تعلم الانجليزية @american_engiish Channel on Telegram

تعلم الانجليزية


هتلاقي في القناة ❤️👇
شرح لبعض قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية بالترتيب وتمارين عليها+تمارين لتقوية مهارة الاستماع+مذاكرة كورس ZAmericanEnglish من الصفر

Learn English (Arabic)

هل ترغب في تحسين مهاراتك في اللغة الإنجليزية؟ إذا كانت الإجابة نعم، فإن قناة "american_engiish" على تطبيق تيليجرام هي المكان المناسب لك! تستطيع الآن تعلم الإنجليزية بطريقة ممتعة وسهلة من خلال شرح لبعض قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية بالترتيب وتمارين عليها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستجد تمارين لتعزيز مهارتك في الاستماع ومذاكرة كورس ZAmericanEnglish من الصفر. ستكون قادرًا على تعلم المفردات الجديدة وتحسين قدرتك على التحدث والكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية. انضم الآن إلى قناتنا لتحقق تقدمًا ملحوظًا في اللغة الإنجليزية وتحقيق أهدافك اللغوية!

تعلم الانجليزية

05 Feb, 18:24

I started observing weird things 😥

تعلم الانجليزية

27 Dec, 13:32

السلام عليكم مبادرة مجانية للتدريب على جرامر اللغة الانجليزية مستوى مبتدأ بمناسبة بداية السنة الجديدة الكورس للسيدات فقط

تعلم الانجليزية

24 Dec, 07:01

ادعولي امتحاني بداء

تعلم الانجليزية

13 Dec, 13:49

What i will remember 😁😁😁

تعلم الانجليزية

11 Dec, 19:22

I am not alone 🙂✌️

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 19:19

📚 فهرس قناة تعلم الإنجليزية

1️⃣ 📮 دراسة كورس ZAmericanEnglish من البداية
🌐 رابط الدرس

2️⃣ 🎧 تمارين الاستماع - Listening Practice
🌐 رابط التمارين

3️⃣ 🇬🇧 قواعد المستوى A1 - Grammar Lessons
🌐 رابط القواعد

4️⃣ 🤔 حاجات منعرفش اسمها - Fun Facts
🌐 رابط القائمة

5️⃣ 📰 أخبار Taken - News Highlights
🌐 رابط الأخبار

6️⃣ 😂 شروحات الفيديوهات المضحكة - Funny Shorts
🌐 رابط الشروحات

7️⃣ 📖 كلمات إنجليزية متقدمة - Advanced Vocabulary
🌐 رابط الكلمات

8️⃣ 📕 كتاب كلمات B2 من كامبريدج
🌐 رابط الكتاب

9️⃣ 📰 مقالات مثيرة للاهتمام - Intriguing Articles
🌐 رابط المقالات

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 19:18

شرح الكلمات الصعبة مع أمثلة قصيرة:

1. Challenging (صعب) 🤔: يعني شيء يتطلب مجهودًا إضافيًا.

Example: Learning a new language is challenging but rewarding.

2. Overweight (وزن زائد) 🍔: يعني شخص لديه وزن أكثر من الطبيعي.

Example: He is slightly overweight but very active.

3. Strands (خصلات) 💇‍♂️: خيوط الشعر.

Example: A few strands of her hair turned gray early.

4. Clean-shaven (حليق تمامًا) ✂️: بدون أي لحية.

Example: He always keeps a clean-shaven look for work.

5. Branded items (منتجات ماركات) : أشياء تحمل علامات تجارية مشهورة.

Example: I prefer non-branded items because they are more affordable.

6. Charismatic (جذاب) : لديه شخصية قوية وجاذبة.

Example: The speaker was so charismatic that everyone listened intently.

7. Alternates (يتناوب) ✂️🧔: يتغير بين حالتين أو أكثر.

Example: She alternates between wearing glasses and contact lenses.

8. Slim build (جسم نحيف) 🏃‍♂️: جسم رفيع ومرن.

Example: Athletes usually have a slim build.

9. Decision-making (اتخاذ القرارات) 🧠: عملية اختيار شيء معين.

Example: Simplifying your decision-making can save time.

10. Confident (واثق) 💪: لديه ثقة في نفسه.

Example: He gave a confident presentation in front of the audience.

11. Composed (متماسك) 💼: هادئ ومتحكم في نفسه.

Example: She remained composed during the interview.

12. Cultural attire (زي تقليدي) 🕌: الملابس التي تمثل ثقافة معينة.

Example: Cultural attire varies from one country to another.

13. Breathable clothing (ملابس تسمح بالتهوية) 👕: ملابس مريحة وتسمح للهواء بالمرور.

Example: Athletes wear breathable clothing during games.

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 19:15


Today, I’m going to talk about describing people’s physical appearance 😊. Although I find it a bit challenging 🤔, I’m eager to give it a try 💪. Yesterday, I practiced describing the place where I live in German 🇩🇪, and it was quite difficult 😅. Let’s see if I can manage better in English 🇬🇧.


Describing myself:

To start with, I’m of average height 📏 and slightly overweight 🍔. I’ve recently started planning to lose some weight 🏋️‍♂️, and I downloaded an app 📱 yesterday to help me with that. I wear glasses 🤓 and have short, normal hair 💇‍♂️, though some strands are turning gray 🧓 – a result of overthinking 🤯, I suppose. I also prefer having either a clean-shaven look ✂️ or a long beard 🧔. Medium-length beards aren’t really my favorite 🙅‍♂️. As for my style, I like simple, solid-color clothes 👕, especially black 🖤. I avoid branded items and prefer flexibility over style 💃, which is why I don’t usually wear jeans 👖.


Describing others:

Let me describe some other people 🧑‍🤝‍🧑. One of my friends, Abraham, is tall 📏 and charismatic . He alternates between being clean-shaven ✂️ and having a beard 🧔. For example, during Ramadan 🌙, he had a beard. Another person I can describe is Mark Zuckerberg 🧑‍💻. He has a slim build 🏃‍♂️ and often sticks to wearing the same outfit 👔, which I find a practical way to simplify decision-making 🧠. Finally, let’s describe a person I saw in the street 🚶‍♂️. He was a large, confident individual 💪 wearing glasses 🤓 and carrying a bag 🎒. His appearance stood out because of his composed and professional look 💼.


Extra observations:

Sometimes, I notice people wearing specific cultural attire 🕌. For instance, I saw someone wearing a traditional Gulf headdress 👳‍♂️ and thobe 👕, which I find elegant . Similarly, football players are often dressed in flexible, breathable clothing 👕, designed to help them perform and stay comfortable 🏃‍♂️.

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:40

نصائح لغوية (Language Help) 📖✍️

The suffix -ish يمكن استخدامه لوصف الصفات بشكل تقريبي:

She’s tallish. ➡️ إنها طويلة إلى حد ما.

He’s thirtyish. ➡️ عمره حوالي الثلاثين.

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:40

C. General Appearance 🧥👗

الوصف العام للمظهر:

She’s very smart and elegant. ➡️ تبدو أنيقة للغاية 🌟.

Her husband is scruffy. ➡️ يبدو زوجها غير مرتب تمامًا 😅.

Chloe looked stunning in her red dress. ➡️ كلوي كانت تبدو مذهلة بفستانها الأحمر 👗.

First impressions are always important. ➡️ الانطباعات الأولى دائمًا ما تترك أثرًا هامًا 👀.

الصفات المميزة:

His eyes are his best feature. ➡️ عينيه هما الجزء الأكثر جاذبية في وجهه 👁️

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:38

B. Height and Build 📏💪

وصف الوزن والطول:

Overweight بدلاً من كلمة fat لتجنب الإحراج 🙊.

إذا كان الشخص رياضيًا: well-built أو muscular 💪.

الشخص النحيف: slim لوصف إيجابي 😊 أو skinny لوصف سلبي .

She has a nice figure. ➡️ لديها قوام متناسق وجذاب .

نصائح إضافية:

استخدم كلمات مناسبة للسياق (مثلاً، الكلمات الطبية عند وصف السمنة مثل obese) 🩺.

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:37

لون البشرة 🌞:

يمكن استخدام fair وdark لوصف لون البشرة أو الشعر 🖤🤍.

She has beautiful auburn hair. ➡️ لديها شعر بني محمر جميل جدًا 🌰.

Some people like getting a tan. ➡️ بعض الناس يحبون تسمير بشرتهم 🌞، ولكن لا تنسَ مخاطر حروق الشمس 🔥!

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:37

الوجه 🧑‍🦲:

She’s thin-faced. ➡️ لديها وجه نحيف 😊.

She’s round-faced. ➡️ لديها وجه مستدير 🔵.

He’s bald and has freckles. ➡️ أصلع تمامًا ولكن مع وجود نمش جذاب .

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:35

A. Hair, Face, Skin, and Complexion ✂️👩‍🦳👩‍🦰

عند وصف الشعر أو الوجه أو لون البشرة، نستخدم تعبيرات دقيقة لتوضيح المظهر الخارجي. دعونا نرى:

الشعر ✂️:

She’s got straight hair. ➡️ لديها شعر أملس 😊.

She’s got long, wavy hair. ➡️ لديها شعر طويل ومموج 🌊.

She’s got curly hair. ➡️ لديها شعر مجعد تمامًا مثل الربيع 🌸.

He’s got a crew-cut. ➡️ لديه قصة شعر قصيرة جدًا ✂️.

تعلم الانجليزية

07 Dec, 18:29

Third topic"Describing People: Appearance" 📚👩‍🏫

تعلم الانجليزية

05 Dec, 16:56

مين يعرف يترجم الخبر بشكل احسن؟
ورونا ⬇️

تعلم الانجليزية

03 Dec, 14:04

في الصورة، هناك اختلاف واضح في طريقة صياغة الخبرين، يعكس التحيز في تغطية الأحداث العالمية. 🌍📰

الخبر الأول: عن غزة

الصياغة: "Hind Rajab, 6, found dead in Gaza days after phone calls for help." 😢
التركيز: على النتيجة فقط (العثور على الطفلة ميتة) دون تسليط الضوء على المسؤولية أو الجهة التي تسببت في وفاتها. 🚫
اللغة: باردة وغير عاطفية، مما يخلق إحساسًا بعدم الاكتراث بالحدث المأساوي. 💔

الخبر الثاني: عن أوكرانيا

الصياغة: "Ukraine war: Baby killed in Russian strike on Kharkiv hotel."
التركيز: على الفاعل (روسيا) والحدث (الضربة الجوية)، مع إبراز المأساة من خلال وصف الضحية (طفل) والموقع (فندق). 🏨💥
اللغة: عاطفية ومباشرة، مما يثير التعاطف مع الضحية ويوضح المسؤولية بوضوح. 😔💔


الفرق الأساسي:

في الخبر الأول (غزة): هناك تغييب للمسؤولية وعدم استخدام لغة تثير التعاطف، مما يجعل القارئ أقل تأثرًا بالحدث. 😕

في الخبر الثاني (أوكرانيا): المسؤولية واضحة، والصياغة تدفع القارئ للشعور بالتعاطف والحزن. 😢💔


هذا الفرق يعكس ازدواجية في المعايير الإعلامية وطريقة عرض الأحداث بناءً على هوية الضحايا وسياقهم الجغرافي أو السياسي. 🌍📢

تعلم الانجليزية

03 Dec, 14:02


تعلم الانجليزية

30 Nov, 02:18


تعلم الانجليزية

28 Nov, 01:39

Channel photo updated

تعلم الانجليزية

21 Nov, 00:21


تعلم الانجليزية

13 Nov, 22:16


تعلم الانجليزية

13 Nov, 19:22

📢 إعلان هام لمحبي تعلم اللغة الألمانية! 🇩🇪🔥

هل ترغب في تحسين مهاراتك في اللغة الألمانية؟ 💬📚
نحن في قناة German Deutsch على تليجرام 📱، سنبدأ قريبًا في نشر ملخصات مميزة لكورس "طليق" لتعلم اللغة الألمانية! 😍✍️

🔹 ستجدون أهم النقاط والمفردات الجديدة
🔹 شرح مفصّل وسهل للاستيعاب
🔹 كل ذلك مع أمثلة وجمل تدريبية تساعدك على الفهم 💪😊

لا تفوتوا الفرصة! انضموا لنا الآن واستعدوا لتعلم ممتع وفعال! 🚀💬
اضغط هنا للانضمام إلى القناة 💬🎉

وهنا مجموعة مناقشة الكورس📮

#تعلم_الألمانية #GermanDeutsch #كورس_طليق #Taleek_Course

تعلم الانجليزية

09 Nov, 12:47


تعلم الانجليزية

06 Nov, 17:54

تمارين استماع من الأفلام 🎧
4- https://t.me/American_EngIish/261
5- https://t.me/American_EngIish/303
محادثات استماع🎧
28- https://t.me/American_EngIish/2891
29- https://t.me/American_EngIish/2947
الاستماع لقصص قصيرة وتمارين عليها🎧

ريكوردات استماع قصيره

قصه من طرف واحد

تعلم الانجليزية

03 Nov, 19:23

1. Absorb 🌐
Definition: To fully take over or integrate into something larger.
Sentence: If China were to absorb Taiwan, it would 🌏 alter the regional balance of power.

2. Upheaval 🌪️
Definition: A strong or sudden disturbance or change.
Sentence: The annexation of Taiwan could cause a global 🌍 upheaval.

3. Perpetrate 💣
Definition: To commit or carry out, usually a harmful act.
Sentence: The violence is often described as genocide 💥 perpetrated by one group against another.

4. Conceivable 💭
Definition: Possible to imagine or think likely.
Sentence: It’s conceivable 🤔 that a major conflict could arise from increased tensions.

5. Sustained
Definition: Continued or constant over a long period.
Sentence: A period of sustained peace ✌️ could be beneficial for all nations.

6. Unappealing 😕
Definition: Not attractive or pleasing.
Sentence: I find the constant conflicts in politics 🏛️ unappealing.

7. Complexity 🔄
Definition: The state of being intricate or complicated.
Sentence: The complexity 🔍 of political issues makes it hard to find solutions.

8. Proficiency 📈
Definition: High degree of skill or competence in a particular area.
Sentence: Improving proficiency 💪 in Microsoft Office 🖥️ will help me in my future career.

تعلم الانجليزية

03 Nov, 19:23

If China were to absorb Taiwan, it could lead to significant upheaval. 🌪️ Over the past five years, we have witnessed two major conflicts: the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, which appears unlikely to cease, and the violence in Palestine, often described as genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians. 🌍 Should China invade Taiwan, it’s highly conceivable that the world could shift dramatically toward global conflict. 🌏 Conversely, if such an invasion does not occur, we might see a period of sustained peace globally." ☮️

While politics is essential, I find it unappealing. 😕 It often leads to conflict and arguments. 💥 Today, there were discussions in the English VC about political history, which some view as a significant issue. 📜 I'm currently reading a book about Egypt, exploring the origins of its name, which differs from the Arabic version. 📖 This complexity reinforces my dislike for politics, even though we must understand it, much like taking a necessary pill to avoid illness. 💊 I want to shift my focus away from politics and concentrate on areas where I want to improve.

📈 As I approach my final year in college, I'm eager to enhance my English skills and deepen my knowledge in my major, as well as improve my proficiency in Microsoft Office. 💪

تعلم الانجليزية

02 Nov, 20:56

Nature is a fascinating force that surrounds and inspires us. From majestic mountains and deep forests to endless oceans, it offers a variety of life and beauty. The colors, sounds, and scents of nature remind us of how precious and fragile our planet is. Many people find peace in nature and a connection to something larger than themselves. It is an endless source of wonder that deserves protection and appreciation.

تعلم الانجليزية

31 Oct, 13:51

Don't forget Gaza "men"

تعلم الانجليزية

30 Oct, 23:52

The Mercy of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

One significant example of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) unmatched mercy was when he prayed for Abdullah ibn Ubayy, the leader of the hypocrites. Despite the harm and betrayal caused by Ibn Ubayy, the Prophet accepted his son’s request, gave his shirt for the burial, and led the funeral prayer. This act demonstrated the Prophet’s compassion, even toward those who opposed him.

The Prophet's decision was not only an expression of his personal kindness but also aimed at maintaining good relations with the people of Abdullah ibn Ubayy, many of whom were Muslims. By honoring the request of Ibn Ubayy's son, the Prophet showed respect for their familial bonds and sought to prevent any division or hostility within the Muslim community.

However, Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) objected, reminding the Prophet of Ibn Ubayy's hypocrisy. Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah, will you pray for him when he has said such and such against you?" (Reported in Sahih al-Bukhari). Despite Umar’s insistence, the Prophet responded with kindness and chose to lead the prayer, illustrating his hope for guiding even the most stubborn hearts.

The Prophet’s act of mercy had a profound effect. It is reported that some hypocrites, moved by his forgiveness and leniency, eventually embraced Islam sincerely. Shortly after this event,

تعلم الانجليزية

26 Oct, 20:36

1. Strong Suits
Definition: Areas where someone excels or possesses exceptional skills.
Example: Public speaking is one of her strong suits 💪🎤, making her an excellent candidate for leadership roles.

2. Occasional
Definition: Happening from time to time; not frequent or constant.
Example: We enjoy occasional outings to the museum 🎨🏛️🌟 on weekends.

3. Characterization
Definition: The portrayal of distinctive traits or features of someone or something.
Example: The characterization of the main character in the novel 📖🎭💔 reveals her deep emotional struggles.

4. Rainfall
Definition: The total amount of rain that falls in a specific area over a certain period.
Example: The annual rainfall 💧🌧️ in the region averages about 30 inches.

5. Scarce
Definition: Limited in quantity; difficult to find or obtain.
Example: Water is scarce 🌵💧🔍 in the desert, making it a precious resource.

6. Attributed
Definition: Regarded as being caused by something; ascribed to a particular source.
Example: The rise in temperatures is often attributed to climate change 🌍🔥📈.

7. Altering
Definition: Changing or modifying something to make it different.
Example: The new law is altering the way businesses operate in the city 🔄🏙️📜.

8. Indulge
Definition: Allowing oneself to enjoy the pleasures of something, often without restraint.
Example: On weekends, I like to indulge 🍽️🥂🍰 in a long brunch with friends.

9. Enthusiasts
Definition: Individuals who are deeply passionate about a particular activity or subject.
Example: The book club is filled with enthusiasts 📚❤️🎉 who love discussing various novels.

10. Vibrant
Definition: Full of energy, life, and brightness; striking and lively.
Example: The market was vibrant 🌈🎊🛍️, filled with colorful stalls and lively music.

11. Fond
Definition: Having a strong affection or liking for someone or something; warm-hearted.
Example: She is fond ❤️😊🌺 of her childhood memories.

12. Oppressive
Definition: Weighing heavily on the senses or spirit; causing discomfort or distress.
Example: The oppressive heat of summer ☀️😩🔥 made it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities.

13. Chill
Definition: A sensation of coldness; often used to describe a cool atmosphere.
Example: There was a chill ❄️🌬️😌 in the air as autumn approached.

14. Tranquility
Definition: A state of calmness and peace; free from disturbance.
Example: The tranquility of the countryside 🌾🌄🕊️ made it an ideal retreat.

15. Invigorating
Definition: Making one feel healthy, energetic, or revitalized; refreshing.
Example: The invigorating morning breeze 🌬️☀️🏃 lifted her spirits.

16. Former
Definition: Referring to something that existed in the past.
Example: She visited her former school 🏫🎒📚 to see how much it had changed.

17. Biting Cold of Winter
Definition: A sharp, intense cold experienced during winter.
Example: The biting cold of winter 🥶❄️🧣 made everyone bundle up in heavy coats.

تعلم الانجليزية

26 Oct, 20:15

This topic is particularly challenging for me 😅, as I must admit that memory and recalling details are not my strong suits 🤔. Today, we’re discussing a subject that is commonly covered in school materials: the weather in Egypt 🌞. Typically, we describe Egypt’s climate as hot during the summer ☀️ and warm with occasional rain in winter 🌧️. This characterization is well-known among students and frequently appears in educational contexts 📚.

However, over the past year, we’ve witnessed significant changes in the weather 🌍. Perhaps due to climate change 🌡️, Egypt has experienced increasingly severe weather conditions. Instead of mild winters with gentle breezes 🌬️, we’ve encountered extreme heat 🔥 and intense gales. Rainfall has also become scarce 🌵, with droughts lasting around three months. This dramatic shift in weather patterns may be attributed to global warming 🌎, which many argue is altering our environment in ways we have not previously experienced.

Personally, I preferred the weather as it once was 🌈, but adaptation is crucial 🔄. Change, as they say, is inevitable . Presently, we are in winter ❄️, and the colder, harsher nights have arrived 🌙. Many people enjoy this time 🍵, as it allows them to indulge in warm drinks during the evenings . Winter enthusiasts often take to the streets for romantic walks ❤️ in the capital, where the nightlife remains vibrant 🌃. In contrast, in rural areas and small towns 🏡, it is more common to see people staying indoors during these colder months 🛋️.

While I may not be entirely fond of how things are changing, I remain grateful (Alhamdulillah) 🙏 and adaptable to the new climate 🌱. I actually find the winter weather to be much more tolerable than the oppressive heat of summer ☀️😩. In summer, the stifling humidity can be quite overwhelming 🌡️, making outdoor activities less enjoyable 🏖️. However, winter nights, despite their chill ❄️, are refreshing and invigorating 🌬️. I appreciate the tranquility that accompanies winter 🌌, as it allows for cozy indoor gatherings 🕯️. The contrast between the biting cold of winter and the intense humidity of summer makes me prefer the former 🌨️. Overall, while the weather has shifted dramatically, I find winter’s freezing nights more acceptable than the discomfort of summer’s heat 🌬️🌡️.

تعلم الانجليزية

26 Oct, 20:14

Wether In Egypt

تعلم الانجليزية

25 Oct, 00:23

Translation time:

تعلم الانجليزية

21 Oct, 22:14

تعلم الانجليزية pinned «فهرس القناة 📮مذاكرة كورس ZAmericanEnglish من البداية https://t.me/American_EngIish/473 تمارين استماع🎧 https://t.me/American_EngIish/2848 جرامر A1 انجلش 🇬🇧 https://t.me/American_EngIish/917 #حاجات_منعرفش_اسمها https://t.me/American_EngIish/1697 #Taken_news…»

تعلم الانجليزية

21 Oct, 22:12


1- Ai For Dummies

2-A Critical Perspective on Military Leaders in Egyptian History

تعلم الانجليزية

21 Oct, 21:58

A Critical Perspective on Military Leaders in Egyptian History

Egypt's history is filled with prominent names that are considered symbols of bravery and victory, such as Saladin and Qutuz and Baybars. However, we must ask an important question: Were these leaders truly local and deserving representatives of Egyptian history, or are they part of a foreign legacy that does not fully reflect the national identity?

Non-Egyptian Leaders

Despite the admiration many have for these figures as great leaders, most of them were not Egyptian. Saladin, for instance, was born in Tikrit and had Kurdish origins. Similarly, Qutuz and Baybars came from non-Egyptian backgrounds, and although they achieved significant military successes, their historical contexts did not necessarily reflect an authentic Egyptian leadership experience.

Another notable figure is Muhammad Ali Pasha, who is regarded as the founder of modern Egypt. However, he was also not originally Egyptian, as he was born in Macedonia. Despite his accomplishments in modernizing the country, he represents a case of non-local leadership that is often classified within the legacy of Egyptian leaders.

Distinguished Local Leaders

In contrast, we can point to several Egyptian leaders who stood out in history, such as Ahmed Orabi, who led a revolt against British occupation at the end of the 19th century. Orabi was a symbol of national resistance, and although he did not achieve complete success, he embodied the spirit of Egyptian struggle against foreign control.

Additionally, Amr Makram stands out among Egyptian leaders who clung to national identity and participated in the fight against occupation. He played a significant role in establishing the concept of Egyptian nationalism.

Notable Leaders in the Arab and Islamic World

Furthermore, there are many distinguished leaders in the Arab and Islamic world who faced occupations. Omar Mukhtar, for example, is regarded as a symbol of resistance against Italian occupation in Libya. He fought fierce battles to defend his homeland and became an icon of anti-colonial struggle.

Abdul Qadir al-Jaza'iri is another leader celebrated for his resistance against French colonization in Algeria. He led a prolonged uprising and stood firm against occupying forces, displaying great courage in defending his country's sovereignty.

Additionally, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin is considered a symbol of Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation, having founded Hamas and played a significant role in the struggle for Palestinian rights.


In the end, the history of military leaders in Egypt and the Arab and Islamic world embodies diverse and complex experiences. While the role of foreign leaders who have left their mark on history cannot be denied, we must also appreciate the achievements of local and Arab leaders who bravely faced occupations. Understanding the history of resistance comprehensively requires acknowledging the diversity of personalities and the efforts made in pursuit of independence and national identity.

تعلم الانجليزية

21 Oct, 21:58


تعلم الانجليزية

21 Oct, 19:25

"Salam alaykum 🖐. First, I believe it's crucial to regularly practice the topics I’ve been learning 📚. Recently, I focused on the topic of nationalities 🌍, and I came across some intriguing insights 🤔. One significant point is that some nationalities require specifying gender 👨‍🦰👩‍🦰. For example, it’s incorrect to say a Dutch to describe someone’s nationality. Instead, you should say a Dutch man or a Dutch woman to be accurate. However, for other nationalities, such as American 🇺🇸, you can simply say an American without the need to mention gender. To communicate precisely, it's essential to be mindful 🧠 of when gender-specific terms are necessary. While some may view this as a challenge ⚠️, it's just a matter of following the linguistic conventions 📖.

Additionally, I learned how nationalities are derived from country names, which follows specific patterns 🔤. For instance, for Iraq 🇮🇶, you add an ‘i’ to form Iraqi, and for Egypt 🇪🇬, you add -ian to create Egyptian. These are important rules that can help you easily identify nationalities 🗣.

What I appreciate about the book 📖 is that it begins with a well-structured introduction on effective vocabulary memorization strategies 🧠💡, starting with a relatively simple topic like nationalities. It emphasizes that someone at a B2 level isn’t just expected to be conversational 🗨️, but should also have a broad, educated understanding of the language and its nuances 🧑‍🎓.

The first chapter of the book also includes a world map 🗺️ highlighting different regions, such as the Scandinavian countries 🏔️. Before this, I wasn’t entirely familiar with all the countries in that region. I had heard the term Scandinavian and knew it had historical ties to the Vikings 🛡, but I hadn’t studied the modern countries it refers to, like Denmark 🇩🇰 and others in that area 🏞.

The book also introduces several important groups, such as political and economic unions 🏛. One notable example is the Commonwealth 🌐. Although I’d heard the term frequently 🗣️, I didn’t fully grasp its meaning 🤔. Initially, I assumed it referred to powerful nations like the U.S. 🇺🇸 or Japan 🇯🇵, but after researching 🔍, I discovered that the Commonwealth consists of countries that were once colonized by Britain 🇬🇧 and are still linked to it. For instance, India 🇮🇳 and Nigeria 🇳🇬 are part of the Commonwealth 🌍.

تعلم الانجليزية

21 Oct, 19:25


تعلم الانجليزية

19 Oct, 18:40

فهرس القناة

📮مذاكرة كورس ZAmericanEnglish من البداية

تمارين استماع🎧

جرامر A1 انجلش 🇬🇧







تعلم الانجليزية

18 Oct, 23:41

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. It refers to long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions, primarily driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, leading to global warming.

The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world. Rising temperatures result in melting ice caps and glaciers, leading to rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods, are becoming more frequent and severe, impacting agriculture and livelihoods.

Addressing climate change requires collective action at all levels—individuals, communities, governments, and businesses. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, promoting sustainable practices, and reducing waste are essential steps in mitigating its effects.

In conclusion, climate change poses significant risks to our environment and society. Taking proactive measures today can help protect the planet for future generations.

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 23:13

📚Cambridge B2 words book 

سلسلة تلخيص كتاب English Words In Use B2

1- Countries And Nationalities
2- Wether Vocabulary

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 23:11

💡 Common Mistake Tip

Remember, “weather” is uncountable, so you should say: “We had terrible weather.” (NOT “a terrible weather”).‌‌

💡 نصيحة الأخطاء الشائعة

تذكر أن كلمة "الطقس" لا يمكن عدها، لذا يجب أن تقول: "لقد كان الطقس سيئًا لدينا". (ليس "الطقس(A) الرهيب").‌‌

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 23:04

النّص المترجم: en-ar
. مفردات الرياح

(النسيم): الريح اللطيفة الخفيفة.

مثال: نسيم بارد جعل اليوم الدافئ ممتعًا.

رياح قوية (اسم): رياح قوية جدًا.

مثال: هبت رياح قوية على عدة أشجار.

عاصفة (اسم): ريح شديدة جدًا.

مثال: أجبرتنا العاصفة على البقاء في الداخل طوال اليوم.

الإعصار (اسم): رياح شديدة وخطيرة للغاية، وغالبًا ما تكون مصحوبة بالمطر.

مثال: تسبب الإعصار في أضرار واسعة النطاق على طول الساحل

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 23:03

. Wind Vocabulary

Breeze (noun): a gentle, light wind.

Example: A cool breeze made the warm day enjoyable.

Strong/High Wind (noun): very powerful wind.

Example: Strong winds blew down several trees.

Gale (noun): a very strong wind.

Example: The gale forced us to stay indoors all day.

Hurricane (noun): an extremely high and dangerous wind, often accompanied by rain.

Example: The hurricane caused widespread damage along the coast.‌‌

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 22:59

3. Wet Weather Vocabulary

Shower (noun): a short period of light rain.

Example: A brief shower passed, and then the sun came out.

Heavy Rain (noun): intense, strong rainfall.

Example: Heavy rain made it hard to see while driving.

Pour Down (verb) / Downpour (noun): to rain heavily.

Example: It poured down so hard yesterday that the streets flooded.

Torrential Rain (noun): extremely heavy rain, often causing flooding.

Example: Torrential rain is common during the monsoon season.

Flood (noun & verb): when water overflows onto normally dry land.

Example: The heavy rain caused a flood in the low-lying areas.

Overcast (adj.): when the sky is completely covered with clouds.

Example: The sky was overcast, hinting at an incoming storm.

Drought /draʊt/ (noun): a long period with no rain.

Example: The drought lasted for months, impacting the crops.‌‌

النّص المترجم: en-ar
3. مفردات الطقس الرطب

الدش (اسم): فترة قصيرة من المطر الخفيف.

مثال: مرت زخة قصيرة ثم طلعت الشمس.

أمطار غزيرة (اسم): أمطار غزيرة شديدة.

مثال: الأمطار الغزيرة جعلت من الصعب الرؤية أثناء القيادة.

أسقط (فعل) / أمطار (اسم): هطل المطر بغزارة.

مثال: هطلت الأمطار بشدة بالأمس حتى غمرت الشوارع.

أمطار غزيرة (اسم): أمطار غزيرة للغاية، وغالبًا ما تسبب فيضانات.

مثال: الأمطار الغزيرة شائعة خلال موسم الرياح الموسمية.

الفيضان (اسم وفعل): عندما يفيض الماء على أرض جافة عادة.

مثال: تسببت الأمطار الغزيرة في حدوث فيضانات في المناطق المنخفضة.

ملبد (صفة): عندما تكون السماء مغطاة بالكامل بالغيوم.

مثال: كانت السماء ملبدة بالغيوم، مما يشير إلى عاصفة قادمة.

الجفاف / دراعت / (اسم): فترة طويلة لا مطر فيها.

مثال: استمر الجفاف لعدة أشهر، مما أثر على المحاصيل.‌‌

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 22:58


تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 22:53

2. مفردات الطقس الدافئ/الحار

استوائي (صفة): حار جدًا، ويشير عادةً إلى مناخ المناطق القريبة من خط الاستواء.

مثال: لا تستطيع العديد من النباتات البقاء على قيد الحياة خارج المناخات الاستوائية.

خانق (صفة): حار جدًا وغير مريح بحيث يصعب التنفس.

مثال: كان مترو الأنفاق خانقًا، مع عدم وجود دوران للهواء.

موغي (صفة): دافئ ورطب بشكل غير مريح.

مثال: أجد أن الطقس الرطب مرهق.

رطب (صفة): حار ورطب، مما يجعلك تتعرق.

مثال: المناخ الرطب يجعل كل شيء لزجًا.

الغليان (صفة): شديد الحرارة، وغالباً ما يكون غير مريح.

مثال: الجو يغلي اليوم؛ يجب أن نجد مكانًا أكثر برودة.

موجة الحر (اسم): فترة ممتدة من الطقس الحار والجاف للغاية.

مثال: أجبرت موجة الحر الكثير من الناس على البقاء في منازلهم.‌‌

تعلم الانجليزية

14 Oct, 22:52

2. Warm/Hot Weather Vocabulary

Tropical (adj.): very hot, usually referring to the climate in regions near the Equator.

Example: Many plants can’t survive outside of tropical climates.

Stifling (adj.): so hot and uncomfortable that it’s hard to breathe.

Example: The subway was stifling, with no air circulation.

Muggy (adj.): uncomfortably warm and damp.

Example: I find muggy weather to be exhausting.

Humid (adj.): hot and damp, making you sweat.

Example: The humid climate makes everything feel sticky.

Boiling (adj.): extremely hot, often uncomfortably so.

Example: It’s boiling today; we should find somewhere cooler.

Heatwave (noun): an extended period of very hot, dry weather.

Example: The heatwave forced many people to stay indoors.‌‌






