MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications @analysisnewspaperbs_rahulk Channel on Telegram

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications


All the materials shared here are for educational purposes.

Business Standard Newspaper Daily Analysis|RBI Notifications|Circulars|Speeches|PIB

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MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications (English)

Welcome to MockMentor, your ultimate resource for staying updated on all things related to RBI, SEBI, PFRDA, and IFSCA. This Telegram channel is dedicated to providing valuable insights, analysis, and updates on the latest happenings in the world of finance, business, and regulatory authorities.

The channel covers a wide range of topics, including RBI notifications, circulars, speeches, and content from Business Standard Newspaper. Whether you are a finance professional, investor, student, or simply interested in staying informed about economic developments, MockMentor has something for everyone.

One of the key features of MockMentor is the in-depth daily analysis of Business Standard Newspaper. Stay ahead of the curve by accessing expert analysis and interpretations of the latest news and trends in the business world.

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MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

14 Jan, 18:48

BS-14th Jan☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

14 Jan, 03:53

Descriptive Question

Topic- Measurement of Growth- National Income and Per Capita Income

1. Discuss various methods to calculate national income. Comment on the factors based on which base year is selected (620 Words)

2. Economic Growth of a country has assumed to be laggard for a year. Critically analyze the relation of economic growth with economic development (620 Words)

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

13 Jan, 01:19

BS-13th Jan☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

12 Jan, 15:58

Descriptive Questions

Topic-Urbanization and Migration

Q.1) Discuss push and pull factors of migration (620 Words)

Q.2) Discuss Urbanization. Urbanization brings prosperity in the rural as well as urban areas. If urbanization is not properly managed, it puts up a big burden on the economy. Comment (620 Words)

The question is neither too easy nor difficult. This is in line with the demand of the exam.

Sample Answer has been attached

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

12 Jan, 14:27

Did this answer helped you in any way?

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

11 Jan, 11:50

Descriptive Question

Analyze how the demographic dividend will help India achieve growth and the present challenges associated with it (620 Words)

The question is neither too easy nor difficult. This is in line with the demand of the exam.

Sample Answer has been attached.

To write best of the answers, apply your newspaper learnings that includes incorporating data and initiatives and the smooth flow of answer.

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

11 Jan, 06:50

Equally Important. Check image

Priority has to be set very straight.

For beginners, it's very crucial to take care of your mental and physical health.
Learn to accept small failures to achieve something big.

All I'm saying this is- because I talked to numerous aspirants whose mental health got deteriorated in the preparation cycle.

Also, I took up a call by just looking at email from one of the students at 12:30 AM as I felt that she was quite depressed and getting anxiety attacks. Hope, next is not you.

Live and Let Live.
Hustle Hard with Smile 😊

Courtesy of the blog in image: Aditya Oza, Co-Founder of EMotorad.

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

10 Jan, 22:42

BS-11th Jan☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

10 Jan, 22:23

BS-10th Jan☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

27 Dec, 02:59

Relevant RBI notifications till date☝️

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

27 Dec, 02:46

BS 27th Dec☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

27 Dec, 02:37

Answer to this is 4- All of the above

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

26 Dec, 15:20

With the Phase-2 of RBI Grade B 2024 being the most unpredictable as ever, here is the simple question for you-

The Earth absorbs some of the energy it receives from the sun and radiates the rest back toward space.
However, certain gases in the atmosphere, called greenhouse gases, absorb some of the energy radiated from the Earth and trap it in the atmosphere. These gases essentially act as a blanket, making the Earth’s surface warmer than it otherwise would be.

Identify which among the following is a greenhouse gas
1. Methane
2. Nitrous Oxide
3. Water Vapour
4. Carbon Dioxide
5. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

A. Only 1, 2, & 3
2. Only 1, 4, & 5
3. Only 1 & 4
4. All of the above
5. All except 3

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

26 Dec, 14:35

BS 23rd-26th Dec☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

PIB_ASUSE has been shared as no substantial information has been given in the newspaper

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

26 Dec, 12:50

With the SBI PO notification out now, it tells you aloud that you shouldn't believe on speculation.

Now, please ask yourself how can you believe someone who is saying RBI Grade A will come and not grade B. Just focus on your studies and not the speculation.

Irrespective of which notification will come, you will have to study Finance, Management, Economics and Social Issues and also practice descriptive writing for ESI, FM and English.

Please be sane and trust your instinct and not give attention to what others say. If not, you are the only one who is breaking down your career.

PS- I'm sharing all the BS newspaper articles from last few days, which I missed out.

Thank You :)

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

23 Dec, 18:13

There is no greatest joy than being a mentor or educator. I like how candidates connect after their actual RBI interview is over.

Good Night :)

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

22 Dec, 05:06

BS 20th & 21nd Dec☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

06 Dec, 06:28

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications pinned «Q.) Mobilizing deposits is turning out to be a challenge. What according to you are the initiatives that can be taken by banks? There are many innovative initiatives taken by the banks to mobilize more deposits. However, the customers are not aware about…»

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

06 Dec, 06:28

Few are asking about this Q&A. Hence, I pinned it again.

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

06 Dec, 03:38

Few Quick Questions

Q.1) What do you understand by FAR bonds?

Q.2) India's equity markets have become volatile in the last two months. The major player attributing to this is FPI. How FPIs impact equity markets?

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

06 Dec, 03:32

BS_6th Dec☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

05 Dec, 17:24

BS_5th Dec☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

With this, all the BS newspapers articles are covered till date.

We look forward to MPC meeting tomorrow

Thanks :)

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

05 Dec, 16:58

BS_4th Dec ☝️

Bankers who are going to appear for this years' RBI interview, it is advisable to take a cursory look on Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill from the original PDF shared by the Ministry. Questions can be asked on this.

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

05 Dec, 16:44

No relevant BS on 3rd Dec

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

05 Dec, 16:36

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications pinned «BS_2nd Dec☝️ The blog/answer I wrote on mobilizing deposits on 30th Oct, where I incorporated suggestions of private bankers is going to be the key mantra for deposit mobilization at SBI. For better clarity and understanding, read my answer first on deposit…»

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

05 Dec, 16:34

BS_2nd Dec☝️

The blog/answer I wrote on mobilizing deposits on 30th Oct, where I incorporated suggestions of private bankers is going to be the key mantra for deposit mobilization at SBI.

For better clarity and understanding, read my answer first on deposit mobilization and then read the newspaper article "SBI's mantra on Deposit Mobilization".

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

15 Nov, 18:17

I couldn't share today's BS as I was busy ticking off my bucket list, and will be travelling for next 3 days.

But, rest assured I will be sharing the articles that got missed.

I know the worth of these articles, as I got really good feedback from the ones who cleared Phase-2 and one who didn't.

Good Night:)

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

15 Nov, 04:36

To tell you all that I didn't clear the phase-2 of RBI this time.

With this, I strongly believe that whatever happens for a reason----

Last year, I was doing two jobs at a time and hardly left with any time to study but gave an interview.

This year, I was doing only one job and had time to study, but couldn't clear Phase-2.

Be Happy. Be Better :)

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

15 Nov, 02:56

For candidates appearing for interview:

Segregate your preparation into 6 parts starting with Biodata, RBI function and Working Document, RBI Balance sheet HR & current affairs, and everything about RBI that was in news.

Fill the biodata form as soon as possible. And, if you are not confident about what to fill and what not, consult your mentor. Every word mentioned in biodata will be asked in detail, and hence do not make any blunder in filling biodata form.
After filling Biodata form, you should be able to frame as many questions as possible from your biodata.

For instance:

From your work experience, min 50 questions to be framed.

From your hobbies, min 10-15 questions to be framed, and so on.

This is a very important exercise to be done. This exercise will help you gain confidence.

For HR questions:
Be specific in framing your answers and not generalized. To frame your HR answer in the right direction, it's highly recommended that you read function and Working Document of RBI.

For current affairs:
Try answering the questions that were posted in the group. These questions were posted keeping in mind about interview itself.

Lastly, while preparing for interview, ensure that you remain calm and confident. In the interview room, your EQ will take the front seat rather than IQ.

To check your calmness and confident during the interview stage, give a lot of mocks.

Anyone who is not confident about the medium (Hindi/English) of interview?

Choose any in which you are extremely confident.

There are candidates who cleared with a very good marks while giving an interview in Hindi.

Be Better

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

14 Nov, 13:20

All the wait is over. The RBI Grade B phase-2 result 2024 is out.

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

14 Nov, 03:33

Few Quick Questions:

Q.1) What according to you are the factors on which rate cut (policy rate) depends? Also, comment on the time period of possibility of a rate cut, after evaluating all the factors.—- Very Important

Q.2) Situation Based Question
As a SEBI Chairperson, what forward guidance will you provide the market participants to ease their worries arising from a technical crash? This becomes imperative when many new retail investors entered the markets


MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

14 Nov, 03:26

BS_14th Nov☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

13 Nov, 04:02

BS_13th Nov☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose

MockMentor: RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IFSCA | BS | PIB | RBI Notifications

12 Nov, 16:32

BS_12th Nov☝️

Note: The newspaper clippings shared here are just for education and information purpose