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Welcome to our Telegram channel 'رغم الألم يبقي الأمل' managed by @amel_alme. Our channel is dedicated to spreading hope and positivity even in the face of pain and hardships. We believe that no matter how difficult life may get, there is always a glimmer of hope that keeps us going. Through inspiring quotes, motivational stories, and uplifting messages, we aim to provide our followers with the strength and encouragement they need to overcome any challenges they may be facing. Who are we? We are a group of individuals who have faced struggles and adversity in our lives, but have found solace and resilience through the power of hope. Our goal is to create a supportive community where people can come together to share their experiences, find comfort in knowing they are not alone, and be inspired to keep pushing forward. What do we offer? Our channel is a safe space where you can find daily doses of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement. Whether you are going through a tough time, feeling lost, or simply in need of a pick-me-up, we are here to lift your spirits and remind you that better days are ahead. Join us in this journey of hope and healing, and together, we can overcome any obstacles that come our way. If you are looking for a source of positivity and strength in your life, then look no further than 'رغم الألم يبقي الأمل'. We may not tempt you to join, but once you do, we promise to tempt you to stay. Let hope be your guiding light in the darkest of times, and let our channel be your beacon of optimism and encouragement. Stay strong, stay hopeful, and never lose sight of the fact that despite the pain, hope always remains.
08 Jan, 19:54
08 Jan, 15:01
04 Jan, 12:25
04 Jan, 12:22
04 Jan, 12:21
23 Dec, 15:51
23 Dec, 15:51
15 Dec, 20:58
15 Dec, 20:56
14 Dec, 15:09
08 Dec, 13:45
29 Nov, 20:19
28 Nov, 14:54
25 Nov, 19:13
22 Nov, 17:17
22 Nov, 17:12
05 Nov, 06:04
04 Nov, 10:22
26 Oct, 19:49
21 Oct, 20:12
24 Sep, 23:15
03 Sep, 13:42
25 Aug, 20:20
24 Aug, 09:26