Welcome to altaira, a unique Telegram channel created by the user @amatiiim. altaira is a space dedicated to exploring the wonders of the universe and beyond. With a focus on astronomy, space exploration, and all things celestial, this channel is perfect for anyone with a passion for the stars. Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or just someone who enjoys gazing up at the night sky, altaira has something for everyone. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the cosmos, share stunning images of distant galaxies, and discuss the latest news from the world of space science. Stay up to date with upcoming celestial events, learn about the history of space exploration, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your love of all things astronomical. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and appreciation of the universe. Join altaira today and let your curiosity reach new heights!
05 Dec, 19:08
04 Dec, 13:14
02 Dec, 18:55
02 Dec, 07:58
02 Dec, 07:57
29 Nov, 06:45
29 Nov, 06:40
27 Nov, 16:40
23 Nov, 11:42
20 Nov, 13:28
19 Nov, 15:07
19 Nov, 11:03
17 Nov, 18:59
17 Nov, 18:58
17 Nov, 16:11
11 Nov, 10:51
08 Nov, 08:32
04 Nov, 18:35
30 Oct, 10:37
27 Oct, 17:10