consume an additional 10 energy to perform another thrust attack. If energy is insufficient or you stop holding the button, it will automatically transition into a falling attack.

When the Plunging attack hits an enemy under an Anomaly status effect and triggers the [Polarity Disorder] effect, the DMG multiplier to the target increases to 45% —> 25% of the original [Disorder] effect. For each additional thrust attack performed, the DMG multiplier increases by an extra 5% —> 2.5%. This additional damage increase can be triggered up to 4 —> 2 times.

Mindscape 6: Inhuman Blood (非人之血)
After performing the thrust attack in the [EX Special Attack], the duration of the [All Encompassing] state is increased to 30 seconds. During this state, Tsukishiro Yanagi's ATK is increased by 20% —> 15%, and the damage dealt by the [EX Special Attack] is increased by 30% —> 20%.

In [Know The Enemy and Oneself], the maximum number of triggers for the additional damage increase effect from [Polarity Disorder] is raised to 8 —> 4 times, and the energy cost required for the first 2 —> 4 additional thrust attacks is halved.

#NewEriduNewsStand TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

22 Oct, 07:16

[ZZZ 1.3.4 Beta - Yanagi changes]

Ultimate: 雷影天华 '(Thunder Shadow Heavenly Splendor)
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:
- Activate your abilities to deliver a powerful slash to a large area of enemies in front of you in a very short time, followed by a lightning strike attack, dealing a massive amount of electric attribute damagHere’s the English translation:

When Lightning attacks hit enemies in an elemental abnormal state, a special [Disorder] effect, [Polar Disorder], will be triggered. This deals damage equal to 18% of the original [Disorder] effect to the target, and an additional amount of damage equal to 40.0% of Moon City Yanagi's Elemental Mastery. [Polar Disorder] will not clear the target's elemental abnormal state.

- After the skill is activated, you can link to the third segment of [Basic Attack] under the current stance.
- The skill has invincibility during its activation.

#NewEriduNewsStand TL
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

19 Oct, 12:28

Clarification on Yanagi's Polarity Disorder
Yanagi's Polarity Disorder uses a new stat dubbed "Base DMG Bonus" to calculate the damage dealt. From Yanagi's description, Polarity Disorder deals "25% of the original Disorder effect and an additional percentage of Yanagi's Anomaly Proficiency to the target."

Base DMG Bonus% refers to Yanagi’s Polarity Disorder, “dealing 25% of the original Disorder effect”. This is coded as -0.75 to give a final multiplier of 0.25x.

Flat Base DMG Bonus refers to Yanagi’s “additional percentage of her Anomaly Proficiency” from Polarity Disorder. At T12 the multiplier for this is [1700% * Yanagi’s Current AP].

Base DMG Bonus functions as a mix of Yoimiya's Skill and Shenhe's Quills combined into one unique stat. Please see the attached document for a full explanation on the Disorder DMG Formula:


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

18 Oct, 05:21

ZZZ Translation Database
Due to many requests, I have moved my kit translations and additional info to a Google Sheets database. From now on, all translations I provide will be on this sheet so please keep the link at hand.
Previously released characters will link to their existing Google Doc. However, Yanagi and Lighter translations use the new database format and are updated for v1.3.3. I hope it is to everyone's liking!

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

17 Oct, 04:01

Burnice EP – "Burning Desires" | Zenless Zone Zero


The song will be available on music platforms soon, please stay tuned:
▶️ https://bfan.link/burning-desires

3-2-1, fire!
⁉️ Produced By
Producer: Yang Wutao
Vocals: MES
Composer: Yang Wutao
Lyrics: SL

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

15 Oct, 19:13

Art ✦

Lucy & Big Daddy Art "Lunchtime"

#寰宇诺亚 - repost by ZenlessW0rld
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Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

15 Oct, 04:03

👨‍🚒 "Burnice's Fuel Station" Web Event Now Live!

▶️ Click to participate!

Follow the official account, share the event, and complete other tasks to participate in the lucky draw, with a guaranteed Polychrome ×30! You'll also have a chance to win an Alienware gaming laptop, PlayStation®5, Anby 1/7 scale figure, and other prizes!

*This is an official giveaway event.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

15 Oct, 04:00


Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

13 Oct, 23:39

ZZZ 1.3.3
idk what is this

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

13 Oct, 23:38

ZZZ 1.3.3
New area icon

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

13 Oct, 07:51

agent gulliver with his blicky and door weapons!! the model got added lol
- donut

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

11 Oct, 17:12

Core Passive : Combustion Agent

Lighter will automatically gain [Morale] over time, 4 points —> 3.3 points per second. For every 1 point of energy consumed by the on-field character, Lighter will recover 0.6 points —> 0.3 points of [Morale]. Lighter has a maximum of 100 points of [Morale]. When [Morale] recovers to 80 points, if he is off-field, Lighter's [Quick Assist] will be triggered once.

When [Morale] is greater than or equal to 80 points, Lighter will enter the [Morale Eruption] state when launching the fifth stage of [Normal Attack], increasing the power of the light punch attack, jab combo and finishing blow in the fifth stage of [Normal Attack]. After the power is increased, when the moves hit the enemy, [Morale] will continue to be consumed. For every 10 points of [Morale] consumed, Lighter's Impact will increase by 1.8%, up to 27% —> 2%, up to 20%, and lasting for 6 seconds.

In the [Morale Eruption] state, Lighter's [Morale] is no longer automatically gained over time. When [Morale] is exhausted during a light punch attack or jab combo, a more powerful finishing blow will be automatically connected.

In the [Morale Eruption] state, when a light punch attack or jab combo hits an enemy, the target's Ice Attribute DMG RES and Fire Attribute DMG RES are reduced by 15% for 15 seconds —> 30 seconds.

In the [Morale Eruption] state, when the finishing blow hits an enemy, the [Rout] effect will be applied to the target, increasing the duration of Stun after entering the Stunned state by 3 seconds. Before recovering from the Stunned state, the [Rout] effect can only be triggered once on the same target.

When launching a finishing blow to hit an enemy in the fifth stage of [Normal Attack], switching back off-field or when [Morale] is exhausted, Lighter will exit the [Morale Eruption] state, and the [Morale] that has not been consumed will be retained.

Additional Ability : High Morale

Triggered when there is a [Attack] character or a character of the same faction as Lighter in the team: When Lighter's attacks hit an enemy, the whole team gains one stack of [Uplift], up to 20 stacks, lasting for 15 seconds, and the duration is refreshed when triggered repeatedly. For each stack of [Uplift], the agent's Ice and Fire DMG increases by 0.5% —> 1%. When any character in the team enters the field through [Quick Assist], [Perfect Assist], or [Chain Attack], the duration of the whole team's [Uplift] is refreshed. When Lighter's Impact increases, if Lighter's Impact is higher than 170 points —> 175 points, every 10 points of Impact beyond that will increase the benefit provided by each stack of [Uplift] by an additional 0.1% —> 0.25%, up to an additional 10.4% —> 60%.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

11 Oct, 17:12

[ZZZ 1.3 Beta - Lighter 1.3.3 Changes]

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

11 Oct, 16:40

Hakush.in 1.3.3 update for ZZZ
Yanagi: 1.3.1 / 1.3.3 (Current)
Lighter: 1.3.1 / 1.3.3 (Current)

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

11 Oct, 16:38

New :
When any character in the team inflicts an Anomlay effect on an enemy, Tsukishiro Yanagi gains 1 stack of [Insight], lasting for 10 seconds, with a maximum of 2 stacks.
When attacked by an enemy, Tsukishiro Yanagi consumes 1 stack of [Insight] and gains invincibility for 1 second.
When Tsukishiro Yanagi has 1 or more stacks of [Insight], their Anomaly Profiency is increased by 80 points.

Mindscape 2: Know The Enemy and Oneself (知己知彼)

Old :
- When there are enemies on the field and they enter a debuff state, gain a buff. When attacked, consume 1 layer of the buff to gain 1 second of invincibility.
- A maximum of 2 layers can be stacked. When there is more than 1 layer, gain 50 mastery. The buff lasts for 10 seconds, and repeatedly gaining it refreshes the duration.

New :
During the [EX Special Attack], the Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate from the rapid thrust is increased by 20%. When the rapid thrust hits an enemy, by holding the "Special Attack" button, you can consume an additional 10 energy to perform another thrust attack. If energy is insufficient or you stop holding the button, it will automatically transition into a falling attack.

When the Plunging attack hits an enemy under an Anomaly status effect and triggers the [Polarity Disorder] effect, the DMG multiplier to the target increases to 45% of the original [Disorder] effect. For each additional thrust attack performed, the DMG multiplier increases by an extra 5%. This additional damage increase can be triggered up to 4 times.

Mindscape 4: Excellent Adaptability (卓越适应性)

Old :
- When performing a [Chained ATK] or [Assist], can also enter the state activated by [EX Special Skill] and recover 10 energy. This can trigger a maximum of once every 15 seconds.

New :
When Tsukishiro Yanagi inflicts Anomaly status DMG on an enemy, it applies the [Revealed] effect to them, lasting for 15 seconds.
While under the [Revealed] effect, enemies take attacks with a 16% increase in PEN for each hit they receive.

Mindscape 6: Inhuman Blood (非人之血)

Old :
- When Yanagi's attack causes a target to enter an elemental debuff state or when Yanagi deals damage to an enemy in a debuff state, she can apply a "Pierce" state to the target.
- When applying this state, it will deal an additional electric damage based on 550% of Yanagi's ATK to the target. When Yanagi's attack hits an enemy in the "Pierce" state, it ignores 30% of the target's electric damage resistance.
- The "Pierce" state lasts a maximum of 8 seconds and cannot be reapplied during its duration.

New :
After performing the thrust attack in the [EX Special Attack], the duration of the [All Things] state is increased to 30 seconds. During this state, Tsukishiro Yanagi's attack power is increased by 20%, and the damage dealt by the [EX Special Attack] is increased by 30%.

In [Exceptional Adaptability], the maximum number of triggers for the additional damage increase effect from [Polarity Disorder] is raised to 8 times, and the energy cost required for the first 2 additional thrust attacks is halved.

Zenless Zone Zero - Zeta

11 Oct, 16:36

[ZZZ 1.3 Beta - Yanagi 1.3.3 changes]

Basic Attack: Night Seer Divine Music

Tap to Activate: Yanagi possesses two stances: [Upper Chord] and [Lower Chord].
When performing a basic attack, she can execute up to five slashes forward depending on the current stance, dealing physical damage and electrical attribute damage.
While in either stance, Yanagi receives corresponding stance bonuses:

[Upper Chord] Stance Bonus: Increased resistance to interruptions & gives 10 Electric DMG during basic attacks.
[Lower Chord] Stance Bonus: Increased interruption level & gives 10% PEN Ratio during basic attacks.
After switching stances,Yanagi can retain the previous stance's bonus for 6 seconds, lasting for 8 seconds in total.

No multipliers changes.

EX Special Attack: 月华流转 (Lunar Flowing Transition)

Old :
Activation: Hold to activate when energy is sufficient
- Effect :
- Alternately use the two stances to perform a powerful forward slash, dealing massive electric attribute damage.
- During the move's activation, enter a state called 森罗万象 (All-Encompassing Nature). While this state lasts, after executing the 5th hit of a [Basic Attack] or other types of attacks, it can connect to the 3rd hit of the [Basic Attack] in the corresponding stance. This state lasts for 15 seconds, and reapplying refreshes the duration.
- If the [EX Special Attack] hits an enemy in an Anomaly status, it adds an additional area damage equivalent to 15.0% of Yanagi's Anomaly Proficiency. If the target is in a non-electric attribute Anomaly state, this additional damage is considered [Disorder] damage.
- Invulnerability is granted during the move's activation.

Damage Multiplier: 1033.5%
Daze Multiplier: 654.9%
Energy : 40

New :
- Charge forward with a powerful thrust, followed by a plunging attack, dealing massive electric attribute damage.
- During the thrust, Tsukishiro Yanagi switches stances and enters the [All-Encompassing] state for 15 seconds. While this state lasts, after executing the 5th hit of a [Basic Attack] or other moves, the combo continues from the 3rd hit of the [Basic Attack].
- If the plunging attack hits enemies in an Anomaly status, it triggers the special Polarity Disorder effect, dealing 25% of the original [Disorder] effect's damage and adding bonus damage equal to 17.0% of Yanagi’s Anomaly Proficiency. This Polarity Disorder will not remove the target's existing elemental anomaly.
- The move grants invulnerability during activation.

Energy Cost : 40

- Thrust Attack Damage Multiplier : 328.76%
- Thrust Attack Daze Multiplier : 211.63%
- Plunging Attack Damage Multiplier : 657.74%
- Plunging Attack Daze Multiplier: 423.37%
- Additional Damage Multiplier : 15.8%

Core Passive: 月蚀 (Lunar Eclipse)

Old :
When Moon City Yanagi activates the [EX Special Attack] and hits an enemy, the target enters the [Tremor] state. Enemies in the [Tremor] state receive a 40% increase in electric attribute damage from Yanagi's attacks. When triggering the [Disorder] effect, the damage multiplier of [Disorder] is increased by 600%.
The [Tremor] state lasts up to 15 seconds, and reapplying the state refreshes the maximum duration.

New :
After Tsukishiro Yanagi uses [EX Special Attack], whenever any character in the team inflicts the [Disorder] status on an enemy, the damage multiplier of [Disorder] is increased by 400% for 15 seconds.
When [EX Special Attack] hits an enemy, Tsukishiro Yanagi’s Electric DMG against the target is increased by 20% for 15 seconds.

Additional Ability: 月相 (Moon Phase)

Triggered when there are other [Anomaly] characters or characters with the same attribute as oneself in the team:
After switching stances or activating a [Chain Attack] or [Assist Follow-up] the electric Anomaly Buildup rate of [Basic Attack] is increased by 70% —> 45% for 6 seconds —> 8 seconds.

Mindscape 1: Chess Master (掌棋者)

Old :
- [Upper Chord]: Increases electric damage by 15%.
- [Lower Chord]: Increases penetration rate by 12%.