🅰️ ANATOMY @anatomy_tg Channel on Telegram




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🅰️ ANATOMY (English)

Welcome to 🅰️ ANATOMY, a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of human anatomy. Whether you are a student, healthcare professional, or simply have a curious mind, this channel is the perfect place for you. Our team of experts will take you on a journey through the intricacies of the human body, providing valuable insights and knowledge along the way. From the skeletal system to the nervous system, we cover it all. Join us on this educational adventure and deepen your understanding of how the human body works. Stay up to date with the latest news and advancements in the field of anatomy, and engage with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the subject. 🅰️ ANATOMY is more than just a channel, it is a community of individuals who are eager to learn and grow together. Take advantage of this valuable resource and expand your knowledge of the human body. Join us today and start your journey towards becoming an anatomy expert! Disclaimer: Dear subscribers, the channel administration is not responsible for advertising! By being in the channel, you agree to this automatically.


15 Feb, 09:05

Allergic reaction to a temporary tattoo


14 Feb, 09:06

The endoscopy capsule changed its mind about leaving the intestine naturally and got stuck. It had to be surgically removed.


13 Feb, 09:06

The origination of human life in a laboratory setting - in vitro fertilisation.


12 Feb, 09:03

Ventricular fibrillation


11 Feb, 09:04

Surgeons' training. Cosmetic suture.


10 Feb, 09:02

A surgeon has demonstrated a breakthrough use of AR: overlaying MRI results on patients' heads in real time.

Seeing through the head


09 Feb, 08:13

Calf muscle cramps:


08 Feb, 08:10

How's this for an interactive booth at a science museum?


07 Feb, 09:06

A prime example that there really are centres in the brain responsible for flexion and extension of each muscle


06 Feb, 08:54

Removal of a huge bladder stone.


05 Feb, 08:47

Laparoscopic adenomectomy.

This surgical treatment technique aims to remove adenoma/hyperplasia of the prostate gland using a laparoscope.


04 Feb, 08:45

A visual representation of exactly how breastfeeding happens.


03 Feb, 08:42

How the knife is removed from the head.


02 Feb, 08:35

A woman had a huge clump of hair taken out of her stomach that she had eaten all her life.
A clump so huge it took the shape of her stomach

Hair can't be digested.


01 Feb, 08:09

A picture of the baby's skull before the baby teeth fall out.


31 Jan, 07:56

A huge clot has formed in his heart and is about to burst out of his heart.

An emergency operation has been scheduled.


30 Jan, 08:09

Clinical example of a child with hydrocephalus


29 Jan, 09:04


Fear of shots, injections, and syringes. At least 10% of American adults have trypanophobia


28 Jan, 08:06

That case when the dentist hurts not only physically but mentally 😁


27 Jan, 09:03

A picture of what happens in the operating theatre before the patient is stitched up.

The nursing staff carefully counts all used gauze wipes and instruments, checking them against the amount used before the operation. This is done to ensure that nothing extra is left in the patient's body.


26 Jan, 09:03

Intraoperative view of foreign body (fishing hook) removal from the eye:


25 Jan, 09:03

The mosquito is looking for a capillary to start sucking blood.


24 Jan, 09:55

MRI of a twin pregnancy.


23 Jan, 09:02

A woman went to the hospital after several days of incessant clicking and rustling in her left ear. She had no idea what the doctors would discover when they examined her ear canal. The doctors didn't expect to find a spider in it either.


22 Jan, 09:03

Birth of twins in amniotic sacs during caesarean section


21 Jan, 09:04

Just look at the beautiful gallbladder stones that a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle can create.


20 Jan, 09:05

The effect of using a deep brain stimulation device in Parkinson's disease


19 Jan, 09:06

Result of the fight:

Open fracture of the body of the lower jaw with dislocation of the fragments.


18 Jan, 09:02

3 Gadfly larvae are recovered from the hands of a young woman who received several bites during ecological work in central South America.


17 Jan, 07:50

The process of inserting an endotracheal tube into the trachea


16 Jan, 09:05

Movement of organs during normal function.


15 Jan, 07:52

The animation demonstrates laser correction


14 Jan, 08:40



13 Jan, 09:20

Removing a fish bone from the throat


12 Jan, 09:35

Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee.


11 Jan, 09:04

What if you eat Mentos and drink cola like the man in the video:

The combination of Mentos and cola, due to the chemical reaction of the components, produces a huge amount of foam. And this means sharp pain or long discomfort in the abdomen, violation of digestion, excessive gas formation, as a consequence - belching, nausea, vomiting.
Do not repeat, can be dangerous to your health


10 Jan, 08:55

Cuvez is a device for nursing premature babies.


09 Jan, 09:06

Human heart with cysticercosis is a helminthiasis caused by the porcine tsetse. When ingested meat infected with eggs of the chain, the outer shell of the eggs dissolves and activates, after which the larva embeds itself in the intestinal wall and spreads through the body with blood.


08 Jan, 09:07

The morning run of a baby in the womb 😁


07 Jan, 09:03

Pulling a cockroach out of ear while the girl was asleep.


06 Jan, 07:18

Photo of transillumination of a newborn's head

Transillumination is the passing of light through an area of the body or an organ to check for abnormalities.


05 Jan, 09:14

It's amazing how mobile our teeth are


04 Jan, 08:29

Gangrene of the fingers of the hand as a result of frostbite.

A man was working in the cold without gloves, decided to take a break and fell asleep.


03 Jan, 07:04

Direct cardiac massage during surgery.


02 Jan, 09:03

The head in section


01 Jan, 09:04

Doggie thinks he's an ambulance 🚑


31 Dec, 08:22

Checking the grasping reflex in a newborn 🥰


30 Dec, 08:36

It is better to go to the gym and eat less ...

Abdominoplasty is a volumetric surgical intervention performed to restore the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen.


29 Dec, 09:36

Clinical example of a patient with ascites.

Ascites is a pathological condition in which there is an accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. The patient had 19 liters of fluid "sucked out".


28 Dec, 08:44

To avoid infection with parasites, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands regularly, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands and avoid contact with potentially infected objects.


27 Dec, 09:01

Lithopedion is a mummified fetus that has died in the uterus or abdominal cavity and has since undergone calcification.

It is rare, usually the result of an ectopic pregnancy, but cases of intrauterine fetal death have been described.


26 Dec, 08:57

This man survived a bear attack in 2016. The left photo shows what's left of his face. The right photo is after surgeons did what they do best.


25 Dec, 09:02

Changes in the structure of the bones of the hand in a child.


24 Dec, 09:01

Twins growing for 9 months side by side in the womb and after birth are much more comfortable being around each other.


23 Dec, 08:17

In Indian Kashmir, doctors continued to perform surgery despite the earthquake and power outage.


22 Dec, 09:01

Beautiful intradermal suture during blepharoplasty.


21 Dec, 09:02

This is how the position of the stomach and intestines changes during pregnancy.


20 Dec, 09:02

The Lazarus reflex is a reflex movement in patients with brain dead or brain failure that causes them to briefly raise their arms and lower them crossed on their chests


20 Dec, 08:38

Archival photograph of Demikhov. This is how transplantology was born.


19 Dec, 09:12

The baby lost his front milk teeth in an interesting way:

As you can see, he's not going to be discouraged 😄


18 Dec, 09:01

What do you think of this festive decoration for patients and doctors who have to stay in hospitals these days? 🎄🎁


17 Dec, 08:19

Step-by-step process of removing a foreign body (piece of glass) from the eyeball


16 Dec, 09:00

In the USA, people have started to change their eye colour en masse. This procedure leads to Blindness, infections and even loss of the eye.

The trend for blue, green and brown eyes has started to gain momentum in America. The queues for this procedure are packed for months in advance.

Doctors around the world are sounding the alarm, fearing that the trend will soon sweep the world. Such surgery is not yet fully understood and is extremely dangerous.

When will the brain replacement trend start?


15 Dec, 08:34

Acute intestinal obstruction.


14 Dec, 08:46

There's a lot of pain in this photo

The details of the case are unknown, but it's what you'd think.


13 Dec, 10:04

The process of amputation of a toe due to diabetes


12 Dec, 09:39

The process of hysterectomy - removal of the uterus with the cervix due to a tumour lesion in the uterus


11 Dec, 08:51

Heart work and diaphragm contraction without rendering the lung walls.


03 Dec, 09:02

A rare case of Siamese twins on MRI images of a pregnant woman at 23 weeks.

Two heads with shared chest, torso and limbs.


02 Dec, 09:02

Future doctor.


02 Dec, 07:01

@LabsHouseAIBot: Your Personal AI Medical Assistant 💊

Sometimes it's really difficult for patients to understand their lab test results correctly. Our bot simplifies this by explaining the significance of various biomarkers, fostering a proactive approach to managing your health. The meaning of every biomarker will be explained!

AI assistant for the patients:
If you often worry about your health and find yourself scrolling through medical articles or reading every paper on a topic, @LabsHouseAIBot is here to help. It’s designed to provide clear, reliable information about your health data, reducing anxiety and the urge to search for symptoms online. Talk to your personal empathetic AI doctor 24/7!


01 Dec, 09:02

Australia has created a high-speed 3D bioprinter that prints human tissue in seconds. The novelty from scientists at the University of Melbourne is 350 times faster than traditional 3D bioprinters.


30 Nov, 09:00

Synovial chondromatosis of the knee joint

It belongs to a group of chronic diseases and is a pathological degeneration of islets of synovial membrane of the joint into cartilage, or bone tissue.


29 Nov, 09:01

The process of creating gums on dentures.


28 Nov, 09:00

The brain's neurons are so different and incredibly beautiful.


27 Nov, 09:01

This is what an amputated limb looks like on an X-ray.


26 Nov, 12:39

Saw it in old photographs.
The skeleton feels uninhibited.


25 Nov, 09:01

A turtle bit off a finger.

A 15-year-old teenager said he caught a turtle, pulled it out of the water and prepared to take a picture, but suddenly the turtle twisted and almost completely bit off the index finger of his left hand and then swallowed it.


24 Nov, 09:01

This is just the rarest case of a baby born in the amniotic sac but without amniotic fluid.


23 Nov, 09:35

The Achilles tendon is a strong band of fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone


22 Nov, 09:00

Spinal cord pulsation.


21 Nov, 09:02

An intraoperative look at the removal of a huge brain bubble cyst.


20 Nov, 09:02

Besides the braces we all know, dentists still have so many interesting devices 🦷


19 Nov, 09:00

The process of erection and ejaculation


18 Nov, 09:02

Anatomical marketing: an X-ray of a dislocated jaw that was used in a Burger King ad campaign to emphasise how big the establishment's burgers are.


17 Nov, 09:01

Cheat sheets for modern students🤓


16 Nov, 09:01

Students from MIT in 2016 developed gloves that convert sign language into speech.

Sensors on the gloves read gesture data that are correlated with a sign language dictionary. The guys came up with this student project when they were 19 years old each.


15 Nov, 09:01

Removal of a baby tooth by a feathered dentist.


14 Nov, 09:01

Quick breast implant placement.


13 Nov, 09:02

3D model of skull structure to train future neurosurgeons.


12 Nov, 14:42

The Heart


11 Nov, 09:11

When you need to explain genetics to someone and you only have gummy bears to hand.


10 Nov, 09:01

Everyone has their own stages of growing up.


09 Nov, 09:57

The inner honour of the CT scanner.

Without the white outer panels, it looks kind of creepy.


08 Nov, 12:14

How does a tooth extraction go? A simple extraction consists of 5 steps:

- placing the forceps on the tooth;
- advancing them so that the cheeks are under the gum;
- fixation of the instrument;
- Luxation (rocking) - needed to loosen the periodontal ligament that holds the tooth in the bone;
- traction (dislocation) - to pull the tooth out of the alveolus.


07 Nov, 10:14

Senile mature cataract.

A mature cataract is a complete clouding of the crystalline lens in which there is a significant decrease in vision.

When using the side light of a slit lamp, you can see a change in the colour of the pupil, which becomes grey instead of clear, which is clearly visible in macro photography.


06 Nov, 10:42

A short video clip from the operating theatre of a plastic surgeon who demonstrates a liposuction procedure of the neck area.


05 Nov, 10:36

Fistula for haemodialysis.

☝️ To ensure permanent haemodialysis (a method of purifying blood), a vascular access is created. Simply put, a fistula is a fistula through which an artery and a vein can be directly connected.
A mature arteriovenous fistula looks like an abscess on the forearm. If treated properly, it can last for years and even decades without complications.


04 Nov, 09:01

Needle destruction device.

Even after disinfection, needles and syringes can transmit dangerous infections. They are therefore destroyed after use.


03 Nov, 09:01

This is what the movements look like under an X-ray.


02 Nov, 09:01

Keep an optimistic attitude and pretend everything is going according to plan.


01 Nov, 09:01

Are you afraid of having a gastroscopy? The doctor performed this examination on myself, showing that there is no need to be afraid of swallowing an endoscope.


31 Oct, 09:01

Most prosthetic hands now work by picking up the bioelectric signals of the muscles. Sensors sense when a person tries to squeeze their hand, for example.

Most often these sensors are built into the prosthesis itself, but in this video they are separate, worn on the arm, so the prosthesis can be remotely controlled like this!


30 Oct, 09:00

MRI. 20 weeks of pregnancy 👶

The child is moving very actively, but some expectant mothers do not even feel it at this time.


29 Oct, 09:01

T-lymphocyte versus cancer cell.

T cells play a major role in cellular immunity.


28 Oct, 09:00

Artificial heart valve that has failed

A biologic valve has a lifespan of 10-15 years, after which time a new valve can be routinely placed.


27 Oct, 09:01

Everything can be approached with humour.


26 Oct, 09:02

This is what the bone looks like from the inside.


25 Oct, 09:00

Cardiologist's business card that measures heart rate


24 Oct, 09:02

A prime example of the layered structure of the human body. By the way, during surgery, each of the layers is dissected separately.

From left to right: cerebral cortex (covered by the soft dura), spider space, dura mater, skull, tissues and periosteum, epicranial aponeurosis and skin


23 Oct, 09:02

Cervical conisation

A surgical procedure in which a cone-shaped piece of tissue is excised from the cervix. The excised piece of tissue is sent to a laboratory for histological examination. This is to determine or rule out malignant processes occurring in a woman's body.


22 Oct, 09:02

This is how a gymnast's spine bends during exercises


21 Oct, 09:00

This is how cancer cells divide

The main problem is that they grow very quickly, are unregulated and lose the ability for the programmed self-destruction that should be waiting for every cell.


20 Oct, 09:02

Augmented reality in the operating theatre

Doing this to study a patient's brain tumour in the patient's brain before opening the skull.

upd: Very innovative area, this is the future of digital health in the operating theatre.


19 Oct, 09:01

The moment of a heart transplant.

On the left, a new healthy heart


18 Oct, 09:01

In the video you can see an artificial circulatory machine connected to a patient.

It is also called an artificial heart-lung machine. This is a special medical equipment that provides human life support in case of partial or complete inability to fulfil the functions of the heart and lungs.

This device provides artificial blood circulation, performing a complete replacement of the pumping function of the heart and gas exchange function of the lungs.


17 Oct, 09:00

An attachment for securing a baby during an X-ray examination


16 Oct, 09:01

An eerie incident, more like a case from a famous horror film, occurred in Kazakhstan

During an accident, heavy rebar rained down from a lorry onto a car. People survived, but were severely injured.

In one jerk, the medics pulled a long metal bar out of the man's mouth. The rebar shattered the driver's teeth and punctured his palate.


15 Oct, 09:01

Brain abscess drainage


14 Oct, 09:01

Baby's reaction to mummy's kiss


13 Oct, 09:02

The unusual structure of the wisdom tooth.


12 Oct, 09:00

One of the stages of cataract removal in humans.


11 Oct, 09:01

A bit of social advertising:

"One click can change your future. Buckle up."


10 Oct, 09:02

Post-operative functional activity check: electrical stimulation of the nerves of the hand


09 Oct, 09:01

An undeveloped twin was found in a child's head.

An intraventricular foetus was found in a 1-year-old child with motor retardation and enlarged head circumference