Salve! Welcome to Tu non solum, a Telegram channel created by user @amoradvos. If you're wondering what this channel is all about, let me enlighten you. Tu non solum, which means 'You are not alone' in Latin, is a place where you can find solace, inspiration, and connection. Through beautiful words and heartfelt messages, @amoradvos aims to remind you that you are never truly alone in this vast world. So, if you're looking for a daily dose of love, support, and positivity, Tu non solum is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's spread love and kindness together. Veni et vide - come and see what we're all about. For more delightful content, follow our playlist @HotelDiablu and drawings by @AnaElSout. Join us on this journey of love and togetherness. Vale!
04 Oct, 21:09
03 Sep, 13:54