Tea has never apologized for not being coffee, it simply gravitated towards those who chose it."
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Last Updated 06.03.2025 21:15
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"And while you may not be everyone's cup of tea, you don't have to be.
Tea has never apologized for not being coffee, it simply gravitated towards those who chose it."
Tea has never apologized for not being coffee, it simply gravitated towards those who chose it."
The best career for a woman is to be the best educator for her children. So women, be passionate about studying everything and valid religion. Be a role model for your children. One day, when they are asked, 'Who is the best woman you've ever known? they will answer, "My mother”)
When you realise that the way you restrain yourself from food and drink in Ramadan is proof that you can also restrain yourself from sin- discipline was always within you.
Ya Alloh, meni hidoyat etgan kishilaring qatorida hidoyat et.
Ofiyat sog'lik va balolardan salomatlik ato etganlaring qatorida ofiyat ber.
Ishlarini boshqarib isloh qilganlaring qatorida mening ishlarimniham boshqarib isloh qil.
Ato qilganlaringni men uchun barokatli et.
Qazo-hukm etgan narsalaring yomonligidan meni asra.
Albatta sen hukm qilasan, senga (qarshi) hukm qilinmas.
Sen do'st tutgan kishi xor bo'lmas.
Va sen dushman tutgan kishi aziz bo'lmas.
Ya Rabbimiz, sen barokatli-buyuk va oliy Zotdirsan.
Abu Dovud va Termiziy.
Ya Alloh, meni hidoyat etgan kishilaring qatorida hidoyat et.
Ofiyat sog'lik va balolardan salomatlik ato etganlaring qatorida ofiyat ber.
Ishlarini boshqarib isloh qilganlaring qatorida mening ishlarimniham boshqarib isloh qil.
Ato qilganlaringni men uchun barokatli et.
Qazo-hukm etgan narsalaring yomonligidan meni asra.
Albatta sen hukm qilasan, senga (qarshi) hukm qilinmas.
Sen do'st tutgan kishi xor bo'lmas.
Va sen dushman tutgan kishi aziz bo'lmas.
Ya Rabbimiz, sen barokatli-buyuk va oliy Zotdirsan.
Abu Dovud va Termiziy.
Har ishning hikmati Allohga ayon,
Har ishki xayrli bo‘lsin hamisha.
Quyoshning nuridan charog‘on iymon,
Bahordan go‘zalroq, bilsang andisha.
Muhammad Ibrohim
Har ishki xayrli bo‘lsin hamisha.
Quyoshning nuridan charog‘on iymon,
Bahordan go‘zalroq, bilsang andisha.
Muhammad Ibrohim
Ba’zida ba’zi insonlarni ko’ringanlaridan boshqacharoq holda topasan.
Dunyoparast deb o’ylagan insonlaring, qalb-qalblaridan shukurda yashashlarini.
Qo’pol, qurs deb bilganlaringni, suhbatlari chashmasida oqib ketasan ba’zida.
Va yoki…
O’ta dindor deb bilganing biri aslida, yo’lning eng bosh-boshidagi yo’lovchi bo’lib chiqadi.
Qalbing, aqling hech biri bilan o’zingni baholovchi deb bilma.
“Lekin qalblar ey Ali, agar poklansa haqiqatlarni ko’radi.”
Umar ibn Xattob
Kuzat, haqiqatlarni ko’r.
There are so many things we currently have now that we used to pray for. We have become so busy with new desires and new dua requests that we forget to thank Allah for what we used to ask for. May Allah grant us the ability to remember to thank Him for what we used to pray for.
☕️ 🤍
The more you talk about something, the more likely you get tested on it too. It makes sense why silence is so emphasized in Islam and pouring your energy in bettering yourself first.