37 አልፋ 73 @andromedaethio टेलीग्राम पर चैनल

37 አልፋ 73

37 አልፋ 73
ጥበብ፣ ዕውቀት፣ ማስተዋል ሰውን በብርሃን ይመላሉ።
7,438 सदस्य
216 तस्वीरें
14 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 07.03.2025 02:27

የጥበብ እና ዕውቀት ማስተዋል በሕይወት

በዘመናችን ውስጥ ጥበብ እና ዕውቀት በጣም አስፈላጊ ናቸው። ከጥንት ዘመን ጀምሮ ሰዎች ጥበብን ለማግኘት ብዙ ሥራዎችን ያደርጉ ነበር። እነዚህ ጥበቦች ዕውቀትን በእውነታ ይቀመጣሉ። የሕይወታችን ጥበብ ዕውቀት በመሆን እና ማስተዋል ሰውን በብርሃን ይመላሉ። ምናልባት ይህ አስተዋል ጥበብ ይወዳድራል፣ ይበል እውቀት የአንድ አስተዋሊ ውስጥ ባለቤት ሞዣት ማሳሰቢያ ስለሆነ ነው።

37 አልፋ 73 टेलीग्राम चैनल

ከእንዚህ የቴሌግራም ቻናል አራት ይመልከቱ! 37 አልፋ 73፡ ችግር ስትጠቀም ስልት። አባለው ሕፃነት አንድ ቆንጆ ነው። እረ በትመሉበት? እረ ስትረሳለቂ ስለሆነች? ትልልቅ እንፈለጋለን። አራትምናም እየብላውን ማወራ እጅጊ ነበርና ባገኜም ነቅለ አገጠመ፣ የእንዚህ ቅሬታዎች ካንቒ ብናጊ፧ ሉሉበት ቴሌግራም የመጀመሪያ ፍቺ ነኝ። ካንቒ በጊና አልፋ ኲኒሳዉህ፦ ችግር መና፤ ፍቅር፤ እንቅስቃሴ በከተማ ላጆች፤ ምንጣፋ በጉም፤ ሃገር ጠዋት፤ ደንህ፤ የልጅ እንቅስቃሴ መዘላት፡- ዾን፤ ምስጋና ፖስቷ የእናህፍያ ቆንጆ፦ ኃይሉ፤ ሰላም ነው።

37 አልፋ 73 के नवीनतम पोस्ट

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[በጥበብ እንድመቅ]
እጅግ ድንቅና እርስዎን ወደ ጥበብ ከፍታ የሚያደርሶት በብዙ ምስጢር የተመላው "የግእዝ ቀመረ ፊደል" (Geez Gematria) የኦንላይን ትምህርት
👉 በዶክተር ሮዳስ ታደሰ ሊጀመር ነው።

💥 ትምህርቱ፦ ቅዳሜ ለ1 ሰዓት ተኩል

💥 ሰዓት፦ ከምሽቱ 3 ሰዓት በኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጠር
👉 1 PM EST (NY) Time
👉 10 AM PST (LA) Time

💥 የመጀመሪያው ሴሚስተር የካቲት 22 (March 1) - ግንቦት 23 (May 31)

💥 አስትሮኖሚ (ሥነ ፈለክ፤ ሥነ ከዋክብት)
✍️ በዶክተር ጌትነት ፈለቀ
✍️ እሑድ ሰዓቱ በተመሳሳይ

💥 ለበለጠ መረጃ (ለምዝገባ) በሰሜን አሜሪካ ላሉ፦
+12028484781 ወይም
(202) 643-3620 ይደውሉ።

በሀገር ውስጥ ላሉ ስልክ፦  0911827336 ወይም 0925354271

👉 ለምዝገባ፦
🔥 *Considering the high volume of future Students who have expressed interest to take these Online Courses, we are happy to extend some discounts to our future students*

🔥 *For those who are applying from overseas [Europe, America, Canada, etc] ... PLEASE use these links shown below. Each link Registers you to the corresponding course, or courses.*

👉 *1. This Link gives you a $30 Discount  for  Numerology [Qemere Geez]*


👉 *2. This Link gives you a $30 Discount is for Astronomy [Sine-Feleg]*


👉 *3. This Link gives  a $90 Discount for those who are taking both Courses*


👉 በሕይወት ዘመንዎ ከጥበብ ጋር የሚገናኙባት ዕለት ምርጥ ናት። ይመዝገቡ ለጥበብ ወዳጆችም ሼር ያድርጉ።

24 Jan, 08:22
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Great News for Seekers of Faith and History!

Dr. Rodas Tadesse's 29th remarkable work,

The Sun of Righteousness: Ethiopia - A Sacred Doorway to the Light of Christ,

is now published and available to readers! This extraordinary book is a treasure, especially for children, youth, and adults living abroad who speak only English. It is also an invaluable gift for anyone seeking to uncover the divine secrets of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Spanning 280 pages, divided into 8 chapters and 60 sub-chapters, this book illuminates Ethiopia's unparalleled role in sacred history. Order your hard copy today on Amazon:

The Sun of Righteousness is more than a book; it is an invitation to marvel at God's enduring presence, to reflect on Ethiopia's divine history, and to deepen your faith. Dr. Megabe Haddis Rodas Tadesse has gifted us a spiritual and historical guide that inspires and uplifts, drawing readers into the heart of Ethiopia’s sacred mysteries.

Order your copy today and journey into the timeless beauty of Ethiopia's sacred legacy!
The Sun of Righteousness https://a.co/d/ahOjBby

27 Nov, 19:20
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The Sun of Righteousness https://a.co/d/iC42Y5Z

24 Nov, 02:09
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የመጋቤ ሐዲስ ዶክተር ሮዳስ ታደሰ 29ኛ መጸሐፍ በእንግሊዝ ቋንቋ The Sun of Righteousness
Ethiopia: A Sacred Doorway to
the Light of Christ ታትሞ ለአንባብያን ቀረበ። በተለይ በውጪ ሀገር ለሚኖሩ እንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ ለሚችሉ ሕፃናት፣ ወጣቶች፣ ታላላቆቹ ሁሉ በ280 ገጾች በ8 ምዕራፍ በ60 ንኡስ አንቀጽ የተከፋፈለ በብዙ ምስጢሮች የተመላ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ያላትን እጅግ ውብ ምስጢር ለማወቅ ለሚፈልጉ የውጪ ሀገር ሰዎች ሁሉ በስጦታ መስጠት ያለቦት መጽሐፍ ነው። መጽሐፉን በሀርድ ኮፒ በአማዞን በኩል ይዘዙ The Sun of Righteousness https://a.co/d/9w74x3L

Ethiopia is more than a land—it is a sanctuary of faith and mystery, a bridge between heaven and earth where the sacred meets the timeless. From the ancient Book of Enoch, which reveals celestial secrets, to the treasured Ark of the Covenant, believed to rest in Ethiopia’s holy embrace, the nation’s legacy is steeped in divine encounters. The Ethiopian Eunuch, baptized by Philip, became a symbol of the Gospel reaching Africa, while the heavenly hymns of Saint Yared resonate as eternal songs of worship.

This book holds the key to uncovering Ethiopia’s unparalleled role in the unfolding of divine history. Within these pages, you will discover how Ethiopia became a sacred refuge for the Holy Family during Herod’s reign, welcoming Jesus Christ in His tender years and offering safety in a time of peril. It was here that the Messiah's presence left a lasting imprint on the land.
Explore how Ethiopia’s spiritual legacy intertwines with the heavenly visions of Enoch, the songs of Yared, and the unbroken tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church—a church that has preserved the truths of the faith for millennia.

This book invites you into a world where history and spirituality converge, where ancient mysteries and living faith echo in harmony. It is not just a tale of a nation, but a testament to God's enduring presence in the lives of His people—a story that inspires, uplifts, and calls readers to marvel, reflect, and believe.
Dr Megabe Haddis Rodas Tadese

24 Nov, 01:33